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Just Do Your Best, Ojiro! (いいぞガンバレ 尾白くん! Ī zo ganbare Ojiro-kun!?) is the sixth chapter for My Hero Academia: Team-Up Missions, written and illustrated by Yoco Akiyama.


Mashirao and Toru on a boat

Mashirao and Toru head to the Terakoya School.

Mashirao Ojiro and Toru Hagakure are on a boat heading towards Oku Island. Beside them is another passenger who Toru asks if he's a tourist, which the passenger confirms and asks if they're students. Mashirao replies that they're hero students, and Toru adds that they are tasked to give a presentation to the students of a hero elementary school on the island. The passenger wishes them luck in their task and leaves.

Later, Mashirao and Toru arrive at their destination, Terakoya School, but notice a rope in the middle of the road. Mashirao decides to remove it so that no one trips, but in doing so, he activates a trap and gets caught in a net. Toru finds his compromising situation funny, and he asks her if that trap was her idea, which she denies.

Mashirao falls into Ikkaku's trap

Mashirao falls into Ikkaku's trap.

It turns out that the trap was set up by a boy with a horn on his head named Ikkaku. He laughs at Mashirao for falling for it and introduces himself as a future hero. The teacher of the hero school frees Mashirao from the trap and apologizes to him, explaining that Ikkaku is known to always play pranks on people. The teacher explains to the elementary student that those two come from the U.A. High School to meet them, which delights the young boy.

Mashirao and Toru gear up to introduce themselves to the young students. The first is Mashirao, who introduces himself as Tailman and asks the kids if they have any questions. The excited Ikkaku asks what his Quirk is, and the other kids yell out if he can do stuff like shoot laser beams, explode, run fast, etc., but Mashirao replies his Quirk is just his Tail. The kids do not find it very interesting and someone asks what are the important things needed to become a hero. Mashirao replies they need train daily and also study, but Ikkaku simply calls him "super plain", and talks about how heroes are super cool and strong with powerful Quirks.

Toru then shows off her Warp Refraction Ultimate Move, and the kids get excited about it. She introduces herself as "Invisible Girl" and that her Quirk is Invisibility. The kids are impressed at Toru's Quirk and the elated Ikkaku tells her that on the island there is a legendary ruins that hide a treasure, and the one who finds it will earn the respect of everyone. Ikkaku wants to make an awesome team when he becomes a hero and asks Toru to join in. She tells him that Tailman should also join since they're a team, but Ikkaku does not want him to because he is too plain, to Mashirao's despondency.

Mashirao and Toru arrive at the ruins

Mashirao and Toru arrive at the ruins to rescue Ikkaku.

After the presentation is over, the kids return home. Ikkaku shows off by walking over a fence despite some of his classmates telling him not to. Suddenly, he detects something with his horn and jumps into a ditch, discovering that he landed in the secret ruins. Meanwhile, Mashirao and Toru are having tea with the teacher of the school, with Mashirao lamenting over how the students reacted to him, but suddenly the other kids come running to tell them that Ikkaku is in trouble. They tell them that he went into the ruins alone and he hasn't been seen since. Upon hearing this, Mashirao and Toru decide to go rescue him.

The two U.A. students enter the ruins and as they progress further into it, Mashirao must overcome the numerous traps in the ruins as, apparently, Toru does not activate them since she is undetected thanks to her invisibility. Toru cheers on Mashirao as he makes his way through the ruins, at one point saying she'll reward him with a kiss if he's able to make it out, though he's distracted and didn't hear her, causing her to say she just told him "you can do it!"

Mashirao finds Ikkaku

Mashirao finds Ikkaku.

Mashirao then decides to turn around and makes his way towards the front of the temple, leaving a surprised Toru behind. Meanwhile, Ikkaku is stuck in an area of the temple, complaining that his Quirk won't allow him to go further. Mashirao finds him and the prankster asks him if he was there to look for the treasure, which he denies, telling him that he had come to rescue him after deducing he wasn't able to get too far in with all the traps.

Annoyed, Ikkaku yells he didn't ask for his help. Mashirao tells him that he understands why he is always trying to do incredible and dangerous things, and that is because he feels ashamed of having a very modest Quirk. On the verge of crying, Ikkaku admits that he is right, that his Quirk is a simple Horn that sometimes senses things, and compared to the powers of many of his classmates, he considers his weak and useless.

Mashirao tries to comfort him when Toru appears running towards them as the ground starts crumbling. Alarmed, Mashirao asks if this is another trap, but Toru says that there's a villain, which turns out to be the passenger they met on the ship. The villain rants he came to the ruins looking for the treasure but the only thing he found were traps and more traps. Pissed off by all of it, he decides to destroy the ruins using his Quirk. Upon touching the ground, it begins to fragment, and Mashirao grabs Ikkaku to prevent him from being damaged. Seeing them surprised by his Quirk, the villain explains it allows him to disintegrate any type of rock he touches.

Mashirao defeats the looter villain

Mashirao defeats the villain.

The villain threatens them by saying that he can destroy the whole temple and have it cave in on them. He then runs off and says he'll take the treasure, touching the walls as he runs so the hallway begins to crumble. Due to the destruction he causes, Mashirao understands that they cannot go after him, so he tells his partner that they need to do something to catch up to him. Toru uses her Warp Refraction to blind the villain for a few moments, giving Mashirao the chance to defeat him by attacking him with his tail. The villain tries to say his Quirk is much stronger, but is simply knocked out by Mashirao. Seeing his prowess, Ikkaku is impressed by how strong he is despite the Quirk he has.

As they return to Terakoya School, Ikkaku boasts about how he found the legendary ruins of the island, only to be scolded by his teacher and friends for showing off. Ikkaku then says that his Quirk could probably have some use after all, and he is going to look for that as he aims to be a hero. Toru says that Mashirao is able to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with their classmates, many of whom have powerful Quirks, making him "plain awesome".

Toru kisses Mashirao

Toru "kisses" Mashirao.

It starts raining, and Mashirao admits that his Quirk is pretty plain, but even so, he's fine being ordinary, as most people in the world are, so in this way it gives him a grounded view, and that's the reason he's proud of his Quirk. Toru approaches him and apparently kisses him on the cheek, which makes him blush and flustered, although Toru assures him that the only thing she did was touch him with her finger, as she puts on her glove and laughs.

The rain then stops falling, as the sunshine partially reveals Toru's smiling face, with her and Ikkaku both saying Mashirao's awesome, while he thanks them for the compliment.

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