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Quirk: Explosion!! ( () (せい) ”!! (ばく) () !! “Kosei”!! Bakuha!!?) is the four hundred and ninth chapter of Kohei Horikoshi's My Hero Academia.


As Dynamight faces down All For One's "Omni-Factor Unleash", he thinks about the growth of his Explosion, as well as about Izuku, declaring that he will not stand in his way anymore. All Might yells for Dynamight to dodge, as All For One releases his attack, blasting forwards at incredible speeds, but Dynamight keeps firm, and shouts for him to blow up.

Katsuki bombards All For One with Explosions

Dynamight overwhelms All For One with his Explosions.

Suddenly, All For One's mouth explodes apart, sending his massive form careening towards the ground. He is greatly confused at what happened since Dynamight did not appear to do anything. Dynamight blasts his way towards All For One, revealing that due to his Explosions being weaker in the rain, he fired some explosive sweat beads coated in regular sweat without triggering them, and hoping something else would set them off. All For One realizes he somehow shot them into his mouth when he got up close to him earlier.

Dynamight says he's always received kudos from others for his intuition, and knowing that the more damage All For One takes the younger he becomes, declares he only needs his one Quirk. The erratic All For One, with his power in disarray from all the damage, angrily shouts that it's his tale and yelling for the "extra/nobody" to move aside. Dynamight uses his Howitzer Impact and attacks All For One head-on, blasting his monstrous appearance with a barrage of Explosions, and yelling for him to shut up.

Katsuki defeats All For One

All For One is finally defeated.

As the Explosions reach their apex, All For One notices he's suddenly unable to mix his Quirk Factors together, and that it's not the Explosions' doing, wondering if it's because he's become too young and delicate. However, within his vestige realm, All For One sees Hawks, surrounded by the other vestiges, telling him that all his negative emotions have got him acting up, so he is losing control of them, snarking that he has been swallowed up by Tomura. Unable to counterattack as Dynamight declares this is "our tale", he blasts All For One at point blank range, blasting his head apart and sending him careening toward the ground. All For One, now reverted to an infant, struggles to move inside a crater as Dynamight remarks he never could have hoped to beaten the villain alone.

Chapter Notes[]

  • Katsuki's birth is shown.
  • Dynamight disrupts All For One's attack using tiny Explosions he snuck into his system.
  • Dynamight retaliates against All For One going toe-to-toe using his Howitzer Impact.
  • All For One's vestiges once again rebel against him, due to his negative emotions making him lose control of his Quirks, with the Hawks vestige getting the last laugh.
  • Dynamight defeats All For One, declaring he couldn't have done it without everyone else.

Characters In Order of Appearance[]


Appearances for Chapter 409
  • Unnamed City Beneath U.A.
  • Evacuation Center
Ultimate Moves
Battles and Events

Author's Comment[]

I love Jump. So much has happened, but I will always brag about how I was a part of its history.

Kohei Horikoshi


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