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A Chain of Events, Across the Ages ( (つら) なる (せい) (そう) Tsuranaru Seisō?) is the three hundred and sixty-ninth chapter of Kohei Horikoshi's My Hero Academia.


All For One recalls the time, many years in the past, when he faced the Second User of One For All, choking him out, yet with tears flowing down his eyes. He remembers how his Meta Ability was only meant to work on small objects, being nothing more than a "peashooter", and how all he was meant to be was an insect in his path, who in his last moments, simply smiled in satisfaction.

Detroit Smash Quintuple

Deku hits "Tomura" with Detroit Smash: Quintuple.

In the present, "Tomura" wonders how he can see the vestiges of One For All, as he crashes back into the battlefield. Just like the other Quirks, Gearshift grew stronger alongside One For All, expanding to apply to more diverse targets and function on a cellular level. Charging back downwards, combining the stockpiled power of One For All, with Gearshift, can warp the laws governing reality, unleashing a Detroit Smash: Quintuple.

As Deku revs all over the arena, "Tomura" notes that the attack wasn't as strong, due to him not having his "built up glow", and despite being too fast to see, he figures he can predict his next attack based on the previous timing. However, he misses the swing, as Deku shifts into Low Gear at the last moment, as the Second User states that the Quirk can adjust speed while ignoring the laws of inertia.

Izuku uses the full power of One For All

Deku uses One For All's full power against "Tomura".

"Tomura" attempts to counter, but Deku uses Danger Sense to detect the threat, and immediately block his vision with Smokescreen. He then uses Float to quickly rise into the air, restraining and reeling "Tomura" up with Blackwhip, preparing to combine the power stored up thanks to the Quintuple attack with Fa Jin, executing another blast of Overdrive with Gearshift, unleashing the full might of One For All.

The Second User says that their Meta Abilities were never what All For One should've been worried about, rather he should fear the reason why someone chooses to use their gifts; true power lies in an individual's intent, which is why people call them "Quirks". Thinking about everyone that has been injured in the battle, Deku declares that he's giving it all he got, telling All For One he won't let him hurt anyone else, pounding "Tomura" with his ultimate smash, breaking many of his fingers apart.

Spinner is the villain's last hope

The villain's last hope lies in Spinner.

As "Tomura's" body falls with a gaping hole in his chest, Yoichi states how One For All and All For One have begun to resonate with each other, able to see his brother within. He continues that what Lemillion said is correct, that the course of the battle, and the events that led to this moment, has shaken the balance of their melding. The Second User tells Deku to remember what Nana said and not to take it easy yet, as he attempts to recover.

Meanwhile, "Tomura" laments over Deku not holding anything back and using all his Quirks, while he hasn't been able to use a single Quirk yet, unable to show the true power of his body all because of Eraser Head's Erasure, the U.A. Coffin, and all their underhanded tricks. Just then, Tomura screams out as nine vestiges appear, showing that he is not yet finished. All For One declares that if everything that has happened will spell out victory or defeat for all, then victory still lies within his grasp. Elsewhere, the monstrous Spinner continues to stomp his way toward Central Hospital.

Chapter Notes[]

  • It is revealed that in the past, the Second User's Gearshift Meta Ability was only powerful enough to control the trajectory of small objects.
    • We see the conclusion of his battle with All For One, where the villain is shown crying.
  • Deku utilizes the power of all the Quirks of One For All together to overwhelm "Tomura", and execute his ultimate attacks.
    • One For All and All For One begin to resonate with each other as a result of the events of the battles.
  • Tomura declares he still isn't done, as his body begins to undergo another formation, with vestige sparks starting to appear around him.
  • Spinner continues his assault on Central Hospital.

Characters In Order of Appearance[]


Appearances for Chapter 369
Ultimate Moves
Battles and Events

Author's Comment[]

It's been about ten months since I said there was only about a year to go. I'm sorry.

Kohei Horikoshi

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