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Mirko, the No. 5 Hero (No.5のミルコさん Nanbā Faibu no Miruko-san?) is the one hundred and fifteenth episode of the My Hero Academia anime and the second episode of the sixth season.


Immediately after Mirko's arrival into his laboratory, and the death of Johnny, Doctor Kyudai Garaki laments over the creature's death, reminding himself of when he first showed All For One his Nomu creation, followed by screaming out in agony upon her continued destruction of several pods containing High-Ends. Meanwhile outside Jaku General Hospital, Mandalay continues with the evacuation of the civilians alongside the other Heroes when they notice the windows shattering, realizing the fighting has begun. Mirko calls in to inform the others she has located Kyudai, and that she'll give him a kick to see if he's the real one and not a Double. Endeavor tells her to capture him and that they'll be there to back her up once they've dealt with the Nomu in their way.

Shota and Endeavor collaborate to defeat the Nomu

Endeavor and Eraser Head defeat the Nomu.

The drill Nomu goes to attack the Heroes, but Eraser Head uses his Erasure to stop the drills, allowing Endeavor to easily incinerate it with a Flashfire Fist: Jet Burn. After Mandalay informs everyone the evacuation has finished, a group of Heroes including Rock Lock, Crust, and X-Less enter a secret passage in the wall to follow Mirko to the lab. Eraser Head and Endeavor prevent more Nomu from following them with another Erasure and Jet Burn combination, burning them up. Endeavor compliments Eraser Head's Quirk, telling him it's not too late to become his Sidekick, with Eraser Head replying he needs to take care of his students; Endeavor smiles in response as more Nomu approach.

In Jaku City, Deku and Uravity notice the ambulances carrying the evacuated civilians as Burnin reports in to the rest of the Evacuation Team that the Heroes have started fighting and to begin escorting the rest of the civilians. Bakugo grumbles at having to help with the evacuation, wanting to fight the Villains too, but still proceeds to ring the nearest doorbell, telling the people to move it. Deku and Ingenium go in one direction to locate people while Uravity and Shoto head in another.

Crust's group continues running through the passageway, passing by various Nomu hangars, until they come across more Nomu in their path. The No. 6 Hero activates his Quirk, Shield, apologizing to the Nomu that he'll swiftly defeat them. Back in the main lab, Mirko prepares herself to kick Kyudai, despite his crying pleas that he is the real one. He recalls back to before Tomura's experimentation, showing him his other High-End Nomus and saying how it was a shame Dabi couldn't retrieve Hood's body, as the rest are still in their testing phase. He thinks about how with All For One gone they are harder to produce, and that they need at least ten hours to fully stabilize, just as he pulls a device from his lab coat.

Mirko vs

The released High-Ends attack Mirko.

Right as Mirko's about to kick him, suddenly she is knocked away by another tiny Nomu, only barely scraping off part of Kyudai's coat. Mirko turns to "Mocha", who begins to use Twice's Double Quirk, starting to create a Kyudai Double that she quickly takes care of, also killing the small Nomu in the process. However, that extra time proved beneficial to the Doctor, stating how it’s a miracle they were able to use their Quirk without orders in order to protect him. He is able to activate the device, unleashing his five remaining High-End Nomu, commanding them to trample the Heroes, as they grab Mirko and throw her upwards into the scaffolding.

The High-Ends start to regain consciousness, declaring that they will go wild and kill the Heroes. Crust rushes into the lab to aid Mirko, only to be attacked by a chunky Nomu that charges toward him. The Nomu recognizes him as Crust, as the two clash, pushing him back out of the lab. Kyudai uses this opportunity to escape into the depths of his lab, apologizing to the High-Ends for not giving them more time, while Mirko, tangled in the pipes above, states she's just getting warmed up.

Crust deals with Chubs

Crust attempts to fight the fat High-End.

Crust continues to try and deal with the chunky Nomu, using his Shields to attempt to cut through it, but it uses its great size to block the path and prevent them from going forward. Elsewhere, Kyudai thinks about how the Nomu are corpses bioengineered to use multiple Quirks, having no will and only follow what they're programmed to do. Based on their strength and number of Quirks they possess they are split into "Lower, Middle, and Upper Tiers", with the Upper Tiers, alongside their Quirks, possessing the strength of ten times that of a normal person. Above them are the High-End Nomu, more powerful Upper Tiers that are also capable of independent thought based on their personality when they were alive. It is because of this that the High-Ends are consisted of former Villains with a penchant for fighting.

He continues that artificially moving Quirks is an advanced procedure, and that it takes three months alone for the stabilization process of said Quirk to stick, so without All For One's power, it's harder to mass produce them. With Johnny and Mocha dead (again), they've lost their means of escape, so he must rely on his five remaining High-Ends, including Woman, to give their lives to give Kyudai time to finish his "masterpiece", as he desperately works away at completing Tomura, now at 71%.

Mirko uses her ears to hear Kyudai, realizing he's still there and not trying to escape. The High-Ends are shocked to see she is still alive, as she responds she cancelled the impact using her legs, thanks to her Rabbit Quirk, allowing her to do anything a rabbit can do, but better. Using her speed, she jumps over the High-Ends, intending to go after Kyudai first, but the High-Ends retaliate, pushing her back into a corner. Two of them try to attack her from front and back, but she counters with her Luna Ring Ultimate Move, knocking them down.

Luna Tijeras

Mirko kills the High-End.

She proceeds to go after the other High-End that tried to contain her, but at this time, the metal-headed High-End uses its Spatial Distortion Quirk to completely twist her left arm. Despite the pain, she refuses to give up, crushing the protective High-End with her Luna Fall, and rushes back to the metal-headed one. With her legs wrapped around its head, knowing that guys who attack from a distance are weak in close combat, the High-End attempts to retaliate with its laser eyes, but Mirko simply dodges, stating that she will die when it’s her time, ripping off its head with Luna Tijeras, killing it.

Wrapping up her damaged arm, she turns toward the other three, now regenerated, High-Ends, stating that since she knows she can stop them by crushing their heads, then they're easier to deal with than normal villains. She declares that she lives her life every day with no regrets, and that no mere zombies will be able to kill her.

Elsewhere at the Police HQ, they report in about the fake Kyudai, Mirko's encounter with the real Kyudai, Team Endeavor's battle with the Nomu, and the High-Ends appearance. They then proceed to report about Team Edgeshot ready to begin their attack on the Gunga Mountain Villa. At the Rear Guard, Cellophane tells Grape Juice to be prepared, despite his claims that he shouldn't need to. As Earphone Jack listens in to the Heroes' movements, the Pro Hero watching over the 1-A and 1-B students tell them to be on guard, as this is an enemy so strong they had to gather so many Heroes. Earphone Jack thinks about how Tsukuyomi will be fine but wonders how Chargebolt will be.

Villa Raid Team storm the Gunga Mountain Villa

The Heroes charge toward the Paranormal Liberation Front.

At this moment, just as the Heroes emerge from the forest, Chargebolt cries out that he wants to be with everyone else. Midnight tries to reassure him, telling him they need his power and to think of it as helping out the "useless adults", which doesn't help. Tsukuyomi jumps in, telling him how during the School Festival when they were practicing guitar, he thought he was amazing, but Chargebolt thinks he's just talking about his playing skills.

Reaching the Villa, Cementoss unleashes his Cement Quirk, ready to forcefully open the front. Meanwhile, Skeptic begins to panic running around while on his laptop, realizing the enemy attack, and blaming Twice for it. He recalls back to Twice spilling Tomura's location to Hawks, and how he's been keeping a close eye on him since, never once noticing him slip up; even though he states he was tricked, he still says it's Twice's fault. He cries out that the Heroes are coming, just as the front of the Villa is ripped open. The Paranormal Liberation Front members rush around in the chaos, while Skeptic tries to call out to the Regiments to fight and inform the assembly hall of the attack.

Cementoss opens a passage through the Villa walls

Cementoss rips open the Villa walls.

Cementoss completely opens up the rest of the Villa, with Himiko, Spinner, and Mr. Compress surprised by the rumbling, Geten rushing off to join the fight, while Dabi proceeds to go in the opposite direction. Outside, Edgeshot yells out to the rest of the Heroes not to let a single Liberation member escape as they will put their lives on the line for their cause. Midnight then tells Chargebolt not to get overwhelmed, and if it's too much trouble to think about "protecting someone, somewhere", then to think about what is most important in his heart. Chargebolt turns back toward with him, thinking about Earphone Jack in the Rear Guard, who is telling him to do his best.

Denki absorbs the enemy's electricity

Chargebolt absorbs the enemy's electricity.

One of the Vice Commanders of the Paranormal Liberation Front heads to the front lines, stating that this happened because they were waiting for Tomura, so they should begin their battle now. Electrifying himself with his taser, he begins to use his Amplivolt Quirk, in order to send out a wide-range attack to take out the Heroes. At this moment, Chargebolt sprints his way forward, as Tsukuyomi thinks back to their guitar practices, how much he continued to work at it to help Earphone Jack as much as he can, and how he's someone who truly thinks of his friends. The Vice Commander releases his Supreme Discharge: Thundernet, however instead all of his electricity is absorbed into a single point. Using his Electrification as a lightning rod, Chargebolt declares that in order to keep his friends from worrying, they will finish everything up quickly.

Characters In Order of Appearance[]



Battles & Events[]

Anime & Manga Differences[]

  • The anime expands on the fight scenes.
    • The Hospital Raid Team's battle against the first wave of Nomu includes moments of Endeavor, Eraser Head, and Rock Lock destroying the Nomu, Endeavor complimenting Eraser Head and asking him to be his Sidekick, and Crust's team entering the secret passageway toward the laboratory.
    • In the manga, Mirko is stopped by Ribby when she's about to go after Kyudai, while in the anime, Mirko has a brief struggle with the High-Ends before this happens.
    • The anime shows the High-End Chubs pushing Crust out of the lab.
  • A scene where the Hospital Rear Guard Team are ordered to and begin the evacuation of the city is included.
  • A flashback of Kyudai showing Tomura the Nomu before his operation is shown, whereas in the manga this scene is seen later.
  • More scenes of the Police HQ reporting in on the battles are seen.
  • A flashback showing Skeptic observing Hawks during his conversation with Twice is added.


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