My Hero Academia Wiki
My Hero Academia Wiki

The Octo-Lover's Brigade is an animal rights group from the spin-off series My Hero Academia: Team-Up Missions. They seek to end the use of octopuses as food, and there are extremist groups among them.[1]


The group is made up of people whose physical appearance is characterized by having attributes of sea creatures, such as fish, mollusks, cephalopods, etc. They all dress differently, but they all wear dark pieces of cloth with white spots in reference to the octopus suckers, as scarves and kerchiefs. These pieces of cloth are their main unit element and distinguishing mark.


The Octo-Lover's Brigade is an animal rights group from Osaka that wants to prevent octopus from being cooked and eaten. However, there are extremist groups among them who do not hesitate to use violence to assert their claims.


  1. My Hero Academia: Team-Up Missions Manga: Chapter 3.1.

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