My Hero Academia Wiki
My Hero Academia Wiki

Inflation (INFLATION Infurēshon?) is the one hundred and forty-fifth episode of the My Hero Academia anime and the seventh episode of the seventh season.


Characters In Order of Appearance[]



Battles & Events[]

Anime & Manga Differences[]

  • The previous Counter-Force conversation is expanded in the anime with a flashback detailing where each major Villain would be located and which Heroes would face them.
  • The fight against the Near High-End Nomu on Okuto Island is slightly expanded upon in the anime.


  • In the English dub, when Katsuki and Rumi are arguing, he calls her a "bunny wabbit", referencing Elmer Fudd's pronunciation of bunny rabbit from Looney Tunes, which also the second time the series been reference this way since Episode 114.

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