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Energy Suck ( (かつ) (りょく) (きゅう) (しゅう) Katsuryoku Kyūshū?)[1], is the Quirk used by Rikiya Katsukame.


By making physical contact and then inhaling, the user can absorb the vitality of others, not only giving themselves more stamina, but also gaining an increase in size and strength.[2]


If Rikiya is unable to make physical contact with his targets, then this Quirk is rendered ineffective. It is only when he is under the Quirk-enhancing effects of the Trigger drug can Rikiya eliminate this weakness, as his power is augmented to where he can absorb the vitality of others through inhalation alone.


This Quirk has the advantage of strengthening Rikiya while simultaneously weakening his foes. Under the effect of Trigger, Rikiya can absorb the vitality of nearby people by only inhaling, no longer requiring contact. In the latter case, the Quirk activated entirely on it's own while he was unconscious as soon as the drug took effect, waking him up and replenishing his stamina. This allowed him to fight evenly against Ryukyu, the No. 10 Pro Hero (formerly No. 9), Nejire Hado, one of The Big 3 of U.A. High School, several other Pro Heroes, policemen, and interns for 20 minutes.

It was only when the effects of the drug wore off that the weakened heroes from Ryukyu's office were able to defeat him with a combined attack. By contrast, before he took the drug, Rikiya had been quickly subdued by Ryukyu alone.


  • Rikiya's Quirk seems to be heavily based on the powers of Superman villain Parasite, who could also absorb the strength and energy of others through touch in order to add to his own temporarily, and at one point or another, could do it without physical contact.


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