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My Hero Academia Wiki

If it's freedom you desire, then submit to me, my brethren. And bear witness, by my side. This impending void era will give rise to a more perfect demon lord. This will be the story of how I became the greatest demon lord of all!
All For One announcing his return to power in "Tartarus"

This article is about the character. For this character's Quirk, see All For One (Quirk).

All For One (オール・フォー・ワン Ōru Fō Wan?), surname Shigaraki ( () (がら) () Shigaraki?), is the overarching antagonist of the My Hero Academia manga and anime series. He was the founder and benefactor of the League of Villains.

Once Japan's most powerful villain, and All Might's arch-nemesis, his ultimate goal was to steal One For All, the Quirk that originally belonged to his younger twin brother, and the only Quirk that can oppose him. He was the mentor of Tomura Shigaraki, having spent the young villain's life shaping him into a successor, and a vessel for his power in a plan to eventually conquer the world as a self-proclaimed "demon lord".

He was imprisoned in Tartarus after his second defeat at All Might's hands until he escaped several months later, single-mindedly focused on destroying the ninth wielder of One For All, Izuku Midoriya, to complete his century-long plan.


After being mortally injured by All Might years ago, All For One's face was entirely made up of scar tissue, extending from above his upper lip and covering his entire head and the back of his neck. As such, he had no visible nose, ears, hair, or eyes, though the outlines of his eye sockets were visible. All For One was blind but used an Infrared Quirk to "see," and he would sense the directions of vibrations in the area around him, similar to echolocation. There was a small hole in each palm of his hands, which is how he stole and transferred Quirks.

In the past, All For One was a towering man with a powerfully muscular physique, imposing features, short white hair, and faded red eyes that showed no sense of feeling. He usually wore a dark suit over a white shirt. When All For One left his secret hideout during the Kamino Incident, he donned a navy blue, skull-like gas mask with angular tubes at the top, a wide collar-like life-support system around his neck with additional pipes connecting in the front and back, presumably to help him breathe.

For the start of the Final War, he wore a smoother skull mask with a much wider, sleeker collar. He also wore a patterned vest underneath his suit.

During his battle with Endeavor and Hawks, All For One used a reverse-engineered replica of the Quirk-Destroying Drug to restore his appearance to that of before his first fight with All Might, as well as stealing capes from the Heroes to cover himself up.[6] As the damage inflicted upon him continued to stack and put his Rewind effect into overdrive, All For One continued to physically regress in age; from that of a young man,[7] to a temporarily glowing young boy.[8] The conclusion of the battle saw him finally regress back into an infant, and then a fetus, and then an egg cell before he vanished completely.[9]



All For One gathers followers

Through his sheer power and charisma, All For One was able to bring Japan under his rule.

All For One was a subtle, sadistic, and malevolent man who liked to rule from the shadows and enjoyed himself at the expense of people before discarding them. In the past, All For One used his power to help people, but in exchange for their servitude. Once they could no longer follow his orders, All For One would callously abandon them, and his followers purged those who defied his will. Taking advantage of the chaotic era caused by the uprising of Quirks, All For One offered people anything they wanted as long as they followed him, including choice and power to those who had none, where he would take Quirks from those who didn't want them and gave Quirks to those who wished for strength, all as a means to gather numbers and conduct his schemes through other people. He masked his true intentions by claiming that he just wanted to help restore order and balance to society.

All For One exhibited extreme megalomania and even traits of an outright God complex, having compared himself to the Demon Lord he read about in comic books. He also relished his total power over Japan and saw himself as a higher being. All For One would steal the most powerful Quirks during his rise to power and crushed anyone who stood in his way.[10] He also displayed signs of kleptomania, claiming that he couldn't resist stealing a powerful Quirk when the opportunity presented itself.[11]

The only person All For One seemed to care for was his younger brother, Yoichi, as he was his only family. However, All For One regarded Yoichi as his possession and was condescending towards him for his frail body, even kicking Yoichi for standing in his way. He was also exasperated by his brother's ideals of justice and attempts to stand in his way.[12] All For One had a firm contempt for ideals of justice and morality, dismissing them as arbitrary beliefs of other people that shackle personal freedom.[13] Like All Might yearned to become a symbol of justice, All For One sought to be an all-powerful evil, inspired by the comic books he read with Yoichi in their childhood. His ultimate goal was to use his power to thwart humanity's future and rule above everyone, as it fit with the "Demon Lord" character he envisioned himself as.[6]

All For One using Spearlike Bones

Even as a child, All For One was evil.

Ever since he was born, All For One was already quite selfish, arrogant, and had a discerning lack of empathy. Having been forced to survive in a chaotic era caused by the emergence of Quirks, he believed those who didn't help him deserved to perish, using the Quirk he took from his deceased mother to kill people while stealing their abilities. While his weak younger brother had nothing to offer him, All For One still kept Yoichi around as he felt as though he belonged to him. After being inspired by the Demon Lord in comic books, with how the fictional evil being reigned supreme and ruled through fear, he soon came to dream of a world that would submit to him, leading him down his evil path.[14]

Even when his brother rebelled against him, All For One kept Yoichi alive and imprisoned him, hoping that if he gave his seemingly Quirkless brother a power of his own, he would join his side. When Yoichi chose to flee with Kudo and Bruce however, All For One proceeded to locate and kill him, seemingly bearing no remorse for the act. According to Yoichi, All For One only saw people as playthings or as prizes to win, and in the end, even his own brother wasn't exempt from his possessive and dominant nature. Upon learning of One For All's creation, he became obsessed with claiming his brother's Quirk and would go on to pursue it for many decades, wanting to regain his little brother and finally be able to possess him. In a twist of irony, All For One ended up creating the one Quirk that he couldn't steal, and along with it, generations of heroes who were sworn to fight and put a stop to him.

AFO satisfied with Tenko's first steps

All For One watches as he leads a young Tomura down the path of evil.

All For One was a patient mentor towards Tomura and often gave him constructive criticism and encouragement, even when the latter failed. Upon finding him all alone as a child, All For One took him in and gave him a room of his own while becoming his "Sensei"/"Master," going as far as to rename the young boy while giving him his surname, demonstrating a seemingly caring and even fatherly side. However, All For One only viewed Tomura as a mere vessel for himself, revealing that his reasons for raising him were purely for his own gain. All For One exploited Tomura's traumatic memories of his abusive father and groomed his rage so that he could use it as a tool to overwhelm the willpower of One For All and finally be able to steal the Quirk. This was made clear during the Paranormal Liberation War, where All For One took control of Tomura's body despite the latter's protests. In a twisted and selfish way, All For One was proud of Tomura's growth, knowing that he would serve him well as his new body, even claiming that Tomura would be "the next him".

All For One despised those who persistently defied him, especially the users of One For All. He loathed All Might in particular for ruining his syndicate and crippling him. He was also a firm believer in the hatred of the heart, having believed it to be a very strong source of power. When mentoring Tomura, All For One gave him the hands of his deceased relatives as a way for the negative feelings in his heart to remain close while also giving him a sense of comfort. When encountering the previous wills of One For All in the mental world, the vestige of All For One was not troubled when Tomura started to loathe him, stating that this hatred was only more fitting for the Symbol of Fear.

All For One mocking Nana Shimura

All For One mimics Nana Shimura's smile to spite All Might.

As much as he encouraged Tomura's hatred, All For One was also highly derisive and mocking towards his enemies as a means to get under their skin and/or cause them to drop their guard. His taunts and expertise in psychological warfare were enough to enrage even the strongest heroes, such as All Might and Endeavor. Even when outnumbered, All For One remained unshakably calm, willing to slaughter enemies with his tremendous power. He often regarded lesser opponents as fodder rather than actual threats, though he was ready to take an interest in their Quirks to see if they were worthy of taking for himself.

Due to his immense power and confidence, All For One had a calm and condescending demeanor, remaining confident even when thwarted and imprisoned.[15] Later, the villain revealed to Dabi that he never depended on a single plan to achieve a goal and has multiple contingencies that he mapped out over his many years alive.[16] He was not averse to acting pragmatically, such as choosing to have Tomura's remaining forces retreat during the Paranormal Liberation War, switching priorities from defeating the heroes to freeing himself from Tartarus.[17] Thanks to a combination of Quirks, All For One was able to detect lies and hostility, with which he could preemptively eliminate traitors.[18] Due to his long life, as well as his status and experience, he was well-informed about almost every significant figure among heroes and villains.

For his malevolent nature, All For One presented himself as polite, sympathetic, and generous towards his associates and underlings, often seeming amicable and fair-minded. However, this was only glib that All For One employed to subtly manipulate people into following his bidding, showing no concern for them once they were captured or outlived their usefulness. All For One admitted to Dabi that he sees people as nothing more than disposable tools - should they fail him, he shrugs and moves on to the next alternative, though he was willing to take enjoyment in when they received their comeuppance, be it from him or someone else. Even if his followers failed him, All For One admitted that it was worth seeing what entertainment they could bring before their downfall and would even tempt someone into helping him before sadistically watching them suffer, showing his twisted willingness to toy with people's lives while having a blatant disregard for whatever happens to them.[19][20]

While All For One was completely selfish, he was willing to die for his ideals and would not spare any effort to ensure that his idea of a Symbol of Evil would continue even after his death. While he wanted to possess Tomura's body for his own ends, All For One didn't seem to mind if Tomura managed to kill him as long as he continued his legacy. Similarly, while it was not his intention at first, he had no problem sacrificing his own sense of self and allowing his consciousness to merge with Tomura's to become a new evil being entirely. Even so, after sacrificing his own body by activating the Rewind Drug, he became adamant about permanently taking over Tomura's body before his original self vanishes, reinforcing his self-centered ideals.

AFO tries to convince his brother

All For One denies that he's at fault, explaining how his followers act on his very whim.

As a side effect of his own Quirk, All For One explained that he often suffered from nightmares where the people from whom he stole Quirks appeared in his dreams and hurled insults at him. Despite his remorseless personality, All For One admitted that such episodes sometimes left him feeling very discouraged. However, he scoffed at the idea of being able to feel guilt, as he believed it to be a trait of inferior humans.[21] As further proof of his detachment, he repeatedly denied blame for any of his actions, instead laying the fault on his followers who only wanted to support him or who otherwise sided with his plans for their own reasons. He did this despite the evident fact that he had manipulated all parties involved into acting on his behalf with honey-laced promises while also taking advantage of their personal and emotional vulnerabilities to coerce them into enacting his will, persistently refusing to admit that he was to be held responsible, while at the same time, gloating about his results and his alleged power to achieve his goals, grinning with hypocritical delight. While it was initially believed that his followers carried out his orders out of loyalty to him, it's revealed that some obey him out of fear of reprisal, a strong rebuttal of All For One's belief that his supporters acted out of their own will and possible evidence of either a deluded sense of support to his ideals, or downright despicable lies to deflect blame.

It's implied that he required the hatred and will of Tomura to steal One For All successfully because All For One himself did not carry any hatred, or at least nowhere near as much as needed. Hawks questions why, after so many years of chasing down One For All, All For One would not deeply resent the users to that great of an extent, and theorizes that this was because something was missing in his soul, pointing out how he always smiled.[22] This was supported by the fact that, no matter how cruel or sadistic his actions were, he never seemed to hold or exhibit any true malice or emotions. This apathy was further demonstrated during the Final War, as despite having been backed into a corner by the onslaught of heroes and at the threat of being rewound out of existence before he could finalize his plans, he still kept a smile on his face. All For One's complacent disposition could have been due to his selfishness, as he literally could not care about anything beyond himself enough to form the required attachments needed to create a powerful grudge or intense feeling of revenge. However, he was shown to be crying before killing Kudo, the second user of One For All, blaming the latter for taking his brother away from him, though he claimed these were only crocodile tears that were meant to cause confusion.

Next, it's your turn

All For One claims it's Izuku's turn as he vows to crush the young hero's spirit.

Although All For One grew a very strong contempt and hatred towards All Might for having permanently damaged his body and taking away his rule and status over Japan, he later admitted that he lost all interest in All Might and was solely focused on the current One For All wielder, Izuku Midoriya.[19] It appears that All For One was so egomaniacal to the point where only those who persistently stood in his way and were strong enough to defy him warranted both his constant attention and hatred. He was so emotionally inclined towards his goals that he was either dismissive or manipulative towards everyone else, only seeing people as obstacles in his way or as pawns to manipulate for his own gain.

Despite how All For One was always perceived as calm and composed, a few instances agitated him to the point of becoming emotionally unstable, especially when his infallible belief that he was above all others was threatened. When someone challenged his authority, specifically those he deemed "insignificant", it was enough to rile him with anger and frustration. These included Star and Stripe after Tomura's attempt to steal New Order had failed, and people like Kyoka Jiro who refused to back down despite how significantly "weaker" they were in comparison to him. This was most emphasized through Kudo, who, despite being a "pebble" in his path that he could dispose of easily, was the one responsible for freeing his brother from his grasp and allowing One For All to exist. All For One eventually realized that Kudo was the one he truly hated the most, even years after the latter's death.[23]

All For One enraged by All Might's smile

In his younger state, All For One's hatred begins to show.

During the Final War, All For One's emotional instability worsened due to the repeated efforts and delays from the Heroes and students of U.A., the effects of the Rewind drug, and the side effects of melding with Tomura's mind. This caused All For One to become far more expressive with his emotions than before. For example, as All For One encountered All Might on his way to Tomura, he was unable to resist the hatred he felt towards his old arch-enemy and chose to confront him one last time, despite being on the clock due to the effects of Rewind, something his usual pragmatic self would have never done. All For One also became more spiteful as he intended to steal Fumikage Tokoyami's Quirk partially out of resentment for all the trouble he had caused him. His need to remain in control as the Demon Lord had magnified to the point where he outright denied anything that threatened this image. For instance, when All Might managed to delay him with his mechanized suit, All For One vehemently denied that All Might's plan to stall him worked, even though All For One actively chose to fight All Might instead of going after Tomura. Ironically, his plan to use Tomura's hatred to steal One For All would ultimately lead to his undoing and eventual demise.

In his final moments, All For One was left in such a vulnerable and emotional state that he finally admitted to himself his desire to become a Demon Lord was so that nobody would ever be able to forget him, since negative memories stick around in people's minds so strongly. All For One's own lack of strong motivation beyond rudimentary, basic hubris left him unprepared to deal with the strong emotions of not only Tomura, but all of the Heroes he had faced since launching the final phase of his plan to steal One For All. With all of his efforts come to nought as Katsuki applied the final bit of damage that caused him to vanish, he died crying and scared, unable to cope with having let emotions compromise him at the most critical juncture of his hundred year scheme and doomed to never reclaim his brother as his most prized "possession".

This loss would also affect All For One's vestige. Upon regaining control of Tomura's body, All For One's vestige admits that, after the death of his original self alongside Yoichi's vestige being destroyed, without his brother, the idea of ruling the world is utterly hollow to him. He admitted that upon sensing Yoichi's vestige shattering, this loss caused what he describes as a gaping hole inside of him, making All For One's personality become much more solemn and lack his usual façade as a smiling Demon Lord, becoming forlorn. At the same time, due to Yoichi seeming to be gone for good, this loss would allow All For One to miraculously survive through Tomura's shattering, beckoning the idea that tragedy engenders true strength and proclaims that this would be his new narration when ruling the world.

At the climax of the final battle, All For One became nervous and desperate as Tomura's body began to fall apart, to the point where he was willing to take one of the Heroes' bodies as his new vessel. Upon reuniting with the remains of Yoichi's vestige, All For One begged his brother not to fade away, not even caring about claiming One For All and even taking on a more human appearance. All For One shouted that he loves Yoichi and is nothing without him, proving that for all his cruelty, a semblance of genuine care for his brother still existed after all. Indeed, Izuku recognized that All For One was not the monster beyond reason or Demon Lord that he made himself out to be, rather just a lonely man. In the end, All For One paid the price for exploiting so many people for his own selfish desires, being exposed to the vulnerable human inside of him that he had tried so hard to conceal.


All For One blasts All Might

All For One's sheer power is strong enough to effortlessly counter and repel the Symbol of Peace All Might, who is notorious for his brute strength.

Overall Abilities: All For One was one of Japan's most powerful villains. Thanks to the Life Force Quirk, All For One was virtually immortal and was active since the emergence of Quirks. He had collected numerous Quirks with an extensive range of applications and was able to combine them as he pleased. This longevity and the ability to steal any Quirk from his opponent made All For One nigh-impossible to defeat. The villain was willing to employ any means necessary to hurt his opponent before killing them. Following his final battle with Nana Shimura, All For One developed a fighting style that involved starting battles with powerful ranged attacks to wear down opponents before stealing their Quirks.

In his prime, All For One easily defeated powerful Pro Heroes, making himself appear unequaled and unstoppable.[24] The only individuals that were able to effectively oppose the Symbol of Evil are the inheritors of One For All, a Quirk All For One himself inadvertently created, and the only Quirk he can't steal (though he tried to steal it from Daigoro Banjo and En, but failed both times). All For One sought each One For All user (excluding Hikage Shinomori), and easily killed them by overwhelming them with his barrage of Quirks. However, All For One could not steal One For All nor prevent any of the users from passing on the Quirk. Nevertheless, All For One remained unchallenged until the rise of All Might, who possessed the necessary strength to challenge All For One and the two opponents fought a bloody duel. Although All Might sustained crippling injuries, he succeeded in defeating All For One, forcing the villain to rely on a life support system.

Light and Darkness

All For One uses his ultimate combination of Quirks to clash with a weakened All Might.

Six years later, despite having lost his senses and being unable to recover from his injuries, All For One was far from weak. He single handedly overpowered Endeavor, Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, Mt. Lady, and Gran Torino with little effort, and was able to fight on par with All Might until the hero was exhausted out of his muscle form. With his ultimate Quirk combination and All Might's declining power, All For One nearly succeeded in killing All Might, but the latter summoned his willpower and used the last of his power to knock out the Symbol of Evil.

In the Final War, despite having been imprisoned for months, All For One's fighting skills showed very little decline. He fought top Pro Heroes Endeavor and Hawks, largely maintaining the upper hand while severely wounding the former. However, once the Flame Hero was revitalized, he overwhelmed and would've incinerated the villain had he not possessed the reverse-engineered Quirk-Destroying Drug.

As the effects of the Rewind drug accelerate, All For One's body rewound into a younger version of himself, making his abilities even more powerful than they ever were during his prime. All For One's power had increased even further in this more youthful state, allowing him to fend off Fumikage Tokoyami's "Light of Baldur" technique, which he previously struggled against. He was also able to overpower the combined all-out assault from Fumikage, Mt. Lady, Gigantomachia, and Inasa Yoarashi. The more injuries he received, the faster his Rewind effect became in responses, as he was able to instantly regenerate half of his body after it was vaporized from using his Impure Beam Quirk which brutalized Gigantomachia in his heavily armored casing and Dark Shadow in its Light of Baldur form.

  • Immense Strength: All For One had tremendous amounts of incredible strength, easily trading blows with All Might, whose brawn was considered unrivaled. In his zenith, he was able to effortlessly overpower pre-Nomu Hood, though the latter was weakened from battling O'Clock and his allies.[25]
  • Immense Speed and Reflexes: All For One had incredible speed, as shown when he destroyed the Nomu factory, defeated the 4 Pro Heroes, and dealt significant damage to the surrounding area in a split second. He also has sharp reflexes, being fast enough to react to All Might's punches and casually dodge attacks from Edgeshot, who can transform faster than the speed of sound.
  • Immense Durability: Despite being in a disheveled state with severe injuries, All For One possessed incredible durability. During his second battle with All Might, he, unlike the latter, never flinched or screamed from pain, proving that the Symbol of Evil was able to withstand the Symbol of Peace's destructive blows with monstrous resilience. Another testament of his sturdiness was when All For One survived All Might's United States of Smash, though was rendered unconscious afterward.
  • Enhanced Senses: Due to All For One being blind, his hearing improved immensely, as he was able to perceive his surroundings by sound. He could also sense vibrations in the air.[26] An example of this was displayed when All For One quickly dispelled a flame attack from Endeavor, who had arrived on the scene with Edgeshot. However, this ability does have its limits, which is shown when he is placed in Tartarus: the lack of sound and vibrations leaves him completely oblivious to his surroundings.

Genius Intellect: All For One possessed an extraordinary intellect, most likely due to his advanced age and life experience. He ruled Japan from the shadows for over a hundred years, with most of the public ignorant of his existence. He was well-informed about current affairs and significant figures among heroes and villains. He also possessed a vast knowledge of the Quirks he had stolen, which enabled him to use them effectively.

While condescending towards his opponents, All For One was an expert at observing his enemies and exploiting their flaws. Another terrifying aspect of All For One's intelligence was his ability to prey on people's insecurities. Aware that All Might still mourned his mentor, Nana Shimura, All For One used that to taunt the hero by insulting her and revealing that Tomura is Nana's grandson. Afterward, he exposed All Might's emaciated form to the public to demoralize them as well as humiliate the hero.

From observing All Might, All For One deduced that he no longer possessed One For All, and Izuku Midoriya inherited the Quirk. In the aftermath of the Kamino Incident, it was revealed that All For One anticipated the possibility of his second defeat at the hands of All Might. He knew if that were to happen, he would be unable to transfer his All For One Quirk onto Tomura as planned. To ensure the inheritance of his power was fulfilled, the Symbol of Evil, before resurfacing, had his Quirk replicated by his physician, Kyudai Garaki, leaving All For One with the copied variant and the Doctor with the original variant, which would then later be passed down to Tomura.[27]

When attacking Tartarus with his army of High-End Nomu, All For One was able to overcome the prison's nearly impenetrable defenses through a coordinated attack from the outside (since his consciousness took control of Tomura's body) and inside (where his original body was housed). He successfully freed all the prisoners in Tartarus, including his original body.[28] Given his inability to steal One For All and knowledge of Quirks being imprinted with the original user's consciousness,[21] it has been discussed that All For One primarily grooms Tomura's negative emotions so the former's will inside of the All For One Quirk can more easily inhabit Tomura's modified chassis, all in a final attempt for the original Symbol of Evil to acquire One For All.[29]

Vast Connections: During the chaotic aftermath of the Paranormal Liberation War, All For One revealed to Spinner that he has many connections with villains around the world, and that he was able to have his contacts overseas meddle and delay support from foreign heroes.[30]

All For One attempts to take control of Tomura

All For One's impregnable will overshadows Tomura's mind and body.

Indomitable Will: Befitting his epithet, the Symbol of Evil, All For One possessed a malefic volition so resolute that he could quickly amass hordes of followers in his long life through sheer influence. Within and outside the battlefield, All For One was unfazed by unforeseen spectacles that would leave him otherwise intimidated or unhinged, and he commonly maintains his complacent attitude even when he seemed to be at a disadvantage. During the chaos when Quirks emerged, All For One never gave in and strived despite having only been recently born and succeeded in keeping himself and his brother alive. His presence was shown to be so malicious and dark, Izuku, Tenya Ida, Momo Yaoyorozu, Shoto Todoroki, and Eijiro Kirishima were utterly paralyzed with fear, despite the quintet previously experiencing life-or-death situations and encountering lethal villains. All For One's will was also significant enough that the vestige within his original Quirk could overwhelm Tomura Shigaraki's willpower and possess the young villain like a puppet. This was convenient as All For One planned to transfer his consciousness into Tomura, intending to become a more powerful being.

However, in spite of having his ambitions thwarted time and again by users of One For All and the circumstance of All Might destroying his body and permanently crippling him, his hatred, if any, wasn't strong enough to allow him to override the collective willpower of One For All's users. Even disregarding the physical requirements to take One For All into himself, he seemed to lack the emotional resolve to overpower the wills of the spirits in One For All. This indicated that while his will is unyielding when it comes to resisting things that might change him personally (his sense of self/personality), he didn't care enough about anyone or anything to have an emotional investment to strengthen his will. Tellingly, when Tomura was in a negative state and consumed by rage, All For One was able to take control of his protegee's body, as anger causes people to become unstable and forget themselves.

Despite All For One's tremendously strong willpower, it ultimately lost to Tomura, who hid his origin deep within their vestige as a means of winning back control over his body and the All For One Quirk. Later, All For One was unable to warp Tomura to his location, as the latter's terrifying willpower far exceeded his own.

However, upon Izuku breaking through Tomura's shell of hatred and convincing him to explain the truth of his destruction, Tomura's will weakened enough that All For One could regain control and swallow Tomura up once more.


All For One (Quirk)

All For One using his Quirk.

All For One (オール・フォー・ワン Ōru Fō Wan?): All For One's Quirk allows him to steal other people's Quirks, leaving them Quirkless, and wield the Quirks as his own. All For One can also redistribute his stolen Quirks to other people.

His multiple Quirks grant him a very wide variety of options in combat, and he can combine his stolen Quirks to create compound attacks with devastating effects. However, he cannot steal the original users' Quirk proficiency and is therefore limited by his own skill with his stolen powers. Because of this, he prefers to steal Quirks that rely more on raw power, rather than ones that take practice and experience to master. In order to steal a Quirk, he also must physically touch the user's body, as touching something produced by a Quirk, such as the flames of a fire user, would not suffice.

While he can steal any Quirk, All For One's body cannot properly contain Quirks of newer generations, which is the reason why he sought Dr. Garaki's medical research. He also mentions having frequent nightmares where the consciousnesses of the people he stole Quirks from appear before him. To top it off, All For One's permanently injured body puts a limit on how many Quirks he can take and use in succession, making him far weaker than he was in his prime.

Shortly before the Kamino Incident, his Quirk was duplicated by Doctor Garaki and the original version of it was given to Tomura, while All For One kept the copied version.[27] A conscious vestige of All For One remains within the original Quirk and has the capabilities of overriding Tomura's will and taking control of his body. It is revealed that the vestige of All For One and the real All For One can work in tandem with one another, as seen when a possessed Tomura attacked Tartarus and gave time for All For One to act and free himself along with all the other prisoners.[31] The copied version of All For One doesn't give him as much command however, meaning that vestiges from stolen Quirks can resist the user from within.[32]

All For One has stolen a wide variety of Quirks with his ability, including:

  • Spearlike Bones ( (そう) (こつ) Sōkotsu?): This Quirk generates drill-like bone structures around All For One's body.[33] All For One stole this Quirk from his mother after he was born and is the first Quirk stolen by him overall.[14]
  • Search (サーチ Sāchi?): All For One stole this Quirk from Ragdoll. With this Quirk, he can observe and monitor up to a hundred people at a time, including their location and weak points.[34]
  • Warping ( (てん) (そう) Tensō?): All For One can produce a black liquid that acts as a portal, similar in nature to Kurogiri's Warp Gate. He can use this Quirk on a large scale, producing multiple black liquid portals that transport dozens of Nomu to the League of Villains' hideout, and later the entirety of the Paranormal Liberation Front for the final battle. This Quirk, however, has many limitations: it's not a coordinate-based warping and can only warp things to and from his location. It also has a limited range and it only works if it's used on someone with whom he has a close relationship.[34]
  • Air Cannon ( (くう) () () () Kūki o Oshidasu?): All For One releases an air shockwave from his arms. This Quirk is further strengthened by its combined usage with Springlike Limbs and several other power-up Quirks.[35]
  • Springlike Limbs ( (きん) (こつ) () () () Kinkotsu Baneka?): This Quirk allows All For One to coil his muscles in order to enhance his physical strength, and can also be used to augment other Quirks, like Air Cannon.[35]
  • Rivet Stab (鋲突 Byōtotsu?): All For One transforms his fingers into black tendrils that have red prominent cracked lines that extend from the his fingers, although they can also emerge from other parts of the body such as the spine. These appendages can easily pierce bodies, however, the user may choose whether to wound the target or not, as seen when All For One used it with Forced Quirk Activation, without harming the target.[35]
  • Forced Quirk Activation ( () (せい) (きょう) (せい) (はつ) (どう) Kosei Kyōsei Hatsudō?): All For One can activate a target's Quirk against their will, whether they are conscious or not. All For One has used this Quirk in combination with Rivet Stab.[35]
  • Impact Recoil ( (しょう) (げき) (はん) (てん) Shōgeki Hanten?): This Quirk seemingly enables All For One to completely reflect the impact of an attack back to the attacker.[15]
  • Multiplier ( (ぞう) (しょく) Zōshoku?): This Quirk seemingly multiplies the number of All For One's arms.[33]
  • Hypertrophy ( () (だい) () Hidaika?): This Quirk seemingly enlarges All For One's arm.[33]
  • Rivet ( (びょう) Byō?): This Quirk possibly generates rivet-like growths on All For One's arm.[33]
  • Kinetic Booster ( (しゅん) (ぱつ) (りょく) Shunpatsu Ryoku?): This Quirk seemingly increases the amount of kinetic energy All For One creates and releases. All For One has four copies of this Quirk.[33]
  • Brawn Boost ( (りょ) (りょく) (ぞう) (きょう) Ryoryoku Zōkyō?): The Quirk grants All For One a boost in physical strength. All For One has three copies of this Quirk.[33][36]
  • Infrared ( (せき) (がい) (せん) Sekigaisen?): This Quirk allows All For One to sense his surroundings using infrared senses. He uses this Quirk to compensate for his blindness. However, the amount that he is able to sense is very limited.[26]
  • Life Force ( (せっ) (せい) Sessei?): This Quirk was given to him by Doctor Garaki, and has allowed him to possess supernatural longevity in lifespan.[37]
  • Radio Waves ( (でん) () Denpa?): All For One can disrupt radio waves and cause communicators to malfunction.[38]
  • Hardflame Fan ( (ぎょう) () (せん) Gyōka Sen?): This Quirk allows All For One to generate a wall of flames to act as defense.[39]
  • Fierce Wings ( (ごう) (よく) Gōyoku?): This Quirk grants All For One a pair of bright red, feathery wings on his back, albeit only in its stub form due to the Quirk already being damaged. All For One stole this Quirk from Hawks.[40]
  • Impure Beam ( (こう) (じん) Koujin?): This Quirk allows All For One to unleash a powerful beam of light, which in conjunction with his power-boosting Quirks, turns it into a devastating explosion. It's strong enough to severely damage Gigantomachia and Dark Shadow in its Light of Baldur form with a single shot. It is one of All For One's most powerful Quirks. The only major drawback of this Quirk is that All For One's body cannot withstand the power of the blasts as it maims his own arm in the process, and as a result, slowing down the reversed-engineered Rewind drug regeneration.[41][36]
  • Dark Ball (ダークボール Dākubōru?): This Quirk allows All For One to release an array of dark balls.[36]
  • Bloodlet (瀉血 (しゃけつ) Shaketsu?): This Quirk allows All For One to expel all the blood from within his body and then retracts it back into his body.[5]
  • Antigen Swap (抗原変態 (こうげんへんたい) Kōgen Hentai?): This Quirk allows All For One to change his blood type. He used this Quirk in the past to leave no traces of himself behind.[5]
  • Bloodcurdle ( (ぎょう) (けつ) Gyōketsu?): This Quirk allows the user to paralyze someone when they ingest their blood and based on the blood type, can paralyze for extended periods of time. All For One stole this Quirk from Stain.[5]
  • Unnamed Luminescence Quirk: This Quirk allows All For One to illuminate himself. All For One stole this Quirk from the grown-up Luminescent Baby.[14]
  • Unnamed Shapeshifting Quirk: This Quirk allows All For One to shape-shift his appearance. All For One used this Quirk to disguise himself as an ordinary man and get closer to the Shimura family while observing a young Tenko.[42]
  • Unnamed Telekinesis Quirk: This Quirk allows All For One the ability to levitate objects with his hand. He used it to levitate his medical device once freed from Tartarus.[28]
  • Unnamed Mind Control Quirk: This Quirk allows All For One to control a person's actions by touching their head. He used it on a Tartarus guard to fly an emergency plane and escape the prison.[43]
  • Unnamed Lie Detector Quirk: This Quirk allows All For One to sense whether a person is lying or if they possess any semblance of ill will. The Quirk got stronger through the mixing of various other Quirks throughout the years. The Quirk was stolen from Naomasa Tsukauchi's ancestor.[18]
  • Unnamed Levitation Quirk: This Quirk allows All For One to levitate in the air.[18]
  • Unnamed Razor Blade Quirk: This Quirk allows All For One to create crescent shaped razor blades.[39]
  • Unnamed Ooze Quirk: This Quirk allows All For One to generate a muck-looking substance which can cover and dissolve an area.[39]
  • Unnamed Mouth Quirk: This Quirk allows All For One to morph the flesh on his hand into a mouth which can be shot out to attack. It has enough strength to bite through flesh.[44] He can alter their size by using his entire hand, making them range from the size of a small mouth to the size of an enormous structure.[45] Additionally, he has the ability to sprout appendages from his back that resemble a long mouth and are strong enough to tear into a whole body.[5]
  • Unnamed Vibration Detection Quirk: This Quirk allows All For One to enhance his senses about his surroundings. He uses it along with Infrared to compensate for his lack of vision and hearing, while at the same time giving him incredible awareness of the world around him.[32]
  • Unnamed Glue Quirk: This Quirk allows All For One to generate a glue-like substance which can be used to instantly joint broken pieces together. He used it along with Rivet Stab to try and repair his broken mask.[32]
  • Unnamed Force Field Quirk: This Quirk allows All For One to generate a force field to protect himself from attacks.[32]
  • Unnamed Spatial Distortion Quirk: This Quirk allows All For One to manipulate the space around him at a range, similar to the Quirk of the Nomu Robot. He uses it to seemingly kill Hawks, only for it be an illusion.[46] He has previously used it to kill his brother and claim his left hand.[47]
  • Unnamed Body Appendages Quirk: This Quirk allows All For One to grow appendages from his back in the shape of wings that can serve to expand the usage of his Black Lightning Quirk.[7]
  • Unnamed Black Lightning Quirk: This Quirk allows All For One to shoot black lightning bolts from his body. He uses this in combination with his Body Appendages Quirk.[7]
  • Unnamed Repulsion Quirk: This Quirk allows All For One to generate repulsion rings that let him propel himself through an allegedly repulsive force, gaining a rapid increase in speed.[41]
  • Unnamed Fangs Quirk: This mutant Quirk gives the user a fanged jawbone. All For One took this from someone in the past as a favor to make him one of his loyal servants.[12]
  • Unnamed Mutant Quirks: All For One stole a variety of mutant Quirks in his quest to force people to submit to his will.[12]
  • Unnamed Hardening Quirk: This Quirk allows All For One to somewhat harden his skin exceptionally. He stole this Quirk from a fighter in the Underground Masquerade.[48]

Former Quirks

Quirks obtained via All For One and then passed onto others:

  • Power Stockpiling: An unnamed Quirk which allowed All For One to stockpile power. He gave it to his younger brother to try and force him to his side, causing it to merge with his Quirk and create the Quirk One For All.[12]
  • Decay ( (ほう) (かい) Hōkai?): This Quirk allows the user to destroy and disintegrate anything they touch. This Quirk was given to Tenko Shimura.[42]
  • Navel Laser (ネビルレーザー Nebiru Rēzā?): This Quirk allows the user to project twinkling laser beams from their navel. This Quirk was given to Yuga Aoyama.[49]
  • Transforming Arms ( (へん) (よう) する (うで) Hen'yō Suru Ude?): This Quirk allows the user to shapeshift their arms. This Quirk was given to Hood to try and make him a better fighter.[50]
  • Mole (土竜 (モグラ) Mogura?): This Quirk allows the user to grow mole-like claws from their fingers, as well as spines on their back, to dig through the earth. This Quirk was given to Gigantomachia for the purpose of hiding underground.[51]
  • Overclock (オーバークロック Ōbākurokku?): This Quirk allows the user to stimulate their brain's perception of information, granting them hyper speed, reflexes, and an improvement to their healing factor. This Quirk was stolen from O'Clock and given to Number 6.[52]
  • Muscle Augmentation ( (きん) (にく) (ぞう) (きょう) Kin'niku Zōkyō?): This Quirk allows the user to augment the power of their muscles, changing their appearance. This Quirk was given to Wolfram to assist in his incident.[53]
  • Air Walk (エアウォーク Eawōku?): This Quirk is capable of allowing the user to levitate and walk in mid-air. This Quirk was given to Lady Nagant as payment to capture Izuku.[33][54]
  • Unnamed Self-Destruct Quirk: This Quirk makes the user self-destruct in a big explosion. This Quirk was secretly given to Lady Nagant in case she failed in her mission.[19]
  • Body Bulk ( (ごう) () Gōku?): This Quirk bulks the users entire body, greatly increasing their strength and body size. This Quirk was given to Spinner to grant him extra power in the Final War.[55]
  • Scalemail (スケイルメイル Sukeirumeiru?): This Quirk covers the user with sharp scale-like armor, granting them increased strength and defense. This Quirk was also given to Spinner at the same time as Body Bulk.[56]
  • Several unnamed Quirks: All For One transferred several Quirks to fighters in the Underground Masquerade including: an electricity-based power, beast-like traits, making the user turtle-like with a spiked shell and cannon on their back, granting the user wings in place of arms, giving the user arm-scythes, making the user wolf-like, a strength enhancer, and a reptilian transformation.[57] He also transferred a variety of power-up Quirks to the Near High-End Nomu to buff them up during the Final War.[58]

It's also possible that he possessed some, if not all, of the Quirks possessed by his Nomu, as well as Gigantomachia's additional Quirks. It is also possible that he still retains some, if not all, of the Quirks he's transferred away as originals or duplicates.

Ultimate Moves

  • Ultimate Quirk Combination ( (さい) (てき) の“ () (せい) ”たち Saiteki no “Kosei” tachi?): All For One utilizes the strongest combination of Quirks that he currently holds inside his body to greatly enhance his right arm, combining Springlike Limbs, Multiplier, Hypertrophy, Rivet, Air Walk, and Spearlike Bones, as well as four Kinetic Booster Quirks and three Strength Enhancer Quirks. This combination of Quirks is what All For One attempted to use in order to kill All Might. Impact Recoil was later added to this combination to better his chances of defeating All Might.
  • Omni-Factor Unleash (全因解放 (ぜんいんかいほう) Zeninkaihō?): All For One summons every single Quirk he has ever stolen into one powerful attack. He uses this move during the Final War in an effort to kill Katsuki Bakugo and succeed in his goal of reaching Tomura all at once.[47]


?/5 ?
?/5 ?
?/5 ?
6/5 S
?/5 ?
All For One's stats, according to the Ultra Archive Book

6/6 S+
6/6 S+
6/6 S+
6/6 S+
6/6 S+
All For One's stats, according to the Ultra Analysis Book

6/6 S+
6/6 S+
5/6 A
6/6 S+
3/6 C
All For One's stats, according to Hawks' Villain Report


  • Breathing Mask: All For One suffered serious damage in his battle against All Might and now has trouble breathing. He wore this mask to compensate. After escaping from Tartarus, All For One used an upgraded version of this mask after the previous one was destroyed by All Might. Both were created by Kyudai Garaki.
  • Rewind Drug: Created by Kyudai based on the sample of the Shie Hassaikai's Quirk-Destroying Drug, this version focuses on the original effect of Rewind and restores All For One's body back to his prime state. However, it could only be used once as a last resort as it eventually rewinded All For One out of existence.[6]

Battles & Events

Chapter Appearances

Entrance Exam Arc
1. Izuku Midoriya: Origin Mentioned
2. Roaring Muscles Absent
3. Entrance Exam Absent
4. Starting Line Absent
U.S.J. Arc
12. Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Ida! Absent
13. Rescue Training Absent
14. Encounter with the Unknown Absent
15. Vs. Absent
16. Know Your Enemies Absent
17. Game Over Absent
18. Heroes' Counterattack Absent
19. All Might Absent
20. The World of Pros Absent
21. In Each of Our Hearts Voice
U.A. Sports Festival Arc
22. That's the Idea, Ochaco Absent
23. Roaring Sports Festival Absent
24. Mad Dash and Knockdown Absent
25. In Their Own Quirky Ways Absent
26. Chase Down the Leader Absent
27. Earth-Shatteringly Fateful Negotiations Absent
28. Strats, Strats, Strats Absent
29. Unaware Absent
30. Cavalry-Match Finale Absent
31. The Boy Born with Everything Absent
32. Smile, Prince of Nonsense Land! Absent
33. Shinso's Situation Absent
34. Victory or Defeat Absent
35. Battle On, Challengers! Absent
36. Bakugo vs. Uraraka Absent
37. Midoriya and Endeavor Absent
38. Todoroki vs. Midoriya Appears
39. Shoto Todoroki: Origin Absent
40. Emancipation Absent
41. Fight On, Ida Absent
42. Final-Match Time Absent
43. Todoroki vs. Bakugo Absent
44. Relaxing Day Off Absent
Vs. Hero Killer Arc
45. Time to Pick Some Names Absent
46. Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears Absent
47. Struggling Voice
48. Getting the Knack Absent
49. Midoriya and Shigaraki Absent
50. Kill 'Em Dead Absent
51. No, Knock It Off, Ida Voice
52. Hero Killer Stain vs. U.A. Students Absent
53. From Todoroki to Ida Absent
54. Re: Ingenium Absent
55. Conclusion?! Absent
56. Conclusion Absent
57. The Aftermath of Hero Killer Stain Mentioned
58. Internship's End Absent
59. Listen Up!! A Tale from the Past Debut
Final Exams Arc
60. Gear Up for Final Exams Absent
61. The Worst Combo Absent
62. Katsuki Bakugo: Origin Absent
63. Yaoyorozu Rising Absent
64. The Task at Hand Absent
65. Wall Absent
66. Midoriya's Observations Absent
67. Stripping the Varnish Absent
68. Encounter Mentioned
69. Interview with Midoriya Mentioned
Forest Training Camp Arc
70. Wild, Wild, Pussycats Mentioned
71. Kota Absent
72. Day Two Absent
73. Good Evening Absent
74. Smoke Signal Absent
75. Stake Your Life, Hero! Absent
76. My Hero Absent
77. It's Okay Absent
78. Whirling Chaos Absent
79. Drive It Home, Iron Fist!!! Absent
80. Establishing the Bakugo Bodyguard Brigade Absent
81. Roaring Upheaval Absent
82. What a Twist! Absent
83. Loss Absent
Hideout Raid Arc
84. From Ida to Midoriya Absent
85. Nothing but Fools Absent
86. Before the Storm Appears
87. Clash Mentioned
88. All For One Appears
89. All for a Certain One Appears
90. Reach Out Appears
91. Symbol of Peace Appears
92. One For All Appears
93. One For All's Ember Appears
94. From Teacher to Disciple Appears
95. End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End Fantasy
96. Home Visits Absent
97. Tell It Like It Is, Mom Absent
Provisional Hero License Exam Arc
98. Moving into Dorms Absent
99. Goodbye Two-Digit Chapters, Hello Three Digits Absent
100. Creating Ultimate Moves Absent
101. The Girl Called Mei Hatsume Flashback
102. On Cloud Nine Absent
103. The Test Absent
104. White-Hot Battle! To Each Their Own Strengths! Absent
105. Shiketsu High Lurking Mentioned
106. Class 1-A Absent
107. Denki Kaminari's Thoughts Absent
108. RUSH! Absent
109. Rescue Exercise Absent
110. Rescue Exercise Continued Absent
111. Smoldering Start Mentioned
112. What's the Big Idea? Absent
113. Test's Aftermath Absent
114. Results' Aftermath Absent
115. Unleashed Appears
116. Meeting in Tartarus Appears
117. A Talk About Your Quirk Flashback
118. Meaningless Battle Absent
119. Deku vs. Kacchan, Part 2 Absent
120. The Three Absent
121. Second Semester Opening Ceremony Absent
Shie Hassaikai Arc
122. A Season for Encounters Absent
123. Unrivaled Absent
124. Trouble Ahead!! Episode: Work Studies Absent
125. Overhaul Flashback
126. Open Up, World Absent
127. Sir Nighteye and Izuku Midoriya and Mirio Togata and All Might Absent
128. Boy Meets... Absent
129. Eri Absent
130. Listen to the Truth Mentioned
131. Fighting Fate Mentioned
132. The Plan Mentioned
133. Catch Up, Kirishima Absent
134. Let's Go, Gutsy Red Riot Absent
135. An Unpleasant Talk Absent
136. Close at Hand!! Absent
137. Restraint!! Absent
138. Go!! Absent
139. Shudder! The Underground Labyrinth Absent
140. Suneater of the Big Three Absent
141. Hassaikai: Behind the Scenes Absent
142. Shield and Shield, Spear and Shield Absent
143. Let’s Rumble, Rappa!! Absent
144. Red Riot, Part 1 Mentioned
145. Red Riot, Part 2 Absent
146. Temp Squad Absent
147. Twoga!! Absent
148. The Anguish of Young Twoga Absent
149. Don't Get Mad, Irinaka Absent
150. Mirio Togata Absent
151. Mirio Togata!! Absent
152. Lemillion Mentioned
153. Transform! Absent
154. Unforeseen Hope Absent
155. Saviors, the Saved and a Hero's Place Absent
156. The Power of Those Saved Absent
157. Infinite 100 Percent Absent
158. Chisaki's Warped Compassion Absent
159. It's Over!! Absent
160. Expressway Absent
161. Bright Future Absent
162. Suitable One Flashback
U.A. School Festival Arc
169. School Festival Absent
170. With Eri Absent
171. Gentle and La Brava Fantasy
172. Prepping for the School Festival Is the Funnest Part (Part 1) Absent
173. Prepping for the School Festival Is the Funnest Part (Part 2) Absent
174. Golden Tips Imperial Absent
175. Morning, the Day Of Absent
176. Deku vs. Gentle Criminal Absent
177. At the Construction Site Absent
178. The Woman Called La Brava Absent
179. School Festival Start!! Absent
180. Unbeknownst Absent
181. For Someone Else Absent
182. Let It Flow! School Festival! Absent
183. Festival All Day Long!! Absent
Pro Hero Arc
184. Japanese Hero Billboard Chart Flashback
185. Wing Hero: Hawks Absent
186. Endeavor and Hawks Mentioned
187. Flaming Roar! vs. Nomu: High-End Absent
188. Your Father, the Number One Hero Absent
189. Why He Gets Back Up Absent
190. His Start Absent
191. Dabi, Hawks, Endeavor Mentioned
192. The Todoroki Family Vision
193. Vestiges Vision
Joint Training Arc
194. Cold Skies over U.A. High! Mentioned
195. Clash! Class A vs. Class B! Absent
196. Make It Happen, Shinso!! Absent
197. Quaotic Quirkstravaganza Absent
198. Know Where You Stand when It Counts!! Absent
199. Operation New Improv Moves! Absent
200. Clever Commander! Absent
201. Foresight Absent
202. Match 3 Absent
203. Flexible! Juzo Honenuki! Absent
204. Tuning Up Absent
205. Detour Absent
206. Match 3 Conclusion Absent
207. Early Bird! Absent
208. Match 4 Conclusion Absent
209. Match 5 Start Appears
210. The One For All Dream Absent
211. That Which Is Inherited Absent
212. That Which Is Inherited, Part 2 Absent
213. Realm of Souls Absent
214. Our Brawl Absent
215. Final Face-Off! Midoriya vs. Shinso! Absent
216. Class A vs. Class B: Conclusion! Absent
217. The New Power and All For One Mentioned
Meta Liberation Army Arc
218. The Meta Liberation Army Absent
219. Go, Slidin' Go! Mentioned
220. My Villain Academia Mentioned
221. Memento from All For One Voice
222. Tomura Shigaraki: Distortion Flashback
223. Cockroaches Mentioned
224. Revival Party Mentioned
225. Interview with a Vampire Mentioned
226. Bloody Love Absent
227. Sleepy Absent
228. Wounded Soul Absent
229. All It Takes Is One Bad Day Absent
230. Sad Man's Parade Voice
231. Path Mentioned
232. Meta Abilities and Quirks Absent
233. Bright Future Absent
234. Destruction Sense Flashback
235. Tenko Shimura: Origin Flashback
236. Tenko Shimura: Origin, Part 2 Absent
237. Tomura Shigaraki: Origin Flashback
238. Liberation Mentioned
239. Successor Flashback
240. Power Absent
Endeavor Agency Arc
241. Do That Interview! Absent
242. Have a Merry Christmas! Absent
243. Off to Endeavor's Agency! Absent
244. Recommended Reading Absent
245. Rise to Action Absent
246. Message Mentioned
247. Status Report! Absent
248. One Thing at a Time Absent
249. The Hellish Todoroki Family Absent
250. Ending Absent
251. Just One Week Absent
252. The Unforgiven Absent
Paranormal Liberation War Arc
253. Shirakumo Absent
254. More of a Hero than Anyone Flashback
255. Hero Hopeful Flashback
256. The High, Deep Blue Sky Absent
257. Pass It Forward, to Whomever Flashback
258. Friends Mentioned
259. A Quiet Beginning Mentioned
260. Life's Work Mentioned
261. High-Ends Flashback
262. Mirko, the No. 5 Hero Mentioned
263. I Wanna Be with You Guys!! Absent
264. One's Justice Absent
265. Villains and Heroes Absent
266. Happy Life Absent
267. Flames Absent
268. Scramble! Absent
269. The Three of Us Appears
270. Inheritance Vision
271. Dark Cloud Absent
272. Good Morning! Absent
273. The Thrill of Destruction Absent
274. Search Mentioned
275. Encounter, Part 2 Absent
276. You Cheated...! Appears
277. Who...? Flashback
278. Disaster Walker Absent
279. League of Villains vs. U.A. Students Absent
280. Red Riot, Part 3 Mentioned
281. Plus Ultra Mentioned
282. Footfall of Destruction Absent
283. 75 Absent
284. Deep Blue Battle Mentioned
285. Katsuki Bakugo Rising Vision
286. The Ones Within Us Vision
287. Mistake Vision
288. Save Takeo!! Absent
289. Miss Candid and Miss Shut-Away Voice
290. Dabi's Dance Vision
291. Thanks For Going Strong Absent
292. Threads of Hope Absent
293. Hero-Saturated Society Absent
294. Final Performance Absent
295. Tenacious Fantasy
296. Hellish Hell Appears
297. Tartarus Appears
298. Sounds of Collapse Appears
299. Like Those Tragic Tales Absent
300. The Hellish Todoroki Family, Part 2 Absent
301. The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 1 Absent
302. The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 2 Absent
303. Top Three Mentioned
304. Izuku Midoriya and Toshinori Yagi Flashback
305. Izuku Midoriya and Tomura Shigaraki Flashback
306. The Final Act Begins Mentioned
Dark Hero Arc
307. Been a While!! Absent
308. Full Power!! Mentioned
309. Can't Be a Child Anymore Mentioned
310. Masters and Pupil Mentioned
311. Here We Go!! Flashback
312. Hired Gun Flashback
313. High-Speed Long-Range Mobile Cannon Mentioned
314. The Lovely Lady Nagant Mentioned
315. Platitudes Appears
316. Your Turn Screen
317. Scars, Blood, Filth Flashback
318. Reckless Flashback
319. Friend Absent
320. Deku vs. Class A Mentioned
321. From Class A to One For All Mentioned
322. Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight Absent
323. That Single Step Mentioned
324. A Young Woman's Declaration Absent
325. The Bonds of One For All Absent
326. Who Are You Really? Absent
327. Rest!! Mentioned
328. No Man Is an Island Flashback
Star and Stripe Arc
329. In the Nick of Time, a Big-Time Maverick from the West! Appears
330. Me and Myself Vision
331. United States of America Mentioned
332. State-of-the-Art Hypersonic Intercontinental Cruise... Voice
333. Specter Vision
334. Parting Gift Vision
U.A. Traitor Arc
335. Zygotes Appears
336. Villain Flashback
337. A Disposable Life Appears
338. The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part 1 Mentioned
339. The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part 2 Absent
340. The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part 3 Mentioned
341. The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part -1 Appears
342. The Extreme Quiet Before the Storm Appears
Final War Arc
343. Let You Down Appears
344. Stars Appears
345. Division Appears
346. Super Hyper Unfair Broken Stage Mentioned
347. Inflation Mentioned
348. Unrequited Mentioned
349. Battle Flame Absent
350. Bound to a Fiery Fate Flashback
351. Two Flashfires Mentioned
352. Ultimate Moves Absent
353. Endeavor Appears
354. Oopsie Daisy!! Appears
355. Extras Appears
356. Regarding the Enemy Appears
357. Wounded Hero, Burning Bright and True!! Appears
358. The Guy Who's Made Some Progress Mentioned
359. Place of Learning Absent
360. Despite It All... Absent
361. Abnormal Happenings Voice
362. Light Fades to Rain Voice
363. Those Who Defend, Those Who Violate Appears
364. Why We Wield Power Appears
365. No. 4 and No. 5 Absent
366. Full Moon Absent
367. Deku vs. All For One Mentioned
368. Rev Up, One For All Vision
369. A Chain of Events, Across the Ages Flashback
370. HIStory Mentioned
371. Together with Shoji Flashback
372. Naked Flashback
373. Friends Mentioned
374. Butterfly Effect Appears
375. Chaotic Confusion Appears
376. On Knife's Edge Appears
377. The Chain Thus Far Fantasy
378. The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part 4 Absent
379. Hopes Vision
380. A Skosh Appears
381. Dark Appears
382. Don't Let Him Go Appears
383. Meek Spirits Appears
384. It's a Small World Appears
385. The Impulses of Youth Appears
386. I AM HERE Appears
387. Congealing Mentioned
388. Toya Absent
389. Assurance and Prayers Absent
390. Shoto Todoroki Rising Absent
391. Rejecting the World Disguise
392. Villain Name Absent
393. A Girl's Ego Absent
394. Ochaco Uraraka vs. Himiko Toga Absent
395. Built Upon the Joy of Others Absent
396. Battle Without A Quirk Appears
397. Trash Cleanup Appears
398. Toshinori Yagi: Rising/Origin Appears
399. Organic, Mingling Clusters of Light Appears
400. Beyond Limits Appears
401. The Lunatic Appears
402. The Tearful Days Appears
403. The End of an Era, and... the Beginning Appears
404. We Love You, All Might!! Appears
405. The Final Boss!! Appears
406. Get a Grip on Your Quirk!! Appears
407. An Exceptional Child Flashback
408. The Eyes Tell All!! Appears
409. Quirk: Explosion!! Appears
410. Farewell, All For One!! Death
411. History's Greatest Villain Mentioned
412. History's Maddest Hero Absent
413. Leaden Mass Flashback
414. Overlay Absent
415. Rejection Flashback
416. Wrench It Open, Izuku Midoriya!! Mentioned
417. Shimura Mentioned
418. Meek Spirits Vision
419. Design Vision
420. From Aizawa Voice
421. We Are Here Voice
422. Izuku Midoriya Rising Voice
423. One For All vs. All For One Vision
424. Epilogue Absent

Anime Appearances

Season 1
1. Izuku Midoriya: Origin Absent
2. What It Takes to Be a Hero Mentioned
3. Roaring Muscles Absent
4. Start Line Absent
5. What I Can Do for Now Absent
6. Rage, You Damn Nerd Absent
7. Deku vs. Kacchan Absent
8. Bakugo's Start Line Absent
9. Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Ida! Absent
10. Encounter with the Unknown Absent
11. Game Over Absent
12. All Might Mentioned
13. In Each of Our Hearts Voice
Season 2
14. That's the Idea, Ochaco Absent
15. Roaring Sports Festival Absent
16. In Their Own Quirky Ways Absent
17. Strategy, Strategy, Strategy Absent
18. Cavalry Battle Finale Absent
19. The Boy Born with Everything Absent
20. Victory or Defeat Absent
21. Battle on, Challengers! Absent
22. Bakugo vs. Uraraka Appears
23. Shoto Todoroki: Origin Absent
24. Fight on, Ida Absent
25. Todoroki vs. Bakugo Absent
26. Time to Pick Some Names Absent
27. Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears Voice
28. Midoriya and Shigaraki Mentioned
29. Hero Killer: Stain vs U.A. Students Voice
30. Climax Absent
31. The Aftermath of Hero Killer: Stain Mentioned
32. Everyone's Internships Absent
33. Listen Up!! A Tale from the Past Debut
34. Gear up for Final Exams Mentioned
35. Yaoyorozu: Rising Absent
36. Stripping the Varnish Absent
37. Katsuki Bakugo: Origin Absent
38. Encounter Appears
Season 3
39. Game Start Absent
40. Wild, Wild Pussycats Mentioned
41. Kota Absent
42. My Hero Absent
43. Drive It Home, Iron Fist!!! Absent
44. Roaring Upheaval Absent
45. What a Twist! Absent
46. From Ida to Midoriya Absent
47. All For One Appears
48. Symbol of Peace Appears
49. One For All Appears
50. End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End Appears
51. Moving into Dorms Absent
52. Create Those Ultimate Moves Flashback
53. The Test Absent
54. Shiketsu High Lurking Mentioned
55. Class 1-A Absent
56. RUSH! Absent
57. Rescue Exercises Absent
58. Special Episode: Save the World with Love! Absent
59. What's the Big Idea? Absent
60. A Talk about Your Quirk Appears
61. Deku vs. Kacchan, Part 2 Mentioned
62. A Season for Encounters Absent
63. Unrivaled Appears
Season 4
64. The Scoop on U.A. Class 1-A Flashback
65. Overhaul Appears
66. Boy Meets... Absent
67. Fighting Fate Mentioned
68. Let's Go, Gutsy Red Riot Flashback
69. An Unpleasant Talk Absent
70. GO!! Absent
71. Suneater of the Big Three Absent
72. Red Riot Mentioned
73. Temp Squad Absent
74. Lemillion Mentioned
75. Unforeseen Hope Absent
76. Infinite 100% Absent
77. Bright Future Absent
78. Smoldering Flames Flashback
79. Win Those Kids' Hearts Absent
80. Relief for License Trainees Absent
81. School Festival Absent
82. Prepping for the School Festival Is the Funnest Part Screen
83. Gold Tips Imperial Absent
84. Deku vs. Gentle Criminal Absent
85. School Festival Start!! Absent
86. Let It Flow! School Festival! Absent
87. Japanese Hero Billboard Chart Flashback
88. His Start Vision
Season 5
89. All Hands on Deck! Class 1-A Absent
90. Vestiges Vision
91. Clash! Class A vs. Class B! Flashback
92. Make It Happen, Shinso! Absent
93. Operation New Improv Moves Absent
94. Foresight Absent
95. Match 3 Absent
96. Match 3 Conclusion Absent
97. Early Bird! Absent
98. That Which Is Inherited Appears
99. Our Brawl Absent
100. The New Power and All For One Mentioned
101. Have a Merry Christmas! Absent
102. Off to Endeavor's Agency! Flashback
103. One Thing at a Time Absent
104. Long Time No See, Selkie Absent
105. The Hellish Todoroki Family Absent
106. The Unforgiven Absent
107. More of a Hero Than Anyone Flashback
108. My Villain Academia Flashback
109. Revival Party Mentioned
110. Sad Man's Parade Voice
111. Tenko Shimura: Origin Flashback
112. Tomura Shigaraki: Origin Flashback
113. The High, Deep Blue Sky Flashback
Season 6
114. A Quiet Beginning Flashback
115. Mirko, the No. 5 Hero Appears
116. One's Justice Absent
117. Inheritance Appears
118. The Thrill of Destruction Voice
119. Encounter, Part 2 Flashback
120. Disaster Walker Appears
121. League of Villains Vs. U.A. Students Voice
122. Katsuki Bakugo Rising Voice
123. The Ones Within Us Vision
124. Dabi's Dance Vision
125. Threads of Hope Absent
126. Final Performance Voice
127. Hellish Hell Appears
128. Tartarus Appears
129. The Hellish Todoroki Family, Part 2 Absent
130. The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire Absent
131. Izuku Midoriya and Tomura Shigaraki Flashback
132. Full Power!! Absent
133. Hired Gun Flashback
134. The Lovely Lady Nagant Appears
135. Friend Screen
136. Deku vs. Class A Flashback
137. A Young Woman's Declaration Absent
138. No Man Is an Island Vision
Season 7
139. In the Nick of Time! A Big-Time Maverick from the West! Appears
140. Specter Appears
141. Villain Appears
142. The Story of How We All Became Heroes Flashback
143. Let You Down Appears
144. Division Appears
145. Inflation Flashback
146. Two Flashfires Flashback
147. Extras Appears
148. Wounded Hero, Burning Bright and True!! Appears
149. Light Fades To Rain Flashback

Vigilantes Chapter Appearances

Final Performance Arc
66. Graduation and Career Path Absent
67. Professional / International / Spicy Curry Absent
68. I'd Better Not Lose Absent
69. Hero on the Scene Absent
70. True Self Absent
71. Thanks for the Guidance Vision
72. Searching for You Absent
73. The Queen Descends Absent
74. After the Storm Absent
75. Letter Flashback
76. Deadly Weapon Absent
77. Strategy Absent
78. Dispatch Absent
79. Inferno Number Two Absent
80. Who's That, Now? Absent
81. Bee My Pop Absent
82. High-Speed Hero II Absent
83. Earthbound Perp Absent
84. Dreams of a Hero Absent
85. Questioning Absent
Underground Masquerade Arc
86. Underground Fighting Tournament Absent
87. Rap Rap Rap Absent
88. Hidden Face, Bare Ears Voice
89. Super-Smashing Tiger Bunny! Appears
90. Team-Up in the Underground Debut
91. Dash Ahead to Plan B Appears
92. Might Signal Appears
93. Three-Second-Back-and-Forth Appears
94. Underground Roots Flashback
94.5. Tanuma Report Absent
Naruhata Lockdown Arc
95. Moon Absent
96. Negotiations Absent
97. Pursuers Absent
98. Intentional Persuasion Technique Vision
99. Faceless Invasion Vision
100. Detonate! Vision
101. Soar into the Night Absent
102. Intruder Vision
103. Should've Aimed for the Head Vision
104. This Face Voice
105. Commence Operation Escape Vision
106. Crawler Chase Vision
107. Hundred-Hit Rush Vision
108. Things That Live in the Abyss Vision
109. Encirclement Vision
110. Careless Vision
111. Return of the Fist Flashback
112. The Ends to Miscalculation Vision
113. The Worst Villain Vision
114. Dogfight Vision
115. Conclusion to Power Vision
116. The Final Lesson Vision
117. The Absolute Worst One Absent
118. Golden Age Vision
119. That's Why I'm... Vision
120. Rootin' For Ya! Vision
121. Reinforcements Arrive Absent
122. One-Two Finish Vision
123. Bye Bye, Hero Vision
124. Forever Absent
125. Each of Our Futures Appears
126. The Skycrawler Rising Absent


  • All For One's surname contained the kanji for "death" ( shi?), "handle, grip" ( gara?), and "tree" ( ki?).
  • All For One's rankings in the Popularity Polls are as following:
    • Ranked 49th in the second Popularity Poll.
    • Ranked 69th in the fourth Popularity Poll.
    • Ranked 40th in the fifth Popularity Poll.
  • All For One's black, ornate mask and life-support system were possibly inspired by the character of Darth Vader, the iconic antagonist of the first Star Wars trilogy and recurring element of the franchise as a whole.
    • The black skull-like shape resembled that of the Batman villain Black Mask.
    • He also resembled the Superman villain Ultra-Humanite, one of the first recurring villains in comics with a genius intellect and the ability to transfer his mind into other beings, as he does when his Quirk was transferred into Tomura.
    • His status as All Might's arch nemesis, genius intellect, baldness, and wearing of a suit also made him similar to Lex Luthor, Superman's arch-enemy.
  • All For One was one of the oldest known individuals in the series, being born in the era when Quirks first manifested, though it's unclear whether or not he was older than Doctor Garaki.
  • All For One and Tomura have the most Quirks in the series, however between Tomura losing several Quirks after they were destroyed by New Order, and All For One transferring some of his to others, it's unknown who had the most.
  • All For One was a dark parallel to All Might.
    • All For One had once been Japan's worst villain, just like All Might was Japan's greatest hero. This was further emphasized by All For One bearing the epithet "Symbol of Evil", contrasting with All Might's epithet "Symbol of Peace".
    • Both also passed on their respective Quirks All For One and One For All to their successors, with the intention of them improving their usage and taking up their former titles as the "Symbol of Peace" and "Symbol of Evil", though All For One still has a copy of his Quirk.
  • All For One's relationship with Tomura was a dark mirror to All Might's relationship with Izuku. Like All Might, All For One believed that Tomura will not only become a great successor of the League of Villains, but a great villain in general. He also acknowledged Tomura's childish nature, leaving room for him to teach him how to become a villain. He also showed a caring side for him, as he assured that Tomura would always be able to learn from his failures.
    • Because of this, Tomura looked up to All For One as his ideal mentor and inspirational figure, like how Izuku looks up to All Might.
    • Despite his childlike behavior, it's implied that All For One admired Tomura's personality in an odd way, similar to All Might's own admiration of Izuku's personality. When he defeated Best Jeanist, he refused to take away his Quirk, as he believed that "it wouldn't fit Tomura's personality".
    • The biggest difference between the two is that while All Might truly wants Izuku Midoriya to be his successor, All For One had selfish reasons for grooming Tomura as his successor. Over the decades, All For One found it increasingly burdensome to store Quirks due to the Quirk Singularity and his body was extremely damaged following his first battle with All Might, and thus needed a more superior and healthy body to properly contain advanced Quirks and regain his strength. That was the reason he had Tomura undergo the body augmentation surgery and transplanted the original All For One Quirk onto him, so that he could take over the younger villain's body. The other reason was that Tomura's hatred would allow All For One to steal One For All, which would have otherwise been impossible.
    • Ironically, while Tomura grew to be the strongest villain in the world with strength exceeding even that of his master, All For One became more reckless and insecure upon using the Rewind Drug, causing his behavior to resemble Tomura's in the latter's early stages.
  • While he was imprisoned in Tartarus, his prisoner number was 1541.
  • All For One was the first known villain to name himself after his Quirk: the latters are Kai Chisaki and Hari Kurono, and the thirds are Chojuro Kon and Kiruka Hasaki.
  • All For One's background and history with Yoichi seem to have been inspired by the mythological story of the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, with the two fulfilling these respective roles as brothers and the "founders" of superhuman society, analogous with the founding of the famous city. While no wolf or shepherd came to care for the twins like in the story, All For One did suck the remaining Quirk and nutrients from his mother's fresh corpse by a river as a reference to the famous portion where the Roman twins suckled from a she-wolf after being rescued from the Tiber. Romulus eventually wound up ruling Rome as its first king after murdering Remus (in some versions of the story at least). This matches the events where All For One kills Yoichi and goes on to reign over the chaotic century of super-powered society that formed, only forced to retreat into the shadows after his first defeat at All Might's hands.
    • All For One's own short-cropped hair seems similar to the initial Roman emperor, Augustus, compared to the more stylish/shaggy hairstyles Horikoshi normally draws for his characters.
  • As of the Volume 40 cover sketch:
    • The young form depicted in the cover is between the ages of 15 and 16.
    • He grew up in the slums.
    • His eye color is white.


  • (To Yoichi) "Remember what that comic book said? "One for all" and "all for one". Words to live by. That hero had to hide his identity and battle on in solitude... while everyone paid tribute to the wicked demon lord out of fear. Just as you were inspired, I now want a world that exists for my sake and mine alone. I've found my own dream!"[14]
  • (In regards to Yoichi and One For All) "My crocodile tears served to cause confusion and dismay. All that I loathed... and everything I coveted... I had manipulated... and corrupted... to make it all my own. Yet... you never behave as I wish. I only want... to make you mine! I hunt... and pursue... yet you slip through my grasp."[47]
  • (To Nana) "Thank you truly, for this amusing farce."[59]
  • (To Doctor Ujiko, in regards to Tomura) "I know that boy will rise to the occasion. He was born twisted. So enjoy it while you can, All Might... This transient peace of yours!"[60]
  • (To Tomura about the League of Villains and Katsuki Bakugo) "You've failed again, Tomura. But you mustn't lose heart. There will be more chances to set things right. That's why I've brought along your little band. And the boy... because you determined that he is an important pawn. So go and try again. That's what I'm here to help you to do. It's... all... for you."[61]
  • (All For One to All Might, saying his slogan) "I don't think so, because I am here."[62]
  • (To Tomura) "Heart is power, and the more fiercely he embraces that source in his heart, the more my consciousness takes hold in our little symbiotic relationship. Never let that hatred die, Tomura."[38]
  • (To himself) "Why do they assume tomorrow will come for them? No, I won't grant them a moment's rest. Because it's my turn now, and my turn will never end."[63]
  • (To the prisoners of Tartarus) "If it's freedom you desire, then submit to me, my brethren. And bear witness, by my side. This impending void era will give rise to a more perfect demon lord. This will be the story of how I became the greatest demon lord of all!"[28]
  • (To Endeavor and Hawks) "My side was entirely on defense during the last great battle. In fact, I hear you and yours kept them from accomplishing much of anything. This time? Not so much. Heroes are those who defend, while Villains violate. Behold, as we plunge headlong toward our dreams!!"[64]
  • (To Katsuki Bakugo) "'I must save all my remaining strength to succeed in that transfer.' Such was my thinking, but... no, enough of this. Killing you, reaching my goal, executing the transfer... All are one and the same."[47]
  • (To himself, shortly before vanishing from existence) "The negatives in life tend to stick in one's memory for so very long. This is why I thwart the futures of others. Yoichi... I... want everyone's eyes on me... forever."[9]
  • (To Yoichi, his last words before his final defeat) "No!! I won't allow it!! I love you! I love you like no other!! I'm hopeless without you! I'm nothing!!"[65]


  1. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 59 and Episode 33.
  2. Jump GIGA Spring 2022: Hawks Villain Report
  3. My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 90.
  4. My Hero Academia Manga: Vol. 40.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 401.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 364.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 382.
  8. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 400.
  9. 9.0 9.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 410.
  10. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 257 and Episode 113.
  11. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 184 and Episode 87.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 193 and Episode 90.
  13. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 237 and Episode 112.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 407.
  15. 15.0 15.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 91 and Episode 48.
  16. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 335.
  17. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 296 and Episode 127.
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 343.
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 316.
  20. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 337.
  21. 21.0 21.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 287.
  22. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 311.
  23. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 406.
  24. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 257.
  25. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 94.
  26. 26.0 26.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 94.
  27. 27.0 27.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 270.
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 297.
  29. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 305.
  30. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 329 and Episode 139.
  31. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 297 and Episode 128.
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 356.
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 33.5 33.6 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 93 and Episode 49.
  34. 34.0 34.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 88 and Episode 47.
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 90 and Episode 48.
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 397.
  37. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 260.
  38. 38.0 38.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 295.
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 354.
  40. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 385.
  41. 41.0 41.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 383.
  42. 42.0 42.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 419.
  43. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 298 and Episode 128.
  44. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 355.
  45. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 399.
  46. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 380.
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 408.
  48. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 89.
  49. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 336.
  50. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 89.
  51. My Hero Academia Manga: Vol. 29.
  52. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 75.
  53. My Hero Academia: Two Heroes.
  54. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 312.
  55. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 353.
  56. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 371.
  57. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 92.
  58. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 347.
  59. My Hero Academia Manga: Volume Origin, All Might Rising
  60. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 59.
  61. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 89.
  62. My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 48.
  63. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 296.
  64. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 363.
  65. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 423.

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