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Make It Happen, Shinso! (それ行け心操くん! Soreike Shinsō-kun!?) is the ninety-second episode of the My Hero Academia anime and the fourth episode of the fifth season.


Before the start of the first match, Hitoshi gave his teammates an explanation on how his Brainwashing Quirk works, and its pro and cons: He needs to speak to his target and if that target responds back, the brainwashing will be complete, however it's easy to avoid his Quirk by just remaining silent. Denki pointed out that it would be difficult for him once the details of his Quirk become more and more known. Hitoshi explained for that reason he has the Artificial Vocal Cords, which allows him to change his voice to deceive his targets.

Denki electrocutes Jurota

Jurota is electrocuted when he grabs Denki.

Just as Hitoshi finished his exposition, Vlad King announced the start of the first round. The 1-A team members regret not having enough time to devise a plan for the match.

Back to the present, Hitoshi gets Jurota with Persona Chords, believing his teammate Kosei was talking to him. Kosei is surprised to learn that Hitoshi managed to imitate his voice thanks to the mask he wears. Taking advantage of Jurota's brainwashing, Hitoshi tries to restrain him with his Capturing Weapon, but Kosei intervenes, not only trapping Hitoshi with his Air Prison, but also breaking his control over Jurota by smacking his teammate's head. Kosei recalls that Ibara already warned them about Hitoshi's Quirk and how to avoid it, although he didn't know anything about his voice changer.

Kosei Tsuburaba is caught by Tsuyu

Tsuyu captures Kosei.

With his Quirk activated, Denki charges at Jurota, who grabs him only to experience a powerful electric shock. Still, with his augmented strength, Jurota is able to violently throw Denki away, which surprises him. Kosei jumped off Jurota's back to avoid getting zapped by Denki. only for Tsuyu to capture him with her tongue, wrapping it around his mouth to avoid his Quirk, and taking him back to the jail to eliminate him from the match. Denki congratulates her on her swift action, but his joy turns into unpleasant surprise when he sees that Jurota has recovered from the electrocution and started chasing Tsuyu.

Outside of Ground Gamma, the teachers and remaining students watch the battle on a large screen. Some comments on how strong Jurota is. Ochaco worries about Tsuyu, but Izuku reassures her saying that Class 1-A team still has Eijiro.

Jurota captures Eijiro and Koji

Jurota defeats Eijiro and Koji.

On the battlefield, Eijiro recovers from Jurota's initial attack, and transforms into his Unbreakable form to free Koda from the Air Prison. Seeing Tsuyu being chased by Jurota, the two students block his path in order to protect her, but Jurota uses his Re-Beast Super Move to transform back to a human to avoid their attacks and quickly reverts to his beast form, grabbing the two of them.

Jurota figures that Eijiro is the bigger threat in a head-to-head fight thanks to his hardening so he throws him at where Ibara is and grabs Koji's face to prevent any calling. Ibara easily captures Eijiro with her Vines Quirk. Outside the field, Ochaco is surprised that Eijiro was captured, although Tenya reports that Tsuyu also eliminated Kosei from the match. Shoto comments both teams are even, although Katsuki doubts it.

Jurota dodges Tsuyu and Denki's attacks

Tsuyu and Denki fail to save Koji.

Koji unsuccessfully tries to free himself from Jurota's grip, which muffles his ability to speak. Thanks to his sense of smell, Jurota detects that Tsuyu and Denki are approaching him from different directions to attack him, which allows him to anticipate and avoid them, he decides to withdraw taking Koji with him. Soon, Koji joins Eijiro in the 1-B team jail, the first skirmish ends with a two-to-one win for Class 1-B, and Vlad King doesn't hesitate to praise his students excessively to the detriment of Class 1-A's, which generates protests from several of them demanding fair commentary. For their part, both Shota and Izuku are aware that Hitoshi is still quite inexperienced in battle.

With the use of metal pipes, Denki and Tsuyu manage to free Hitoshi from the Air Prison, while commending Class 1-B improvement. Hitoshi blames himself for not being fast enough to capture Kosei and Jurota, but Tsuyu takes it instead, assuring it was her fault because she should've come up with a better plan to keep him off the front lines. Denki, on the other hand, assures him that he was helpful, as he prevented Jurota from defeating them all with his ambush, and although he said he doesn't want to make friends, he likes him and that he's rooting for him to become a great hero someday.

Tsuyu secretes mucus

Tsuyu secretes mucus to explain her plan.

Tsuyu comes up with a plan. While secreting slime down her arm, she asks Denki to look at his pointer, as during the fight earlier he used his support item on Jurota, and one of the pointers stuck onto him and can thus pinpoint him with ease with his visor.

The remaining members of Team 1-B are discussing a plan to defeat Class 1-A, when suddenly Jurota detects with his nose that three "Tsuyus" are hearing their way. As Ibara ready herself for the incoming attack, Hiryu is surprised that the opposing team has found a way to confuse his teammate's sense of smell. Outside of Ground Gamma, the students make no sense of Jurota's words, except for two people: Minoru and Izuku. They recall that during the U.S.J. Incident, Tsuyu had told them about the capabilities of her Frog Quirk, realizing that Tsuyu had used her slime on Hitoshi and Denki to mask their scents and confuse Jurota.

Via Dolorosa

Ibara uses her vines to locate the members of the other team.

As Team 1-A runs to where the opposing team is, they discuss their course of action. Since Jurota can locate them thanks to his nose, they decided to use that against him by covering themselves with Tsuyu's slime so the three of them would smell the same, this way it would be impossible for Jurota to know who's where. Thanks to the fact that Jurota still has not realized that he has one of Denki's pointers stuck on him, they can know his location. Hitoshi is somewhat worried because they don't know where Hiryu and Ibara are, but Denki asserts that they must defeat Jurota first as he poses a large threat.

On team 1-B side, Ibara uses her Via Dolorosa to spread her vines across the battlefield, while asking Jurota for Team 1-A's current bearing. Hiryu wonders how the rival team can know where they are, until he notices Denki's pointer on Jurota. Ibara tells her teammates she has grabbed a hold of a target and is dragging them out. Hiryu suggests to Jurota to stay back as they don't know who it might be, saying the worst possible choice is Denki and sure enough, it's him.

Ibara gets brainwashed

Ibara gets brainwashed by Hitoshi.

Denki is about to attack all of them with his lightning, but Ibara quickly traps him with her Crucifixion while protecting herself with Faith's Shield, ensuring that her vines have sealed of the electricity, but Denki isn't done yet. The pointer stuck on Jurota allows him to send his electricity from the inside; as long as he has an open gap and is within the ten meter range to send. Denki attempts to shock Jurota, but Hiryu react in time to foil the plan by shooting his scales to knock the pointer off if his ally's leg, saving him. Ibara then completely encloses Denki within the vine sphere.

With Denki's plan failed and everything seemingly to be on Team B's favor. Hiryu asks Ibara to unfold her Vines again, Ibara responds to this and suddenly becomes Brainwashed, revealing that it was actually Hitoshi who spoke to her imitating Hiryu's voice. It turns out that this whole skirmish was all a ploy by Denki, who purposely allowed himself to be captured to serve as a distraction to allow Tsuyu and Hitoshi to get close enough to 1-B team.

Tsuyu Asui dropkicks Hiryu Rin (anime)

Tsuyu ambushes Hiryu.

Hiryu is nervous, as he cannot determine where the voice came from due to the echo from the surroundings, so he asks Jurota for their opponent's locations. Unfortunately, Jurota, too cautious of Hitoshi's brainwashing, doesn't say anything and just vaguely points one direction as he heads to another. Hiryu tries to make his teammate see reason but to no avail, so he decides to wake up Ibara himself by shooting her with his scales, but Tsuyu moves her out of his range before he gets a chance. Hiryu then attacks Tsuyu, but she manages to avoid the shots and hides in the surroundings.

Frustrated, Hiryu asks Jurota for help, but his paranoid teammate ignores him and wanders into a pipe complex to locate Hitoshi. Hiryu realizes that Class 1-A's strategy has broken down his team's communication, and thus, disjointed their teamwork. All of this distracts Hiryu, who barely manages to defend himself from Tsuyu's surprise attack.

Hitoshi's Binding Cloth

Hitoshi uses Binding Cloth on Jurota.

Meanwhile, Jurota destroys everything on his way to Hitoshi after having deduced his position. He regrets that he did not take seriously the threat posed by the Class 1-C student from the beginning. When he finds him, there is a small standoff between them, which Hitoshi breaks when he speaks in Hiryu's voice and Jurota attacks him thinking he won't fall for that. Hitoshi employs the fighting style he learned from Eraser Head to drag a large pipe with his capturing weapon and lands it on Jurota's head.

Jurota endures the impact and prepares to attack Hitoshi again. He then hears Hiryu yelling at him to dodge, but Jurota ignores him, thinking it is Hitoshi's trick. Unfortunately, he realizes too late that it was the real Hiryu who spoke. Tsuyu had defeated him and thrown him at Jurota like a projectile. The consequent result is a double knock out after Hiryu and Jurota's heads get bonked together.

Team 1-A wins the 1st Round

Team 1-A wins the first round.

Class 1-A students outside the battlefield celebrate their team's victory. Minoru comments that Hitoshi has turned out to be a more serious threat than originally believed, and Izuku points out that this is because Tsuyu and Denki were able to make use of Hitoshi's abilities and skills. Izuku is happy about Hitoshi's remarkable improvement.

Hitoshi, Tsuyu and Denki lock Jurota, Ibara and Hiryu together with Kosei in their jail. Tsuyu tells Hitoshi that he is not behind the hero course' students and he is stronger than he thinks. Hitoshi replies that he can't let others carrying him and needs to become a strong enough hero on his own. To his chagrin, Vlad King announces the victory of Class 1-A in the first round.

Characters In Order of Appearance[]



Battles & Events[]

Anime & Manga Differences[]

  • In the manga, when Gevaudan swatted away Chargebolt, the former was electrocuted while the latter was being thrown. In the anime, Chargebolt was fully grabbed, then electrocuted Gevaudan as a counterattack before he was thrown.
  • The anime adds a scene of Red Riot breaking Anima out of his Air Prison.
  • In the manga, Gevaudan damaged the platforms as he leaped between them. In, the anime, platforms are undamaged.
  • The anime adds more scenes of the students commenting on the match.
  • In the manga, Tsuyu commends on Hitoshi while Team 1-B is taken to prison. The anime cuts this scene and the conversation takes place when all the members of Team 1-B are already in prison. It also adds a scene of Kosei snapping Ibara out of Hitoshi's Brainwashing, as well as her reaction to her vines restraining Hiryu and Jurota.
  • In the anime, there is a brief stand-off when Jurota finds Hitoshi in the maze of pipes, with the latter speaks to him with his mask before being attacked. This doesn't happen in the manga, where Jurota doesn't stop charging at him when he finds Hitoshi.

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