My Hero Academia Wiki
My Hero Academia Wiki

Acid Sweat ( (さん) () (かん) Sanka Kan?)[1] is the Quirk of Masaru Bakugo.


Acid Sweat allows the user to secrete an acidic sweat with combustive and explosive properties from their palms.

If Masaru rubs his hands together, he can create explosions, but unlike his son's Quirk, he cannot forcibly secrete it, and it comes out like normal sweat. This, along with his wife's Quirk, is why Katsuki has to secrete sweat in his Explosion Quirk as they become more powerful.


  • This Quirk is similar to Mina Ashido's Acid Quirk, but instead of releasing large quantities of acid at once, he releases it gradually, like sweat.


  1. My Hero Academia Manga: Vol. 11, Omake

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