My Hero Academia Wiki
My Hero Academia Wiki
You're not wrong about me... I took the long way around... and was full of doubt all the while... A half-baked dummy. That's me. Here I thought you were only focusing on dad! But no - you were nice enough to take a close look at me too. Glad to know it.
Shoto Todoroki to Dabi in "Two Flashfires"

Shoto Todoroki ( (とどろき) (しょう) () Todoroki Shōto?), also known as Shoto (ショート Shōto?), is the tritagonist of My Hero Academia.

He is a student in Class 1-A at U.A. High School, where he got in through official recommendations[3] and is training to become a Pro Hero. He is the youngest son of Endeavor, the former No. 2, and current No. 1, Pro Hero.


Shoto is a moderately tall and rather muscular young man who is well-built for his age, stemming from his intense training as a child. He has short hair that doesn't pass his neck, and wears bangs, parted twice to avoid obscuring his vision.

His hair is evenly split between white on his right side and crimson red on his left, this unusual coloring being due to his Quirk. As another result, he also possesses heterochromia iridum, which causes his left eye's iris to appear turquoise, while his right is a brownish dark gray.

His eyes, in shape, are quite thin and reserved. Additionally, he has a large burn scar on the left side of his face, which reaches from his hairline to halfway down his cheek. He usually has a serious expression. Despite this, however, several of the girls in his class have claimed that he is handsome and Mina Ashido even goes as far as to say that he's the best-looking guy in Class 1-A.[4]

He wears the regular male U.A. uniform during school hours, replacing the usual brown dress shoe with casual pale cyan and gray lace-up sneakers.

In his initial hero costume, he wears a plain off-white shirt with matching pants and boots, with two gold-colored straps going over his shoulders, which attach to a similar colored tactical vest, which function as a heater. He has what appears to be a material resembling ice covering his whole left side, even his head with the eye socket glowing red, although it is detachable, which he wears to reject the fire aspect of his Quirk.

His updated hero costume consists of a dark blue heat-resistant jacket with elbow-length sleeves, its collar high, with a cooling/heating device within it and joined in the center by a gray neckpiece. His baggy pants of the same color as his jacket, a metal-plated tactical vest which now functions as both a heater and radiator and white boots similar to his initial costume, with the soles equipped with spikes and a thin line running down the center of each of them a darker pale gray. He also sports a brown utility belt around his waist, which can hold four little metal capsules containing medical supplies hanging off the front.

Later, in the Provisional Hero License Exam Arc, his costume gains two burgundy wrist guards with metal plating, which help regulate his body temperature after his attacks, and his boots now have a set of straps.

For Mission: Humarise, Shoto and his internees at the Endeavor Agency are given special advanced stealth costumes by the World Heroes Association for their mission to Otheon. Shoto designs his stealth costume to resemble the third variant with the entire suit made of a neoprene black jacket and slim black pants with built-in knee-pads, metal plates to regulate his body temperature and longer sleeves. He also sports a black utility belt around his waist with silver ironings, as well as two silver plates on his shoulders, with the letters "WHA" on it.

Sometime during Spring Break, Shoto further upgrades his costume, which has some visual similarities to his father's second costume. His wrist guards now feature armor-like bracing and are accompanied by plating from his wrist to his knuckles, and can stores up heat and cold to help condense his power. His jacket, now a darker shade of blue and more heat resisted, features a large gray-blue T-shaped stripe going from his waist to his armpits, and his utility belt can now hold 8 capsules, with two contained in two larger canisters strapped to his sides. This costume is referred to as "Costume Gamma."



Shoto's original cold demeanor

Shoto's original coldness.

Shoto originally had a cold, aloof personality, which stemmed from his abusive upbringing and complicated family life. Focused and unemotional, Shoto preferred to keep to himself instead of hanging out with others. After the events of the U.A. Sports Festival, however, Shoto notably became more sociable and kind, even gaining a sense of humor and occasionally smiling, although still retaining some fragments of his previous distant attitude. After the Provisional Hero License Course, he began opening up more to his classmates and has lightened up from his usually serious demeanor. Nonetheless, Shoto is not quite used to socializing yet, coming off as a bit dense when understanding certain phrases and figures of speech.

While usually quiet and reserved, Shoto initially possessed a moderate level of arrogance, which, combined with his solitary tendencies, sometimes made him take the initiative without considering the opinions of others, displaying confidence that he could take on any obstacles with his own strength. He used to be much more unfriendly as well, evidenced by when his cold attitude caused Inasa Yoarashi to resent him while he was none the wiser. Even in the present, Shoto seems to prefer acting alone, although only for practical purposes since doing so allows him to unleash his full power without worrying about friendly fire. Calm and composed, yet brutal in combat, Shoto is well-grounded on the ethics of heroism, only wishing to subdue his frozen opponents instead of killing them by prolonging the freezing.

Shoto angry

Shoto infuriated with Endeavor.

Shoto had a deep loathing for his fire abilities, which he inherited from Endeavor, as it symbolized his father's wickedness towards him and his mother as well as what he was born to be: a tool to surpass All Might, a fate that he detested. As such, Shoto decided to rely solely on his freezing power and never use the other half of his Quirk in battles (save only for melting his ice), going so far as to cover his left torso and arm with ice in his first Hero Costume to symbolize his rebellion against his father. Shoto often felt bothered by Endeavor's mere presence, and could barely contain his anger while talking to him, especially whenever the Pro Hero brought up the purpose he had intended for his son since before birth. Ironically though, Shoto's animosity towards his father made him more like how Endeavor was, being apathetic and indifferent towards others while obsessively focusing on his own goal of rejecting his father. Upon first meeting him, Inasa noticed that Shoto had the same hate-filled glare that Endeavor had due to his hatred driving him while simultaneously holding him back from his full potential.

Episode 23

Shoto forgets his resentment after listening to Izuku's words.

During his match with Izuku Midoriya in the U.A. Sports Festival, Izuku's speech made the memory of his mother's supportive words resurface, and for the first time since his childhood, Shoto used his firepower in combat. After the battle, Shoto had mixed feelings about using his left side, but after reconciling with his mother, Shoto eventually came to terms with the half he once hated and became willing to train it further, now realizing that it is his Quirk and not his father's. Despite being scarred by her as a young child, Shoto shows no hate or disliking towards his mother, visiting her often ever since the end of the Sports Festival. Shoto draws his heroic values from All Might, a trait he shares with Izuku and Katsuki Bakugo, having fond memories of watching the Symbol of Peace on television with Rei.

Despite his difficult past, Shoto doesn't allow his hatred of Endeavor to completely cloud his judgement and still acknowledges him for his skills and capabilities as one of Japan's top Heroes. He chose to intern at his father's agency during the Hero Agency Internships and later the Hero Work-Studies program, although he made it clear that this was purely for his own benefit and learning experience rather than any desire to spend time with him. Shoto is quite reflective of his own growth, realizing how much Izuku's words had changed his perspective and how better he became. Due to this, Shoto was not against his father deciding that he would try and make amends with his family and become a better person, knowing from experience that a single thing can change a person if they allow it to.

However, Shoto's grudge towards Endeavor has not yet disappeared, even if he respects his father's ability as a Hero, self-admitting that such resentment can't vanish so easily and that he was wrong in trying to bury it. Having been denied a normal childhood so that his father could train him to realize his own selfish ambitions, Shoto still holds various psychological scars, which tend to reemerge when others compare him to Endeavor. Because of this and Izuku's influence, Shoto now strives to become a Hero, but without walking the same path his father did.

Shoto remains relatively cold towards Endeavor and has made it clear that forgiveness for his past treatment of him and his mother is difficult, but has also demonstrated worry about his father's safety. Ever since Endeavor tried to repair his relationship with his family, Shoto has taken a cautious, yet hopeful approach to this development.[5] Unlike his brother Natsuo, Shoto does not seem against the possibility of forgiving his father; however, he has made it clear to Endeavor that he must earn it. While ruminating over the matter, Izuku believes that Shoto is preparing to forgive his father and is waiting for the right time to do so.[6]


Shoto freezes villains

Shoto effortlessly defeating villains at the U.S.J..

Overall Abilities: Having been trained by his father, Endeavor, at a young age, Shoto entered U.A. High School through recommendations and has been established as one of the most powerful students in Class 1-A. He earned 2nd place in both the Quirk Apprehension Test and U.A. Sports Festival. Shoto also has a great handle over his versatile and powerful Quirk, Half-Cold Half-Hot, which grants him incredible dual-element capabilities. Using the right side of his body, Shoto can drastically lower temperatures and freeze anything he touches, and generate ice that he can freely mold into numerous constructs that include ice waves to cover large areas and ice barriers for defense.[3][7][8][9] Shoto also employs his cryokinetic abilities for mobility purposes, such as stacking ice shards behind his back to propel himself forward, glaciating the ground to skate on it, or his signature move, creating trails of ice on which he can surf.[10][11][12] From the left side of his body, Shoto can eloquently increase thermokinetics and release scorching hot flames in the form of consuming streams or protective waves.[13] Overall, Shoto has tremendous power, but because of past decisions and circumstances, such as his intentional neglect of one half of his Quirk, he has yet to reach his full potential.

Shoto freezes Chimera

With help from his friends, Shoto defeats the fully powered Chimera.

At the U.S.J., Shoto could overpower small-time villains at the Landslide Zone by himself and later showcased elite judgment, combat awareness, and athletic ability during the U.A. Sports Festival.[14] At the festival, Shoto was able to neutralize a Villain Bot-Executor, defeat his swift classmates, Hanta Sero and Tenya Ida, as well as fight on par with Izuku Midoriya for a prolonged period to a nigh-draw. In his battle against Izuku, a fan claimed that Shoto was already stronger than the average Pro Hero. When he was pitted against Katsuki Bakugo in the final round of the Sports Festival, there was a chance Shoto could've won the match using his fire powers. Still, due to inner turmoil, he extinguished his inferno, leaving him open to Katsuki's "Howitzer Impact" and losing the match. Starting with the Hosu Incident, Shoto began the full embracement of his left side, as well as his pyro-cryogenic interchangeability, particularly when he, Izuku, and Tenya faced off against the Hero Killer: Stain. Following his run-in with the Hero Killer, Shoto is recognized as one of strongest students of Class 1-A, as noted by Pixie-Bob.[15]

While Shoto may possess full supremacy over his cryokinesis, the control over his pyrokinesis could have been more effective, especially in comparison to that of Endeavor. However, after the third match of the Joint Training Battle, Shoto realized that he had disregarded his left side for too long, which had put him and his team in a disadvantage and resolved to achieve greater mastery over his pyrokinetic abilities by learning the fundamentals of "Flashfire Fist", Endeavor's signature technique. Thanks to his second internship, Shoto's handling over his left side has improved significantly, as he can now use his pyrokinesis in a new variety of ways, such as boosting his movement speed, launching himself through the air, and attacking with blaze-powered punches. And though Shoto is powerful, contending with individuals such as Stain, Eraser Head, Wolfram, Moonfish, Mr. Compress, Gang Orca, Chimera, Ending, and Tomura Shigaraki require Shoto's effective camaraderie with multiple people to prevail against such formidable opponents, excluding Leviathan. That was hardly the case during the climax of the Paranormal Liberation War, wherein he faced his brother Dabi in a battle of flames that nearly resulted in Shoto being burned alive, had it not been for Izuku's brief intervention. As the body-charring Todoroki brothers resumed their full-power pyrokinetic clash, Shoto lost, but Dabi chose to spare his brother, as killing him without Endeavor watching would be pointless.

Shoto defeats Dabi

Shoto overpowers and defeats Dabi, his seemingly stronger brother.

During Class A's mission to bring Izuku back to U.A., after he left following the war events, Shoto displayed an even greater mastery over his cryokinetic abilities. In particular, his control over the shape of his ice has become much more refined, forming a massive vertical pillar of ice with Heaven-Piercing Ice Wall, and even creating a smooth curved ramp without the need for a solid framework. Furthermore, he's shown the ability to use his signature move, "Flashfreeze Heatwave", without needing to cool the air down first; now he can put his hands together and unleash the power of both sides at once to create the same effect.

Due to his training with the Pussycats, Shoto has gained increased efficiency over his Half-Cold Half-Hot Quirk, allowing him to fight on equal terms with Dabi come the Final War. Despite Dabi's Blueflame Quirk being thermally superior (burning at temperatures exceeding 3000°F), Shoto's newly acquired cold flames can compensate for his brother's flames, giving him two Quirks worth of power strong enough to freeze Kamino and overpower Dabi, besting his older brother (albeit with assistance from the flaming sidekickers), with minimal injuries. However, Shoto was caught off-guard by Dabi's Awakening-like power enhancement, which allowed him to copy Shoto's Phosphor technique before getting warped away to face Endeavor. Later on, with the aid of Tenya, Shoto was able to arrive at Gunga Mountain Villa and assist his family in routing Dabi's pending self-destruction by unleashing a stronger version of "Great Glacial Aegir" to defeat his eldest brother once and for all.

  • Enhanced Durability: Shoto has proven himself to be quite resilient, being able to withstand multiple attacks from Izuku, including a direct, One For All-enhanced punch at 5% strength to the stomach, without sustaining major injuries.[16] During his fight with Leviathan, Shoto was able to withstand his punch, which was strong enough to destroy the floor of the Humarise headquarters. One of the most impressive examples of Shoto's resilience, was when he endured the superior pyrokinesis of Dabi. However, Shoto was shielded by his own pyrokinesis, and Dabi intentionally held back in his final attack that left Shoto alive.
  • Enhanced Stamina: Shoto has shown to endure combat even while injured. For example, in his battle with Stain, he was able to continue fighting and supporting his allies despite suffering from multiple bleeding injuries on his arm and face,[13] and was still able to drag the villain's unconscious body once the battle is over.[17] When he engaged Dabi in a pyrokinetic brawl, Shoto continued to fight on despite his body becoming charred.
  • Enhanced Agility: Shoto is fast, agile, and has quick reflexes. He was able to keep first place during most of the Obstacle Race during the Sports Festival thanks to his athletic ability. He repeatedly created ice walls within a split second to prevent himself from getting thrown out of the ring through his matchups with Izuku and Katsuki.[18] He was the only one in Class 1-A capable of at least partly reacting to and dodging Tenya's Recipro Burst. He could also partially dodge a knife thrown at his face and several other attacks by Stain, a notably swift opponent.[13]

Keen Intellect: Shoto has proven to be a very intelligent person. And despite his training, Shoto is also very skilled in academics, having scored 5th place in the midterms.[19] During the U.S.J. Incident, Shoto accurately extrapolated that the invading villains had a Quirk user amongst their ranks that could jam communications. At the same time, he realized the attacking villains had an agenda and interrogated some of them to get answers.[20] Shoto's theory was proven correct, as the villain's goal was to kill All Might. Shoto also deduced Izuku had a connection to All Might after observing Izuku's power and matching it to that of All Might when the latter was fighting Nomu. Though on point about Izuku's link to the Symbol of Peace, Shoto incorrectly believed Izuku might be All Might's secret love child.[21] Shortly before the Hosu Incident, Shoto noticed the look of anger in Tenya's eyes and easily surmised that he was only taking up an internship in Hosu City to seek vengeance on the Hero Killer: Stain. While on patrol in Hosu, Shoto was able to work out the location of Izuku, Tenya, and Stain from an emergency call and arrive in time; however, he did complain it took a while, as Izuku didn't relay more than the exact location.[22]

When he and Momo Yaoyorozu were paired together to face Eraser Head for their First Term Final Exam, Shoto suggested that Momo continuously creates random objects until she was unable to do so, which would signify that the Eraser Hero is nearby, all in attempt to lure him out and act as a diversion so Momo can make her way to the escape gate. Shoto's strategy worked, but as explained by Eraser Head, it was too offensive-oriented, as Shoto had placed the burden on himself and needed to trust Momo more. After being scolded by his teacher and approached by his returning classmate, Shoto admitted to being aware of Momo having a plan from the start of their matchup and not inquiring about it before properly cooperating with her. Observing the second match of the Joint Training Battle involving the teams of Momo and Itsuka Kendo, Shoto noticed a flaw in Itsuka's precautionary modus operandi in separating Momo from her Class 1-A teammates. He elucidated that if she wanted to be cautious of Momo, then Itsuka would've had her entire team overwhelm the Everything Hero at the beginning of the match.[23] After witnessing Izuku's awakening of a second Quirk, Shoto speculated that the One For All inheritor may be like him, having multiple powers in one singular ability, but Shoto didn't yet recognize the true depth of Izuku's new power.[24]

Shoto releases his fire

Having regained his lost conviction, Shoto finally uses his flames.

Indomitable Will: Shoto has a highly undaunted spirit, not easily giving in to intimidation that would disrupt his focus, maintaining a cool head, and pushing through adversity. Initially, Shoto was jaded and aloof due to the abuse he and his family received from Endeavor's previous callousness, resulting in Shoto refusing to use his left side in battles as a sign of rejecting his father. Once the U.A. Sports Festival was underway, Shoto was considerably hellbent on not using his fire powers. Still, this misguided determination was corrected when he faced Izuku, who vehemently expressed that those powers belong to Shoto, nobody else. This encouragement triggered a latent memory within Shoto's psyche, as he recalled how his mother, Rei Todoroki, and All Might said those exact words that inspired Shoto to be a hero who can put people at ease with a smile, just like All Might himself. Remembering both these passionate words and his resolve, Shoto was free from the turmoil that stirred inside of him, finally used the power housed within his left side, and expressed how he, like Izuku, will be a hero and was grateful to Izuku for saving him from the emotional shackles that were weighing him down.

Shoto Todoroki unleashes the full power of his flames

Recalling Izuku’s words of encouragement and Endeavor's advice, Shoto pushes past his limits and unleashes the full might of his flames.

Unfortunately, despite willingly using the power of his left side, Shoto still had some level of uncertainty afterward. While battling Katsuki, as Eraser Head explained, Shoto lost his spark following his previous match with Izuku, causing him not to give 100% of his strength. As Shoto became paralyzed with doubt, Izuku cheered him on, encouraging him to do his best, once again reigniting Shoto's will to fight and use his ignikinesis. Yet at the last second, before clashing with Katsuki, Shoto's inner turmoil was too prevalent, causing him to extinguish his conflagration and, in turn, lose the battle against Katsuki. Following the Sports Festival, Shoto has fortified his drive, becoming more than willing to use his pyrokinetic abilities in battle and even having the courage to finally face his mother, Rei, who previously, albeit in a mentally unstable state, gave Shoto the scar over his left eye.

When the Provisional License Exam occurred, Shoto's will was tested again when he had a major altercation with Inasa Yoarashi, having coldly rebuffing the aerokinetic warm personality when the two met at the U.A. Recommendation Entrance Exam for recommended students. Shoto realized that he still hadn't moved past Endeavor's maltreatment, and his horrid attitude led to Inasa developing his hateful disposition towards Shoto himself. The infighting between the two elemental users resulted in them being repeatedly unable to land an attack on Gang Orca and were left at the mercy of him and his sidekicks. Soon after, however, Izuku arrived on the scene and scolded Shoto and Inasa for their actions, making the weakened students realize their mistake of being uncooperative with one another. The pair reaffirmed their convictions, put their differences aside, and finally worked together despite being incapacitated. Unfortunately, their conflict cost them the licensing exam, and they had to take remedial courses to make up for their imprudence and failure. Having undergone self-reflection, Shoto and Inasa displayed fully mutual congeniality towards each other when they crossed paths again at the Remedial Exam.

During the third match of the Joint Training Battle, Shoto was pressured by Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu but could recall Endeavor's counsel on bringing his inferno to the limit and then surpassing that very apex. This advice proved pivotal, as Shoto, also recollecting Izuku's words of encouragement, understood that if he wants to become the hero he desires to be, he has to go beyond what his body and Quirk can do. His will sparked again; Shoto brought his pyrokinesis to the limit, equaling the potency of Endeavor's own flames, and was able to hold his own against Tetsutetsu better and put the latter's metal skin at risk of melting. In the climax of the Paranormal Liberation War, Shoto's spirit took a significant blow when Dabi revealed his true identity as Toya Todoroki, Shoto's eldest sibling who was thought to have been deceased. Discovering that Toya was alive for years, became a villain, and orchestrated the recent encounters with Hood, Starservant, and Ending, Shoto was sent into a tearful rage. Despite these revelations, Shoto remained steadfast and was more than willing to engage his corrupted brother, not wavering when the Todoroki brothers clashed despite Toya's superior abilities.


Half-Cold Half-Hot

Half-Cold Half-Hot.

Half-Cold Half-Hot ( (はん) (れい) (はん) (ねん) Hanrei Han'nen?): Shoto's Quirk gives him the ability to generate ice from the right side of his body, and flames from his left side.

Due to years of rejecting his father, Shoto has developed a habit of favoring ice, even when fire would be a better option. This grudge also caused him to have difficulty controlling his flames. While he is capable of using both elements simultaneously, he isn't used to doing this and still needs to practice dual wielding. While training for his ultimate move, he claimed that using both abilities at the same time slows him down.

If he overuses one element without utilizing the other, then his own body temperature will suffer; the ice half will cause frostbite and the fire half will cause heatstroke. Until his bodily limit is reached, however, neither has any visible effect on his body. Shoto can easily negate this weakness by alternating between ice and fire.

As part of his training, Shoto sat in a barrel of water and alternated between using ice and fire to regulate the temperature of the water. It helped his body become accustomed to the cold, and he learned better control over his flames.

Further development of the Quirk and mastery over his left side has allowed Shoto to combine his fire and ice into a "cold fire," making use of his circulatory system to move the hot and cold blood around his body. This gives Shoto immunity to damage from heat-based Quirks, as well as improved offensive capabilities, especially against those with such Quirks. However, this way of using his Quirk requires a certain level of concentration in order to maintain it; otherwise, it will falter and dissipate.[25]

Ultimate Moves[]

Heaven-Piercing Ice Wall

Heaven-Piercing Ice Wall.

  • Heaven-Piercing Ice Wall (穿 () (てん) (ひょう) (へき) Gaten Hyōheki?): Shoto creates an enormous ice glacier, that can either encapsulate his opponent or block the immediate field of battle in ice. This move is first used in his battle against Hanta Sero in the Sports Festival but is unnamed until the Final Exams[26]. He noted to Hanta that it was more powerful than necessary, but he was irritated (from talking with Endeavor) and overdid it. A variation of this move, slightly smaller in size, but more controllable, is shown in his battle against Katsuki.[27] He also used this attack repeatedly on a massive scale while attacking Mr. Compress.
  • Wall of Flames ( (ほのお) (かべ) Honō no Kabe?): Shoto uses his left side to generate a burst of flames that covers a large area. This is both a defensive and offensive attack like his Giant Ice Wall technique. It can be used to attack multiple opponents and create space between Shoto and his target. Shoto first used this attack against Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu during the Joint Training Battle with Class 1-B.[28]
  • Flashfreeze Heatwave ( (ぼう) (れい) (ねっ) () Bōrei Neppa?): To use this technique, Shoto first cools the air around him with his ice powers. Shoto then switches to his fire, rapidly heating and expanding the air around him. This allows him to release a superheated blast. He first uses this attack against Izuku at the climax of their match in the Sports Festival.
  • Shoto charging up Flashfire Fist

    Shoto's Flashfire Fist.

    Flashfire Fist ( (かく) (しゃく) (ねっ) (けん) Kaku Shakunekken?): Endeavor's signature technique, later passed down to Shoto himself. The user increases the temperature of their flames to their maximum and compresses them to a white-hot point, maximizing their power.
    • Hell Spider (ヘルスパイダー Heru Supaidā?): Shoto concentrates his fire and emits it out of his fingertips, allowing him to cut through objects. He first uses this attack to destroy the lasers at a Humarise base.[29]
    • Jet Kindling ( (ふん) (りゅう) () (えん) Funryūshien?): Shoto concentrates his flames into a white-hot point on his fist and punches his opponent. On contact, a violent explosion of flames burst out of Shoto's arm, severely burning his target.[30] Shoto first uses this attack against Leviathan in the final battle against Humarise.[29]
    • Phosphor ( (りん) Rin?): Shoto circulates both halves of his Quirk throughout his body, merging the fire and ice into one ability. This Ultimate Move also serves as a basis for other moves Shoto uses.[31]
      • Coldflame's Pale Blade ( (れい) (えん) (はく) (じん) Reien Hakujin?): Using the combination powers of Phosphor, Shoto throws a piece of the conjoined fire and ice at his opponent, launching them a great distance backward.[25]
      • Great Glacial Aegir ( (だい) (ひょう) (かい) (しょう) Daihyō Kaishō?): Shoto builds up his fire and ice, rushes toward his opponent, hits them with his fist and unleashes a massive wave of cold fire, able to extinguish the hottest of flames, as well as cover a massive section of terrain completely in ice.[25]


5/5 A
4/5 B
5/5 A
4/5 B
3/5 C
Shoto's stats, according to the Ultra Archive Book

6/6 S
5/6 A
4/6 B-
4/6 B
Soba Love
5/6 A
Shoto's stats, according to the Ultra Analysis Book


Hero Costume: Following his winter internship with Endeavor, Shoto has upgraded his second hero costume. Like before, his third costume is designed to optimize the use of both his fire and ice sides in combat, and diminish the drawbacks of Shoto's Quirk as much as possible by regulating his body temperature.[32] But it has been further enhanced to accommodate his increased firepower and new abilities, and includes additional first aid equipment for emergencies.

  • Temperature Resistant Jacket: Shoto's blue jacket is made from a special fire-resistant fiber. There is a special device near the neck that senses Shoto's body temperature and supports the vest to help regulate it. His third costume's jacket is made of a more heat-resistant material and is stiffer than before.
  • Combat Vest: The device on Shoto's back is capable of sensing Shoto's body temperature and automatically heats up or cools down accordingly. Shoto requested his original costume had a device that heated up.
  • Utility Belt: There are metal capsules on Shoto's belt that contain water, pain medication, and disinfectants, making up a first aid kit. His third costume adds an additional four first aid capsules which brings the total to nine; these are held in packs at both his sides.
  • Snow Boots: Shoto is outfitted with a pair of white snow boots with spikes under the soles that prevent Shoto from slipping on his own ice. They are later upgraded with straps going across the front of the boots.
  • "Surge Arm" Gauntlets: Further upgrading from his second costume, Shoto has replaced his wrist guards with gauntlets similar to those used by his father Endeavor. While his previous costume's wrist guards were made from the same material as his vest, these gauntlets are metal and are designed to hold hot and cold air within them in order to help Shoto compress his ice and fire powers better.

Battles & Events[]

Battles & Events


Quirk Apprehension Test Arc

Battle Trial Arc

U.S.J. Arc

U.A. Sports Festival Arc

Vs. Hero Killer Arc

Final Exams Arc

My Hero Academia: Two Heroes

Forest Training Camp Arc

Hideout Raid Arc

Provisional Hero License Exam Arc

Remedial Course Arc

U.A. School Festival Arc

Pro Hero Arc

Joint Training Arc

Meta Liberation Army Arc

My Hero Academia: Heroes: Rising

Endeavor Agency Arc

My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission

Paranormal Liberation War Arc

Dark Hero Arc

Final War Arc



Chapter Appearances[]

Quirk Apprehension Test Arc
5. Smashing into Academia Absent
6. What I Can Do for Now Debut
7. Costume Change? Appears
Battle Trial Arc
8. Rage, You Damned Nerd Appears
9. Deku vs. Kacchan Appears
10. Breaking Bakugo Appears
11. Bakugo's Starting Line Appears
U.S.J. Arc
12. Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Ida! Appears
13. Rescue Training Appears
14. Encounter with the Unknown Appears
15. Vs. Absent
16. Know Your Enemies Appears
17. Game Over Absent
18. Heroes' Counterattack Appears
19. All Might Appears
20. The World of Pros Appears
21. In Each of Our Hearts Appears
U.A. Sports Festival Arc
22. That's the Idea, Ochaco Appears
23. Roaring Sports Festival Appears
24. Mad Dash and Knockdown Appears
25. In Their Own Quirky Ways Appears
26. Chase Down the Leader Appears
27. Earth-Shatteringly Fateful Negotiations Appears
28. Strats, Strats, Strats Appears
29. Unaware Appears
30. Cavalry-Match Finale Appears
31. The Boy Born with Everything Appears
32. Smile, Prince of Nonsense Land! Appears
33. Shinso's Situation Absent
34. Victory or Defeat Appears
35. Battle On, Challengers! Appears
36. Bakugo vs. Uraraka Appears
37. Midoriya and Endeavor Appears
38. Todoroki vs. Midoriya Appears
39. Shoto Todoroki: Origin Appears
40. Emancipation Appears
41. Fight On, Ida Appears
42. Final-Match Time Appears
43. Todoroki vs. Bakugo Appears
44. Relaxing Day Off Appears
Vs. Hero Killer Arc
45. Time to Pick Some Names Appears
46. Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears Appears
47. Struggling Flashback
48. Getting the Knack Flashback
49. Midoriya and Shigaraki Absent
50. Kill 'Em Dead Absent
51. No, Knock It Off, Ida Absent
52. Hero Killer Stain vs. U.A. Students Appears
53. From Todoroki to Ida Appears
54. Re: Ingenium Appears
55. Conclusion?! Appears
56. Conclusion Appears
57. The Aftermath of Hero Killer Stain Appears
58. Internship's End Appears
59. Listen Up!! A Tale from the Past Appears
Final Exams Arc
60. Gear Up for Final Exams Appears
61. The Worst Combo Appears
62. Katsuki Bakugo: Origin Absent
63. Yaoyorozu Rising Appears
64. The Task at Hand Appears
65. Wall Mentioned
66. Midoriya's Observations Mentioned
67. Stripping the Varnish Absent
68. Encounter Appears
69. Interview with Midoriya Absent
Forest Training Camp Arc
70. Wild, Wild, Pussycats Appears
71. Kota Appears
72. Day Two Appears
73. Good Evening Appears
74. Smoke Signal Absent
75. Stake Your Life, Hero! Appears
76. My Hero Absent
77. It's Okay Appears
78. Whirling Chaos Appears
79. Drive It Home, Iron Fist!!! Appears
80. Establishing the Bakugo Bodyguard Brigade Appears
81. Roaring Upheaval Appears
82. What a Twist! Appears
83. Loss Appears
Hideout Raid Arc
84. From Ida to Midoriya Appears
85. Nothing but Fools Appears
86. Before the Storm Appears
87. Clash Appears
88. All For One Appears
89. All for a Certain One Appears
90. Reach Out Appears
91. Symbol of Peace Appears
92. One For All Appears
93. One For All's Ember Appears
94. From Teacher to Disciple Mentioned
95. End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End Appears
96. Home Visits Absent
97. Tell It Like It Is, Mom Appears
Provisional Hero License Exam Arc
98. Moving into Dorms Appears
99. Goodbye Two-Digit Chapters, Hello Three Digits Appears
100. Creating Ultimate Moves Appears
101. The Girl Called Mei Hatsume Appears
102. On Cloud Nine Appears
103. The Test Appears
104. White-Hot Battle! To Each Their Own Strengths! Absent
105. Shiketsu High Lurking Absent
106. Class 1-A Appears
107. Denki Kaminari's Thoughts Appears
108. RUSH! Appears
109. Rescue Exercise Appears
110. Rescue Exercise Continued Appears
111. Smoldering Start Appears
112. What's the Big Idea? Appears
113. Test's Aftermath Appears
114. Results' Aftermath Appears
115. Unleashed Absent
116. Meeting in Tartarus Absent
117. A Talk About Your Quirk Appears
118. Meaningless Battle Absent
119. Deku vs. Kacchan, Part 2 Absent
120. The Three Absent
121. Second Semester Opening Ceremony Appears
Shie Hassaikai Arc
122. A Season for Encounters Appears
123. Unrivaled Appears
124. Trouble Ahead!! Episode: Work Studies Appears
125. Overhaul Absent
126. Open Up, World Appears
127. Sir Nighteye and Izuku Midoriya and Mirio Togata and All Might Absent
128. Boy Meets... Absent
129. Eri Absent
130. Listen to the Truth Appears
131. Fighting Fate Absent
132. The Plan Absent
133. Catch Up, Kirishima Absent
134. Let's Go, Gutsy Red Riot Absent
135. An Unpleasant Talk Absent
136. Close at Hand!! Absent
137. Restraint!! Appears
138. Go!! Absent
139. Shudder! The Underground Labyrinth Absent
140. Suneater of the Big Three Absent
141. Hassaikai: Behind the Scenes Absent
142. Shield and Shield, Spear and Shield Absent
143. Let’s Rumble, Rappa!! Absent
144. Red Riot, Part 1 Absent
145. Red Riot, Part 2 Absent
146. Temp Squad Absent
147. Twoga!! Absent
148. The Anguish of Young Twoga Absent
149. Don't Get Mad, Irinaka Absent
150. Mirio Togata Absent
151. Mirio Togata!! Absent
152. Lemillion Absent
153. Transform! Absent
154. Unforeseen Hope Absent
155. Saviors, the Saved and a Hero's Place Absent
156. The Power of Those Saved Absent
157. Infinite 100 Percent Absent
158. Chisaki's Warped Compassion Absent
159. It's Over!! Absent
160. Expressway Absent
161. Bright Future Absent
162. Suitable One Appears
Remedial Course Arc
163. Smoldering Flames Appears
164. Masegaki Appears
165. Win Those Kids' Hearts Appears
166. Be Proud, License Trainees Appears
167. Number One Hero's Starting Line Appears
168. The Strange Tale of Aoyama Appears
U.A. School Festival Arc
169. School Festival Appears
170. With Eri Absent
171. Gentle and La Brava Appears
172. Prepping for the School Festival Is the Funnest Part (Part 1) Appears
173. Prepping for the School Festival Is the Funnest Part (Part 2) Appears
174. Golden Tips Imperial Flashback
175. Morning, the Day Of Appears
176. Deku vs. Gentle Criminal Absent
177. At the Construction Site Appears
178. The Woman Called La Brava Absent
179. School Festival Start!! Absent
180. Unbeknownst Absent
181. For Someone Else Appears
182. Let It Flow! School Festival! Appears
183. Festival All Day Long!! Appears
Pro Hero Arc
184. Japanese Hero Billboard Chart Appears
185. Wing Hero: Hawks Absent
186. Endeavor and Hawks Mentioned
187. Flaming Roar! vs. Nomu: High-End Flashback
188. Your Father, the Number One Hero Appears
189. Why He Gets Back Up Appears
190. His Start Appears
191. Dabi, Hawks, Endeavor Appears
192. The Todoroki Family Appears
193. Vestiges Absent
Joint Training Arc
194. Cold Skies over U.A. High! Appears
195. Clash! Class A vs. Class B! Appears
196. Make It Happen, Shinso!! Absent
197. Quaotic Quirkstravaganza Absent
198. Know Where You Stand when It Counts!! Appears
199. Operation New Improv Moves! Appears
200. Clever Commander! Appears
201. Foresight Appears
202. Match 3 Appears
203. Flexible! Juzo Honenuki! Appears
204. Tuning Up Appears
205. Detour Appears
206. Match 3 Conclusion Appears
207. Early Bird! Absent
208. Match 4 Conclusion Absent
209. Match 5 Start Appears
210. The One For All Dream Appears
211. That Which Is Inherited Absent
212. That Which Is Inherited, Part 2 Absent
213. Realm of Souls Absent
214. Our Brawl Absent
215. Final Face-Off! Midoriya vs. Shinso! Absent
216. Class A vs. Class B: Conclusion! Appears
217. The New Power and All For One Appears
Meta Liberation Army Arc
218. The Meta Liberation Army Appears
219. Go, Slidin' Go! Appears
220. My Villain Academia Absent
221. Memento from All For One Absent
222. Tomura Shigaraki: Distortion Absent
223. Cockroaches Absent
224. Revival Party Absent
225. Interview with a Vampire Absent
226. Bloody Love Absent
227. Sleepy Absent
228. Wounded Soul Absent
229. All It Takes Is One Bad Day Absent
230. Sad Man's Parade Absent
231. Path Absent
232. Meta Abilities and Quirks Absent
233. Bright Future Absent
234. Destruction Sense Absent
235. Tenko Shimura: Origin Absent
236. Tenko Shimura: Origin, Part 2 Absent
237. Tomura Shigaraki: Origin Absent
238. Liberation Absent
239. Successor Absent
240. Power Absent
Endeavor Agency Arc
241. Do That Interview! Appears
242. Have a Merry Christmas! Appears
243. Off to Endeavor's Agency! Appears
244. Recommended Reading Appears
245. Rise to Action Appears
246. Message Appears
247. Status Report! Appears
248. One Thing at a Time Appears
249. The Hellish Todoroki Family Appears
250. Ending Appears
251. Just One Week Appears
252. The Unforgiven Appears
Paranormal Liberation War Arc
253. Shirakumo Appears
254. More of a Hero than Anyone Absent
255. Hero Hopeful Absent
256. The High, Deep Blue Sky Appears
257. Pass It Forward, to Whomever Appears
258. Friends Appears
259. A Quiet Beginning Appears
260. Life's Work Absent
261. High-Ends Absent
262. Mirko, the No. 5 Hero Absent
263. I Wanna Be with You Guys!! Absent
264. One's Justice Absent
265. Villains and Heroes Absent
266. Happy Life Absent
267. Flames Absent
268. Scramble! Absent
269. The Three of Us Absent
270. Inheritance Appears
271. Dark Cloud Absent
272. Good Morning! Appears
273. The Thrill of Destruction Appears
274. Search Appears
275. Encounter, Part 2 Absent
276. You Cheated...! Pictured
277. Who...? Mentioned
278. Disaster Walker Absent
279. League of Villains vs. U.A. Students Absent
280. Red Riot, Part 3 Absent
281. Plus Ultra Absent
282. Footfall of Destruction Appears
283. 75 Appears
284. Deep Blue Battle Appears
285. Katsuki Bakugo Rising Appears
286. The Ones Within Us Appears
287. Mistake Absent
288. Save Takeo!! Absent
289. Miss Candid and Miss Shut-Away Appears
290. Dabi's Dance Appears
291. Thanks For Going Strong Appears
292. Threads of Hope Appears
293. Hero-Saturated Society Appears
294. Final Performance Appears
295. Tenacious Appears
296. Hellish Hell Mentioned
297. Tartarus Absent
298. Sounds of Collapse Appears
299. Like Those Tragic Tales Flashback
300. The Hellish Todoroki Family, Part 2 Appears
301. The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 1 Flashback
302. The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire, Part 2 Appears
303. Top Three Appears
304. Izuku Midoriya and Toshinori Yagi Mentioned
305. Izuku Midoriya and Tomura Shigaraki Flashback
306. The Final Act Begins Absent
Dark Hero Arc
307. Been a While!! Absent
308. Full Power!! Absent
309. Can't Be a Child Anymore Flashback
310. Masters and Pupil Absent
311. Here We Go!! Absent
312. Hired Gun Absent
313. High-Speed Long-Range Mobile Cannon Absent
314. The Lovely Lady Nagant Absent
315. Platitudes Absent
316. Your Turn Absent
317. Scars, Blood, Filth Flashback
318. Reckless Fantasy
319. Friend Appears
320. Deku vs. Class A Appears
321. From Class A to One For All Appears
322. Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight Appears
323. That Single Step Appears
324. A Young Woman's Declaration Appears
325. The Bonds of One For All Appears
326. Who Are You Really? Pictured
327. Rest!! Appears
328. No Man Is an Island Absent
Star and Stripe Arc
329. In the Nick of Time, a Big-Time Maverick from the West! Absent
330. Me and Myself Absent
331. United States of America Absent
332. State-of-the-Art Hypersonic Intercontinental Cruise... Absent
333. Specter Absent
334. Parting Gift Appears
U.A. Traitor Arc
335. Zygotes Appears
336. Villain Appears
337. A Disposable Life Appears
338. The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part 1 Appears
339. The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part 2 Appears
340. The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part 3 Flashback
341. The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part -1 Absent
342. The Extreme Quiet Before the Storm Appears
Final War Arc
343. Let You Down Absent
344. Stars Appears
345. Division Appears
346. Super Hyper Unfair Broken Stage Absent
347. Inflation Absent
348. Unrequited Absent
349. Battle Flame Appears
350. Bound to a Fiery Fate Appears
351. Two Flashfires Appears
352. Ultimate Moves Appears
353. Endeavor Appears
354. Oopsie Daisy!! Mentioned
355. Extras Flashback
356. Regarding the Enemy Flashback
357. Wounded Hero, Burning Bright and True!! Flashback
358. The Guy Who's Made Some Progress Absent
359. Place of Learning Absent
360. Despite It All... Absent
361. Abnormal Happenings Absent
362. Light Fades to Rain Absent
363. Those Who Defend, Those Who Violate Appears
364. Why We Wield Power Absent
365. No. 4 and No. 5 Absent
366. Full Moon Absent
367. Deku vs. All For One Absent
368. Rev Up, One For All Absent
369. A Chain of Events, Across the Ages Absent
370. HIStory Absent
371. Together with Shoji Absent
372. Naked Absent
373. Friends Absent
374. Butterfly Effect Appears
375. Chaotic Confusion Absent
376. On Knife's Edge Mentioned
377. The Chain Thus Far Absent
378. The Story of How We All Became Heroes, Part 4 Absent
379. Hopes Absent
380. A Skosh Absent
381. Dark Mentioned
382. Don't Let Him Go Absent
383. Meek Spirits Mentioned
384. It's a Small World Absent
385. The Impulses of Youth Appears
386. I AM HERE Appears
387. Congealing Flashback
388. Toya Absent
389. Assurance and Prayers Appears
390. Shoto Todoroki Rising Appears
391. Rejecting the World Appears
392. Villain Name Absent
393. A Girl's Ego Absent
394. Ochaco Uraraka vs. Himiko Toga Absent
395. Built Upon the Joy of Others Appears
396. Battle Without A Quirk Absent
397. Trash Cleanup Absent
398. Toshinori Yagi: Rising/Origin Absent
399. Organic, Mingling Clusters of Light Absent
400. Beyond Limits Absent
401. The Lunatic Mentioned
402. The Tearful Days Appears
403. The End of an Era, and... the Beginning Absent
404. We Love You, All Might!! Absent
405. The Final Boss!! Absent
406. Get a Grip on Your Quirk!! Absent
407. An Exceptional Child Absent
408. The Eyes Tell All!! Absent
409. Quirk: Explosion!! Absent
410. Farewell, All For One!! Absent
411. History's Greatest Villain Flashback
412. History's Maddest Hero Absent
413. Leaden Mass Absent
414. Overlay Absent
415. Rejection Absent
416. Wrench It Open, Izuku Midoriya!! Absent
417. Shimura Absent
418. Meek Spirits Absent
419. Design Absent
420. From Aizawa Absent
421. We Are Here Appears
422. Izuku Midoriya Rising Appears
423. One For All vs. All For One Appears
424. Epilogue Appears

Anime Appearances[]

Season 1
1. Izuku Midoriya: Origin Absent
2. What It Takes to Be a Hero Absent
3. Roaring Muscles Absent
4. Start Line Absent
5. What I Can Do for Now Debut
6. Rage, You Damn Nerd Appears
7. Deku vs. Kacchan Appears
8. Bakugo's Start Line Appears
9. Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Ida! Appears
10. Encounter with the Unknown Appears
11. Game Over Appears
12. All Might Appears
13. In Each of Our Hearts Appears
Season 2
14. That's the Idea, Ochaco Appears
15. Roaring Sports Festival Appears
16. In Their Own Quirky Ways Appears
17. Strategy, Strategy, Strategy Appears
18. Cavalry Battle Finale Appears
19. The Boy Born with Everything Appears
20. Victory or Defeat Appears
21. Battle on, Challengers! Appears
22. Bakugo vs. Uraraka Appears
23. Shoto Todoroki: Origin Appears
24. Fight on, Ida Appears
25. Todoroki vs. Bakugo Appears
26. Time to Pick Some Names Appears
27. Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears Appears
28. Midoriya and Shigaraki Absent
29. Hero Killer: Stain vs U.A. Students Appears
30. Climax Appears
31. The Aftermath of Hero Killer: Stain Appears
32. Everyone's Internships Flashback
33. Listen Up!! A Tale from the Past Appears
34. Gear up for Final Exams Appears
35. Yaoyorozu: Rising Appears
36. Stripping the Varnish Absent
37. Katsuki Bakugo: Origin Appears
38. Encounter Appears
Season 3
39. Game Start Appears
40. Wild, Wild Pussycats Appears
41. Kota Appears
42. My Hero Appears
43. Drive It Home, Iron Fist!!! Appears
44. Roaring Upheaval Appears
45. What a Twist! Appears
46. From Ida to Midoriya Appears
47. All For One Appears
48. Symbol of Peace Appears
49. One For All Appears
50. End of the Beginning, Beginning of the End Appears
51. Moving into Dorms Appears
52. Create Those Ultimate Moves Appears
53. The Test Appears
54. Shiketsu High Lurking Appears
55. Class 1-A Appears
56. RUSH! Appears
57. Rescue Exercises Appears
58. Special Episode: Save the World with Love! Appears
59. What's the Big Idea? Appears
60. A Talk about Your Quirk Appears
61. Deku vs. Kacchan, Part 2 Appears
62. A Season for Encounters Appears
63. Unrivaled Appears
Season 4
64. The Scoop on U.A. Class 1-A Appears
65. Overhaul Appears
66. Boy Meets... Appears
67. Fighting Fate Appears
68. Let's Go, Gutsy Red Riot Absent
69. An Unpleasant Talk Flashback
70. GO!! Appears
71. Suneater of the Big Three Absent
72. Red Riot Absent
73. Temp Squad Absent
74. Lemillion Absent
75. Unforeseen Hope Absent
76. Infinite 100% Absent
77. Bright Future Absent
78. Smoldering Flames Appears
79. Win Those Kids' Hearts Appears
80. Relief for License Trainees Appears
81. School Festival Appears
82. Prepping for the School Festival Is the Funnest Part Appears
83. Gold Tips Imperial Appears
84. Deku vs. Gentle Criminal Appears
85. School Festival Start!! Absent
86. Let It Flow! School Festival! Appears
87. Japanese Hero Billboard Chart Appears
88. His Start Appears
Season 5
89. All Hands on Deck! Class 1-A Appears
90. Vestiges Appears
91. Clash! Class A vs. Class B! Appears
92. Make It Happen, Shinso! Appears
93. Operation New Improv Moves Appears
94. Foresight Appears
95. Match 3 Appears
96. Match 3 Conclusion Appears
97. Early Bird! Appears
98. That Which Is Inherited Appears
99. Our Brawl Appears
100. The New Power and All For One Appears
101. Have a Merry Christmas! Appears
102. Off to Endeavor's Agency! Appears
103. One Thing at a Time Appears
104. Long Time No See, Selkie Appears
105. The Hellish Todoroki Family Appears
106. The Unforgiven Appears
107. More of a Hero Than Anyone Appears
108. My Villain Academia Absent
109. Revival Party Absent
110. Sad Man's Parade Absent
111. Tenko Shimura: Origin Absent
112. Tomura Shigaraki: Origin Absent
113. The High, Deep Blue Sky Appears
Season 6
114. A Quiet Beginning Appears
115. Mirko, the No. 5 Hero Appears
116. One's Justice Absent
117. Inheritance Flashback
118. The Thrill of Destruction Appears
119. Encounter, Part 2 Appears
120. Disaster Walker Pictured
121. League of Villains Vs. U.A. Students Absent
122. Katsuki Bakugo Rising Appears
123. The Ones Within Us Appears
124. Dabi's Dance Appears
125. Threads of Hope Appears
126. Final Performance Appears
127. Hellish Hell Appears
128. Tartarus Appears
129. The Hellish Todoroki Family, Part 2 Appears
130. The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire Absent
131. Izuku Midoriya and Tomura Shigaraki Flashback
132. Full Power!! Absent
133. Hired Gun Flashback
134. The Lovely Lady Nagant Flashback
135. Friend Appears
136. Deku vs. Class A Appears
137. A Young Woman's Declaration Appears
138. No Man Is an Island Appears
Season 7
139. In the Nick of Time! A Big-Time Maverick from the West! Appears
140. Specter Appears
141. Villain Appears
142. The Story of How We All Became Heroes Appears
143. Let You Down Appears
144. Division Appears
145. Inflation Appears
146. Two Flashfires Appears
147. Extras Appears


  • Shoto's surname contains the kanji for "to roar, a roaring fire" ( todoroki?), and his first name contains "burning" ( shō?) and "freezing" ( to?).
    • "Todoroki" is a relatively common Japanese surname.
  • According to Shoto's Volume 2 profile:
    • His favorite food is Zaru (cold) Soba.
    • He may have been the first Class 1-A character conceived after Izuku, Katsuki, and Ochaco, who were planned since way before the school setting was decided.
  • Shoto's known U.A. academic data is as follows:
    • Shoto ranked 2nd in the U.A. Recommendation Entrance Exam.
    • Shoto is student No. 15 in Class 1-A.
    • Shoto ranked 5th in Class 1-A's mid-term scores.[19]
    • Shoto ranked 2nd during Shota's Quirk Apprehension Test.
    • Shoto was the Runner-Up of The U.A. Sports Festival First-Year Stage.
      • Shoto received a total of 4,123 nominations from Pro Heroes for his U.A. Sports Festival performance, making him the most nominated Class 1-A student.
    • Since he failed the Provisional Hero License Exam, he scored below 50.
  • Shoto's rankings in the Popularity Polls are as follows:
    • Shoto ranked 2nd in the first and fourth Popularity Polls.
    • Shoto ranked 3rd in the second, third, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth Popularity Polls.
  • He may be partially based on the Marvel Comics character Thermite, who can also project heat on his left side and cold on his right side, and needed a regulatory pack to manage his body temperature.
  • Since Shoto's eyes and hair show physical separation where the halves of his Quirk divide, he may have the genetic anomaly known as chimera.
  • Shoto and Izuku share the same costume designer.
    • Shoto is so far the only student to have gone through a radical change of costume, having abandoned all elements of his first one except for the boots.
    • Ironically, Shoto accepting the fire aspect of his Quirk resulted in his costume and support gear becoming more like his father's.[33]
  • As a child, Shoto is voiced by Kei Shindō, who also voices Kyoka Jiro, Fuyumi Todoroki, and Kinoko Komori.


  • (To Izuku) "Never using my bastard of a father's Quirk... No.. By rising to the top without using it... I'll have denied him everything."[34]
  • (To Izuku) "I want it, too. I'll be a hero!"
  • (To his father) "I haven't put aside anything. As if I could be turned that easily. It's just... In that moment, that instant... I forgot all about you. Whether that's good, bad, or something in between... That's something I'll have to think about."[35]
  • (To Tenya) "Ever since your brother got taken down... I've had my eye on you. Because all that building resentment was written on your face. I know that when I see it. And I know just how much grudges like that... can cloud a person's vision."[36]
  • (To Tenya) "If you wanna stop this, then stand up! Because I've just got one thing to say to you! Never forget who you want to become!"[37]
  • (To Kenji Tsuragamae) "Should we have let people die, all in the name of your 'law'?! Isn't it a hero's job to save people?"[38]
  • (To Dabi) "I may be your half-baked little brother, but let me say this! Dad was a madman and our family was screwed up! But when you burned all those people to death that was your choice. You’re not taking any more innocent lives!"[39]
  • (To Himself) "Thank you! If I had to summarize all my thoughts into one phrase, all I'd say is... Thank you so much! My blood, my past. It was a lonely existence, with almost nothing to look back on or forward to. But by the time I finally understood it wasn’t the case... Everyone seemed like they were always so far ahead of me... When in reality, they were always beside me. Every member... from Class A was there for me. They always gave me a place to feel... Safe."[25]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 My Hero Academia Manga: Vol. 2, Omake
  2. 2.0 2.1 My Hero Academia: Ultra Archive: The Official Character Guide.
  3. 3.0 3.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 11 and Episode 8.
  4. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 99 and Episode 51.
  5. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 192 and Episode 90.
  6. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 249 and Episode 105.
  7. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 34 and Episode 20.
  8. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 203 and Episode 95.
  9. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 38 and Episode 23.
  10. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 111 and Episode 59.
  11. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 25 and Episode 16.
  12. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 42 and Episode 25.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 53 and Episode 29.
  14. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapters 24-43 and Episodes 15-25.
  15. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 70 and Episode 40.
  16. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 39 and Episode 23.
  17. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 55 and Episode 30.
  18. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapters 38-43 and Episodes 23-25.
  19. 19.0 19.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 60 and Episode 34.
  20. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 16 and Episode 11.
  21. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 31 and Episode 19.
  22. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 52 and Episode 29.
  23. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 200 and Episode 94.
  24. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 217 and Episode 100.
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 352.
  26. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 64 and Episode 35.
  27. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 43 and Episode 25.
  28. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 204 and Episode 96.
  29. 29.0 29.1 My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission.
  30. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 290.
  31. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 351.
  32. My Hero Academia Manga: Vol. 7, Omake
  33. My Hero Academia Manga: Vol. 27.
  34. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 31 (p. 11).
  35. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 40 (p. 12-13).
  36. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 53 (p. 14-15).
  37. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 53 (p. 18-19).
  38. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 56 (p. 16).
  39. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 351 (p. 14).

Site Navigation[]
