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My Hero Academia Wiki
Our lives are tied to the Sacred Tree. As long as it stands, we'll enjoy peace in Kamino-ga-fuchi.
Kodama to Izuku Midoriya in "Guardian Deity of the Green Valley"

Kodama (こだま Kodama?) is a character from My Hero Academia: Team-Up Missions.


Kodama is a young woman with short dark hair with bangs on the side of her head and over her forehead, that she keeps tied with a light hairband decorated with leaves on both sides of her head, near the ears. She wears traditional miko clothing.


Kodama is extremely devoted to and protective of Kamino-ga-fuchi and the Sacred Tree of the village, to the point that she is ready to attack people that would approach the tree if she thinks they might want to damage it, and is even willing to offer up her life if it might ensure the tree's survival.


Kodama and sacred tree

Kodama next to the Sacred Tree.

Kodama first appears when she attacks Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo when they approach Kamino-ga-fuchi's Sacred Tree, mistaking them for Villains. Once the misunderstanding is cleared, she apologizes and lets the rest of the village know it's safe to approach the two and the other Heroes.

Later in the day, Kodama uses her plant healing Quirk to heal the Sacred Tree, as part of her sacred duty as the tree's priestess, explaining how important the ancient plant is for her and the entire village, making Izuku comment the tree is Kamino-ga-fuchi's own Symbol of Peace.

She takes part in the celebration organized for the Heroes at the village's meeting hall as thanks for their help planting trees. However, a storm hits the village and causes a large landslide, forcing the Heroes to evacuate Kamino-ga-fuchi before the village is completely destroyed. As the villagers ask to save the Sacred Tree, Kodama cooperates with Izuku, Katsuki, and Mt. Lady to safely eradicate the tree and transport it to safety. When Izuku jumps the crevasse that separates the land of the village from a safer part of the valley, it appears he might not make it across while carrying both Kodama and the tree, and Kodama tries to make him let her go to ensure he can succeed. Izuku dissuades her, declaring he will save both, and manages to actually land safely.

Later, Kodama uses her Quirk once again to heal the Sacred Tree, ensuring it will survive, and declares hopefully that, despite the village being destroyed by the landslide, they have what matters. Izuku agrees, assuring them the Sacred Tree will protect them.[1]



Kodama using her Quirk

Kodama using her Quirk.

Unnamed Plant Healing Quirk: Kodama's Quirk allows her to heal plants by touching them. It is capable of completely restoring the Sacred Tree's health after it has been eradicated, ensuring its survival.


  • Kodama is named after the Kodama, a spirit from Japanese folklore said to inhabit trees and protect them fiercely against any attempt to cut them down.


  1. My Hero Academia: Team-Up Missions Manga: Chapter 11.

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