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The Thrill of Destruction (破滅のボルテージ Hametsu no Borutēji?) is the one hundred and eighteenth episode of the My Hero Academia anime and the fifth episode of the sixth season.


Tomura kills X-Less

X-Less falls victim to Tomura's Decay.

The Police Force HQ reports in on the continued battles Team Endeavor are facing at the Jaku General Hospital. They state that with the evacuation completed, the rest of the Heroes have returned to assist in defeating the low-level Nomu and are about to assist in taking on the High-Ends underground. They talk about how they are probably on the same level as the Nomu in Kyushu, which took two top level Pros to deal with, worrying about there being more of them. Meanwhile, right after Present Mic told X-Less to watch over Tomura Shigaraki, he notices a still working machine tucked away in the back, using his Laser to destroy it. Shortly after, the electric jolt awakens Tomura.

At this moment, Crust faces down the Eleph Nomu with his Shoot Shield, which they still struggle to deal with even with Eraser Head's Erasure. Eraser Head thinks about how he has to remain focused on the three High-Ends, wondering if Endeavor can lure the fourth over. He is busy dealing with Woman, defending the injured Mirko and unleashing a Hell Spider at the Nomu. She is able to effortlessly dodge the attacks, but before she can reach them, she is kicked away by Gran Torino, who is joined by more arriving Heroes. They manage to take them all down, allowing Eraser Head to dry his eyes, just as Present Mic arrives with the Doctor. Meanwhile, X-Less is shocked to see Tomura awake, but before he can shoot him with his Laser, Tomura grabs his face, Decaying him, before taking his cape to cover up his cold.

Fumikage protects his mentor from Dabi

Tsukuyomi protects Hawks from Dabi.

Three minutes earlier at the Gunga Mountain Villa, right after Tsukuyomi spots Hawks, he successfully is able to force himself out of Fat Gum's fat, telling his classmates that Hawks is in trouble. Fat Gum is shocked he was strong enough to break out of his fat, dropping the rest of the students off to head back to the rear guard, while he gives chase to Tsukuyomi. Just as Dabi is about to kill Hawks, Tsukuyomi arrives to smack the villain away, covering Hawks in his cloak; Dark Shadow worryingly tells Tsukuyomi that Hawks' feathers are all gone.

Dabi recognizes Tsukuyomi from U.A., surprised the Heroes were desperate to drag students into the fight, and points to Twice's corpse, telling him Hawks stabbed him in the back. He continues to ask why he's trying to help him, when the Pros in actuality are just as dirty as they are. He proceeds to shoot his Blueflames at the birds, with Tsukuyomi only barely able to avoid due to the cramped space, and the bright fire hindering Dark Shadow.

Geten defying the Heroes

Geten orders the Liberation Army to regain focus.

Tsukuyomi tries to think of a way to escape to treat Hawks' injuries, just as the Winged Hero manages to say that Dabi is still talking. As the villain continues to monologue, Hawks whispers in Tsukuyomi's ears that he's doing the same thing as he did before with his conversation, figuring that he is stalling for time to charge up his fire. On his command, Tsukuyomi sends Dark Shadow to knock Dabi away, allowing them to jump off the balcony, as Dark Shadow grabs the railings. They manage to make it on a lower floor, but Hawks ends up knocked unconscious by their landing.

At this moment, Mt. Lady is in the front entrance of the Villa, ready to block the underground entrance. Just as Tsukuyomi is about to fly Hawks out of the building with Black Fallen Angel, Dabi re-appears, using his flames on his feet to descend, declaring he purposefully made his last attacks weak, about to blast them for good. But suddenly, a large pillar of ice emerges from between them, giving Tsukuyomi the chance to escape and fly away. Mt. Lady is sent flying backwards by the force of the ice, nearly squishing Fat Gum. Geten stands above the ice, declaring to the Liberation soldiers to not fight randomly and not to let the Heroes round them up.

Izuku hears the voice of the First user

"He's coming. Stop him."

Elsewhere, Dabi recovers from the attack, thinking to himself that he'll start early. Tsukuyomi continues flying away, crying to Hawks that he isn't dirty, and they believe in him so he can't die. In the underground assembly hall, Re-Destro calls out for someone to give him his spare legs, as the other members point him toward Gigantomachia, who has now stood up, smelling that his master is awake.

In Jaku City the evacuation continues to go smoothly with Burnin reporting in to everyone. The U.A. students each do their part, with Bakugo yelling at an old woman who wants to give him a chocolate bun, Ingenium telling a civilian they will protect his manuscript, Anima escorting the animals, and Nejire Chan reporting from above. Deku joins in calling out to everyone when he suddenly hears a voice inside of his head, which he recognizes as the first user of One For All. Deku is sent into shock, since he's never interfered until now, staring up in fear at the hospital as he is warned that "he" has awakened.

Tomura unleashes his empowered Quirk

Tomura unleashes his awakened Quirk on Jaku City.

Just as the Heroes are continuing with clean-up on the Nomu, suddenly the entire lab begins to break apart. Gran Torino rushes to push Present Mic and Kyudai out of the way, realizing it is Tomura's Decay, and that it is decaying everything it comes into contact with. He yells at everyone to avoid the cracks or else they'll die, as they all rush out of the Hospital as fast as they can. Eraser Head uses his Capturing Weapon to grab onto the flying Ryukyu, but is held back when one of the High-Ends grabs his legs. Just as the High-End is being consumed by Decay, Crust shoots out a Shield, saving Eraser Head but succumbing to the Decay himself; Eraser Head cries out in horror, while Crust just gives a thumbs up and smiles as he disintegrates.

The Heroes desperately flee the incoming chaos, as the decay begins to spread out the hospital and into the city, destroying all the surrounding buildings and area. A group of Heroes are killed by the Decay, while Pixie-Bob uses her Quirk to try and stop the spreading; this proves ineffective, and she is saved by Tiger. While flying in the air with Gran Torino and Mic, Kyudai gloats that even though they were beaten and the Heroes prepared for today, a "Plus Ultra" Tomura has awakened, and everything of theirs will collapse.


Deku tries to hold off the Decay.

As the spread approaches the evacuation team, Deku charges at the destruction wave, unleashing Full Cowl at 45% with St. Louis Smash Air Force, kicking a large amount of air toward it, unfortunately being ineffective. Seeing everything turning to dust, Deku recalls Tomura's words to him about how his Decay works, recognizing that this is his doing.

Shoto attempts to hold it off with a Heaven-Piercing Ice Wall, but even that starts to break apart. As everyone escapes, with each of the students grabbing onto as many civilians as they can to carry them away, Burnin attempts to call out to Endeavor or any of the other Heores, but receives absolutely no response, sending her into a panic. Meanwhile, several security cameras in the Police HQ begin to distort and be destroyed, as they wonder what could be happening now.

Gigantomachia receives Tomura's call

Gigantomachia hears his master's call.

In the remaining crater left behind of the Hospital, Tomura stands there looking over his destruction. He opens up the machine that X-Less had destroyed, which was being used to create replicas of the Quirk-Destroying Drug, which have almost all been destroyed, lamenting that Overhaul would be disappointed if he were to learn of this. Just then, he receives a tingling in his head, as a voice calls out to him. Turning to a communication device, he thinks about how good it is he can choose what he wants to Decay now, speaking to Gigantomachia that now is the time that he will destroy everything; the beast proceeds to spark up in excitement.

Characters In Order of Appearance[]



Battles & Events[]

Anime & Manga Differences[]

  • The anime continues to include new scenes of the Police HQ reporting in on the events.
  • The anime expands on the Pro Heroes battle against both the Nomu and then the High-Ends.
  • In the anime, Mt. Lady is shown inside the Villa assisting in the blocking of the entrances to the underground, before being blown away by Geten.
  • The PLF villain who prepares to attack Gang Orca is omitted.
  • X-Less is seen destroying the Quirk-Destroying Drug capsule in the anime.
  • Tomura killing X-Less, stealing his cape, and beginning his initial Decay are shown in the anime.
  • After Tomura begins his Decay, Wash, Anima, and Comicman's encounter with it is omitted.
    • The Wild, Wild Pussycats scene is expanded, with Tiger saving Pixie-Bob.
  • All For One's voice affecting Tomura is given more emphasis in the anime.


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