My Hero Academia Wiki
My Hero Academia Wiki


Kotaro punish his son Tenko

Tenko's misery in the house his father built.

Tenko Shimura was the youngest son born from Nao and Kotaro Shimura, and had an older sister named Hana. He lived in a house built by his father for the whole family, including his maternal grandparents Chizuo and Mako Magi.

When he was born, All For One came into his life and stole his original Quirk Factor that he inherited from his parents, making him Quirkless. Tenko's birth itself had been orchestrated by All For One, convincing Kotaro to have another child, all with the end goal of turning Tenko into his own vessel with a warped willpower capable of stealing One For All.

Growing up, Tenko was fascinated with Heroes, but Kotaro, who hated everything to do with Heroes, did not tolerate his acts and often scolded him. His mother and maternal grandparents were always there for him and comforted him when he was sad, even though they hardly dared to oppose Kotaro. One day, when he was five, Tenko saved his friends from being run over by a truck, and All For One, under the guise of a senile old man, offered to walk him home. As Tenko held his hand, All For One secretly transferred a new Quirk, Decay, onto Tenko.[1]

Nao comforts her son Tenko

Tenko wants to know why his father hates heroes.

After being brought home, Kotaro took Tenko outside as punishment. Nao begged her husband to not get violent but Tenko was left outside alone without any food or drink. Kotaro did not allow him to re-enter the house until he apologizes for disobeying his rule. When his wife and parents-in-law asked Kotaro whether he was being too harsh with Tenko, he replied that he must respect his rule and forget about heroes. Nao noted how his allergies have gotten worse, while Kotaro mentions that he hasn't manifested a Quirk yet, so he's doing this to prevent Tenko from suffering, saying that aspiring to be a hero will only end up causing him pain, suffering, and misery.

The next day, Nao comforted Tenko, who continues to scratch his face, unaware of what was causing his allergies. His mother would like to know the reason that causes these symptoms and Tenko mentions that it only happens when he is at home. His mother then asked him if he wanted to be a hero, Tenko replied yes and that he usually plays heroes with his friends. Tenko asked if his father hates him for wanting to be one. She said no, but his attitude was because he knows how difficult it is to be a hero.

Tenko is happy to know that there is a hero in his family

Tenko happy to know that his grandmother was a hero.

To try to cheer him up, his older sister Hana took Tenko to their father's office and there she showed him an old photo of their father when he was a child with his their paternal grandmother. Hana tells Tenko that their paternal grandmother was a hero, and this revelation made Tenko very happy. Hana tried to support his dream, even saying that she wants to follow his dream herself, encouraging her younger brother that they can be hero siblings one day.

Later on, Tenko was playing with Mon, the family dog, happy to know that there was a hero in his family. While playing, he suddenly felt an unpleasant twinge in his right hand, and unbeknownst to him, a part of the ball he tossed crumbled off. Unfortunately, he had no time to reflect on what had just happened as his father had discovered that his children snuck into his office and saw the picture of his hero mother, Nana.

Tenko activates his Quirk for the first time on his dog Mon

Tenko's hatred causes his Decay to activate for the first time.

Kotaro demanded to know who was responsible. Scared, Hana broke down into sobs and blamed it on Tenko, saying it was his idea and he had shown her the picture, instead of what actually happened. Furious, Kotaro took his anger out on Tenko by beating him as the boy's itching got worse. While punishing his son, Kotaro shamed the heroes, claiming that they hurt their families to protect strangers that they don't even know, telling his son that the woman in the picture was not his paternal grandmother, but a monster that threw away her own child. Tenko's suffering was watched by his other relatives, who he begged for help but they could only witness it in horror.

After the beating, Tenko was punished to stay in the backyard. He was crying inconsolably, hugging his dog Mon while he continued anxiously scratching himself. While outside, Tenko confided in the family dog of how he couldn't take anymore of the abuse, and he hated everyone for leaving him to suffer at the hands of his father.[2] As he was clutching his dog, Tenko's Quirk activated for the first time, causing the dog to crumble in his hands into a pile of blood. Seeing this caused Tenko to freak out in fear, trying to understand what had happened, initially thinking he and the property were under attack by a villain and didn't realize it was his own doing.

Tenko accidentally kills his sister Hana

Unable to control his awakened Quirk, Tenko accidentally kills his relatives.

Afterward, Hana came outside to apologize to Tenko for having framed him. Tenko tried to warn his sister of the danger, but the shock he suffered prevented him from speaking. Hana noticed something was wrong with Tenko and approached him, but screamed in horror upon seeing their dog's remains and ran away. Tenko tried asking for her help, scared of what would happen if Hana told the family about the dog, but as soon his hands touched Hana, he ended up disintegrating her by accident. Seeing his sister die in front of him further traumatizes Tenko and makes him vomit.

Tenko's maternal grandparents and mother ran outside to see what was happening, being horrified by what they saw. Thinking about how they never did anything to protect him from his father, Tenko feels only bitter hatred for them, causing him to decay the ground beneath him and destroying the entire backyard. Despite his feelings, Tenko still begged them for help. As she started to crumble away, Nao tried to reach out to her son and comfort him, but her body fell apart before she could. Tenko's maternal grandparents also ended up dying in the process.

Tenko kills his father Kotaro

Tenko feels ecstasy as he murders his father.

Kotaro was alerted by the noise and discovered the destruction. Standing horrified, Kotaro could only stare at the scene while Tenko begged him for help and the area around them was destroyed. Tenko ran to him for help but his scared father grabbed a pair of pruning shears, which he then used to hit his son across the face before yelling at him to stop. This time, an enraged Tenko charged at his father with full intent to kill him and touched his face; ultimately the spreading decay ended up destroying the entire house. Tenko would relish in ending his father's abuse.[3]

After the deaths of his family, an orphaned Tenko was left to fend for himself on the streets. Tenko wandered around the city dazed and confused, mentally pleading for someone to help him. People who passed by took one look and pretended not to notice him, unnerved by his scary appearance. The only one who tried was an elderly lady, but Tenko's appearance was disturbing enough to scare her away, saying that a policeman or a hero would surely arrive to help him.

All For One embraces Tenko Shimura

Tenko is saved by All For One.

Tenko began to think that no one would help him as punishment for killing his family, as the memories slowly faded into the recesses of his mind.[4] Eventually, All For One came looking Tenko, homeless and alone under a bridge, telling him it must have hurt that no one came to help him, despite his hopes to be saved. All For One embraced a crying Tenko while blaming society for the reason he was not saved sooner. He took Tenko home, declaring that from now on, he would be his master, using this incident as a means of stimulating Tenko's newfound bitter hatred for heroes and began grooming him as his adoptive son.

Tenko was given his own room by All For One, and Kyudai Garaki "gifted" the young boy with the disembodied hands of his deceased family members. This causes Tenko to receive a violent shock to his emotional state, seeing fragmented glimpses of old memories of his family, before vomiting. Kyudai asks if All For One will modify Tenko, but All For One decides not, so that the feelings of hatred will linger within Tenko, as he will teach him how to give them purpose.

Two thugs mess with Tenko

Tenko has a fight with two punks.

Enduring the sensation the hands caused to him, Tenko embraces his family remains.[5] All For One told him that he had an impulse to destroy that couldn't be controlled, and when he doesn't satisfy those urges, that's when he feels that unpleasant itchiness in his body. He assured him that the impulse didn't have to be controlled, nor was it necessarily a bad thing.

Later, Tenko had a fight with two thugs, who beat him up. Tenko wants to kill them with his Quirk but backed down, much to his shame, and leaves the place. Once in his room, Tenko began to scratch violently because of the itching that he feels. All For One tells him that concepts such as conscience, morals, and ethics were just things that people use to manipulate the world to how they see fit and encouraged Tenko to do whatever he feels like to make himself feel better, otherwise he would suffer for it.

Tenko destroys his father's hand

Tenko wants to kill those two.

He asked Tenko what he wants to do in those moments. While staring at the hands of his family, Tenko replied he wants to murder the two guys who beat him. He explained that he couldn't hold back his feelings anymore, grabbing one of the hands and disintegrating it with his Decay. Satisfied with his protégé's response, All For One told him that he already knows what to do.

Tenko returned to the place where he confronted the thugs, only now wearing his family's hands attached on him, following the advice of his mentor to take his family always with him. The punks called him creepy, asking what he wanted with them, but Tenko only crumbled them with his Quirk, leaving a pool of blood and pieces of the bodies of the thugs. He thought about how sick and disgusted he felt, but also noted, with some confusion, that he felt completely calm, and felt like he was allowed to do anything he wanted.

Tenko becomes the symbol of fear

Tenko takes his first steps as the symbol of fear.

On a nearby rooftop, All For One and Kyudai watched the entire event. The doctor said that he thought Tenko had forgotten his memories, but All For One corrects him that they have always been there, just shut away. He noted that his family's hands would serve to restrain him, keeping all but his negative emotions suppressed. He saw that Tenko is subconsciously keeping his Quirk in check. Smiling, All For One expressed pride in seeing Tenko's first step down the path to becoming the Symbol of Fear.

Back home, All For One congratulates his disciple for what he has done and rewards him with five new hands so that he will always remember that day. Four of the hands belong to the punks he killed, and when Tenko asks him about the fifth one, he explains it's a small bonus to make up for the one he destroyed earlier.

Tenko Shimura reborn as Tomura Shigaraki

Tenko Shimura reborn as Tomura Shigaraki.

Once Tenko put on all the new hands, All For One said he was reborn as Tomura Shigaraki. Tenko was confused by the name. All For One explained that "Tomura" came from the word "Tomurau" which means "to mourn", as it signifies the sadness that comes with death and parting. And "Shigaraki" is All For One's real last name.[4]

After this, All For One began to educate and raise him as part of the League of Villains, to eventually become his successor of the organization. At one point, All For One and Kyudai's Nomu, Kurogiri, was tasked with aiding and overseeing the development of Tomura Shigaraki.[6] Tomura also at some point witnessed Kyudai taking part in an experiment with a man known as Nine.[7]


U.S.J. Arc

Warp Gate

The League of Villains invade the U.S.J.

Soon after All Might begins teaching at U.A. High School, Tomura uses the media as a cover and destroys the school's barricade. This creates a distraction for All For One's mole, which unknowingly to Tomura is U.A. student Yuga Aoyama, to steal an itinerary and learn when All Might is set to be isolated, planning to attack in the coming days.[8] When Class 1-A begins their rescue training at the Unforeseen Simulation Joint the League of Villains invades the facility through Kurogiri's Warp Gate.[9]

Tomura is disappointed to notice that All Might isn't at the facility even though the schedule said he'd be teaching the class. Eraser Head attacks the villains to give the students a chance to escape. Tomura commends Eraser Head's skill and says it's annoying when heroes live up to all their name. Kurogiri confronts Thirteen and Class 1-A and warps them to the separate areas of the U.S.J. where the villains can fight them.[10]


Tomura decays Eraser Head's elbow.

Eraser Head defeats the majority of the villains still in the central plaza. Tomura figures out that his hair gives away when he's using his Erasure Quirk and rushes him while counting the intervals between each erasure. Eraser Head notices Tomura is the final boss and sends his Capturing Weapon at him. Tomura catches the scarf and the Erasure Hero elbows him in the torso.

Tomura blocks Eraser Head's elbow and disintegrates it using his Decay Quirk. He taunts Eraser Head not to overwork himself or else he might just fall apart. Eraser Head forces Tomura back and the other villains attack him. Tomura mentions that Eraser Head's Quirk works better in covert ops rather than against big groups. Nomu suddenly crushes the hero and Tomura says that Bio-Engineered Anti Symbol of Peace is actually the final boss.[11]

Tomura attacks the students

Tomura tries to kill Tsuyu, Izuku, and Minoru.

Tomura taunts Eraser Head by admitting that his Quirk is powerful but its weak against Nomu's overwhelming might. Kurogiri warps back to Tomura's position and reveals that although Thirteen has been incapacitated, a U.A. student managed to escape the facility to get reinforcements. This greatly irritates Tomura and he starts to scratch his neck. He starts to give up because their plans are dashed if dozens of Pro Heroes show up to stop them. He decides that before the Pros arrive, they should destroy All Might's will by killing his students. Tomura swiftly confronts Izuku Midoriya, Tsuyu Asui, and Minoru Mineta who were watching from afar.

Tomura nearly touches Tsuyu's face and kills her, but Eraser Head erases his Quirk in time. Tomura commends him before Nomu defeats him and Izuku attacks Tomura with a maxed out smash attack. Nomu takes the impact of Izuku's punch and absorbs the shockwave. Tsuyu tries to save Izuku from Nomu's clutches and Tomura attacks her. They all stop in place when All Might suddenly bursts into the facility.[12]

Tomura's evil grin

Tomura notices All Might has become weaker.

All Might immediately saves Eraser Head and the students in a flash. He also knocks Tomura's mask from his face. Tomura picks it up and laments All Might's speed. Soon after, he realizes that All Might isn't as fast as he used to be and smiles. All Might tries to strike Tomura with a Carolina Smash but Nomu impedes his path and absorbs the attack. All Might engages Nomu in battle and Tomura boasts about Nomu's Shock Absorption ability.

All Might tries to slam Nomu and Kurogiri traps him halfway through a Warp Gate. Before he can cut All Might in half, Izuku rushes to his aid. Kurogiri intercepts him but Katsuki Bakugo suddenly arrives on the battlefield and hits the Warp Villain with an explosion. Shoto Todoroki freezes Nomu and Eijiro Kirishima tries to attack Tomura but he evades.[13]

Tomura claims All Might cheated

Tomura gets angry over Nomu's defeat.

Tomura admits he's impressed by the students and insults Kurogiri for getting pinned down by Katsuki. He orders Nomu to recover and it does so by breaking off its frozen limbs. Tomura explains that Super Regeneration is another one of Nomu's Quirks and then orders it to retrieve Kurogiri. Nomu attacks Katsuki but All Might absorbs the attack. Tomura claims that his actions are justified because All Might and the students are government-sponsored instruments of violence. All Might sees right through Tomura's guise and says that he's only doing it because he enjoys causing destruction. Tomura admits that All Might has him figured out.

Tomura attacks the students but All Might and Nomu clash and the shockwaves keep everyone else away from each other. The Symbol of Peace channels all his power and defeats Nomu with 300 mighty blows. Irate, Tomura scratches his neck and says that All Might cheated.[14] Tomura insults All Might and worries that his power hasn't decreased after all. He starts to panic but Kurogiri encourages him to go on the offensive because Nomu has clearly weakened him. Tomura agrees that they've come too far to run and they rush the weakened hero.

Tomura warns All Might

Tomura gives All Might one final warning.

Izuku uses an incredible burst of speed to intercept the villains, surprising Tomura. Tomura warps his hand through Kurogiri's body to try and destroy Izuku's face. His hand gets abruptly shot from afar by Snipe. The Pro Heroes arrive at the U.S.J. with Tenya and attack the League of Villains. Tomura gets shot several times until Kurogiri protects him. Thirteen tries to capture them from a distance, but Kurogiri warps them away in time. Before they disappear, Tomura warns All Might that his days are numbered.[15]

Kurogiri warps them both back to their hideout. Tomura lies on the floor bleeding and injured asking his master how their plan went so sideways. The master replies that the League of Villains weren't as prepared as they needed to be and they underestimated U.A. High. Tomura mentions there was a U.A. student who was fast like All Might and stopped them from killing the Symbol of Peace. The master tells Tomura to calm down and they need to gather villains to their cause. He says that next time Tomura will show the world the horror of his existence.[16]

U.A. Sports Festival Arc

Tomura Shigaraki Watches The Sports Festival

Tomura watches the Sports Festival.

While recuperating from his injuries, Tomura watches the U.A. Sports Festival on a small screen. Izuku wins the Obstacle Race and Tomura notices that he's the same student who tried to save All Might during the villain attack.[17]

During the finals, Izuku faces off with Shoto, another student who tried to save All Might. Tomura's master tells him to watch their duel closely because the two of them could grow into formidable adversaries to the League of Villains. Tomura replies that he's not afraid of a couple of kids and tries not to make him laugh.[18]

Vs. Hero Killer Arc

Stain confronts Tomura

Tomura meets Stain.

The master advises the League of Villains to recruit the infamous Hero Killer: Stain during the height of his popularity. Kurogiri warps him from Hosu City to their hideout. Stain surmises that Tomura and Kurogiri are the ones who attacked U.A. and that they want him to join their party.

The Hero Killer asks about the League of Villains goal and Tomura says right now he just wants to destroy anything that he hates, like All Might and Izuku. He shows Stain a picture of Izuku from the sports festival and Stain is not amused. He regrets having allowed himself to be swayed and says the League of Villains have nothing to offer him. Tomura is surprised when Stain says he's the type of person Stain despises most of all. He draws his blades and Kurogiri asks the master if this was a bad idea. The master replies that it's good because it will force Tomura to reflect on himself and stimulate his growth.[19]

Stain overpowers Shigaraki

Stain badly immobilizes Tomura.

Tomura and Stain come to blows over their opposing views. Stain pins Tomura to the ground and cuts his shoulder open with one of his knives. Stain tells him that without conviction Tomura will always be an aimless weakling. Tomura orders Kurogiri to warp Stain away but the Hero Killer has already paralyzed him with his Bloodcurdle Quirk. Stain says petty villains and false heroes are targets for his purge and nearly cuts the handoff Tomura's face. Tomura stops him in time and decays his knife while threatening to kill him if he touches that hand.

Tomura claims he doesn't have anything as dramatic as a conviction or creed. However, Tomura admits that he desires to kill All Might and crush the society that worships him. Tomura attacks and Stain jumps off of him. He stands up and tells the Hero Killer that he was just starting to get over his injuries and that the villains don't have a healer in their party. Stain admits he misjudged Tomura and that he does have a sprout of conviction in him. Tomura demands that Stain leave and the Hero Killer reveals he attacked to expose Tomura's true motivations.

Stain, Tomura, and Kurogiri

Tomura allows Stain to return to Hosu City.

The Hero Killer says he'll allow Tomura's sprout of conviction to grow. Tomura calls him crazy and says he can't join the league but Kurogiri pleads with him otherwise. Stain asks they return him to Hosu City so he can purge the remaining false heroes.[20] Tomura follows him to Hosu and Stain explains that he's going to reform the city. Kurogiri commends his efforts and Stain says he's the kind of guy who would understand. This annoys Tomura and he says he's tired of Stain picking on him.

Stain leaves to continue his purge and Kurogiri explains that Stain's methods are effectively making heroes work harder. Tomura mocks Stain's ideology and states that he can't get along with the Hero Killer so he'll destroy him instead. Tomura requests three Nomu from his master to destroy Stain and Kurogiri warps them to Hosu. Tomura states he'll destroy the "big bad Hero Killer's" pride, prestige, and self-worth.[21]

Tomura says the world will forget about Stain

Tomura tries to eradicate Stain from existence.

The Nomu attack Hosu City and wreak random havoc. Tomura and Kurogiri watch from atop a water tower and the former comments that the Nomu make great playthings. Kurogiri asks if he's going to fight and Tomura replies that of course he isn't because he's injured and that's why he brought the Nomu. Tomura claims that by the end of the night the world will have forgotten about the Hero Killer.[22]

Tomura uses binoculars to watch as each of the Nomu are defeated. He's especially angry when Stain kills the winged Nomu and expresses his irritation that nothing is going his way. After the remaining Nomu is arrested, Tomura disintegrates his binoculars out of anger. Kurogiri asks Tomura if the results of the attack on Hosu are to his satisfaction, but Tomura replies that the results depend on tomorrow's headlines. Kurogiri teleports them back to the hideout.

The news of the Hosu Incident and Stain's arrest take over the media. Tomura reads the newspaper and it mainly publishes Stain's feats and how his name will go down in history. Tomura is aggravated that the Hero Killer has managed to completely overshadow the Nomu attack. He throws out the newspaper and realizes that his effort to destroy the Hero Killer's name has completely backfired.[23]

Final Exams Arc

At the League of Villains hideout, Tomura sits at the bar across from Kurogiri starting at his photo of Izuku. Kurogiri asks if Tomura is curious about the boy. Giran interrupts and enters the hideout to greet Tomura. He says the League of Villains are the talk of the criminal underworld since Stain's defeat. Tomura destroys his picture of Izuku and asks who Giran brought with him. Dabi and Himiko Toga enter the room and greet Tomura. Dabi insults him by calling his appearance gross and Himiko emphatically pleads to let her join the League of Villains.[24]

Kurogiri Intervenes (Anime)

Kurogiri stops Tomura from attacking Dabi and Himiko.

Tomura doesn't even give them a chance and tells Kurogiri to get rid of the duo. He claims he can tell they're the type of people he hates because Himiko is crazy and Dabi is rude. Kurogiri pleads with him to give them a chance because Giran is so respected in the underworld. Giran introduces Himiko as a girl who's a suspect in a string of murders. She asks to join the league and Tomura responds that she's crazy. Dabi doubts the league is dedicated to the Hero Killer's mission and Tomura tells him to grow up and introduce himself properly. Dabi keeps his name hidden and only says that he needs to carry out the Hero Killer's will.

Tomura says he's tired of hearing about Stain and gets angry. He attacks both of the recruits but Kurogiri intervenes. Kurogiri reminds Tomura that the villains must increase their numbers and use Stain's ideology is the perfect way to recruit new villains while they're in the spotlight. Tomura storms out of the room and Kurogiri believes he left to find answers.

Tomura's face

Tomura reveals himself to Izuku.

Tomura dresses in civilian attire and finds Izuku at the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall. He approaches Izuku and asks for an autograph. He talks about Izuku's small fortune of fame during the Sports Festival and Hosu Incident. Izuku says the man sure knows a lot and Tomura responds by revealing that they've run into each other time and time again and it can't be a coincidence. Tomura wraps his hand around Izuku's throat and reveals his face with a wicked smile.[25]

Tomura ventured to the mall to clear his mind but he's haunted by the words of the Hero Killer. He believes that people are ignorant for smiling while people somewhere are dying. He tries to understand how Stain gained sympathizers when they're both just trying to destroy things they hate. Wanting to learn the difference between them, Tomura asks Izuku to sit down and talk. He orders Izuku to calm down and if he tries to resist then he'll turn his throat to dust and kill nearby civilians afterward.

Tomura talks to Izuku

Izuku explains the difference between Tomura and Stain.

Izuku agrees to talk and they sit down. Tomura says that he hates everything but Stain irritates him the most at the moment. The Hero Killer has managed to upstage both the U.S.J. and the Hosu Incidents and Tomura can't understand why. He asks what Izuku thinks the difference is between the two villains. Izuku replies that he can understand the Hero Killer because he's inspired by All Might. Stain's not like Tomura because he always held true to his beliefs and didn't destroy things just because like Tomura does.

Overjoyed, Tomura reveals Izuku's words have helped him realize something important. Tomura says their connection with All Might is why he hates Izuku and Stain so much. Tomura believes All Might is the reason people can smile ignorantly even though the world of Quirks is so dangerous. He gets excited and chokes Izuku harder while thanking him for helping him come to this realization. Stain's ideology and convictions have become a stepping stone for Tomura to grow.

Tomura and Stain

The Hero Killer's ideals become a stepping stone for Tomura.

Suddenly Ochaco appears and asks what's happening. Izuku yells for Ochaco to stay back and then Tomura lets him go. Tomura gets up and walks away but Izuku asks him what All For One is after. Tomura replies he doesn't know but adds that the next time he meets Izuku, he will likely kill him. As Tomura leaves, he thinks about how he's had a creed and ideals from the beginning but he just didn't know. The only difference is now he knows what he's working toward. He desires a world without All Might where the villains can reveal how fragile justice and peace really is.[26]

Forest Training Camp Arc

Let the games begin

"Let the games begin!"

With the League of Villains strengthened with a new creed and new recruits, Tomura sends the newly formed Vanguard Action Squad to attack U.A.'s training camp. He remains behind at the hideout and stacks some playing cards while speaking to Kurogiri about how his master was easily able to figure out where the training camp was being held. Tomura agrees with Kurogiri that it was worth having the new recruits on standby.

Giran enters the hideout and confirms the black market union will have supplies for the new team to support the attack. He claims the union accepted Tomura's unreasonable request because everyone in the underworld has high expectations for the League of Villains. Giran states that the villains hiding in darkness will rise up and profits will rise for brokers like himself. Tomura replies that soon Giran will be so busy he won't be able to keep up. Giran leaves and Tomura states with a wicked smile that all his pieces and prey have been lined up, so its time to begin the games.[27]

Tomura Shigaraki talks about the Vanguard Action Squad

Tomura talks to Kurogiri about the Vanguard Action Squad's mission.

After the Vanguard Action Squad Invasion commences, Kurogiri asks Tomura if the team will be okay without him. Tomura compares their attack on the U.S.J. to an RPG where they challenged the final boss at level one. Instead, Tomura should be trying to use all his pieces to break through the higher ranks of his enemies first. In order to do that, he needs to create fractures on hero society.

Tomura claims it doesn't matter if the Vanguard Action Squad succeeds because just their presence will scare the heroes. Kurogiri asks if they are just sacrificial pawns and Tomura rebuffs his claim. Tomura believes they are all strong comrades he can count on because he and Kurogiri are not the only ones oppressed by society's rules.[28]

Hideout Raid Arc

Katsuki and the League of Villains

Tomura invites Katsuki to join the League of Villains.

After the Vanguard Action Squad return from their completed mission, Katsuki is restrained and strapped to a chair. Tomura talks to Katsuki and asks him to become his comrade, but Katsuki vehemently tells him to drop the small talk and die since he wants to be a hero.[29]

After Katsuki and the League of Villains watch a video clip of U.A.'s public apology, Tomura understands why society is criticizing U.A. for their failure and that is because the current Hero society is not just. Spinner agrees that the current hero society isn't just since the modern Heroes are only doing their job for compensation and not out of selflessness. Tomura explains that the League of Villains are fighting for a just society and intends to win this battle. Tomura orders Dabi to remove Katsuki's restrains, although Dabi is unsure since Katsuki might attack; Tomura wants to treat Katsuki as an equal and is aware that Katsuki knows he has no possibility of winning.

Katsuki blasts Tomura

Katsuki attacks Tomura.

Dabi has Twice remove the restrains. As Twice removes the restrains, Mr. Compress apologizes to Katsuki for forcibly kidnapping him and explains that the League of Villains are not just a group of hoodlums perpetuating crimes nor did they casually abduct him; he goes on by saying that everyone in the League of Villains is shackled by the current society and hopes that Katsuki understands their discrimination. Katsuki's restrains are removed.

As Tomura approaches Katsuki, Katsuki attacks Tomura with his Explosions. Katsuki tells the League of Villains that it is pointless to try and make him change his mind as he has already been won over by the way All Might looks when he wins. Katsuki says that from the beginning he has dreamed of becoming a Hero and surpassing All Might and nothing they say will change that. The smoke from Katsuki's Explosions clears and Tomura sees that the hand on his face has been blown off as a result of Katsuki's attack.[30]

Tomura tells the villains to stand down

Tomura orders the villains not to attack Katsuki.

Kurogiri attempts to help Tomura, but he is silenced when Tomura fiercely glares, which stops Kurogiri and makes Katsuki tense. After picking up his hand and putting it on his face, Tomura understands that Katsuki will not be convinced to join them with mere words alone and realizes Katsuki's importance. Tomura also knows that time is of the essence and decides to ask for the "force" of his teacher, All For One, to help him convince Katsuki. All For One, who has been watching Tomura on his computer, commends his apprentice for his wise decision.[31]

Tomura orders Mr. Compress and Kurogiri to use their Quirks on Katsuki again. Suddenly, All Might breaks in with Kamui Wood swinging in and restrains Tomura along with the other League of Villains with his Lacquered Chain Prison. Tomura is annoyed that their hideout was discovered so easily after everything they did to capture Katsuki. Seeing that he has no choice, Tomura orders Kurogiri to bring in all the Noumus. However, Kurogiri is not able to since the Nomus are not at the portals, much to Tomura's surprise. All Might criticizes Tomura for underestimating the Pro Heroes, the Police Force and the unwavering spirit of youth; All Might declares that it is game over for Tomura and his League of Villains.[32]

Hideout Raid Arc (Anime)

The Pro Heroes break into the hideout.

Tomura refutes All Might's claim who says that it is the beginning for the League of Villains and they will extinguish the society All Might has created. Tomura orders Kurogiri to create portals so that they can escape. However, Kurogiri has fainted due to Edgeshot using his Quirk to paper thin his body enough to enter Kurogiri's body and knock him out from the inside. Gran Torino asks Tomura the location of All For One. Tomura becomes silent and begins reminiscing his past; he suffered in a terrible incident and no Hero came to save him. However, his teacher All For One was the one who saved him. The flashback of his childhood enrages Tomura, causing Tomura to scream out his hatred for All Might.

Suddenly, mysterious black liquid appears out of thin air with Nomus appearing out of the phenomenon which surprises the League of Villains and the Pro Heroes. The dozens of Nomus cause pandemonium for the Pro Heroes and Police Force. Tomura realizes that what is transpiring is the work of his teacher, All For One.[33]

Tomura and All For One

All For One reunites with Tomura.

Tomura along with Kurogiri and the Vanguard Action Squad are teleported by the black liquid to the League of Villains' destroyed warehouse where All For One is. All For One sees that his apprentice, Tomura, has failed again. However, All For One is neither angry nor disappointed with Tomura and encourages Tomura to try again since he still has the Vanguard Action Squad and Katsuki whom he deemed important. All For One implores Tomura to continue trying as many times as he likes since everything is for his sake.[34]

Suddenly, All Might appears and clashes with All For One. All For One creates a huge blast wave that sends All Might flying. All For One orders Tomura to escape along with Katsuki and comments that his black liquid warping Quirk won't help Tomura and the League of Villains escape. All For One uses a Quirk that forcefully activates Kurogiri's Warp Gate, which causes a portal to open. All For One orders the League of Villains to escape into Kurogiri's portal.

All For One holds All Might back

Tomura sees his master and All Might fighting

Suddenly, All Might reappears onto the battlefield, refusing to allow All For One to escape and charges at him. Before heading into battle, All For One tells Tomura that he can still grow stronger. Sensei and All Might clash again. Mr. Compress uses his Quirk on the unconscious Dabi and tells Tomura that they should escape while they can. The League of Villains prepare to take Katsuki while Katsuki prepares for battle.

As Himiko, Twice and Mr. Compress try to take Katsuki who fends them off with Explosions, Izuku along with Eijiro and Tenya appears in the sky. Eijiro yells at Katsuki to grab his hand; Tomura attempts to stop Katsuki, but Katsuki uses his Explosion to launch himself towards Eijiro and grabs his hand.[35]

Tomura magnetized

Tomura pulled into Kurogiri's Warp Gate.

Tomura, the Vanguard Action Squad and All Might are surprised that Izuku, Eijiro and Tenya were in the area as well. Spinner, Kenji and Mr. Compress hatch a plan to retrieve Katsuki, but it is ruined due to Mount Lady's interference. Spinner and Kenji attempt to repeat the plan using Twice, but Gran Torino blitzes them and knocks them out.

Before Tomura can attack Gran Torino, he along with the Vanguard Action Squad is magnetically pulled into Kurogiri's Warp Gate. The Vanguard Action Squad are forcefully sucked into Kurogiri's Warp Gate and is teleported away. As he is being sucked into the Warp Gate, Tomura calls out to his teacher concerned for his safety. Before Tomura teleports away, All For One tells Tomura to continue the fight. Tomura and the unconscious Kurogiri are teleported away by the Warp Gate, causing the portal to disperse.[36]

Tomura Shigaraki mourns All For One

"Now is your turn."

Tomura remains with his allies into an unknown room to be safe. There, he is aware of All For One's defeat at the hands of All Might. All this makes Tomura hate increases. In his cell, All For One is satisfied with the outcome despite his defeat, as it will motivate his protegee to gain more experience and become stronger.

Thus, the battle between All For One and One For All is passed on to the next generation: Tomura Shigaraki and Izuku Midoriya.[37]

Provisional Hero License Exam Arc


Waiting in the dark.

After All For One is arrested and All Might retires, Tomura goes into hiding and orders the League of Villains to disperse so that it makes it easier for them to hide from the Police Force while also ordering them to find new villains to join the League. In his new hideout, Tomura is sitting in the dark while Mr. Compress speaks to Himiko over the phone.[38] Eventually, most of the League of Villains (except Dabi and Spinner), gather together again with Twice bringing a potential new villain to join them, Overhaul.[39]

Shie Hassaikai Arc

Overhaul meets the League of Villains

Meeting with Overhaul.

Overhaul enters the League of Villains hideout, but is unimpressed with Tomura and his members as well as his unclean hideout. Overhaul explains to the League of Villains that with All For One's downfall, someone will eventually become the next ruler of the underworld. However, Tomura replies that he will become the next underworld ruler after he gathers more members and crush the current hero society. Overhaul asks Tomura if he has a plan, to which Tomura responds that he thought Overhaul wanted to join them.

Overhaul is disappointed that Tomura doesn't have a plan to achieve his objective and laments that he wasted the potential of Stain, Muscular and Moonfish. Overhaul reveals that he wants the League of Villains to join him so that he can teach them the proper way to run an organization and use them to gain financial capital so that he can get one step closer to becoming the next underworld ruler.

Tomura lunges at Overhaul

Tomura attacks Overhaul.

As Tomura orders Overhaul to leave, Magne takes offense to his proposal and magnetizes Overhaul, bringing him into her range. Magne hits Overhaul on the head with her weapon, to which Overhaul retaliates by touching Magne. Overhaul's physical contact causes Magne to explode, much to the League of Villains' shock. Overhaul blames the League for throwing the first punch, commenting on his dislike of blood.

Mr. Compress charges forward and touches Overhaul but his Compress Quirk does not activate due to previously being shot in the arm with a bullet capable of disarming Quirks. Overhaul is enraged at being touched and explodes Mr. Compress' left arm.

Tomura decays one of Overhaul's goons

Overhaul uses a subordinate to protect himself from Tomura's attack.

Furious, Tomura dashes to Overhaul and prepares to decay him. There is another shot against Tomura, but it misses, and Overhaul quickly calls for one of his men to shield him and Tomura's hand comes into contact with Overhaul's subordinate, causing him to disintegrate. Suddenly, Overhaul's other subordinates appear. Himiko and Twice want to kill Overhaul for murdering Magne but Tomura, seeing that both of their organizations have suffered casualties, refuses their request.

As Overhaul exits, he throws a business card at Tomura's feet and tells him to call him again after he has calmed down and thought about the organization he wishes to build. After the Shie Hassaikai left, Tomura recalls All For One's advice and even considers Overhaul's words to formulate a plan. Next time they meet, Tomura will demand a lot of repayment.[40]

Chronostasis and Mimic threaten Tomura

Chrono and Mimic threaten Tomura.

After their initial meeting, Tomura calls Overhaul, interested in expanding the influence of the League of Villains in trade of allowing Overhaul and the Shie Hassaikai to use the reputation of their name. Tomura is still wary of Overhaul, however, and only agrees to allow him to use the League of Villains' reputation if he learns the details of his plan.

This request angers Chronostasis and Mimic of the Shie Hassaikai and they begin to threaten Tomura. He meets their threats with an equal anger, expressing that their lives were not equal to that of the deceased Magne's. Once Overhaul orders Chrono and Mimic to calm down, Tomura once again questions him about the bullet that can disable Quirks.[41]

Tomura questions Overhaul about the Quirk Erasing bullets

Tomura asks Overhaul about his plan

After Overhaul tells Tomura his plan he sets up a game of shogi, questioning if Tomura had ever played it before. Upon Tomura's disapproval of playing while in discussion, Overhaul uses the opportunity to teach him how to "appreciate the game." He uses the board to make a deal with Tomura, intent on having Twice, and Himiko or Kurogiri as temporary transfers.

Tomura accuses Overhaul of wanting to chip away the mobility of the League of Villains, declaring that those Overhaul wants are vital to the League of Villains. Overhaul responds, stating that they must begin to build trust, and that the League of Villains and the Shie Hassaikai still have bad blood. Tomura gives in to Overhaul's request, trading Himiko and Twice to the Shie Hassaikai as temporary transfers.[42]

Tomura reveals his face to the League

Tomura convinces his comrades to ally with the Shie Hassaikai.

Upon telling the League of Villains, Twice is in disbelief at the thought of teaming up with the Shie Hassaikai. Tomura, growing tired at repeating himself, states that Overhaul's plan is promising and that Himiko and Twice are now yakuza. When Tomura begins to explain Himiko and Twice's next movements, the latter loudly questions if Tomura has lost his mind. Twice rants that Overhaul and the Shie Hassaikai murdered Magne and took off Mr. Compress' arm. He states that his own carelessness led the Shie Hassaikai to the League of Villains. In a fit of tears, Twice takes off his mask and tells Tomura that he and Himiko are humans as well. Twice questions just what the members of the League of Villains are to Tomura.

Himiko then explains her motivation about joining the league and that, inspired by Stain, she wishes to make the world easier to live in in her own way, and that if there's any way to do that she would try. Himiko then hovers a knife over Tomura's left shoulder, asking why she and Twice have to "do such a painful, unpleasant thing." Tomura, taking off the hand that covers his face, tells a shocked Himiko and Twice that it is for the sake of he and the both of them. He continues, stating that the Shie Hassaikai wish to hamper the mobility of the League, win the both of them over, and that they don't view the League of Villains as their equals. Tomura then reminds Twice that he told him to take responsibility for his actions, and that this is the way to do it, stating that he believes in them.[43]

League of Villains attack the Police

Tomura and the league confront the police.

After Overhaul's defeat at the hands of the Heroes, Tomura, Dabi, Mr. Compress, and Spinner, with the help of Himiko, are able to locate the police transporting the apprehended Overhaul. A policeman soon recognizes Tomura aboard the truck, with Dabi and Mr. Compress standing beneath him in the cargo hold.

Spinner, who is driving the truck, questions what attacking the police has to do with creating a "True Hero Society." Tomura responds, telling him that it's a necessary sacrifice. Dabi then uses his Quirk to generate a vortex of black flames, aiming it at the police car. But, to Dabi's surprise, the car is covered by sand by the Sand Hero: Snatch. Telling Spinner to decelerate their vehicle, Tomura jumps, attacking the hero. Held by a cloud of sand, Tomura recognizes Snatch's Quirk as his natural opposite.

Tomura Shigaraki confronts a defeated Kai Chisaki

Tomura "rescues" the defeated Overhaul.

Mr. Compress releases a large rock under the police car, launching it into the air and helping Tomura escape from the Sand Hero's grasp and directly onto the patrol car. Using his Quirk, Tomura makes the vehicle crash, as the other police cars colliding too due to Mr. Compress rock. Snatch uses his Quirk to secure the safety of the police officers, but then he is attacked by Dabi, who throws flames at him. As the flames engulf the hero, Mr. Compress compresses the top half of Snatch, with Dabi stating that he believes the hero will die.

Tomura, taking Overhaul out of the police car, mocks him on his failure and states that he hates him because of his arrogance. Overhaul expects Tomura has come to kill him, but what Tomura plans is much more sadistic. He lets Mr. Compress pay Overhaul back for the loss of his arm by removing his left arm with his Quirk.

Tomura Shigaraki mocks to a helpless Kai Chisaki

"Everything you've worked so hard for is mine now."

Tomura checks the contents of the container but sees that there are two boxes, wondering which one has the finished product but sees that it does not matter. Chisaki demands that Tomura give the container back.

Tomura calls Chisaki a hypocrite, noting the irony in Chisaki's plans to erase a Quirk when he himself uses a Quirk to achieve that plan and touches Chisaki's right forearm, that begins to disintegrate. Chisaki becomes worried seeing the Decay begins to spread across his arm, threatening to disintegrate his entire body, but Tomura takes out a knife and which he uses to amputate his arm, preventing him from dying.

New rulers of the underworld

"The next rulers of the underworld will be us."

With both of his arms torn off, now he is incapable of activating his Quirk, Tomura proceeds to taunt him for now being the helpless and "Quirkless" man, the very thing he wanted others to be. Tomura gloats at having obtained Chisaki's life's work, and laughs in his face with the knowledge that the League of Villains will be the next overlords, not him, and instead of dying he gets to live — powerless and looking on with envy — while it happens.

Chisaki is horrified by Tomura's actions, as he can no longer bring his boss out of his coma, and can only scream in frustration and horror, as Shuichi reminds Tomura that reinforcements are on the way. Tomura, Dabi, and, Atsuhiro leave the wreckage, with Tomura declaring that they will be the next rulers of the underworld.[44]

Meta Liberation Army Arc

Less than a month before the Hero Billboard Chart JP, the League of Villains is in a sorry state. They're barely scraping by with no funds and have resorted to stealing from other criminal groups, all while hiding out in an abandoned run-down building. Sometime during this period while the League are taking it easy, Twice asks Himiko if she wants a Villain name of her own, with Mr. Compress and Spinner adding that her and Tomura are the only ones without one. Himiko staunchly refuses one, rejecting the others suggestions.

Tomura, who was playing a video game during this time, explains how in the past there used to be no difference between Heroes and Villains, with one theory being that aliases were originated when you had an anonymous enemy and needed to call them something. From there, some adopted those nicknames to hide their identities, and eventually, they went all in with the code-names ripped straight from comic books, leading to the world becoming like a comic book itself. Tomura says he's good without one, even though he thinks they can be cool. Himiko jumps for joy over hearing all of that, saying that is why she joined the League, to live as "Himiko Toga".[45]

The League at their new hideout

Tomura and his allies at their new hideout.

Sometime later, Tomura leads Spinner, Twice, Compress, and Himiko to the house of the Creature Rejection Clan where they interrupt a religious meeting. The villains rudely start searching through the church for items of value. The clansmen demand the villains leave and rush at them. Tomura grabs one of the men by his head and tells him they'll leave once they're done. As the man disintegrates and the villains slaughter the other men, Tomura states that the clan shouldn't have intervened if they didn't want guests overstaying their welcome.

The group hardly finds anything to sell and they return to their hideout. Irritated, Spinner questions Tomura how long the League will live in filth. Tomura simply replies until their job is done and Compress adds that they'd likely live much more lavishly had they cooperated with the Hassaikai. Dabi rejoins the group and Tomura recalls that it's been about a month since Kurogiri was captured by the Police.[46]

Gigantomachia finds the League of Villains

Tomura comes face to face with true power.

Kurogiri went to retrieve a secret weapon that All For One left behind, but he was captured by heroes and the League never received this power. The League also hasn't had contact with All For One's personal doctor since All For One was defeated.[47] Once again, Spinner asks Tomura where the League is going. He explains that he was inspired by Stain to live with a new purpose, but the League of Villains aren't going anywhere. Before Tomura can give a clear answer, great rumbling shakes the hideout.[46]

Tomura and the others go outside where a giant breaks through the ground while asking for All For One's successor. Tomura recognizes this is the power Kurogiri had alluded to. The giant claims he devotes himself to All For One and demands that Tomura prove he is worthy. The League of Villains is easily overpowered and the titan begins to wail and cry, upset at how weak Tomura has proven to be. A familiar voice echoes from the radio and Tomura realizes it's All For One's doctor.[47]

Gigantomachia attacks the League of Villains

Gigantomachia attacks the League.

The Doctor asks how Tomura and his allies have been and the latter sarcastically replies that they're fine. The giant crushes the hideout and cries out that he cannot accept his master's successor. Tomura asks why and the Doctor introduces the assailant as Gigantomachia, one of All For One's former bodyguard. All For One put Gigantomachia into hiding shortly after picking up Tomura, all so his dreams could live on.

A recording of All For One's voice plays from Gigantomachia's radio, soothing the giant into docility. Tomura claims he doesn't want this gift and the Doctor tells him to grow up. He transports all of the League into his secret laboratory, housing about a dozen High-End Nomu. Tomura says he's been seeking out the Doctor to reproduce the Quirk-Killer Bullets.

The League meets Kyudai Garaki

Tomura being questioned about his worthinnes of doctor help.

The Doctor introduces himself as Daruma Ujiko and reveals to Tomura that he brought the villains to his lair out of respect for All For One. However, this does not mean Doctor Ujiko will aid the League of Villains. He believes Tomura has accomplished nothing and must prove he's worthy. He asks Tomura what he and his band of young villains plan on showing him.[48]

Tomura can't remember much before meeting All For One, yet every time he equips "his family", Tomura's rage boils out of control. He recalls meeting All For One and the doctor revealing the remains of his family that he unintentionally murdered using a rare Quirk never before seen. Young Tomura's emotions ran out of control but his new master promised to teach him how to direct those negative feelings.

Tomura's desire to destroy everything

"Why not just destroy it all?"

The fragments of his past are buried inside a hole in Tomura's heart that acts as an endless source of rage. Tomura believes that no matter what, he will always have this weight on his heart and that's why he hates everything. So in Tomura's eyes, why not destroy everything? Tomura promises to show the doctor the beautiful horizon lying beyond the destruction of everything.

Entertained, Doctor Ujiko agrees to help make Tomura's childish dreams come true. Himiko asks if he plans on destroying what she loves but Tomura says his allies are exceptions. The Doctor claims Tomura passed his test with flying colors and is impressed by how much he's grown. He plans on helping the League using the High-End Nomu and other research he's been preparing for Tomura.

Episode 108

Tomura decided to submit Gigantomachia to his will

The Doctor still believes the League is weak and they need to prove themselves. They will not receive his full support until Tomura gets Gigantomachia to submit. Tomura states the Doctor has provided them with a long enough tutorial. Dabi refuses to help, as he's on verge of recruiting new allies. Tomura approves and says he's excited to see who Dabi brings back. The Doctor recruits Dabi to help test one of the High-Ends and Tomura asks to be warped back to the giant.

Using Johnny, the Doctor warps everyone except Dabi back to Gigantomachia. Tomura claims the true king has returned and challenges Gigantomachia with his newfound confidence, while the giant gladly accepts his challenge.[5] For the next month and a half into mid-December, Tomura fights Gigantomachia for 48 hours and 44 minutes straight before the giant rests for three hours. Tomura has hardly slept himself but as his life dances in the hands of a giant, all he can do is smile.

The League of Villains attack Gigantomachia in mid-air

Tomura continuing to fight Gigantomachia.

The giant has yet to accept Tomura, but after their most recent fight, Tomura truly believes Machia is slowing down and he will reign him in soon. Twice receives a sudden call from Giran, but it turns out to be someone else entirely. The mysterious voice tells the League to check the news, where they find out that Giran's fingers and personal items have been left in five different places where the League has appeared.

The man over the phone introduces himself as Re-Destro, Grand Commander of the Meta Liberation Army. Tomura says he's tired of old school groups like the liberation army and the yakuza popping out of the underworld. Re-Destro explains that they have Giran alive and that the army desires to destroy the status quo and allow people to use their Quirks freely. Tomura tells Re-Destro and his merry band of revolutionaries to liberate Giran and call back later after he's done dealing with Machia.

Re-Destro's Declaration of War (Anime)

Re-Destro declares the war to the League of Villains.

Re-Destro commends Giran's resistance and makes Tomura regret his comment. The Grand Commander boasts his army has 116,516 warriors ready to be called to action. He also claims to have a satellite camera locked on the villains and threatens to call the top heroes on them. Tomura sarcastically thanks him for the warning and asks what the Detnerat CEO is really after. Re-Destro explains that only Destro can be credited with the revolution that changes society, therefore the League of Villains must be eliminated to signal the rebirth of the Liberation Army.

As a declaration of war, Tomura is given the choice to bring the League to Deika City to face the Meta Liberation Army or do nothing and be captured by the heroes.[49] If the League of Villains wishes to see Giran free, they must go to Aichi Prefecture in the next hour. Compress questions the League's next move and Twice emphatically demands they save Giran.

Tomura removes Twice's mask

"I have a plan."

Tomura removes an erratic Twice's mask to shut him up and tells everyone he has a plan. He contacts the Doctor via a small com device in his ear. The Doctor has been listening to "villain radio". Compress suggests they use a High-End to attack but the Doctor refuses. Tomura reveals he wasn't about to rely on the Nomu and follows up with two questions: Where's Dabi and how long will it take for Gigantomachia to awaken.

They still have over two hours until Machia wakes up and Dabi is in a convenient location. Satisfied with the conditions, Tomura asks the Doctor to warp them all to Aichi. Spinner is concerned that they're charging into a trap but Tomura plans on using the liberation army's numbers to wear down Gigantomachia's insane stamina. Tomura returns Jin's mask and says the liberation army will never know what hit them.[50]

The League arrives at Deika City

The League arrives at Deika City.

The League of Villains arrive in Aichi and are guided into Deika City by Pro Hero Slidin' Go. As they walk through the abandoned town, Tomura realizes that the entire area has been turned against them. They meet face to face with Koku Hanabata and Chitose Kizuki, two top executives of the army. Koko signals the Meta Liberation Army's Revival Celebration to begin and dozens of warriors attack.

Tomura views Koku as a miniboss despite being a well-known politician. The leader of the Hearts and Mind Party reveals Giran is in the tower with the Grand Commander. Two citizens rush Tomura with their Quirks, but he turns them to dust in an instant and leads his squad toward the tower.[51]

Tomura's Decay gets more powerful

Tomura disintegrates an entire swarm of his enemies.

As the battle continues, Tomura begins to feel the exhaustion from his month-long campaign against Gigantomachia setting in. Stumbling through an alleyway as his surroundings blur, he suddenly has a flashback to his childhood when his sister found a photo of his grandmother Nana. When he asked her why she showed the photo to him, Hana cheerfully replied that despite what their father said, she was still on his side.

Tomura muses that despite having no memory of this, the emotions of the event still remain, and he laments that the flashbacks only show him fragments of his past instead of his whole history. Just as a swarm of liberation warriors charges at him, Tomura flips himself onto a wall and grabs one soldier by the face, causing a chain reaction that disintegrates all of the soldiers simultaneously.[52]

Twice's doubles save Tomura

Twice's doubles save Tomura.

Tomura and Spinner press on the attack and spot the tower in the distance but are unable to get through the waves of enemies. Tomura is saved from an enemy attack by Twice who he is surprised to see create copies of himself to help. Desiring an advantage, Tomura tells Twice to clear a path to the tower and announces his plan to let Gigantomachia handle the grunts. Twice agrees and tells Tomura to rest up for his showdown with Re-Destro.

A shocked Spinner suggests whether it would be better to let Twice take care of everything. Tomura replies Twice acts that way because he really likes Giran. Then, Tomura tells that he will not forgive the Liberation Army for toying with people’s hearts.[53]

Re-Destro catches Tomura's double

Re-Destro catches Tomura's double.

Twice manages to reach Re-Destro and creates Doubles of the League's member to confront him, including Tomura. Re-Destro destroys them with a single attack but Tomura's double survives and faces the Supreme Commander. While fighting, he tells him the story of the mother of the Quirks and, after catching "Tomura", he asks him if he truly believes the will of the League can surpass the MLA's.

The clone Tomura does not respond but tells Twice to create a cushion to protect Giran because after Re-Destro's first attack, he flew by the window frame and saw the real Tomura approaching the skyscraper and that destruction is imminent.

The fight between Tomura and Re-Destro begins

The two villain leaders face off.

With Twice's clones causing a distraction, Tomura is able to reach the tower and destroys it with a single touch. Seeing that someone survived the drop, Tomura realizes he was the leader and finally comes face to face with Re-Destro who he recognizes from the Detnerat commercial. Re-Destro is disappointed Tomura was unable to hear what he had to say prior to their final encounter.[54]

Tomura taunts Re-Destro on his army's dwindling numbers and asks him where his bravado when he called the league went. However, his foe activates his Quirk and increases his size while Tomura stands unfazed and charges him while his Quirk destroys his surroundings with his footsteps. Unfortunately, Re-Destro seizes Tomura's hand and starts to snap it, severing two fingers, for its part in killing many of his subordinates.[55]

Stress Output Burden

Re-Destro attacks Tomura with his Stress Quirk.

While being held by his foe, Tomura is taunted but when Re-Destro unknowingly starts destroying the hands on Tomura's suit. This triggers Tomura's instincts, allowing him to be able to decay part of his hand by using only two fingers. This phenomenon surprises and causes him to throw Tomura away immediately, Tomura was taken back by his new strength and how his feelings were stirred by one instant and starts to remember his more of his childhood.

Tomura soon dashes towards Re-Destro, who is surprised at how he is far more nimble and quick then he was back at Kamino, Yokohama, and as such far more dangerous. Resolving to end the situation, Re-Destro decides he's done playing around and proceeds to bulk up his body at 80% Liberation, causing his body to contort and bulge until he becomes demonic like in nature. He then releases his Ultimate Move Stress Output Burden that tears through several city blocks in an attempt to kill Tomura. The resulting attack sends Tomura flying.[56]

Tomura no longer needs his father's hand

Tomura is finally free from his emotional and mental restrictions.

However, Tomura managed to survive, as he touched and destroyed the attack. Tomura takes the preserved hand of his father out of his pocket and tells Re-Destro that he is right about him, that he truly exists only to destroy. The commander of the Meta Liberation Army replies that he must die then, because it is impossible for there to be a future without creation, and bulks up even more all so he can destroy him. Tomura only asks him who needs a future, since he will bring it crashing down. This only serves to infuriate Re-Destro who prepares to attack, while Tomura begins to remember when he was Tenko.[2]

After remembering his time alone and being found by All For One, Tomura finds resolve that those helped him become who he really is. Tomura then breaks away from his past trauma by crushing his father's hand.[4]

Tomura as the Angel of Death

Tomura embraces his villainy.

With memories of his past returning, Tomura decides to break free of the shackles of his trauma and deems the hands unnecessary. As Re-Destro attempts to finish him with 100% of his Stress Meta Ability activated however, Tomura retaliates and disintegrates Re-Destro's energy tendrils with ease. This nearly destroys all of Deika City, crumbling most of the surrounding buildings entirely.

Tomura mocks his foe by telling him that he understands the latter's motive for destroying whatever bugs him for fun. Re-Destro begins to panic as Tomura moves towards him with intention. After rebuffing Tomura's claim, Re-Destro proceeds to summon his Claustro armor to amplify his Stress. Now armored, Re-Destro prepares to use 150% of his power, in which Tomura doesn't seem fazed at all.[57]

Tomura finds true freedom

Tomura laughs as the world crumbles around him.

Tomura gleefully unleashes his full power with nothing holding him back anymore. His attack causes Re-Destro to struggle, as his Claustro armor begins to break apart with no effort. Re-Destro soon deduces that Tomura must have a limited range for him to counterattack. He then attempts to end the battle by launching missiles at Tomura but fails to notice the effects of Tomura's Quirk has gone beyond its limits. Tomura laughs triumphantly with a desire to destroy anything that stands in his path.

The overall attack causes Deika City to finally meet its end while Re-Destro is forced to evacuate decaying armor but plummets straight to the ground with nothing supporting him. However, Re-Destro barely survives but is forced to cut his legs off with a piece of his armor to prevent Decay's effect from spreading on his body.

Rikiya gives the leadership of the Meta Liberation Army to Tomura

Tomura emerges victorious over Re-Destro.

A wounded Tomura approaches Re-Destro and tauntingly tells Re-Destro that he recalls the reason this battle happened was due to the latter challenging him to a fight. Trumpet, Spinner, and the remaining MLA soldiers arrive on the scene. Trumpet commands his soldiers to attack Tomura but Tomura intimidates them by giving an icy cold smile. Tomura watches Re-Destro hold off his subordinates, to avoid bringing about more meaningless casualties.

Re-Destro admits that his people weren't following his will but rather Destro's command. He then realizes that Tomura's leadership skills are better suited to lead his MLA army. With that being said, Re-Destro surrenders and lends the MLA's strength to the League of Villains. Everyone remaining on the battlefield watches with astonishment, as a spectating Gigantomachia finally acknowledges Tomura. Satisfied with Re-Destro's decision, a victorious Tomura asks him if he has enough money to get the League some lunch.[58]

The Paranormal Liberation Front (Anime)

Tomura becomes the Grand Commander of his new army.

In the aftermath of the battle, one of the hands is revealed to have survived the destruction, and Tomura took that hand to wear as his trademark mask. Later on, Re-Destro holds a ceremony to the members of the Meta-Liberation army where he formally bestowed control of the army to Tomura, as the grand commander. Tomura only remarks on that his new coat is itchy while Re-Destro announces that Tomura will be aided by nine lieutenants, consisting of members of the League and Liberation Army.

The alliance becomes known as the Paranormal Liberation Front. Tomura then speaks up that names are decoration, as what only mattered was the change they bring. After the speech, he dismisses a submissive Re-Destro and collapses to his knees from his injuries. Tomura then talks with Daruma, noting he exceeded his expectations with his victory and the latter agrees to aid him.[59]

My Hero Academia: Heroes: Rising

Tomura observes the aftermath of Nine’s attack

Tomura observes the aftermath of Nine's recent attack.

Sometime after the clash, Tomura and his allies gain information about one of Doctor Ujiko's projects involving Quirk and body enhancement upon getting requested that his League needs to transfer an important cargo to an unknown location. The League questions Ujiko what's inside the cargo, to which the Doctor simply tells them it has nothing to do with them. Dabi, Spinner, Compress are assigned to do the task. Tomura decides to order Twice to create doubles of Dabi, Mr. Compress, and Spinner to do the job instead of sending the real ones to avoid the risk of getting themselves captured.

A few days later, the League relocates at an abandoned shack despite having their main headquarters being located in Deika City. While his comrades wonder what was inside the cargo, Tomura recalls the Life Support Unit back from when he was still directly under All For One. The Doctor told him specifically to never touch it because it was a personal project. Tomura then walks outside the shackle and slowly remembers the man that the Doctor once used for that project. The next day in Kyushu City, Tomura secretly observes Hawks with suspicion, while noticing the huge amount of destruction caused by Nine.

Tomura kills Nine

Nine is killed by Tomura.

Eventually, after Nine is ultimately defeated by the combined teamwork of Izuku and Katsuki, Tomura locates him on an unknown island surrounded by flowers via Warping. The wounded Nine tells Tomura that he hasn't perfected the current society yet and there still has to be someone who can guide everyone to their destiny. Tomura then tells Nine that he'll be the one to conquer the world Nine so desperately wanted to control. With that being said, Tomura kills Nine for failing his mission and leaves the island without anyone noticing him.[60]

Endeavor Agency Arc

Kyudai prepares to operate on Tomura

Kyudai prepares to give Tomura the ultimate power boost.

While his followers organize the forces for when he makes his move within four months, Tomura goes to Ujiko's lab for a special surgery that will make him more powerful. Daruma asks Tomura why he wants more power, considering that his Quirk Decay has become so powerful that he is literally destruction incarnate. Tomura replies that he had promised him more power if he met his requirements, also he wants to use everything he has at his disposal to obliterate the drags All Might left behind.

Daruma likes Tomura's proclamations and explains the situation. Thanks to the surgery he will perform on him, he will obtain a suitable body to control a power much greater than that of All For One, to the point he can even obtain One For All, a Quirk that Tomura does not know until Daruma revealed its existence. Daruma also assures Tomura that the medical process will last four months, and he will endure four months of hellish agony.

Clarifying the situation, Daruma begins to operate Tomura's surgery for the next few months.[61]

Paranormal Liberation War Arc

Kyudai enjoying Tomura's progress

Tomura's painful process of becoming more powerful than before.

A month after Tomura started the operation to become more powerful, he was seen still going through it, with it being extremely agonizing and gruesome as Dr. Ujiko had assured him. The Doctor was impressed that the process seemed to be going better than he originally planned as he excitedly cheered Tomura on from the sidelines as numerous tubes and wires were shown sticking out of his spine and head, while a bigger mechanical tube operated on his midsection which had been completely torn open, all accompanied by copious amounts of blood. Despite the painful process, Tomura was fully conscious throughout it, laughing madly.[62]

Less than a month before his surgery was to be completed, Tomura had been relocated to a large tube underneath Jaku Hospital, with Ujiko overseeing the completion of the process while using a clone of him created by Twice to handle everything else. Unbeknownst to them, the Heroes had managed to figure out Tomura's location, as well as learning that Ujiko, real name Kyudai Garaki, was an ally of All For One. They proceed to carry out a grand operation to raid the hospital as well as the other Paranormal Liberation Front hideouts.

Tomura awakes in a limbo

Tomura hallucinates a warped vision of his previous life.

When the Heroes launched the raid on the hospital, Doctor Garaki ordered Johnny to warp him and Tomura out, only for the Nomu to be crushed by Mirko barging into the lab. The Doctor reluctantly releases the five remaining High-End Nomu to attack Mirko, while he flees the battle, hoping they will buy enough time for Tomura's operation to finish, which is at 71% completion.[63]

However, Tomura's operation immediately gets interrupted once the other Heroes in Jaku Hospital back up Mirko during her struggle against the incomplete High-Ends. Kyudai desperately begs Mirko to stop her assault but the Rabbit Hero ignores him as Tomura's operation reaches 74% completion, telling the other Heroes that they cannot allow him to awaken.[64] She manages to partially destroy his tank with a swift kick, followed by Present Mic managing to destroy most of Kyudai's equipment with his Loud Voice, including the rest of Tomura's operation tank. This releases Tomura's unconscious body at a 75% completion state.

Tomura comes back to life

Tomura comes back to life.

X-Less then restrains Tomura's body and notes that he isn't breathing and his heart has stopped. Kyudai reveals he put Tomura into a state of suspension to lighten the burden of stabilization and that the container was meant to accelerate the stabilization process, support his system, and resuscitate him when necessary, all the while crying about how he lived for Tomura's sake.[65]

While unconscious, Tomura experiences a facsimile of his warped past. Tomura explores the illusion and encounters many visions of his deceased family members that he accidentally murdered. He also encounters his father Kotaro, the man who was responsible for his unintentional Quirk awakening. Tomura then destroys the fake illusion of Kotaro, only to see a shadowy abyss swallowing everything up. Tomura walks forward and realizes that the man standing in front of him is an illusion of All For One.

Tomura unleashes his empowered Quirk

Tomura unleashes a huge wave of Decay.

Tomura walks forward but visions of his family, including Nana, try to stop him from falling into darkness. Unfortunately, Tomura coldly destroys the remaining bits of his humanity away and accepts All For One's empty embrace. Once the vision ends, Tomura snaps out of his subconscious dream and finally awakens from his deep slumber, now possessing All For One's Quirk.[66] He then comments that he feels cold, but was interrupted when X-Less is about to attack him. Tomura grabs him by the head, killing him in the process, and then proceeds to take the latter's cape for himself.[67]

Tomura then unleashes a powerful Decay attack that quickly disintegrates the hospital, spreading beyond its limits. He manages to disintegrate many bystanders, including Heroes, who stand within his path to victory.[68]

Endeavor dodges Tomura's attack

Tomura fights against Endeavor.

Once Tomura finishes his powerful Decay attack, he realizes the massive destruction he caused by observing the ruins of the hospital. Tomura notices that thanks to the Doctor's upgrades, he has full control over how he wants to use his Decay Quirk as he picks up the Doctor's phone. Tomura contacts Gigantomachia and requests that he gather all the PLF members as they're going to destroy everything standing in their way.[69] However, before Tomura can leave, Endeavor appears and prepares to fight All For One's successor.[70]

Tomura is forced to engage with the number #1 Hero as the latter unleashes Hell's Curtain which traps him in a scorching inferno but manages to withstand its burning effects using his newly received Super Regeneration. Tomura also takes note of how he's regenerating his wounds at an incredible speed. Endeavor tries to knock down Tomura with another attack but misses. He ends up grabbing his arm but Tomura blasts Endeavor away with a blast of air that sends him sailing. Tomura then realizes he feels a powerful surge of energy flowing through him, discovering he possesses all the Quirks All For One collected in the past. Tomura remembers Kyudai's words before he underwent his surgery and decides to salvage the remaining Quirk-Destroying Drugs for future purposes.[71]

Radio Waves

Tomura blocks out communication for the Heroes via "Radio Waves".

However, Tomura notices that something is missing within his newfound Quirk, and feels like he should he regain this power. A voice starts to speak in his head that the thing he desires to obtain is One For All, and using Ragdoll's Search Quirk, manages to locate it within Izuku Midoriya. Tomura quickly leaps into the air as he heads out in search for Izuku's location for their fated clash. While flying, Tomura realizes the data Ragdoll previously acquired with Search was stored up, which means the data she obtained from Izuku during Training Camp he could now see for himself, which he sees as "fate".

Endeavor, who is in hot pursuit of Tomura, attempts to blast the villain again with another fiery attack, only to be caught off guard by Tomura causing another misdirection to throw him off. He overhears Endeavor's communications with Deku and the other heroes, as he tries to relay them Tomura's movements, so decides to get him out of his way by unleashing a combined attack of Air Cannon and Radio Waves. This attack not only jams all the communicators, but also activates the capsules of the Near High-Ends that he was careful not to destroy when the decay started.

Episode 119

Tomura attempts to steal One For All from Deku.

Without Endeavor being able to communicate his position to Deku, Tomura finally catches up him (accompanied by Katsuki) and reaches his hand out to him and demands that he give One For All to him. Gran Torino interrupts their brief confrontation by dragging Deku and Katsuki away to safety.

Ryuku follows up by flying up to Tomura and attempts to swipe at him with her claw. Tomura catches Ryuku's claw, believing she'd be disintegrated by now. However, Tomura discovers his Quirk isn't working and gets swatted aside in the process. He then realizes Eraser Head was responsible for disabling his Quirk upon witnessing the latter's arrival, commenting that it was cool of him to try and stop him.[72] While in air, Tomura pulls out his communicator and orders an unknown client to kill anyone on sight before engaging in combat against Endeavor, who is trajected towards him with help from his sidekick Kido.

Tomura stands triumphantly on the beaten Endeavor and Ryukyu

Tomura mocks the defeated Endeavor.

Ryukyu points out that Tomura can't use his Quirk due to Eraser Head disabling it. Upon reaching Tomura, Endeavor unleashes a large blast of fire straight at him but Tomura dodges to the right, though his left arm gets burnt. However, Tomura seems unfazed by this Ultimate Move, causing Endeavor to realize that Tomura didn't use any Quirk to dodge, rather his physical strength. It is revealed by a restrained Kyudai, elsewhere, that through the experimentation process, Tomura now possesses near All Might level strength. Ryukyu flies towards Tomura, only for the latter to slam Endeavor right down at her, causing both to plummet to the ground.

A triumphant Tomura stands victorious on the ground and throws a victory pose similar to that of Endeavor's to mock the Flame Hero. Endeavor tries to blast him again but fails as Tomura swiftly dodges his flames. Tomura notes that since he gained control over Decay after waking up, he tried to control it so it wouldn't spread to the Nomu capsules, but acknowledged that not all of them survived. Recalling back to Kyudai's words, Tomura reveals that he managed to activate the remaining Near High-Ends thanks to his use of Radio Waves, which caused an electric surge that awakened these creatures.

Endeavor blasts Tomura away from the students

Endeavor attacks Tomura to help Deku and Katsuki.

Once the Near High-Ends begin to counterattack against the Heroes, Tomura dashes towards Eraser Head, intending to take out the Hero due to him being a hindrance to his plans. Before he can reach him, Tomura suddenly gets tackled back by Deku and Katsuki, both intending to finish off the Symbol of Chaos once and for all.[73]

Deku holds onto Tomura with Blackwhip while Katsuki launches his A.P. Machine Gun. Tomura easily shakes off Katsuki's attack, likening the explosions to fireworks, and tells Katsuki that he's no longer on his radar before trying to kill him. However, Endeavor strikes Tomura with a flame-imbued fist and sends him flying.

Become mine little brother

Become mine, "little brother".

Tomura rushes toward Deku to try and steal One For All, but as he does, the voice of his master starts to leak out of him, calling Deku "little brother", which confuses the two of them. Though grateful for his master's aid, Tomura declares he will become something greater than All For One, and destroys the image of his master in his mind.

While doing this, Gran Torino strikes Tomura with a kick and tells the villain to stop trampling over Nana's memory, though Tomura doesn't know who the hero is talking about. Tomura strikes both Gran Torino and Endeavor, but as he's doing this, Katsuki comes in from the sky and releases an explosion from his gauntlet, giving Deku the opening to land up a powerful smash, while Endeavor follows up with his Vanishing Fist, dealing heavy damage to Tomura.[74]

Tomura's speech about heroes and villains

Tomura reveals his beliefs about Heroes and Villains.

As Tomura tries to get up, he recalls what his father said about heroes hurting their own families in order to help total strangers and says he was right. He then makes a speech to all the heroes about the tainted society and rotten system that has been slowly building up over time, and since that society rejected him, he was now ready to reject and destroy it.

Endeavor, thanking Tomura for giving him a breather, tries to attack again, but the villain is able to shrug off the weaker flame attack. Gran Torino comes in and kicks Tomura's head to the ground, and the hero tries to evade the villain's counterattack, but Tomura's increased speed from pushing past his limits allows him to grab Gran Torino's leg before he brutally impales the hero through his chest.

After this, he tries to go after Eraser Head to get his powers back, but before he can, Ryukyu holds her claw out and stops him while Deku comes in from behind and restrains him with his Blackwhip. Deku declares that he'll never forgive Tomura, while the villain rebukes that he'll never forgive anyone and elbows Deku in the stomach. As Tomura is held in-place, Endeavor prepares to land a final blow with everything he has, though the heroes are unaware that Tomura is in possession of two of the Quirk-Destroying bullets that Dr. Garaki created.[75]

Izuku smashes Tomura with an enhanced punch

Deku sends Tomura flying with an enhanced punch.

Tomura digs his hand through Ryukyu's hand to try and throw the Quirk-Destroying bullets at Eraser Head and Endeavor, but Deku attacks with his Wyoming Smash, dealing terrible damage to the villain. Despite the hero's formidable power, Tomura viciously bites down on Deku's arm and throws the two bullets. Katsuki manages to destroy the bullet aimed at Endeavor, but the other bullet manages to hit Eraser Head in the leg,[76] forcing the hero to amputate it in order to preserve his Quirk. Tomura once again comments on just how cool Eraser Head is.

Despite all this, Tomura uses this opportunity to execute a shockwave that allows him to break free of Deku's grasp, rushing toward Eraser Head to finish him off for good, managing to grab ahold of his face. However just then, Shoto arrives and launches him back with an ice attack, while Deku lands another smash attack on Tomura. Despite their attempts, Eraser Head finally succumbs to his wounds and passes out, with Tomura regaining all of his Quirks and managing to regenerate his damage, pointing out the futility of their efforts and stating that destruction is all that awaits them.[77]

Episode 122

Deku readies himself to end Tomura once and for all.

While Tomura appears to be fine, the strain on his body and the incomplete stabilization begins to take its toll, and a large gash appears across his chest. Tomura wonders why his body isn't healing itself with his Super Regeneration Quirk, and he confusingly asks Deku the date. Then, the Regeneration Quirk begins to heal the damage, and Tomura decides to end the fight with a massive wave of Decay. However, Deku uses Blackwhip to grab all the heroes while simultaneously unlocking Float, allowing all of them to escape the attack unharmed.[78]

In the air, Deku safely drops all of his allies to the ground while deciding to fight Tomura by himself since no one else is able to keep the villain off the ground. Tomura says that since Deku likes the sky so much, he'll send him straight to heaven after stealing One For All, along with the other heroes. Deku states that he won't let Tomura hurt them, and the hero lands a powerful kick on the villain. Deku notes that Tomura's Regeneration is beginning to slow down, and realizes that now is the chance to defeat him, no matter what happens to Deku.[79]

Tomura trying to steal One For All

"Tomura" tries to take over One For All.

Deku relentlessly pummels Tomura with 100% smashes, and the villain is unable to properly counter due to the stress put on his body from the previous fight. He attempts to find a way to fight back and find a Quirk that can eliminate Deku, but his inexperience using All For One makes it difficult to find the right Quirk. As Tomura is hovering in the air, Endeavor appears and restrains him before unleashing his Prominence Burn, severely burning Tomura.

While he is weakened and on the verge of death, the vision of All For One reappears in his mind and tells Tomura to lend his body. Tomura seemingly relents, and the villain unleashes his Rivet Stab Quirk, releasing tendrils that stab Endeavor. Under All For One's control, Tomura sends those tendrils to try and stab Deku as well, but Katsuki, who had also gone up alongside Endeavor, pushes Deku out of the way and takes the force of the attack.[80]

All For One introduces Tomura to his grandmother Nana

All For One introduces Tomura to his grandmother Nana.

Tomura tries to tell his master to stop, but finds it difficult to resist. Speaking through Tomura, All For One remarks on the pointless blood spilled, and that Katsuki's sacrifice was the most pointless of all. Deku, driven with overwhelming rage, bites down on the tendrils and tells Tomura to take back what he said.

"Tomura" uses the opportunity to grab Deku while he's close, gloating about how One For All is finally his. Deku is then brought into a mental mindscape, where he notices the vestige of All For One trying to merge with Tomura. Tomura tells his master to stop interfering, but All For One retorts by saying his disciple needed his help, and without it, he would've burned to cinders or died from the impact of the fall. Tomura still refuses, reminding his master that it's his dream and that he is running the show.[81]

All For One combines his power with Tomura's to steal One For All

All For One makes use of Tomura's hatred in order to steal the One For All.

In the mental mindscape, the vestige of Nana appears to aid Deku. All For One tells Tomura to notice his grandmother, and is silent as his master begins to explain about the consciousness embedded in Quirks and his ability to interact with those consciousnesses. Tomura then remembers the image of his grandmother when he was younger, as well as when she appeared along with his family in his mind before, and declares that, even despite everything that happened, he still hates her with all his heart.

Tomura proceeds to launch a Decay wave while his master applauds him for using his hate to empower him. Enraged by his master's interference, he attempts to destroy All For One as well, though he is unaffected, not minding that Tomura is starting to hate him since it is more fitting for the Symbol of Terror.

Tomura falls unconscious to the ground

Tomura falls unconscious after failing to steal Deku's Quirk.

Then, All For One's brother, Yoichi, appears in the mental mindscape to help Deku and Nana fight against Tomura and All For One. The Symbol of Evil urges Tomura to combine their strength to steal One For All while deriding Deku as an unworthy successor. Yoichi rebukes his statement, commending Deku's drive to help others and allowing Deku the final push to overcome the villains. The two opponents are sent flying away from the impact.

As Tomura is falling, All For One explains to his disciple that he was unable to steal One For All due to his interrupted stabilization and not having fully integrated into his body. He tells Tomura to retreat and allow his body to heal itself so he can fight on another day.[82]

Tomura's Rivet Stab

Tomura holding his ground with the wires.

Despite these warnings, Tomura ignores All For One, using the Rivet Stab tendrils to stop his fall and keep him stabilized. All For One continues to tell him to retreat, but Tomura angrily states his master isn't the boss of him as he attempts to fight in spite of his injured state. Suddenly, his tendrils are destroyed by a wave of energy released from Nejire Hado, who arrived at the scene alongside Ingenium.

Tomura reforms his tendrils and mocks how many little maggots are crawling around. The villain resumes the fight and attempts to fight the heroes with his black tendrils while he tries to slowly heal himself, and as this happens, Gigantomachia finally approaches his master after having torn through multiple cities to aid in his battle.[83]

Gigantomachia retrieves Tomura

Gigantomachia holds an unconscious Tomura in his hand, while asking him for orders.

Gigantomachia retrieves Tomura from Shoto and Nejire Chan's Ultimate Moves, saving him from certain death, though knocking him unconscious.Gigantomachia asks him to give him orders, but when he does not receive an answer, he places him on his back, where Spinner tries to tend to him, asking him to order Gigantomachia to do something. Meanwhile, Dabi appears to reveal to everyone that he is Toya Todoroki, Endeavor's son and Shoto's older brother.[84]

When Dabi was preparing to face his father, Best Jeanist arrives on the scene and uses his Quirk to pin down Gigantomachia and the League. Spinner is ensnared with Tomura and realizes that Gigantomachia needs to have an order to do anything, so he desperately pleads Tomura to wake up, even going so far as to bite his head to achieve it.

Tomura commands Gigantomachia to destroy

Tomura commands Gigantomachia to destroy.

Nejire is about to finish them off, but she is blasted by Dabi. Then Tomura begins to have memories of his old life and his home, and the itch that pushes him to destroy, temporality waking up and ordering Gigantomachia to destroy, to which the latter vigorously agrees and begins to tear his restrains.[85] Right as the beast breaks free, however, Endeavor uses his Quirk to fly up his face and punch him back. As the giant starts getting up, the sedative the U.A. students force fed him starts kicking in, robbing Gigantomachia of any strength and forcing him to sleep.[86]

As this happens, Best Jeanist changes his focus on the League, attempting to knock them unconscious with his wires.[87] Mr. Compress acts fast and compresses a part of his body to make his escape. He orders Spinner to wake up Tomura, before compressing them both and making his way to the top of Machia. When he reaches his destination, Mr. Compress decompresses them both, as Lemillion approaches them.[88]

Tomura finally wakes up

"Tomura" wakes up.

While in the marble, Spinner noticed Nana's hand all burned up and, recalling the moment when Tomura claimed they fed his rage, but at the same time made him at peace, puts it on his face right as Lemillion and Best Jeanist's cables are about to grab them. Tomura finally awakens and uses Radio Waves to blow Lemillion, Best Jeanist's fibers, and all the other fighting heroes away, while the Near High-Ends turn to face Tomura.

However, it turns out All For One is now in command of Tomura's body, commenting how Tomura found such decent allies and that he considers heart to be power, and the more he embraces those feelings, the stronger his hold on him becomes, so he can never let those feelings go. He has the Near High-Ends arrive to rescue himself, Spinner, and the compressed Dabi and Skeptic, before making their escape. Spinner tries to question Tomura about leaving Mr. Compress, Gigantomachia, and Himiko Toga behind, but All For One tells him that since Tomura has been defeated by Deku/One For All and Endeavor, he must face those losses for "his" sake.

Shoto and Tenya attack All For One-Tomura

"Tomura" gets rid of the heroes who try to stop him.

Mirio returns to the attack, but "Tomura" defeats him by stabbing him with Rivet Stab from behind. then Shoto and Tenya are the ones who charge at him, but "Tomura" rejects them with a barrier. Despite Best Jeanist's efforts to restrain the Near High-End Nomu, they manage to reach their master, and take him away along with Spinner. Several heroes give chase to the Villains and the Nomu but are unable to.

Deku uses Blackwhip Froppy Style to jump into the air to confront Tomura/All For One one last time, as All For One tells him they will meet again once Tomura's body is perfected, blowing him away, as Deku screams out to Tomura. As they make their getaway, Deku thinks about how, despite all the terrible things he's done, witnessing him being controlled by All For One in the vestige world, as well as seeing a glimpse of his young crying self as Tenko, he recognized his face as one who looked like he needed saving.[89]

All For One wants to free his original body

The possessed Tomura commands the Nomu to retrieve his master's body.

"Tomura" and his allies proceed to escape the Heroes by dispatching 3 of the remaining 10 Near High-Ends to distract them. That evening in the forest, All For One, still in control of Tomura's body, remarks that the heroes won't get a tomorrow or the chance to get a moment's rest, since it is his turn to lead. He then orders his tireless Nomu to invade Tartarus to free his real body.[90]

The All For One possessed Tomura and the Near High-Ends proceed to raid Tartarus, destroying the Mainland Gate as they make their way to the main facility. As they make their way over on a flying Nomu, Tomura starts to wake up and attempts to re-gain control over his body. All For One tells him to rest, due to the Super Regeneration Quirk still needing time to heal his body, but Tomura rebukes saying he told him to rest in the first place, though All For One says he will after he finishes what he came for. He demands his body back again but All For One reminds him that this power is exactly what he wanted to spit at the hand that didn't help him, and now that he has it, what does it really matter. Tomura says he doesn’t want to be his pawn, All For One claims he is wrong: he is becoming "the next me".

Tomura reunites with All For One

"Tomura" reunites with All For One.

Regaining full control over the body again, All For One uses Decay to destroy several towers, and discovering the location of his main body using Search, comes up with a plan utilizing dual Radio Waves attacks inside and outside the prison, shutting down the power and allowing the rest of the inmates to break free and cause more chaos.

All For One, in both Tomura and his original body, faces the villains, saying that if they desire freedom, they must submit to him, adding that the impending void era will give rise to a more perfected demon lord, and that this will be the story of how he will become the greatest demon lord of all.[91]

All For One speaks through Tomura's body

All For One asks his allies to watch over Tomura's body.

That night, All For One takes command of a series of aircrafts, utilizing the freed prisoners and the Near High-Ends to raid several other prisons to cause even more chaos throughout the country. In their new hideout, All For One in Tomura's body asks the remaining PLF members to watch over his body while he rests until the body is complete. Spinner responds sullenly, telling All For One he is not the one he chose to follow, but All For One insists he has the best intentions for Tomura’s wishes, and that once his body is perfected, their desires will be achieved.[92]

Star and Stripe Arc

Tomura Meets SnS (Anime)

"Who am I, exactly?"

During the next month, Tomura was forced to rest by All For One in order to wait for his body to be completed. The process, which would result in the vestiges of Tomura and All For One fusing to become one new being, ended up being expedited due to Tomura's extreme hatred and resistance toward All For One, resulting in him reaching 97-98% completion in just about 35 days.

When All For One receives word that No. 1 American Hero, Star and Stripe, is making her way over to Japan to assist the Heroes, he sends Tomura out into the field to confront her, as well as to steal her Quirk, New Order. Riding a flying Nomu, "Tomura", who due to the process is in a state where he recognizes himself as both Tomura Shigaraki AND All For One, confronts Star and Stripe and her army of fighter pilots as they prepare to do battle.[93]

Tomura uses his Quirks to fight Star and Stripe

"Tomura" uses his Quirks to fight Star and Stripe.

"Tomura" uses a combination of Radio Waves, Air Cannon, and Heavy Payload to release an enormous wave of electric energy toward Star and Stripe and the jets, which they manage to evade. As the two taunt each other, Star and Stripe uses her Quirk, which can impose a new rule on anything she touches and names, to make the air 100 metres in front of her disappear. This results in "Tomura" being forced to suddenly hold his breath, thinking about how it's a horrifying Quirk, but also that he wants it.

The jets then shoot lasers at "Tomura" from every angle, which he simply uses Reflect and Scatter to shoot back, while his body regenerates. "Tomura" notices the air vacuum has come undone right after Star had used a new rule to catch the laser, wondering if that is the limit of New Order. He stretches his body and blasts his way forward toward her, but she simply jumps forward as well, punching him in the face.

Tomura and All For One fuse into one

Tomura continues to try and resist All For One's control.

Star talks about when she was originally saved by All Might as a kid and that he inspired her to be a Hero, something that greatly irritates "Tomura" as no matter where he goes it's always about All Might. Now that she's touched him, Star uses New Order to declare that if "Tomura Shigaraki" were to move even an inch, his heart will stop.

However, "Tomura" thinks about how she fell for his trap, all the while the real Tomura continues to resist and fight back against the All For One vestige, who gleefully tells Tomura to let his hatred flow as it will deliver their glorious future. This fighting starts to explode to the outside, causing Star to be shocked that he's able to move, with his hair suddenly growing long, with him once again thinking back to his old family home, where his hatred grew.[94]

After exploding to blow back Star and Stripe, "Tomura" thinks to himself about all of New Order's limitations, and how Star's rule didn't work on him due to not being completely sure of his own identity, whether he's Tomura, All For One, or even "Tenko Shimura". Nevertheless, the All For One side of his consciousness thinks about how badly he wants the Quirk to try for himself.

The fighter pilot of the plane he was standing on jostles him off, forcing him to land back on the flying Nomu. However, before he is able to do anything else, "Tomura" is sent flying backward by a giant air visage of Star and Stripe using Fist Bump to the Earth. Before he can recover, she then transforms a barrage of the jet's lasers into a giant laser sword called Keraunos, which she uses to strike down and pin "Tomura" downward into the ocean, as his Regeneration barely manages to keep up.[95]

Tomura endures Star and Stripe's attack

"Tomura" barely survives the explosion.

"Tomura" soon realizes that she's only using the lasers to keep him in place, and senses that *something* is approaching, preparing to end him once and for all. As it turns out, Star had requested an array of powerful missiles known as Tiamat, highly thermonuclear hypersonic missiles. In a desperate escape attempt, "Tomura" sends the Nomu out to distract the fighter pilots, after Star disengages the laser sword, leading them to shoot at what they believe to be Tomura. In the confusion, "Tomura" uses Decay to dig himself deep underground, just barely missing the impact of the explosion as Star's giant air visage throws the missiles directly on top of him.

Emerging from the hole a destroyed mess, "Tomura" once again gets the Nomu to distract the pilots, Bursting his way forward jumping from jet to jet toward Star, now that she's vulnerable in the sky. One of the pilots tries to get Star to crush them both in order to stop him, but unable to kill one of her friends, "Tomura" takes the opportunity to grab her face.[96]

Tomura's body becomes unstable

Tomura begins to explode as a result of New Order from within.

He proceeds to Decay Star and steal New Order at the same time, knowing that Star can only impose two rules for herself and for the other, while Star uses a last minute rule to attempt to stop the Decay, only delaying it after reaching her strength limit. "Tomura" excitedly shouts as he's successfully stolen New Order, calling Star an idiot for saving her body at the cost of losing the Quirk. He's about to use the Quirk to effect the air, when suddenly "Tomura" begins to explode from within.

In the vestige world, the fused Tomura and All For One are faced against the vestige of Star and Stripe, who before being stolen had used a rule on New Order, stating that it would revolt against other Quirks. As a result, Star begins to rampage through the inside of Tomura, tearing apart the vestiges of Tomura and All For One, as well as the many stolen Quirks, some of which she even successfully destroys like Reflect.[97]

Tenko calls out to Izuku

"Tenko Shimura" calls out to Izuku.

"Tomura" manages to take the Wing Quirk from the remains of the Nomu, and uses it to desperately escape the battlefield, to find someone to transfer New Order to, once again cursing All Might's existence. He crashlands into the hideout of prison escapee Kashiko Kashi, touching his face to take his Quirk and make him Quirkless, so that New Order can safely be transferred, allowing him to preserve it.

However instead, the Star and Stripe vestige mocks him, stating that thanks to all the Quirks she revolted against, it has resulted in the Quirk's destruction. As she starts to fade away, she declares even though she wasn't able to kill him, as long as people are willing to stand up to save each other, the will of heroism shall be passed on, and will put an end to him. Meanwhile, deep within the core of Tomura and All For One, the soul of a young Tenko Shimura, surrounded by hands, thinks about "a hero", and calls out to Izuku Midoriya.[98]

U.A. Traitor Arc

Tomura's transformation

"Tomura"'s grotesque transformation.

"Tomura" makes it back to the League's secret base, still screaming over in pain due to New Order's damages on his body. All For One tells him to calm down, and that he needs to wait for his Quirk Factors to heal. However, "Tomura" just keeps yelling obscenities, screaming that as long as people remember All Might, he'll never know peace. All For One simply tells him that now that they've removed their greatest obstacle, they just need to take it easy for now, while Tomura is once again made to rest until his body is complete. During all this, Spinner tries to help Tomura up.[99]

Sometime later, Spinner hears screaming down a dark hallway and goes to check on Tomura, only to see a monstrous mutated body emerging from the shadows, which then transforms into "Tomura" himself, crawling along on the floor, as the fingers on his broken hand also begin to regrow. All For One tells Spinner not to worry as his recovery is progressing smoothly, gradually overcoming the Quirk Singularity. Spinner asks if he's "still Tomura", which he claims he is. All For One and Skeptic proceed to convince Spinner to take the lead as the commander of the Paranormal Liberation Front, to liberate the heteromorph villains to their cause. "Tomura" manages to weakly tell Spinner to bring it all down, while he thinks about it doesn't matter what he thinks anymore, and he's only here for Tomura's sake.[100]

Final War Arc

All For One's remaining forces

Tomura and the Villains are summoned by All For One.

After seemingly fully recovered, Tomura is warped, along with the other villains, by All For One to Izuku's location so that he can finally nab One For All, only for all the heroes to be warped themselves onto the battlefield by Kurogiri's Warp Gate.[101] As the Final War begins, Tomura's about to touch the ground, but senses something strange. He calls out to Dabi to attack, who sarcastically tells his leader he isn't the boss of him. Before the fighting can escalate, metal cages from the "Troy" defense system suddenly rise up from the ground, and enclose around each villain individually, and while they only last several seconds before the villains bust out of them, it buys enough time for the heroes to successfully push them all into separate Warp Gates.[102][103]

Tomura is warped to a now floating U.A. Fortress in the sky, and all alone except for Best Jeanist and the Heroes that followed him. After realizing he's in the sky, "Tomura" tells "himself" not to take over this time, decaying the ground to create a shockwave toward the Heroes. However, instead chunks of metal blast itself into the air, knocking Tomura into the electromagnetic barrier above, freezing him long enough for Best Jeanist to grab ahold of him with his carbon fibers, tossing him back onto the battlefield.

Tomura attacks Mirko with his transformation

"Tomura" unleashes his onslaught of fingers.

Best Jeanist explains that no matter how superhuman he may be, a strong enough current will cause his body to stiffen up momentarily, giving them just enough time to react. Breaking free from the fibers, Tomura realizes that the segment had sprung up the decayed ground into the air, causing it to disintegrate freely. Tomura mocks them by claiming sooner or later they're going to run out of terrain, but Jeanist casually comments they have plenty of material to spare, as new pieces start to emerge from the cracks, stating the arena was specifically designed to defeat him: a coffin in the sky.

Tomura attempts to try and attack them with a shockwave, only for Katsuki to mockingly remind him about what happened in Jaku. Realizing the Quirk isn't working, Tomura spots on the electricity generator Phantom Thief, accompanied by Eraser Head and Manual, using Erasure to erase his Quirks once again. Even despite the irritation of Eraser Head's interference, "Tomura" starts to sprout a monstrous blow of fingers from his left hand, sending the mass directly toward Mirko, mocking how much of a letdown Eraser Head turned out to be.[104]

Tomura's wave of fingers

The never-ending wave of fingers.

"Tomura"'s grotesque swarm of fingers continue to spread further and further throughout the arena, even destroying parts of the U.A. High building. With the Heroes confused at whether it's a Quirk or not, "Tomura" responds that it's simply just his "growth", just as is the case with his hair or nails, his body must adapt to his ever-evolving Quirks, the form leading to the next step of their superhuman society: Doctor Kyudai Garaki's Quirk Singularity. "Tomura" mocks the Heroes for sweeping everything under the rug and being ignorant to the inevitable future.

He continues to let his fingers expand endlessly, while the Heroes stand firm and declare their intention to beat him here and now, even without Izuku and One For All, fearing stopping Erasure for even a few seconds would spell their immediate doom, allowing "Tomura" to execute Decay through every one of his fingers.[105]

Chapter 358

Tomura gleefully taunts the fleeing Heroes.

The battle persists as Tomura's endless wave of fingers rampage throughout the arena, destroying everything all the while taunting the Heroes for doing nothing but fleeing. Edgeshot uses his Pulp-Thread Throttle to destroy a chunk of fingers, only for more to grow in its place. He openly questions how this ability could not be a Quirk, as it should be impossible to be considered natural growth. Tomura simply responds that it's the result of the All For One Quirk settling into his body, as the various Quirk Factors combine and mold the body into its ideal form. He declares that with the body and its power, he will create a new world, either of his own or beyond him.

He continues that with the world already so split, all that awaits everyone is destruction, and all it does is give rise to incomprehension, lack of understanding, and rejection. He states that under his rule, all the exploited class will be equal, and asking if world peace isn't what the Heroes want. Katsuki responds back, saying that even though he doesn't know if he's currently Tomura or All For One, he has grown tired of hearing them talk endlessly ever since the Kamino Incident, before revealing his new item from the support course, the Strafe Panzer.

Tomura crushes Katsuki's arm

Tomura crushes Katsuki's arm.

Using the armory he is able to unleash a wide range of Explosions all over the arena, destroying plenty of the fingers, and declaring they'll destroy the main body together. He proceeds to tell Tomura that he's already taken his words about "lack of understanding" to heart, so has no need for anything he's trying to say, using his Ultimate Move, Howitzer Impact: Cluster to ram right toward his body.[106] The direct hit releases a ginormous Explosion that reverberates all around the Fortress.

Unfortunately, even despite the damage done, partially burning part of his face, Tomura recognized how Katsuki condensed his blasts to avoid widespread damage while boosting the sheer force, grabbing ahold of his right arm and crushing it. He continues to reiterate what he told him last time, that he has no more interest in him, unleashing another wave of fingers that Mirko, Best Jeanist, and Edgeshot attempt to stop. Tomura mocks them all, asking who thought it was smart to try and get up close, knocking Katsuki to the side and trouncing the three with his "All Might-level" power.[107]

Chapter 360

Tomura continues to overwhelm Katsuki and the Heroes.

The exhausted Katsuki is forced to the ground by Tomura, who realizes that Izuku was supposed to be there as well,, expecting he'll arrive soon. Katsuki tries to resist and attack again, but is kicked up and grabbed by the throat, as Tomura says it's good his Quirks are erased since it means he'll leave a corpse behind, remembering back to how enraged Izuku became when he stabbed Katsuki during the Paranormal Liberation War, knowing it'll make a lovely present for him. As the endlessly growing fingers proceed to consume him, Tomura taunts Katsuki, telling him to face reality that even after all the time he has looked up to wanting to be like All Might, no matter how hard he tries, he'll always be in Izuku and One For All's shadow.

Nejire then appears from behind, unleashing a Nejire Wave: Pike attack straight toward Tomura. He simply puts Katsuki in front of the attack, forcing Nejire to alter the trajection last minute. With his back turned, Tamaki stabs Tomura in the back with his Vast Hybrid: Octopus Mirage and Scorpius Toxin combo, injecting venom into the villain. However, Tomura simply grows a mouth that spits the toxin out, which is followed by even more mouths growing from the finger waves.

Mirio holds off Tomura

Mirio stands his ground against Tomura.

Tomura's taunts to the Heroes continue, telling them his body is constantly changing and adapting, and nothing will bring him down. In the chaos, Mirio uses his Quirk to retrieve Katsuki, tossing him to Best Jeanist for safety. Tomura recognizes Mirio from the battle in Jaku, who introduces himself as the hero in charge of messenger and bodyguard duty.

Mirio asks Tomura why he breaks everything, which he responds is because the current systems have failed, leading Mirio to reply back that he never had any friends, which suddenly puts him into shock. Mirio continues that if he did have friends he'd know there's plenty worth keeping around, punching Tomura in the gut with his fist empowered by Nejire's Quirk.[108]

Chapter 361

The spirit of Tenko Shimura re-awakens.

Mirio's words end up having an unexpected effect, as deep within Tomura's mind, "Tenko Shimura" reacts to the claim about not having friends, causing "Tomura" to hysterically yell out that Mikkun and Tomo like him, and that Mon always wants to go on walks with him, so he does have friends. The outburst baffles the two of them, causing Mirio to apologize, before he's hit by another wave of fingers.

"Tomura" feels his mind splitting, that even though the body is complete and that he should be fully assimilated, he can still sense a component within that hasn't melded yet: not Tomura, nor All For One, but Tenko. Realizing he can't let everything drag out anymore, "Tomura" turns to confront Katsuki again, telling Mirio he's not going to fight someone who's just trying to buy time. Best Jeanist prepares to protect Katsuki, while "Tomura" simply declares that they're struggling to remain conscious now, and that they ended up building their own tomb instead.[109]

Everyone tries to stop Tomura

"Tomura" defeats Katsuki.

Nejire and Mirio both return to try and halt "Tomura", while Tamaki prepares his Ultimate Move, the Vast Hybrid: Plasma Cannon, unleashing a massive plasma blast directly into "Tomura", who counters with his onslaught of fingers, followed by Mirio giving giving him a hard punch to the face. Despite the immense power of the cannon, it is still not enough, as "Tomura" criticizes the Heroes for thinking that an attack like that could've killed All Might in his prime. He then turns to see Katsuki standing, who despite Best Jeanist's insistence, stands firm.

Blasting forward toward "Tomura" in an instant, Katsuki's able to quickly dodge and swerve around each of his attacks and predict his movements. "Tomura"'s movements start to get more hectic, wondering why he is getting pissed off and panicking so easily by an "extra" who doesn't possess One For All, suddenly seeing blurred visage of the Second User of One For All, telling Katsuki to die.

"Tomura" successfully punches Katsuki right in the chest, bursting his heart, despite the rest of the Heroes attempts to help and recover him. With the Heroes aghast at Katsuki's lifeless body, "Tomura" laughs that all he was doing was retracing their previous battle, that "they've" come prepared with the perfect Demon Lord body for the Final Boss, and that this is their story, the Villains' tale.[110]

Tomura taunts Eraser Head

Tomura mocks Eraser Head for letting Katsuki die.

"Tomura" proceeds to taunt Eraser Head, telling him Katsuki's death is his fault for putting so much responsibility on his shoulders while standing on the sidelines, asking who of the remaining Heroes is next. Using his glob of fingers, "Tomura" grabs ahold of Mirko, asking who wants to be turned into Izuku's next welcome present, while she states that if she was just a little faster and killed him back during the War, none of this would happen. "Tomura" simply responds that there were a lot of Pro Heroes there as well, so she wasn't the only one who failed, and considering they were forced to resort to putting rookie kids on the front line to make up for many of their desertions, it only makes sense for some of them to die. He declares that despite them taking the initiative and hitting them with all they had, they didn't come with enough people or plans.[111]

While Mirko and Mirio attempt to keep Tomura busy, Edgeshot appears before Katsuki, preparing to use his Quirk to enter Katsuki and revive him from the inside. He calls out to Mirko to keep on fighting no matter what, while Tomura simply says there's no use.[112] Nevertheless, Edgeshot enters Katsuki's body, causing Tomura to turn toward him and Best Jeanist, saying he already destroyed him. This causes him to remember his feelings on wanting to destroy everything, all to rid himself of his itch, and in a sudden shift of anger, pounces toward them reiterating his words.

Mirko busts in kicking Tomura in the face, with her right arm still attached to the wave of fingers. He asks if she's eager to die, but she just laughs in response, kicking him and freeing herself, even at the cost of her right arm, which is bitten off by the bodily mass. Tomura is confused by his sudden staggering, thinking about how he hasn't felt real damage with his body. However, he does state to himself that Katsuki's last attack stung more than he expected, initially believing he's taken too much damage, while also noting that it hasn't been that bad.

Luna Rush

Tomura begins to lose his focus and control of the battlefield.

He then realizes what he's reacting to is Katsuki himself, and that his rage during his onslaught was because he felt a threat in him, unable to comprehend the thought of panicking because of an "extra" like him. Tomura tries to attack the charging Mirko but Mirio appears to block his vision, as she states that people die when it's their time, and that she will make good on her promise to win. Declaring she doesn't want to regret anything when she dies, and sparking fear in Tomura's face, Mirko unleashes "Luna Rush", blasting forward right into him.

In recoil, Tomura thinks about all the Heroes still pushing themselves to win, even though he broke them, yet when he wasn't broken, there was no one there to lend a hand to him. Remembering the images of his family, "Tenko" begins to emerge from the hands, hair turning white and eyes becoming scarred, and while thinking about how nobody would even look at him, on the outside through Tomura's body mass, the visages of the Shimura Family begin to emerge.[113]

Tomura's ultimate transformation

Tomura's final conclusion.

Due to the Quirk Singularity, Tomura's body has been morphing into its optimal shape based on his mental state. His desire for destruction created the bloated mass of fingers that overwhelmed everyone, however since they were able to overcome that, and with Erasure still negating his Regeneration, the accumulated damage and the growing mental stress has gnawed away at him and unleashed his ideal form. Now, he stands with his entire body covered in fingers, with his left hand holding the five faces of the Shimura Family.

Mirko tries to retaliate, but he swiftly deals with her with one hard punch. He proceeds to quickly and viciously attack Tamaki and Nejire, with Mirio desperately trying to protect them by blocking Tomura's vision. However, Tomura simply mocks him for how powerless he is, causing Mirio to tremble in fear and rage. Best Jeanist runs forward to try and hold him down with his carbon fibres, with Mirio once again trying to attack, but Tomura brushes it off like nothing and continues to resist Jeanist's fibres.

Izuku prepares to slingshot into Tomura

Tomura unaware of his new visitor.

Tomura is about to unleash a hard blow toward Best Jeanist, when suddenly, Mirio appears from below in front of him, mooning him with his butt. The situation stops Tomura in his tracks, confusing him, while also causing him to smirk at it. Unbeknownst to him, this was merely a distraction as just outside the now opened electromagnetic barrier, Izuku has been hanging there, using Blackwhip to cling to the poles. The hero and villain's eyes meet, as he proceeds to slingshot directly into Tomura with a Smash.[114]

"Tomura" is sent blasting backward by Izuku's punch, realizing he's stronger than before, and noticing the glow around him being familiar, also recognizing it as "The Third's Quirk", just as he slams back into the electromagnetic barrier once it's closed back up. Izuku turns to everyone to apologize for being late, only to be stunned into silence upon seeing Katsuki and everyone else's badly wounded bodies.

Izuku smashes mutated Tomura

Izuku smashes "Tomura".

"Tomura" proceeds to mock him for his tardiness, figuring that Himiko had something to do with it, and asking if he has any excuses or reasons to run away from his responsibilities like everyone else. Izuku starts to let his fear and rage overwhelm him, causing his Quirks to spiral out of control, with "Tomura" knowing that in this state of anger his movements will be predictable, meaning a well-placed counter-attack will easily finish him off. He begins to walk his way toward him, asking if he likes his "presents", when Mirio reappears to Izuku, attempting to talk some sense into him since everyone is still alive, including Katsuki.

"Tomura" claims it's all merely "empty talk" to avoid facing facts and reality, but Mirio continues that as Heroes, they have to talk the talk in order to turn their ideals into reality. These words manage to calm Izuku down, and now in control again, he turns to "Tomura", asking "All For One" if Tomura is still in there.[115]

"Tomura" responds back that 'he' no longer exists; Tomura and All For One have fully merged into a new being, and supposedly due to him being older, "All For One" is currently in charge, saying that despite whatever he's scheming, he won't get his ideal ending. However, Mirio responds back regarding the previous incident when he called him out for not having friends, which caused him to throw a fit like a child, knowing he isn't "fully merged". He continues the more he was provoked, the more unstable he became, which causes "Tomura" to irk in annoyance. Izuku and Nana Shimura notice the faces of the Shimuras on his hand, realizing that he is still in there, causing "Tomura" to retaliate.


"Tomura" is getting thrashed by Izuku's sudden increase in strength and speed.

"Tomura" jumps into the air, shaking the entire Fortress with his strength, charging at Izuku and angrily declaring he's taking back One For All. His smash erupts throughout the whole battlefield, but Izuku is able to stop the attack, telling "All For One" he's the one who won't get his ideal ending. He uses a combination of Blackwhip and Fa Jin to create Blackchain, wrapping it around "Tomura's" arm and sending him flying. "Tomura" attempts to try and restle the chain off, not intending to fall for the same move again, only to be surprised when Izuku undoes it himself.

That's when the villain notices Izuku concentrating to himself, when suddenly, in the blink of an eye, Izuku appears under "Tomura", blissfully punching him at such a great speed he can't comprehend, sending him flying upward. Completely caught off guard by the attack, "Tomura" realizes its strength and speed are different from the glow he was using before, figuring it is the Second's Quirk, Gearshift. Using his ability to shift and change the target's speed when touched, Izuku enables Overdrive, turning his 100% into 120%, and unleashes a fully powered Detroit Smash directly into "Tomura's" stomach.[116]

Recoiling in pain as he's sent crashing back down onto the battlefield, "Tomura" starts to see the vestiges of One For All around Izuku, wondering how he can see them. Izuku proceeds to use Gearshift's power to attack "Tomura" with a Detroit Smash: Quintuple, revving up all around the arena. "Tomura" notes that the attack wasn't as strong as the previous one, due to him not having his "built up glow", and despite being too fast to see, he figures he can predict his next attack based on the previous timing. However, he misses the swing, as Izuku shifts into Low Gear at the last moment.

"Tomura" attempts to counter, but Izuku uses his Danger Sense to detect and evade his attack, using Smokescreen to block his vision. He then uses Float to quickly rise into the air, restraining and reeling "Tomura" up with Blackwhip, preparing to combine the power stored up thanks to the Quintuple attack with Fa Jin, executing another blast of Overdrive with Gearshift, unleashing the full might of One For All.

Tomura is still not finished

Tomura still will not give in.

The Second User states that their Meta Abilities were never what "All For One" should've been worried about, rather he should fear the reason why someone chooses to use their gifts; true power lies in an individual's intent, which is why people call them "Quirks". Izuku declares that he's using all his power, telling "All For One" he won't let him hurt anyone else, and as "Tomura" attempts to scream out in defiance, he is pounded with Izuku's ultimate smash, breaking many of his fingers apart.

As "Tomura's" body falls with a gaping hole in his chest, he laments over Izuku not holding anything back and using all his Quirks, while he hasn't been able to use a single Quirk yet, unable to show the true power of his body all because of Eraser Head's Erasure, the U.A. Coffin, and all the Heroes' underhanded tricks. Just then, Tomura screams out in pain as the massive hole in his chest begins to swell and expand.[117]

Tomura unleashes a large explosion

With Erasure undone, Tomura's body explodes, destroying U.A.

This continues until the surprise intervention of Kurogiri and Twice Doubles that attack Eraser Head and Phantom Thief, undoing Erasure. This results in Tomura unleashing a massive explosion that destroys most of the U.A. Fortress, now that the Quirks have returned. As the dust settles, Tomura's original personality has managed to re-emerge after molting out of his own skin, confronting Izuku asking why he wanted to know if he was still there and if he wanted to talk at the mall, telling him it's not going to happen since he's his villain. The Second User then tells Izuku that due to One For All and All For One resonating with each other, they can sense that All For One's vestige has lost control of Tomura's body, meaning it is their chance to strike.[118]

As U.A. slowly starts to fall as a result of its systems being hacked, Izuku and Tomura stare each other down, each attempting to regain their bearings. Suddenly, the colliding U.A. is saved thanks to the intervention of a reformed Gentle, who thanks to his Quirk allowed him to suspend the fortress and trampoline it back in the air.

Tomura finally gets a handle of things again, and prepares to make the first move by touching the ground with his Decay, only for his right arm to be suddenly split right off in half, thanks to a long-range sniper shot courtesy of another reformed ally, Lady Nagant, who used her Rifle to shoot him from below the streets.[119]. Infuriated, Tomura tries to do it again with his left hand, but Lady Nagant also managed to shoot his left arm, splitting it right off which gives Izuku enough time to recover.

Tomura breaks free from All For One

Tomura breaks himself free from All For One's influence.

Deep within Tomura, All For One hysterically cries out to Nagant, lambasting her for trying to play the victim after murdering her fellow Heroes. However, Tomura shuts him up and laughs as he asks if his attempts at manipulation have failed, mocking his current state. He further criticizes his attempts at grooming him, using All Might and Nana Shimura to irritate him, scheming to hijack his body and soul, and attempt to absorb his hatred to steal One For All.

However, as they merged together and became part of him, Tomura declares that he hated all of it, so he hid his own core deep within his own soul, and without him noticing, showing his capabilities of reclaiming himself from the inside and out, both body and spirit. Tomura said he will follow the path toward his origin that will lead him to destroy everything that created the house he grew up in. With All For One's control of Tomura losing grip, he tries to command Kurogiri to transport him to his other self at Gunga, but "Kurogiri" begins to stutter, unable to comply.

Izuku faces Tomura outside UA

Izuku and Tomura reach the peak of their confrontation.

Tomura decided that he doesn't need One For All and that he won't be controlled anymore. Unlike the other former Villains, he vows that his heart will never waver, breaking free of All For One's vestige. "Tomura Shigaraki" and "Tenko Shimura" state their one and only hope: the destruction of everything that stemmed from the abusive house he grew up in and will stop at nothing to eradicate everything associated with it, telling Izuku it will be the only thing that will save him.

Just then, Izuku grabs ahold of him and blasts themselves out of U.A. Landing on the ground, Izuku states that while he won't let him do that, he also can't pretend he didn't see him crying back there, as both arch-enemies once again prepare to battle.[120] Unbeknownst to them, the students from the Business Course were recording the brutal battle from above U.A., which is then broadcast live by La Brava.[121]

Izuku keeps Tomura restrained

Izuku keeps Tomura at a standstill.

The battle between the hero and villain proceeds at a stalemate, as Izuku uses Blackwhip to keep Tomura restrained, unable to use his Quirks, all the while Tomura continues to cackle manically in his efforts to break his hold. Over the course of their battle, a Rewinding All For One had been making his way over to their location in order to forcefully give Tomura his copy of the All For One Quirk, thus solidifying his control over the body. An armored up All Might attempted to distract him, but eventually proved fruitless.

Now within range, All For One activates his Warping Quirk to teleport Tomura directly to him, but sensing his Master's attempted interference, he resists and simply swallows the gloop, telling him not to butt in. In response, All For One grabs the battered All Might by the leg, and flies over to greet them personally. Tomura attempts to use this to distract Izuku by telling him to go and save All Might, thinking it is perfect for him as then in the meantime, he can go back to U.A. and break everyone who beat him earlier. Izuku is forced to hold back his emotions and he starts to sense All Might's impending demise, while All Might himself prepares to detonate himself to take out All For One for good.[122]

Tomura resists All For One's Warping

Tomura swallows All For One's Warping attempt.

However, All For One refuses to let All Might die a heroic death and destroys his destructive gauntlet, now leaving him completely at his mercy. The villain proceeds to lift All Might above over his body, ready to rip him apart in front of everyone across the world watching the live broadcasts. Tomura continues his struggle against Izuku as this is happening, keeping his gleeful smile.[123]

Suddenly at this moment, an alive Katsuki emerges from above U.A., to Izuku and Tomura's surprise. Katsuki then blasts himself downward, and while Izuku continues to keep his grip on Tomura with Blackwhip, grabs Izuku and begins to twist the three of them. Izuku uses Gearshift on Katsuki, who in conjunction with his Cluster technique, his thrown forward at insanely, blistering speeds toward All Might and All For One.

Deku, Tomura, Dynamight, and All For One prepare to go beyond

The Heroes and Villains ready themselves to "Go beyond".

Despite this, Tomura comments that Katsuki won't make it in time, telling Izuku how the All Might inside him used to look all faint because he was still alive, but now he's looking more solid and taking its true form, indicating he's about to die. He happily states how the man showed the world a dream, and with his death, it will be over and bring everyone back to harsh reality. However, he is proven wrong as Katsuki successfully defies fate and steals back All Might from All For One's hands.[124]

Tomura is surprised that Katsuki managed to get All Might back safely, and proceeded to start fighting All For One, so re-focused his attention back on his fight with Izuku. He partially breaks free of Blackwhip, telling Izuku he will destroy his hold on him again and again, as the two prepare themselves to "Go Beyond".[125]

Tomura nearly touches Izuku

Tomura nearly touches Izuku's face.

Tomura and Izuku continue their fight to an area in the Shizuoka Prefecture, where Tomura uses the opportunity to Decay the ground, causing an intense tsunami to ravage the area. He states that he's using Decay not over the surface, but deep down, allowing him to destroy a chunk of the area in the blink of an eye, and that within just a week he will destroy the 378,000 square kilometers of the country itself; snuffing out any hope of restoration is how he will truly "destroy everything".

Right after Izuku, who has been chasing him behind, smashes him using his Quirks, Tomura reveals that he has sensed his master, All For One, is dead, finally succumbed to his rewinding effect. He says it's his fault for not breaking Katsuki hard enough, but still admits he's grateful, as he made him stronger, strong enough to adapt to Izuku's speed. Tomura is about to touch Izuku's face, but he just barely evades at the last moment thanks to Danger Sense, destroying Tomura's fingers almost immediately. However, just in that moment, Tomura was able to successfully invade the One For All vestige realm, snatching Hikage Shinomori and stealing Danger Sense from him, asking how long he can keep it up.[126]

Tomura is ruin incarnate

Tomura has become ruin incarnate.

With Danger Sense now in his possession, Tomura recognizes the "inherited might" of power that his Master was obsessed with, reiterating that he doesn't care about it but will take it if it means destroying Izuku for good. Izuku retaliates with a web of Blackchains, but Tomura uses Danger Sense to easily evade them, realizing this is how Izuku's been dodging his attacks, and stating his destruction will start with him, the biggest pain in his neck. Tomura proceeds to chase and attack Izuku across the country while dodging any attacks he throws at him, mocking his previous comments about seeing him "crying", asking if he's still treating him as a human being, and tells him to take a good look at him since he's moved far beyond that.

Izuku declares Tomura is a person

Tomura's Danger Senses kick in as Izuku rebuts his claims.

Tomura attacks relentlessly with everything he's got, constantly pushing Izuku until he's blasted all the way to Mt. Fuji. As he returns, he overhears Izuku speaking to the vestiges about their next plan, reminding them he can see them too, asking if they're discussing a plan to run away. He knows running and hiding is how they got stronger, so he is going to destroy all of them right here before they can make their next escape. Landing on the ground, as a rush of destruction occurs behind him from his Decay, he declares he will keep destroying until there's no place to run, wanting Spinner to see the flattened horizon he's going to create, starting with Mt. Fuji.

As Tomura gleefully dances amidst his own destruction, and despite the incoming danger, Izuku stands his ground, declaring that it is all connected, and that somewhere deep inside him is a person, which starts to irritate Tomura as several Danger Senses are activated.[127]

Izuku proceeds to unleash a massive Delaware Smash that decimates Tomura's surrounding Decay area. He laughs at his performance, realizing he predicted the range of his Decay and used the wind blast to blow away at the land, delaying the advance of the destruction. However, he only considers this a stopgap measure, twisting himself back around to keep touching it as many times as it takes.

Tomura flings himself back to Izuku, but notices that the debris and Smokescreen hasn't vanished yet, before he gets more Danger Sense warnings as he is surrounded by several Blackchains, and realizes what he's trying to do. Izuku uses the opportunity to catch Tomura off guard, blasting himself through the Smokescreen fast enough to punch his arm right off, and back out. Before Izuku could rebuild his Fa Jin, Tomura uses Search, allowing him to spot his location through the smoke, and attacks him with a deadly blast of black lightning.

Tomura reminds Izuku that he sees and knows all, his location and his weakness, knowing that he can no longer breathe, thanks to Gearshift's time being up and the recoil kicking in. Regenerating his arm, Tomura knows Izuku's charged-up attacks aren't meant for being rapid-fire either, aware that he's reinforcing his tendons and muscles from the inside since he can see the black coils showing right through his skin. Tomura then points out that if he hit him with one of his head-on attacks he might not be able to put himself back together, but knows he has too much he has to protect to do that, and Izuku responds he's not giving up on that "crying boy".

Tomura rebukes that people interpret the world around them through narrow, limited windows, and when the world throws the inexplicable at them, they concoct rationalities to put themselves at ease, knowing that he's just cramming him into his narrow worldview. Just like how Tomura is able to see the One For All vestiges inside him, Tomura tells Izuku to take a deep look inside himself, where there exists a visage of crumbling buildings melded together. He declares that he overcame and buried the crying little kid a while back, that he's gone and his worldview has taken over; only "Tomura Shigaraki" is left.[128]

Deku using Blackwhip to control his whole body

Tomura can't imagine Izuku to be a Hero even when Blackwhip takes control of his body.

Tomura attacks Izuku once more, sending him flung further back into the mountains. Just at this moment, however, he senses the lingering will of Star and Stripe, confused at why she would still be floating around in his head, believing she should've been completely obliterated. Remembering her last words that "someone will inherit that will of heroism", he realizes that despite her being gone, her embers continue to haunt him. Unbeknownst to Tomura, Izuku and the vestiges discovered that as a result of Star's rampage, there is a mental scar deep within Tomura's core which is Regeneration can not heal, and they are going to take advantage of this to attack Tomura from the inside out.

Tomura notices the vestiges and Izuku talking amongst themselves as Izuku attempt to recover and savagely charges right at him, asking what they are all muttering about. Just before Tomura could land his hit, however, Izuku retaliates with a hoard of Blackwhips that nearly hit Tomura; he slices off his own hands before they can make contact. Seeing Izuku now consumed in Blackwhips in order to regain control of his body, Tomura snarks at his new appearance that "he'd never guess he was a hero".[129]

Chapter 414

Tomura battles the Blackwhip Izuku's Overlay form.

Observing Izuku in his current state, Tomura recalls how his last attack gave him an ominous feeling, enough to make him slice off his own arm before it connected. He understands that Izuku has some scheme planned and figures that with his body agonizing while having trouble breathing, a normal person would focus on clinging to life in this state, only to realize who he's talking about while scratching his neck. He says it is fine and that he'll just keep destroying Izuku, the country, and everything else as long as it takes. The two of them charge toward the ground, with Tomura thinking that this is where he'll kill him.

Izuku blows a large volume of Smokescreen as Tomura pushes through and touches the ground, saying all he needs is a dose of Decay, then his plans will be for naught since he'll have to defend instead. But suddenly, Izuku uses a barrage of Blackchains to rip the earth from underneath Tomura, lunging them into the air, and preventing Decay from spreading. Tomura wonders when he did this, as Izuku had already sent strands of Blackchains underground to carve up the earth when he was first flown backwards, and waited for the right time to use it, which Tomura likens to U.A.'s Anti-Decay system.

Izuku transfers Gearshift to Tomura

Tomura was struck by Izuku's Gearshift Smash.

Danger Sense then activates causing Tomura to reach out and grab something behind him, only to notice it's just his cape attached to a Blackwhip used as a decoy. Tomura disintegrates the cape and is confused since Search was indicating that the light on the tendril is Izuku's, only to see blood on it, and realizes Search reacted to it. Bewildered, Tomura further discovers that the light isn't even Izuku's, wondering where he is. In actuality, because Tomura had used Search on the other One For All users, the light on the blood he was actually detecting was Kudo's. Tomura finally figures out what is going on, but it is too late, as Izuku manages to catch him off guard and charges at him with his fist.

Suddenly, Tomura's body begins to instinctively re-enter its "absolute defense" form as fingers start to form around him, knowing his body is trying to reject what is coming, and that he can't afford to take this hit. Before Tomura can touch him in retaliation, Izuku executes a point-blank punch right at Tomura's stomach, successfully transferring Gearshift along with Kudo's vestige into his system. Before Tomura can make use of him, Kudo successfully hits the scar in Tomura's soul, causing Tomura to react in shock. As Gearshift's recoil begins to hit him hard, Tomura and Izuku suddenly begin to see visions of each other's memories, including Dabi, Himiko, and Spinner's first times meeting Tomura, as well as Izuku's match with Shoto during the U.A. Sports Festival.[130]

The transfer of One For All is bounced back by Tomura

Tomura rejects the transfer of One For All from Izuku.

As Tomura's "absolute defense" tries to adapt to Gearshift's recoil, Izuku charges toward Tomura once more for another strike. As memories of the U.S.J. Incident flash through their minds, Izuku and Tomura scream each other's names, just before Izuku executes another point-blank punch into Tomura's stomach. Tomura couldn't react quickly enough to stop it completely, but through his sheer willpower alone, he rejected the transfer, forcing Izuku back. However, En manages to enter the vestige realm and sacrifices himself to pierce through the scar, inflicting more damage to Tomura. While he struggles to recover, a giant blob of fingers continue to rapidly grow around him to defend himself and attack Izuku, all the while a giant vision of his younger self appears behind them.[131]

Deku sees the Shimura family home

Tomura tells Izuku to stay back, but he delivers a final smash on Tomura.

Tomura continues to protect himself from Izuku as the ever-growing mass of fingers completely consume him. Despite this, Izuku manages to push through and break through them all until he reaches Tomura's main body. Tomura desperately screams for Izuku to stay away, sticking his hand out as a memory of his father flashes in his head, but Izuku manages to push on through and executes another punch to his chest.[132]

Through this attack, Izuku manages to transfer nearly all the remaining vestiges into Tomura's core, successfully inflicting severe damage into the leaden core, but Nana was the only one who was repelled because of her conflicted feelings with Tomura. Now deep within Tomura's core, Izuku comes face-to-face with the Shimura Family household, ready to confront Tomura's "origin". Just as he is about to ring the doorbell, Tomura speaks to him through a dark visage of Deku, asking if he learns more and exposes his past to the light if that will change anything. Izuku responds that he doesn't know, but can't let this end without finding out. In return, Tomura tells him to die instead, and Izuku declares he will let him in.

Izuku is then halted by Tomura's memories of Stain, Re-Destro, and Overhaul, but pushes through until he and Nana witness the memory of Kotaro slapping a silhouetted Tenko. Izuku tries to rush toward Tenko, but is blocked by a force field, worried that he's being rejected again despite being so close. Izuku and Nana manage to break free and lunge at the Shimuras, with Nana stopping Kotaro and Izuku touching Tenko. Nana starts to fade away as she is transferred into Tomura, apologizing to Kotaro for not returning home, and to Tomura for being a bad grandmother, as the leaden soul is completely destroyed. Izuku then spots the young Tenko cradling Mon on the night his Decay awakened.[133]

As Tenko, he expresses his hatred for everything to Mon just before his Decay manifests and the dog crumbles away. Hana then appears, leading to the moment just as Tenko cries out and reaches for her, but instead, Izuku, in his child form, gets in the way and grabs both hands to stop him. As Izuku is able to resist the Decay from completely destroying himself, Tenko asks him why he is always getting in the way, and Izuku responds t's because he saw him crying.

Tenko replies that it's all wrong and that he chose to do that, it was his choice to destroy the house and slaughter his family; otherwise what else would be the point of his hands, breaking down and wondering who else would ever validate his existence. Izuku is being rejected as he's hit with a huge surge of Tenko's hatred, but he refuses to let go. Tenko demands Izuku to get his hands off him, but Izuku tells him that others have reached out to take his hand and it gave him peace, and declares that's why he's here. Through all the struggle and suffering, Tenko finally relents and lets go, with Izuku surviving, but with his arms decayed away.

Tenko remembers playing with his friends Mikkun and Tomo at the park, where they tell him that he should be All Might. However, Tenko then tells Izuku that he is a Villain, that he fights in the name of evil to destroy, as visions of the League of Villains appear beside them. As he turns back into Tomura, he states that it doesn't matter if he stamps out his hatred, as even if he winds up hollow, the Villains need a hero of their own.

Suddenly, Izuku and Tomura witness an unfamiliar memory of Kotaro greeting a man from Koga Construction, as they casually chat between each other. They are both confused at what they're looking at and who this man is as they see one time where the man asks Kotaro about his son's Quirk, responding it hasn't appeared yet. Suddenly, a monstrous form of All For One's vestige re-emerges from the ground and swallows up Tomura. He laughs at the "foolish vessel" for losing in a battle of willpower to an absolute nobody, mocking him for striving for strength while being invariably weak, stating that not once in his life has any choice been his own.[134]

As Izuku is rejected, All For One speaks to the slowly disintegrating Tomura, calling him no more than a superego unable to relinquish his own life, taking his guidance all the way and yet amounting to nothing. Tomura was confused and doesn't understand what he's talking about, which All For One reiterates that none of "his" decisions have ever been his own. Tomura claims that he chose to do all of them, but All For One responds that him believing so was key, or else his strength of will would be stunted, thus it was was crucial to twist his illusion of free will and reveals to him everything in his past.

All For One proceeds to reveal the truth behind Tomura's whole existence by his hand. When he learned he needed to surpass the willpower of One For All in order to steal it, he searched for a soul that would grind away at its willpower, and cultivated a seedbed for hatred to grow. He convinced Kotaro to have another child, and after Tenko was born, he secretly stole his original Quirk Factor inherited from his parents before it could appear. He proceeded to secretly observe and subtly manipulate the course of the first couple years of his life, until he eventually one day gave him Decay, which was derived from the Overhaul Quirk, stripped of its ability to reverse its effect, leaving an incomplete copy engineered specifically for destruction. Tomura breaks down in agony as the revelations rush toward him, as All For One declares that all his tragedies, ordeals, rejection, and validation, were all granted by him and for him. Tomura's mind shatters as memories of those he fought in the past flash through his mind, while All For One continues to shout at him shaming his "unwavering heart" and to begone from his body, as his soul is destroyed.

"All For One" emerges now back in control of Tomura's body, however can still hear the screaming voice of Tomura's lingering memory in his head, so he forms a version of one of Tomura's stuffed hands over his mouth to silence it. "All For One" examines the body, noting the spiritual damage has taken its toll, that Tomura's anger and hatred are gone, along with Decay. With the vessel he searched for and cultivated over years now ruined, and his little brother gone, he decides there is nothing left but to move onto his hollow final goal of world domination.[1]

An army of Heroes assembled right before "All For One". Unleashing a hoard of dangerous Quirks, he attacks all the Heroes with a haphazard barrage of Quirks, but the Heroes work together to counter every one of his attacks and trying not to become overwhelmed. At this point, Izuku's arms have returned, as he says he has to join, but his body starts to give way from the injuries and exhaustion. Regardless, Izuku starts running toward the fight to use the last embers of One For All.[135]

As Izuku runs toward "All For One", the villain unleashed hordes of Quirk attack all over the battlefield. "All For One" forms a large laser that he blasts straight toward Izuku, but Toru confidently jumps in front of it to refract it at the cost of her Quirk being nearly permanently damaged. Momo and Denki then produce the Electromagnetic Rail Gun, which they activate and fire directly into "All For One", piercing through his tendrils, but "All For One" blocks it. With Izuku closing in, "All For One" prepares to attack him head-on, but suddenly, he's unable to attack due to his body being severely injured to the point where his Regeneration is no longer working just before Izuku bashes him with a Smash right through his chest.[136]

"All For One" reacts hard to Izuku's point blank attack with his fist piercing his chest. As a result of all the damage he's taken from Izuku's final attack, the body begins to shatter along with all the Quirks he's used against the Heroes. But before he vanishes, "All For One" uses his Quirks to forcefully hold his body together, declaring he hasn't achieved anything yet, and no one can rob him of what's his, angrily stating that only his dream gets to come true, and that nobody gets to pick up the torch, the Demon Lord is "singular and absolute".

Izuku shouts that he's done as he charges for another punch. Suddenly, "Kurogiri" start to move once again, warping himself right in-between the hero and villain. Before he can close the Warp Gate, Katsuki suddenly appears and shoots an Explosion out of his mouth right at "Kurogiri", killing Kurogiri before telling Izuku not to let him surpass him. As Izuku is about to attack, he tells All For One he can't look past what he's done, but knows he's not some monster beyond all understanding, that he isn't a "Demon Lord", but just a lonely man. "All For One" shouts for him to stop and not look at him, as Izuku unleashes one final smash into his arm.

In the vestige realm, the remaining embers of Yoichi that Izuku awakened brought him back Tomura and the other vestiges, as they all land one last hit on All For One, destroying him for good. Tomura has finally regained control of his body, but his injuries were fatal and his body was crumbling. Tomura thought he was annihilated beyond hope when his master swallowed him up, but his grandmother, Nana, somehow kept him tethered from fading. He then thinks about Kurogiri, and about how he stole his body back, but never managed to destroy a thing. As Izuku and Tomura touch fists, Tomura admits that he was just a crying little kid, as he couldn't even destroy his hands. Izuku responds that everything he did, he couldn't let stand, which is why he fought, he wanted to stop him, and wanted him to stop himself, to keep that grief and misery from spreading any further. Tomura laughs, and tells Izuku that if Spinner survived, tell him that even to the bitter end, "Tomura Shigaraki kept fighting to destroy". Izuku replies that it's already been destroyed, which he responds that it depends on what they do tomorrow, and to make sure he "do your damn best" with a genuine smile in his face. No longer suffering and crying from inside, Tomura finally finds peace just before he succumbs to his injuries and dies as his body disintegrates into ashes.[137][138]


  1. 1.0 1.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 419.
  2. 2.0 2.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 235 and Episode 111.
  3. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 236 and Episode 111.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 237 and Episode 112.
  5. 5.0 5.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 222 and Episode 108.
  6. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 254 and Episode 107.
  7. My Hero Academia Manga: Volume Rising, League of Villains: Undercover
  8. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 12 and Episode 9.
  9. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 13 and Episode 9.
  10. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 14 and Episode 10.
  11. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 16 and Episode 11.
  12. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 17 and Episode 11.
  13. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 18 and Episode 12.
  14. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 19 and Episode 12.
  15. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 20 and Episode 13.
  16. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 21 and Episode 13.
  17. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 26 and Episode 16.
  18. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 38 and Episode 22.
  19. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 47 and Episode 27.
  20. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 49 and Episode 28.
  21. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 50 and Episode 28.
  22. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 51 and Episode 29.
  23. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 57 and Episode 31.
  24. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 67 and Episode 37.
  25. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 68 and Episode 38.
  26. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 69 and Episode 38.
  27. My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 40.
  28. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 77 and Episode 43.
  29. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 84 and Episode 46.
  30. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 85 and Episode 46.
  31. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 86 and Episode 47.
  32. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 87 and Episode 47.
  33. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 88 and Episode 47.
  34. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 89 and Episode 48.
  35. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 90 and Episode 48.
  36. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 91 and Episode 48.
  37. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 94 and Episode 50.
  38. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 114 and Episode 60.
  39. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 124 and Episode 63.
  40. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 125 and Episode 65.
  41. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 132 and Episode 68.
  42. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 147 and Episode 73.
  43. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 148 and Episode 73.
  44. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 160 and Episode 77.
  45. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 393.
  46. 46.0 46.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 220 and Episode 126.
  47. 47.0 47.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 220 and Episode 108.
  48. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 221 and Episode 108.
  49. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 223 and Episode 108.
  50. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 224 and Episode 108.
  51. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 224 and Episode 109.
  52. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 227 and Episode 109.
  53. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 231 and Episode 110.
  54. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 232 and Episode 110.
  55. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 233 and Episode 111.
  56. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 234 and Episode 111.
  57. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 238 and Episode 112.
  58. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 239 and Episode 112.
  59. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 240 and Episode 112.
  60. My Hero Academia: Heroes: Rising.
  61. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 246 and Episode 113.
  62. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 255 and Episode 107.
  63. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 262 and Episode 115.
  64. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 268 and Episode 117.
  65. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 269 and Episode 117.
  66. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 270 and Episode 117.
  67. My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 118.
  68. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 272 and Episode 118.
  69. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 273 and Episode 119.
  70. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 273 and Episode 118.
  71. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 274 and Episode 119.
  72. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 275 and Episode 119.
  73. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 276 and Episode 120.
  74. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 277 and Episode 120.
  75. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 281 and Episode 121.
  76. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 282 and Episode 121.
  77. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 282 and Episode 122.
  78. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 283 and Episode 122.
  79. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 284 and Episode 122.
  80. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 285 and Episode 122.
  81. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 286 and Episode 123.
  82. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 287 and Episode 123.
  83. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 289 and Episode 124.
  84. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 290 and Episode 124.
  85. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 292 and Episode 125.
  86. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 293 and Episode 125.
  87. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 294 and Episode 125.
  88. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 294 and Episode 126.
  89. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 295 and Episode 126.
  90. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 296 and Episode 127.
  91. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 297 and Episode 128.
  92. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 298 and Episode 128.
  93. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 329.
  94. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 330.
  95. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 331.
  96. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 332.
  97. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 333.
  98. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 334.
  99. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 335.
  100. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 341.
  101. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 343.
  102. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 344.
  103. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 345.
  104. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 346.
  105. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 347.
  106. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 358.
  107. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 359.
  108. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 360.
  109. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 361.
  110. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 362.
  111. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 363.
  112. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 364.
  113. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 365.
  114. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 366.
  115. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 367.
  116. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 368.
  117. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 369.
  118. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 377.
  119. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 378.
  120. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 379.
  121. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 380.
  122. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 402.
  123. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 403.
  124. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 404.
  125. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 406.
  126. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 410.
  127. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 411.
  128. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 412.
  129. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 413.
  130. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 414.
  131. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 415.
  132. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 416.
  133. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 417.
  134. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 418.
  135. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 421.
  136. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 422.
  137. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 423.
  138. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 424.

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