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Rifle (ライフル Raifuru?) is the Quirk used by Kaina Tsutsumi.[1]


With this Quirk, the user can protrude and retract a rifle gun from their right elbow. Kaina bends her arm up so that her hand is to her shoulder and opens a cavity in her elbow, from which the rifle comes out of. The rifle seems to be made out of organic matter, using a semi-liquid sinew as a retractable bipod. She loads the bullets she makes with her moldable hair into a hole that opens up on her palm, which she uses to reload her ammo.[1]

As the rifle is made up of organic matter and doesn't require explosive (but noisy and flashy) combustion to propel bullets, it is a relatively stealthy weapon as an air rifle, using the propulsion provided by her Quirk's usage of bone and muscle sinew to propel the rounds, leaving behind no audible explosive crack nor muzzle flash from her rifle's barrel.

She can also manifest a tendril of flesh from her arm that she can curl up and act as a rifle scope, allowing her to make more precise shots if needed.[2] Another attribute of her gun is that she can dramatically increase its power output, causing the gun to expand and bulge out. This greatly increases the velocity of her shots, though it does run the risk of jamming her gun.[3]

She can remove parts of her hair to mix and mold the fibers like Epoxy putty into all kinds of special bullets, such as hollow point bullets, bullets with radio capabilities, or bullets that curve. These hair bullets harden and become just as strong as any ammo. She keeps the bullets in a utility belt for later and fires them from her rifle, as well as creates them from her hair on the fly.

The bullets possess no gunpowder that burn out quickly (and causes ordinary bullets to lose momentum and distance), allowing for a greater effective range than conventional rounds. They also maintain their shape during and after impact, possess great penetrating power against both flesh and inorganic matter, and are caseless, leaving behind no brass shell casings that would identify Kaina's original sniping position. This also allows the bullets to be simultaneously reusable and easily disposable.

According to Snipe, Rifle has an effective range of three kilometers.[1]


Since Kaina's bullets are made from her hair, they can be used to identify her. This is shown when Izuku recognized it was her targeting him after seeing the dark blue and pink bullet that was shot at him. Additionally, because her bullets are made from her hair, she has to keep her hair long in order to maintain a sufficient ammo reserve for successive or prolonged fire against multiple foes (or even highly evasive ones). The shorter her hair, the fewer bullets she can mold them into.

Kaina's rifle is vulnerable to being damaged or broken should an enemy be quick enough to evade her shots and launch a strong attack from up close.[3]

Kaina is also implied to have not only a limited capacity in her rifle, but either a slow rate of fire (possibly bordering on single shot) and/or a lengthy reload time due to having to load and rechamber each round individually. Attentive foes can theoretically use this lull to close the distance or stage a counterattack.

Using her Quirk while being seriously injured can also cause a huge strain unto Kaina's body. This was evident when her wounds began to reopen after she fired a bullet towards Tomura Shigaraki during the Final War.[4]



Because of Rifle, Kaina Tsutsumi is considered Japan's top sniper, above the likes of Snipe, and was admired and envied by Heroes with long-range Quirks all over Japan. Snipe expressed how she could far exceed his Homing Quirk's 600 meter range with pure skill alone, and went as far as to call her a sniper rifle in human form. This impressive range was further demonstrated when even despite Tomura being on a floating U.A. miles in the sky, she was able to accurately snipe him from atop Central Hospital on the ground below, while also in a raging rainstorm.[4]

Kaina's marksmanship itself is based solely on pure skill and smart use of her custom bullets, even installing microphones in them so she can send real time messages from and across long distances. She has incredible control and precision with her Quirk, as she managed to get a hit on Izuku despite him having Danger Sense. Her control is so precise that she can fire accurately with her rifle pointed behind her back.[2] She also claims that no one has ever blocked two of her shots in a row, except Izuku.

As expected of a sniper, Kaina maintains her distance from her targets and fires continuous bullets to keep them at bay. Bad weather also does not seem to affect her performance, although a Smokescreen can deter her sniping to an extent.

Kaina also has access to Air Walk, gifted to her by All For One, which grants her the ability to gain additional vantage points in mid-air. She can move by shooting behind her with Rifle, using the recoil to propel herself forward and keep her altitude.

She also utilizes Rifle for melee combat, as demonstrated when she retracted her rifle and protruded it to strike Izuku in the stomach before attempting to shoot him.[5]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 312 and Episode 133.
  2. 2.0 2.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 313.
  3. 3.0 3.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 315.
  4. 4.0 4.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 379.
  5. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 314.

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