My Hero Academia Wiki
My Hero Academia Wiki


The Origin of All Might[]

Toshinori Yagi meets Nana Shimura

Toshinori Yagi meets Nana Shimura.

Toshinori Yagi was born Quirkless during a time in the world where evil and chaos ran rampant due to the influence of All For One. Crime rates were on the rise because citizens had no hero to believe in. With all his family having been killed, and seeing so much destruction in the world, inspired the boy to become a powerful hero who could provide hope for innocents and defeat evil.

During his teenage years, Toshinori would often rush into danger to try and lend a helping hand, even despite his powerlessness. One day, he was prepared to face off against a gang of Villains with nothing but a lead pipe, only to see them all being swiftly dispatched by the Pro Hero, Nana Shimura. Floating above the defeated adversaries, she noticed the young Toshinori looking at her with admiration, asking what he was going to do as he attempted to fight them with just a lead pipe.[1]

Fascinated and astonished of Nana, he asks her to please take him on as her pupil, but she coldly refuses telling him he doesn't even have a Quirk. She tells him to stop following her and to take his pipe elsewhere, and Toshinori responds that his family was killed a while ago, with Nana simply responding so was her's and she doesn't have time to help seek revenge. Toshinori says that he just can't accept a world where those who take from others come out on top, the grief of those who have been stolen from turns to hatred in an endless spiraling cycle.

Toshinori Yagi Teen

"I want to become a pillar of justice that people can believe in."

Asking for his solution, Nana turns around and is surprised as Toshinori explains his ideals saying that he wanted to create a world where everyone can smile and live happily together. For that to happen, the world needed a "Symbol of Peace" to inspire a new age of harmony. Toshinori believed he could become the pillar that inspires people everywhere. He points toward the destruction nearby noting that even with new buildings and restoration efforts, people have been living in fear for a while, with their hearts and minds shrouded in darkness. Nana asks if he would put on a grand display of power, and he responds that everyone has it tough with their own problems so he would step up, because a Quirkless guy like him has no role otherwise.[1][2]

In spite of his Quirkless-ness, Nana believed in his ideals and decides to take him as her apprentice. Shortly before high school, she passed her other Quirk, One For All, down to him, making him the eighth torchbearer of the great power. Toshinori would go on to wield the power for forty years.[3]

Toshinori attended U.A. High School, where Nana's friend, Gran Torino, served as his homeroom teacher and trained him alongside Nana. Toshinori's body was strong enough to utilize One For All at 100% from the start of training, so Gran Torino mainly focused on teaching Toshinori how to properly fight, although his training methods were so harsh that he accidentally instilled an innate fear within him.[4][5]

All Might Rising[]

All Might calling out to Nana

All Might calling out to his master as Gran Torino flies him away.

Throughout Toshinori's high school years, Nana and Gran Torino train Toshinori to harness the full power of One For All. During Toshinori's final year, the three of them faced off against All For One in a deadly battle. Despite the three of them working together, the villain was too powerful, resulting in Nana being wounded, with Toshinori and Gran Torino defeated shortly afterwards.

Realizing they wouldn't be able to win, Nana decides to do what is necessary and forcibly pushed Toshinori out of the way. He calls out to his master as Gran Torino swoops in and flies him away. Nana says she's leaving the rest to Toshinori and asks her friend to make sure his dreams come true. With her back turned, Nana points to Toshinori, signaling his time has come to take her place. Nana turns to her successor and with one last smile, reminds him that she's counting on him to save the world.

Gran Torino training All Might

All Might mourns after Nana Shimura's death.

Toshinori tearfully screams for his master as Gran Torino flies away filled with grief. Knowing in her heart that Toshinori will rise up to take her place, Nana turns to face her nemesis. The evil mastermind thanks her for entertaining him and finishes her off with a powerful explosion created from a surge of black lightning, which destroys the entire island.

As a promise to his close friend Nana, Gran Torino continued training Toshinori in her place. However, Toshinori was demoralized and distraught after the death of his master, and was unable to train properly to his potential. Thoughts of revenge plagued Toshinori's mind and he wished to avenge Nana, who he saw as a true hero. During one of his training sessions at U.A, Gran Torino reminds Toshinori that no matter what city he hides in, All For One's reach will find him as he has influence everywhere. Toshinori replies that he needs to try and fight back so he can become the Symbol of Peace and passionately throws a counter punch.

Gran Torino scolds All Might

Gran Torino tells All Might to cross the ocean.

Gran Torino kicks Toshinori hard on the ground and sits on top of him while enjoying his favorite taiyaki treats. He reminds Toshinori that his enemy is a man with monstrous abilities who's walked the earth for more than over a hundred years, expressing that he could never defeat All For One in his condition. Frustrated, Toshinori cries while saying his master gave up everything to raise One For All's next torchbearer and admits he thought of her as his own mother.

All Might travels to America

All Might leaves his home to America.

Gran Torino lifts his sobbing student and tells him he needs to cross the ocean after he graduates. He fears that if Toshinori doesn't escape the villain's reach, then Nana's sacrifice will be for nothing. Grieving, Gran Torino asks Toshinori if he understands why Nana let him escape. He asks Toshinori to save his power and train in the United States so All For One could not reach him and to gain experience as a hero. This conversation restored Toshinori's resolve with a new purpose.

That spring, Toshinori graduated from U.A. and prepared to head to America. Before he departed, Toshinori reminded himself of his master's trademark smile. He shaped his hair and donned what would become his own signature smile for the first time as All Might.[6]

All Might in America[]

All Might and David in their youth

All Might shares his dream with David Shield.

Soon after moving to Los Angeles, California, Toshinori rescued a group of scientists from an explosion. One of these upcoming student scientists was David Shield. David thanked Toshinori and noticed his destroyed attire. He developed a sturdy hero costume that would come to be known as All Might's young age Costume. Toshinori and David would quickly become best friends and acted as a hero team throughout California.

Toshinori shared his dreams with David; he told him that he desired to become a Symbol of Peace and shine a light on the world. Together they took down a pair of L.A. Villains and David even relayed All Might's message to everyone watching, truly believing that one day All Might would become the world's top hero.[7] It was also during this incident that All Might saved a young Cathleen Bate, which inspired her to become a hero just like him, and eventually would become America's Number 1 Hero, Star and Stripe.[8]

Eventually, he met Melissa Shield, David's daughter, who was born Quirkless. Over time, All Might would serve as an uncle figure to Melissa. He encouraged her to become a support engineer in order to help other people, just like her father.[9]

Return to Japan[]

All Might and Sir Nighteye partnership

All Might and Sir Nighteye's partnership.

Eventually, Toshinori returned to Japan and his meteoric rise would only continue through the Bronze, Silver, and Golden ages of his career, soon becoming the world's Symbol of Peace and No. 1 Hero. All Might reached the pinnacle dreams and inspired a new age of Pro Heroes where the country finally knew peace. Japan's crime rate dropped down to below 6% because of All Might's presence, ushering in an era of peace. However, the looming threat of All For One was still present.

At some point he met Mirai Sasaki, a huge fan of him who wanted to be his Sidekick. At first, Toshinori refused due to his policy of not taking anyone. However, Mirai was so persistent that All Might eventually let him be his sidekick, under the name of Sir Nighteye. Thanks to his ability to see the future, Sir Nighteye would act as the brains of All Might's operations while the No. 1 Hero was operating at the peak of his career.[10] For many years their partnership worked well, with Toshinori even revealing the truth about One For All to him.

The Underground Masquerade[]

Toshinori Yagi true form (past)

Toshinori asks if there is anything before going to sleep.

All Might returned to the Might Tower after spending three days resolving consecutive incidents, setting a new record. After thanking the reporters and journalists gathered there for their encouragement and congratulations, All Might retired behind the Might Gate to rest. Before going to sleep, Toshinori asked Sir Nighteye for any last minute job, but his sidekick told him his priority should be resting after going 72 hours working non-stop.

Just then, they received an emergency dispatch from Osaka after the Might Signal was activated. Sir Nighteye wanted to check first if local heroes can take care of the situation first, but All Might transformed into his muscular form and and blasted off, knowing Osaka's calling for him personally.

All Might easily restores order

All Might restores order in Osaka.

The reason for that emergency was caused by All For One, who in his desire to steal the Overclock Quirk from the hero O'Clock, had transformed several people into a violent mob that was rampaging through the city.[11] Once he arrived to Osaka, and in the blink of an eye, All Might defeated all the villains. Then, after being informed of the situation, he goes to the place where the crowd emerged, but when he arrived, all trace of All For One had disappeared, with only O'Clock and a couple of his allies at the scene.[12]

After fixing the situation, the citizens of Osaka rejoice as All Might tops a new record in defeating nearly one hundred Villains in one fell swoop, as well as assisting in many aspects of the clean up, before leaping off and heading back home for a proper rest.[13]

The Beginning of the End of All Might[]

All Might defeats All For One for the first time

All Might defeats All For One.

Eventually, destiny caught up with him, and once again, All Might was brought face to face with All For One in a single brutal combat. The Symbol of Peace became the first torchbearer to defeat All For One, completely obliterating his head, and severely damaging the rest of his body. All For One's reign over Japan was finally over, and All Might took steps to ensure that their battle wouldn't reach public eyes or records, being kept a secret from most people in the world. However, this victory was at the cost of critical injuries dealt to him, as All Might's stomach was lost, and his respiratory system was damaged beyond repair. This created a time limit on how long All Might could use One For All, reducing his ability to be the Symbol of Peace.[14][15]

Due to his injures and condition, Sir Nighteye pleaded with All Might to retire, as he didn't want All Might to push himself to the brink of death, but he refused. Nezu agreed with Sir Nighteye and told All Might that he could look for a successor of One For All in U.A., an idea that Sir Nighteye considered as the best option. Toshinori agreed that the Symbol of Peace would need a successor but refused to step down in case any new villains stepped up.

All Might and Sir Nighteye break up

All Might and Sir Nighteye's breakup.

All Might asked who the Symbol of Peace would be until he finds that successor. Even though All For One was gone, another villain like him will eventually appear. Sir Nighteye threatened to stop helping should All Might continue his reign as the No. 1 Hero. He confessed that he even used his Foresight Quirk on him when he was still on the mend, and warned All Might of his impending death. He told him that in six to seven years, he will confront a villain and head towards a gruesome death. All Might ignored Nighteye's warning and they dissolved their partnership completely.[10]

My Hero Academia: Vigilantes[]

Vigilantes Beginnings Arc[]

All Might smashes an Insant Villain

All Might smashes an Instant Villain.

During the period between when he defeated All For One until he became a professor at U.A., Toshinori was involved in a series of events caused by a criminal organization known as the Villain Factory, whose goals were unknown. For several weeks, the Villain Factory was dedicated to distributing through Naruhata streets a drug known as Trigger, an illegal substance that boosts Quirks but turns its consumers in violent Instant Villains, causing several incidents.

One day, one of the Factory's agents, Kuin Hachisuka, uses her Queen Bee Quirk to inject the drug into innocent civilians, turning them into a horde of Instant Villains, causing chaos at the streets. Suddenly, All Might and several other heroes such as Airjet, Ingenium, Endeavor, Midnight, Eraser Head, and several others, appear and in a short space of time, they suppress all the Instant Villains.[16]

Due to the villain outbreak, where several innocent people were turned into Instant Villains, detective Eizo Tanuma organized a meeting in the Police Station with several of the heroes who helped to stop the outbreak to discuss the situation and the best action to take.[17] Because All Might could not attend, Eizo sent his partner Naomasa Tsukauchi to the Might Tower to request All Might's help in dealing with the Trigger outbreak, specifically telling him to talk to his secretary-manager, Toshinori Yagi.

Naomasa discovers the truth about Toshinori

Naomasa discovers Toshinori's secret identity.

On the top floor, the receptionist tells Naomasa that All Might will be returning shortly from Hokkaido. The Might Tower's roof opens up and All Might lands down. Many reporters ask All Might questions about global affairs. However, All Might apologizes and decides to leave office affairs to his staff; All Might retreats behind the Might Gate, which is only accessible to All Might himself.

Naomasa couldn't talk to All Might but went to the receptionist to ask for Mr. Yagi. Coincidentally, Toshinori Yagi (All Might in his true form) is by the receptionists as well and hears Naomasa's request. Toshinori and Naomasa chat in Might Tower cafe, with Toshinori introducing himself as Might's Productions Second Secretarial Office and that he handles All Might's private affairs. Naomasa explains the Instant Villains rampages that have been happening recently, to which Toshinori suggests that heroes should be more cautious going forward.

However, while they are having a conversation, Toshinori constantly makes excuses and runs to perform quick deeds as All Might. In the end, Toshinori accidentally returns with the uniform still visible, revealing his dual identity as All Might.

Naomasa and Toshinori become friends

Naomasa and Toshinori become friends.

Toshinori asks Naomasa to keep his identity a secret, to which Naomasa replies that he will, but he tells Toshinori that the Police Force is troubled by his spontaneous acts of heroism and calls him out on not filing reports on all of his heroic activities, as customary of a Professional Hero. Toshinori is well aware that he must follow standard procedures when heroes wield their powers, but he wants to help people without being burdened by unnecessary procedures. While Naomasa understands him, he tells that every hero must follow the rules, and it would be a bad example if people know that the Number One Hero neglects his Hero duties.

Taking pity on All Might, Naomasa offers to file the reports himself, letting All Might act without any worries apart from telling him about his unplanned Hero activities. Toshinori is delighted with Naomasa's offer and accepts it, exchanging his personal contact number with him. The next day, Naomasa receives several cases of All Might's unplanned Heroics and wonders if it was Eizo's plan to push All Might's ordeal onto him from the start.[18]

Sky Egg Arc[]

Toshinori worried about Naomasa

Toshinori worried about Naomasa.

After this, Toshinori and Naomasa become friends, and for the next months, they have several meetings to keep themselves informed of their mutual jobs, with All Might carrying out his hero duties and Naomasa continuing with the police investigation to stop the traffic of Trigger and the Villain Factory. One day, after resolving a series of incidents in Okinawa, Toshinori Yagi returns to the Might Tower for a meeting with Naomasa in the building's cafeteria, only to find out the detective has his arm in a sling and several fractures. Naomasa explains to him that his injuries are the result of a confrontation he had against Number 6.

Although he tries to not give importance to his injuries, Toshinori is worried and tells him that if he had known, he would have come to help him. The detective replies that his public figure, All Might, can't be taking jobs for personal reasons, and can't prioritize saving certain people because they could be taken hostage or used as a diversion by villains. Toshinori can not deny that he is right.[19]

Toshinori offers his help to Naomasa

Toshinori offers his help to Naomasa.

With the start of a new year, detective Naomasa and Toshinori have another meeting, in which they say they hope to continue working together another year. Naomasa informs him that recently they have obtained new and important information about the case he is investigating. All Might offers to help him but, although he is grateful, Naomasa tells him that it is not possible.[20]

Police investigations lead Naomasa to discover the place where the Villain Factory carries out its illegal experiments. A police raid takes place, but Number 6, the same villain who left Naomasa badly wounded the previous time, is there, and he blows up the place before escaping with five creatures called Bombers, in order to attack the Tokyo Sky Egg and kill Captain Celebrity.[21] Luckily, Naomasa survives, and in a police helicopter, he goes to the Tokyo Sky Egg, where he sees several heroes fighting the Bombers. The hero Eraser Head is with him and asks him to call All Might to come to the place to help because although it seems that the heroes are winning, the threat is not over yet.

All Might set the dome down

"I am here!!"

Naomasa agrees to Aizawa's request and calls All Might, who at that time is in a meeting at the Might Tower as Toshinori. Upon hearing Naomasa's call, Toshinori apologizes and goes to a secluded area to talk to him. Naomasa tells him that the Tokyo Sky Egg is in trouble, but before he can clarify the situation, Toshinori hears an explosion on the phone.[22] Seeing how his creatures were being defeated, Number 6 had ordered the last one to self-destruct in a powerful explosion, which caused the Tokyo Sky Egg to begin to collapse, with thousands of people inside.

Upon hearing the explosion and Naomasa's request for help, the number one hero immediately leaves the Might Tower, taking him only a few seconds to reach the place and, in a flash, he smashes the remains of the tower out of the way, flattens the ground, brings animals to safety and lands the Tokyo Sky Egg dome safely, saving everyone. The bystanders are stunned by that inhuman feat and start cheering for All Might. Then he notices Captain Celebrity and Koichi are still falling. He immediately rescues both. All Might congratulates Captain Celebrity for what he has done and signs Koichi's hoodie.[23]

All Might shakes hands with Captain Celebrity

All Might shakes hands with Captain Celebrity.

The media reports the Bombers' attack on the Tokyo Sky Egg, while hosting a large-scale event with some of the most famous heroes, and how All Might saved everyone from the disaster when the tower began to fall. Journalists and reporters ask All Might about his opinion. He simply thanks that there are no fatalities, and praise the efforts of the Pro Heroes, law enforcement and relief workers to care for the victims.

After his statement, he says goodbye and runs away, being pursued by the media. After eluding them, All Might, now as Toshinori Yagi, returns to the place and meets secretly with Naomasa. He tells him that he's going to stick around for a while in case there's another attack.

Naomasa introduces Toshinori Yagi

Naomasa introduces Toshinori to the other heroes.

Naomasa apologizes for getting bent out of shape, but Toshinori tells him that it's fine and that it was his impassioned plea that got him there in time. Toshinori explains to Naomasa that his Quirk has a strong psychological component to his strength. When he hears a plea for help, he feels it like a direct order to All Might. He tells him that when he accepted his power in order to save everyone and give them hope.

Naomasa feels confused about how he "accepted" his power, and All Might realizes that he has unwittingly revealed an important fact regarding One For All and its secrets. Before their conversation continues, they are interrupted by Shota Aizawa, Fat Gum and Monika Kaniyashiki, and Naomasa introduces them to Toshinori, who thinks that one of these days he will have to explain Naomasa everything about the secret behind All Might.

Nebraska Smash

All Might destroys all the mini Bombers with a Nebraska Smash.

In the distance, at the top of a building, Number 6 watches the whole scene, still furious that All Might ruined his plans. However, he does not give up. and uses a device again to reactivate the Bombers' remains. The busted Bombers' pieces and bits start to regenerate, combine and grow into a gigantic and uniform mass of flesh that bursts releasing a swarm of two hundred mini Bombers to attack everyone, in his last attempt to cause a tragedy. Number 6 is confident that even All Might will not be able to destroy all the creatures, so he is sure that this attack will cause some deaths.

Everyone is surprised at this sudden attack, but it generates the appropriate distraction for Toshinori to transform back into All Might, destroying the entire swarm with his Nebraska Smash, saving thousands of lives again. Number 6 can not believe what he just saw.[24]

Naruhata Lockdown Arc[]

Toshinori watching the news

Toshinori watching the news.

Several years have passed since the Sky Egg Bombing, and since then the mastermind behind it, Number 6, has cooked up a revenge plan against Koichi and a hospitalized Kazuho.[25] A few days later, as promised, Number 6 decides to carry out his threat, and to do so, he first causes a blackout in Naruhata, cutting off all communications and causing all series of riots with his Anonymous ordered to keep the heroes busy. He then storms the hospital, but Koichi and his allies force him to flee. With communications cut off, Naomasa asks Koichi to leave Naruhata and summon All Might, while they take care of the rest, but in the end Koichi decides to stay to face Number 6 himself.[26][27][28][29][30]

Meanwhile, in the cafeteria of the Might Tower, Toshinori is relaxing, eating his meal, and received the news broadcast talking about the Naruhata crisis. Toshinori hopes Naomasa's job doesn't get delayed due to the chaos. At that moment, he receives a phone call asking him to contact All Might to stop a Namahage attack in Akita. Toshinori decides to leave and tells the waiter not to clear his plate since he will come back. Once the problem in Akita is solved, Toshinori returns to the cafeteria to finish his dinner, but he is called again to request All Might to solve another problem in Tokushima.[31]

All Might defeats all of Number 6's bombers

All Might defeats all of Number 6's bombers.

Eventually, news of the escalating threat, particularly the giant fiery kaiju that Number 6 has transformed into, reaches Toshinori's attention through the news, blasting off out of the Might Tower toward Naruhata. In no time flat, he breezes past Endeavor through the sky and entering the city, effortlessly knocks all the mini bombers that emerged from the kaiju into the air, allowing Endeavor to safely dispose of them.[32] With the danger averted, All Might rushes into an alleyway to transform back into Toshinori, where he is helped by Naomasa.[33]

With the threat of Number 6 and the Villain Factory seemingly over, Toshinori returns to his daily routine at the Might Tower.[34] Sometime later, in order to raise a proper successor, All Might enlisted himself as a teacher at U.A. High. He spoke with Nezu about a potential replacement, and the principal believed that Mirio Togata, one of U.A.'s students, would make a fitting successor to One For All.[35]


Entrance Exam Arc[]

Izuku Meets All Might

All Might and Izuku meet for the first time.

All Might spots the Sludge Villain fleeing after robbing a bank while he was getting groceries. He tracks the villain through the sewers and eventually finds him trying the seize the body of a young man, Izuku Midoriya. All Might uses his Texas Smash to blast the villain apart and saves Izuku. While the young man recovers, All Might encases the villain inside a couple of empty bottles, in order to take him to the authorities. When Izuku awakens, he finds that All Might has signed his Hero Analysis for the Future notebook and thanks him profusely.

All Might prepares to leave, but the young fanboy holds on to All Might after he leaps high into the air. At first, All Might tries to shake him off but stops after agreeing that Izuku would die if he dropped him in mid-air. He is forced to land and tries to leave again, but Izuku questions him on whether he can become a hero without a Quirk. Before answering, All Might's time in his muscle form comes to an end and he reverts to his true form, shocking Izuku.

Izuku discovers the true form of All Might

Izuku shocked by All Might's true form.

All Might reveals to the surprised young man that he was injured in battle five years ago and can only stay in his hero form for a short time. He goes on to tell Izuku that professionals must always put their lives at stake to save the day and thus cannot openly say whether it is possible to be a Hero without a Quirk as it may not be possible.

All Might says that if Izuku cares about saving people, he can always go on to become a policeman, as in that way he can be responsible for putting the villains in jail (even though it is often ridiculed). He tells Izuku that it is not bad to dream, but warns him not to obscure the facts and then leaves.

Detroit Smash

Detroit Smash!!

After leaving, All Might notices that he wasted time in talking with the young man, giving the villain he defeated a chance to escape, ridiculing himself for making a rookie mistake. He makes his way to the scene of the crime, where the villain has captured yet another young man, Katsuki Bakugo.

He is unable to intervene after using up his hero form, but after seeing Izuku's bravery in trying to save Katsuki from the villain, while the heroes are unable to do anything All Might is inspired enough to step in and use Detroit Smash to defeat the villain, saving both Izuku and Katsuki. All Might is swarmed by reporters after the battle.

You too can be a hero 1

All Might chooses Izuku as his successor.

Later on that same day, All Might appears before Izuku, thanking him and giving him a proposal. All Might tells Izuku that he was touched by his bravery for trying to save someone, despite not having a Quirk, and tells him that he too can become a hero.[36][14]

All Might reveals to Izuku that his Quirk can be passed down and that he has chosen Izuku to be the next one to inherit his Quirk. Izuku is shocked and asks why he would give someone like him his Quirk, to which All Might responds that he has been searching for a successor for a long time and now has found someone to whom he does not mind giving his Quirk, saying that despite not having a Quirk, Izuku tried to save Katsuki while other people and heroes stood idly by. Izuku accepts All Might's proposal and they begin training for the next ten months, explaining to him that in order for him to inherit his Quirk, Izuku's body (vessel) must be strengthened to the point of being able to handle the One For All's power.[37]

Izuku training at Takoba Park

All Might training Izuku.

After taking the decision to train Izuku to be the new One For All's successor, Toshinori phones Nighteye to tell him this, but Nighteye is vehemently against the idea of a Quirkless middle schooler becoming his successor. Toshinori and Nighteye argue over the phone regarding Izuku; Toshinori argues that Izuku was intent on saving others while Nighteye argues that intentions alone were not good enough since there are far more capable candidates with the same good will as Izuku. However, Toshinori states that being Quirkless is what made Izuku a befitting candidate over the others. This argument would result in All Might and Sir Nighteye falling out and no longer being on speaking terms as a result.[38]

All Might trains Izuku at the Takoba Municipal Beach Park, a coastline that has been filled with trash. He has Izuku clean up all the trash as part of training his body to become strong enough to withstand the power of his Quirk, otherwise, it can result in Izuku losing limbs. After 10 months have passed, Izuku surprises All Might by cleaning the whole beach and becomes a genuine vessel. Amazed by his feat, All Might rewards Izuku for his hard work by having Izuku consume a piece of his hair, enough DNA to transfer One For All to Izuku.[37]

All Might working for UA

All Might delivers the exam results to Izuku.

All Might takes part in viewing the U.A. Entrance Exam. He is pleased to see that Izuku used his Quirk and his willingness to sacrifice himself to save Ochaco Uraraka. After the exam finishes, All Might finalizes the paperwork to become a U.A. faculty member. He delivers Izuku's test results via holographic video. He first apologizes for not speaking to Izuku in the week after the exam. He continues, telling Izuku he did fine on the written exam and got zero combat points during the practical. However, he goes on to explain that Izuku's brave actions during the exam were enough to score him sixty rescue points, giving him more than enough points to get accepted into U.A.[39]

Quirk Apprehension Test Arc[]

All Might and Shota Aizawa

All Might and Shota.

All Might is seen secretly inspecting Izuku's participation in the pitch trial of the Quirk Apprehension Test, impressed with Izuku's focus of One For All at the tip of his finger and for his quick thinking of using the Quirk in the shortest time possible at the last moment as a workaround for not being adjusted to the Quirk.[40] All Might approaches Shota, calling him a liar and says that he saw that he once expelled an entire new class of first-graders last year. All Might knows that he kicks students out with zero chances, finding it weird that he did not expel Izuku on the spot and concludes to him that even he felt Izuku's raw potential.

However, Shota replies that Izuku's are above the "zero" mark and that is all. He continues to say that he can kick out anyone whose chances drop below that mark at any time. All Might then says that they will never get along. All Might later appears as the teacher of the Foundational Hero Studies class, saying that they will have a battle of trial for the period.[41] He tells his students that U.A. has prepared their hero costumes and says to them to get changed into their costumes for the Battle Trial.

Battle Trial Arc[]

Battle Trial

The Battle Trial.

All Might complimented the costumes of his students before he noticed the similarities to his image in Izuku's costume and was internally annoyed by it. He soon explains to his students that they will be separated into Heroes and Villains for the Battle Trial and it will be a two on two team battle. He explains that in the Battle Trial, the villains will guard a nuclear weapon they intend on deploying and the heroes must stop them. He goes on to further say that the heroes can win by capturing the villains or reach the nuclear bomb before time runs out and the villains can win by capturing the heroes or keeping the core away from the heroes before time runs out.

All Might then decides that the teammates and pairs will be chosen by lottery. After the lottery, All Might draws from the boxes and says that the pairs that will do battle are the heroes Izuku and Ochaco versus the villains Katsuki and Tenya Ida. He explains that the villains will go in the building first, and then after five minutes, the heroes will go in. He tells them to go all out as it is a practical exercise, although he says that he will stop the Battle Trial if things get out of hand. All Might is seen in the surveillance room, saying to himself that Izuku will not get any special treatment from him and will grade him as harshly as the rest.

All Might indecisive

All Might decides not to stop the fight.

While watching Izuku and Katsuki battle, All Might is impressed by Izuku knocking down Katsuki and is revealed to have read Izuku's Hero Analysis for the Future notebook in their first meeting and recognizes that the boy has memorized Katsuki's moves and used it to his advantage.[42] All Might soon tells Katsuki to stop after seeing what his hero costume can do to amplify his Quirk and becomes worried for Izuku after Katsuki initiates a huge explosion.[43]

All Might then tells Katsuki that if he uses another huge explosion, he will end the Battle Trial and he will lose, reprimanding him for trying to destroy the building that protects their stronghold (the core) calling it foolish. Although he feels that he should stop the Battle Trial, he thinks that it would be better for Izuku and Katsuki to continue battling as it is necessary for the future that they envision themselves. After being asked to stop the Battle Trial, All Might is about to suspend it, but after hearing Izuku call out to Ochaco, he stops. After Ochaco touches the core, All Might announces that the Hero team wins.[44]

Everyone commenting on Shoto's power

Everyone is impressed by Shoto's powerful Quirk.

All Might approaches Katsuki, telling him that it is time for his critique. He tells Katsuki that it does not matter whether he won or lost, but that he takes one look back, reflect on his experience and move on with life. In the monitor room, All Might says that Tenya Ida was the best during the Battle Trial. After being asked why he questions his students as to why he chose Tenya. After Momo Yaoyorozu gives her answer, he is shocked by her accurate deductions and nervously gives a thumbs up to her for being absolutely correct.

During the next Battle Trial, All Might is impressed by Shoto Todoroki for not getting his comrade caught in the attack and at the same weakened his opponents' positions as well as refrained from damaging the core. After everyone participates in the Battle Trial, he tells everyone that they did well and instructs them to change clothes and head back to class. Although he wanted to give Katsuki counseling for his self-confidence, he realizes that his transformation is running out of time and head to the nurse's office.

Recovery Girl berates All Might

Recovery Girl berates All Might.

He is reprimanded by Recovery Girl for indulging his disciple, Izuku, too much and he says that he has nothing in his defense. They talk quietly, with him saying that his Quirk is secretly known by a selected few (including her). Chiyo asks if it is important to be a "Natural Born Hero" or "The Symbol of Peace" to which he replies that without such a symbol, the society of superhumans would fall to evil. She then tells All Might to be a better guide to Izuku.

Later, Izuku tells Katsuki that he obtained his Quirk from someone else but the latter does not believe it. All Might then appears before Katsuki, trying to counsel him on self-confidence, although he is told in response by Katsuki that he will surpass him as well, thus All Might decides to leave Katsuki alone, finding that teaching can be difficult.[45]

U.S.J. Arc[]

Missouri Smash

Missouri Smash!!

While heading to U.A., All Might sees Kamui Woods and Mt. Lady fighting the villain Habit Headgear, who had a family as hostages. All Might intervenes and uses Missouri Smash on Habit Headgear, defeating him and saving the family in the process. He then realizes that his Quirk is steadily dropping off, as the amount of time he can keep his Quirk activated has decreased.[46]

In a flashback, Izuku is seen speaking to All Might telling him that he revealed to Katsuki about the secret of the One For All Quirk. However, All Might is not angry about it since Katsuki interpreted it as nonsense and tells Izuku to keep the secret to himself and no one else since if the villains knew about his secret, all of them would probably want to steal his Quirk.

All Might enraged

All Might enraged by the attack of the villains.

He then tells Thirteen that he will not be able to appear at the Unforeseen Simulation Joint due to him using his Quirk too much and then takes a nap. After his nap, All Might tries to contact, Thirteen and Shota, but to no avail. He decides to go to the U.S.J, but Nezu arrives to have a discussion with him, being held up by Mr. Principal's endless talking, seeing that he has not changed either.

Unknowingly, the U.S.J. is attacked by a group of criminals who call themselves the League of Villains. The students are dispersed and Eraser Head and Thirteen are badly hurt when facing the villains. All Might then appears at the U.S.J, telling everyone to have no fear as he is there.[47]

All Might quickly defeating villains

All Might quickly defeating multiple villains.

He says that he ran into Tenya and knows the gist about the situation. All Might quickly dispatches the villains in front of Shota, apologizes to him and picks him up. He then rescues Izuku, Minoru Mineta, and Tsuyu Asui. All Might asks the three to head to the entrance and leaves Shota with them. When Izuku tries to dissuade him into fighting, All Might tells him it is all right. All Might prepares to face the main people in charge of the attack: Tomura Shigaraki, Kurogiri, and Nomu.

All Might uses Carolina Smash on Nomu but has little effect. He realizes that his blows are not having any effect against the villain. After hearing Tomura Shigaraki's information on Nomu, All Might uses a backdrop slam against Nomu, causing an explosion. However, Kurogiri opens a gate with his Quirk, causing All Might's attack to fail and allows Nomu to grab All Might. However, the combined efforts of Katsuki and Shoto allow him to escape from Nomu.[48]

All Might defeats Nomu

All Might defeats Nomu.

All Might then blocks a punch from the regenerated Nomu, giving Katsuki some time to evade. All Might then calls Tomura's view on the title Symbol of Peace as rubbish. He then tells the children to escape, thanking Izuku for his concern and says that he is fine. Realizing that he has only a little time left, All Might decides to go all out. He and Nomu get into a fistfight and All Might sees that he can absorb each punch at 100%.

All Might decides to surpass his 100% and launches a devastating punch against Nomu, sending Nomu flying out of the U.S.J, defeating him. In his younger ages, All Might claims that it would have taken five punches top to defeat someone like Nomu but now that he is not in his prime self anymore, it took over 300 punches. Even though he is badly beaten and battered, All Might prepares to fight Tomura.[49]

All Might thanks Izuku

All Might thanks Izuku for saving him.

All Might asks why he is not going to fight since it is his mission to kill him. All Might then realizes that his fight with Nomu has completely left him powerless, not even having the strength to take another step. Tomura and Kurogiri attack All Might, but Izuku intervenes to protect the powerless All Might. However, one of the heroes that Tenya called as backup stops Kurogiri and Tomura from attacking him.

All Might then goes back to his normal form as Eijiro Kirishima approaches him and Izuku, he gets worried that his secret would be exposed but Ken Ishiyama arrives and blocks Eijiro's way before he discovers All Might's weak form. Cementoss tells All Might that he was told about his state and that his secret is safe, to his relief and gratitude. When Izuku says he could not do anything, All Might says it is not true, telling him that if it were not for his few seconds of bravery, he would be dead and thanks him for saving him.[50]

Naomasa visits All Might at U.A.'s Nurse Office.

Naomasa informs All Might that the students are fine and the teachers will recover.

All Might and Izuku are taken to the U.A. Nursery to being treated by Recovery Girl. Soon detective Naomasa arrives to inform him and Izuku freaks out that he sees All Might in his true form, but All Might calms him down by telling him that Naomasa is one of the few who knows his secret and that he fully trusts him. Then All Might asks the detective about the students' conditions, as well as Shota and Thirteen. Naomasa tells him that the students are unharmed, but Shota and Thirteen are injured, but not in danger of death, relieving All Might worries. All Might tells Naomasa that the students fought bravely and that they will become great heroes, to which the detective agrees.[51]

U.A. Sports Festival Arc[]

Conference Room (Anime)

All Might having a conference discussion with the other heroes and Naomasa.

All Might is seen in the meeting room, commenting on Tomura's arrogance and when he started to panic when things went wrong. After taking Tomura's childish personality into consideration as well as his determination, All Might concludes to those in the meeting room that Tomura is a mere character who believes that he is the center of attention, an "adult-child".

After the meeting, All Might finds Izuku and asks him to have lunch with him. In the resting room, All Might asks him how he is handling his Quirk and Izuku replies that he has gained adjustment to the Quirk, saying that he did not break his arm when punching Nomu, which pleases All Might.

All Might's declaration

All Might's declaration to Izuku.

He then tells Izuku that his time as the Symbol of Peace is heading to an end, much to Izuku's sadness. All Might says that the U.A. Sports Festival is an event the whole country will be watching and tells Izuku that in the event he wants the whole world to know that he is the new generation's "All Might" and the future Symbol of Peace, shocking Izuku. All Might states that he wants Izuku to demonstrate his full potential to everyone at the Sports Festival.[52]

After Izuku doubts himself, All Might encourages him, stating that the difference between someone who aspires to the top and someone who does not will have a huge influence when he steps up and steps forward in society. All Might says that he understands Izuku's feelings towards his condition and will not force him to do anything, but asks him to remember his feelings during the time he cleaned up the Seaside Park.[53]


Watching the U.A. Sport Festival.

At the Sports Festival, after Izuku places first in the Obstacle Race, All Might smiles and claps for him.[54] All Might then ponders about Katsuki, thinking that his ranking in the Obstacle Race, combined with the sheer versatility of his Quirk makes him a popular choice for a teammate. Near the end of the Cavalry Battle, after seeing Katsuki using strategy to get Neito Monoma's last headband, All Might comments to himself that Katsuki, despite no one telling him, is grasping instinctively the difference between those who do not necessarily aim for the top all of the time and those who always do.

After the lunch break begins, All Might in his hero form greets Enji, saying it's been a while and asks him to have tea with him.[55] All Might says that they have not spoken to each other in ten years and that he wanted to give him a shout out, Enji replies that he can take his tea offer to some other place and tells him to go away.

All Might talks with Endeavor

All Might talks with Endeavor at the Sports Festival.

As Enji leaves, All Might stops him, saying that his son Shoto was able to show a great performance even without using half of his power. All Might then asks Enji for advice on how to raise the next generation. Enji comments on All Might's attitude, finding it to be annoying and then says that he will make Shoto a hero that surpasses All Might, then angrily walks away.[56]

All Might goes to see Izuku before the beginning of his match. After Izuku says that he can raise his strength only a little with One For All, All Might says that originally, on a scale of one to a hundred, the amount of strength Izuku's body could tolerate it was zero, but now it is a five. When Izuku starts frowning, All Might cheered him up; telling him to do his best and encourages him to smile when he is full of fear and anxiety. All Might then concludes that he is always watching Izuku.[57]

Toshinori is freaking out

Toshinori begging to Izuku to stop walking.

Toshinori decides to watch the fight between Izuku and Hitoshi from the arena entrance. He begins to freak out when Izuku falls under the influence of Hitoshi's Brainwashing Quirk and begins to walk out of bounds. Toshinori is uttering for Izuku to stop, but to no avail. Izuku manages to break out of the trance since something strange happened with the One For All. After this, he defeats Hitoshi and moves on to the next round.[58]

All Might goes to the infirmary to see Izuku. After Chiyo scolds All Might for putting pressure onto Izuku, Izuku tells All Might about the mysterious shadows he saw, saying that the shadows helped him break free of Hitoshi Shinso's Brainwashing and asks All Might if what he saw were the people who wove the power of One For All.

Izuku scares All Might

All Might is scared by Izuku's visions.

All Might replies that he too saw something similar to what Izuku saw in his younger days. All Might theorizes that the people he saw were imprints of those who have used One For All but not the sort who have a will on their own and concludes that Izuku broke Hitoshi's spell, not because of the predecessors of One For All but because his willpower from seeing the vision helped him break Hitoshi's brainwashing. Izuku is not completely satisfied with the explanation, but All Might tells Izuku not to dwell on it and tells him to go watch the next match. After Izuku leaves, Recovery Girl says that Izuku also saw him in the vision, to which All Might replies that it is a good thing.[59]

The tournament continues until it is Izuku's turn again. During the match between Izuku and Shoto, All Might watches on, worried about his student's health. After Izuku states to Shoto that becoming Number One without his full strength as well as to disown someone is a joke, All Might remembers Endeavor's words of making his son surpass him. Soon after remembering, All Might theorizes to himself that Shoto won't use his firepower due to the discord between him and his father.

Toshinori is impressed by Izuku's drive

All Might realizes that Izuku is trying to help Shoto.

He then tries to figure out what Izuku is trying to do. After Shoto activates his firepower, All Might concludes that Izuku is trying to save Shoto from his cruel fate, despite wanting to win. All Might notes that Izuku is going out of his way to help his opponent, causing him to wonder which of them is the joke.[60]

After Izuku is defeated by Shoto, All Might goes to Recovery Girl's Nurse's Office to see Izuku. She scolds All Might for making Izuku push his limits and tells All Might not to try and praise Izuku for going so far. When Izuku apologizes to All Might for not living up to his expectations, All Might's face is filled with regret. After Izuku tells All Might that all he wanted to do was help Shoto and asking for forgiveness, All Might responds by saying that his match was simply an unfortunate outcome but praises Izuku for helping Shoto with his problem, saying that reaching out and helping people with their personal problems is one of the principal qualities of a Hero, happy that Izuku has such a quality.[61]

Izuku's friends check on him

Toshinori watching Izuku's friends care about him.

After Izuku's surgery is finished, Chiyo tells All Might to try and find a different method for Izuku to use his One For All. Izuku leaves Chiyo's room with All Might and they walk down the corridor. Izuku sadly tells All Might that he thinks someone else should be his successor. However, All Might tells Izuku that he used to be Quirkless just like him, which surprises Izuku. Izuku says to All Might that he never knew about that information causing All Might to reply that Izuku never asked him.

All Might tells Izuku that he chose him to be his successor at first due to him being similar to his former self and admits to Izuku that he has surpassed his expectations after seeing Izuku's actions. He then says to Izuku that only he will be able to truly shine with the power of One For All. Having been cheered up by his mentor, Izuku apologizes to All Might. All Might tells him to watch the rest of the U.A. Sports Festival, to which he complies.[62]

All Might gives Fumikage a congratulatory hug

All Might congratulates Fumikage.

All Might, in his Hero form, appears at the closing ceremony of U.A.'s Sports Festival to hand out medals to the winners of the Freshmen Stage: Fumikage Tokoyami, Shoto, and Katsuki. As All Might makes his way into the stadium, Midnight unintentionally talks over him, ruining All Might's entrance. All Might gives Fumikage his medal for placing third, congratulating and acknowledging his strength. He gives Fumikage a pat on the back and a congratulatory hug, telling Fumikage that in order to defeat his problem with unfavorable matchups he should not always rely on his Quirk and that he should increase his own strength to deal with unfavorable matchups better.

All Might gives Shoto his medal for placing second, congratulating him and understands that Shoto had his reasons for suppressing his fire side in the final match. After Shoto tells All Might that he must come to terms with things to solve his problems, All Might gives Shoto a congratulatory hug, saying to Shoto that he will not pry any further and that he knows fully well that Shoto can solve anything with his power.

Sports Festival champions

All Might and the champions.

All Might then goes to give Katsuki his medal for first place, finding the restraints to be a little too much. All Might takes Katsuki's face mask off, causing Katsuki to angrily yell that he does not deserve to be Number One. However, All Might tells Katsuki that society will acknowledge him as Number One even if he does not. All Might gives Katsuki his medal.

Afterwards, All Might gives a speech to everyone, saying that everyone who participated in the Sports had a chance to stand on the podium. He goes on to say that the future generation of heroes looks bright. All Might yells out "Great Work", much to the confusion of the crowd who thought he would yell "Plus Ultra", causing him to reply that he thought "Great Work" would be far more appreciative.[63]

Vs. Hero Killer Arc[]

All Might becomes flabbergasted

All Might is astonished to find out who requests Izuku for the Internship.

All Might is in U.A.'s Faculty room. Ken Ishiyama informs All Might that a new nomination has just arrived for the freshmen, telling All Might that the nomination is for Izuku. Excited, All Might goes to check who nominated Izuku. As he checks, All Might becomes flabbergasted at the person who nominated Izuku.[64]

After school that day, All Might appears in front of Izuku as he is about to leave class. All Might and Izuku walk along the corridor. All Might says that Izuku received a nomination, much to Izuku's surprise. All Might tells Izuku that the person who nominated him was Gran Torino. All Might explains that Gran Torino was a Pro Hero who taught at U.A. for one year and that Gran Torino was his homeroom teacher. All Might says that Gran Torino was a close friend of his predecessor, but now he is in retirement. All Might says that Gran Torino knows about the One For All Quirk which is the reason why he must have nominated Izuku.

All Might gives Izuku his offer

Scared All Might gives Izuku Gran Torino's offer.

Shaking nervously, All Might wonders if Gran Torino was compelled to nominate Izuku due to him thinking that his guidance towards Izuku was lacking, becoming terrified by the fact that he is taking up his Hero Name again. While trying to stop his legs from shaking, All Might tells Izuku that while it is his duty to train him, he should select Gran Torino as his work place of choice and see what he can learn from him. Before leaving, All Might informs Izuku that his hero costume has been repaired.[4]

Naomasa meets with All Might at U.A. He tells All Might that the Police Force has tried everything to get information out Nomu; however, everything they tried did not work. Naomasa says that they instead looked into Nomu's background through DNA analysis and have discovered that Nomu was once a human with a criminal record. Naomasa explains that the DNA analysis also revealed that Nomu has the DNA of at least four different humans mixed with his own. Naomasa concludes that Nomu is an artificial human-made to measure up to multiple Quirks and that having all the DNA in his body as well as his body modified caused Nomu's brain activity to stop.

All Might is concerned at Naomasa's report

Naomasa's latest investigations worry All Might.

Naomasa tells All Might the real issue is that Nomu's DNA is of primary concern because it contains multiple Quirks. Naomasa says that Nomu could not have acquired multiple Quirks in any way (unless Nomu acquired the Quirks through advanced genetic familial permeation). Naomasa comes to the conclusion that someone with a Quirk that can grant Quirks is behind Nomu's acquisition of multiple Quirks. All Might becomes concerned as he fears that All For One has returned.[65]

After Stain's defeat is published, Gran Torino speaks to All Might using a telephone. Gran Torino expresses his annoyance that his pay has been cut in half and his right to teach is revoked for half a year but says that considering the circumstances he does not mind. Gran Torino tells All Might that Izuku has improved drastically in using One For All, saying that Izuku movements are similar to his own; All Might apologizes profusely and thanks Gran Torino for his help, admitting that his teaching towards Izuku has been inadequate. Gran Torino says that he only became qualified as a teacher so that he could keep his promise to Nana Shimura, All Might's predecessor.

All Might talks to Gran Torino on the phone

All Might is informed of what the Stain incident will cause.

All Might thanks Gran Torino for everything as he wouldn't be the man he is today without him; Gran Torino brings up that All Might never visits him, to which All Might nervously says that his teacher's life was busy before his master tells him he is calling him about the encounter with the Hero Killer; he admits that Stain's strong ideology is similar to All Might's. Gran Torino says that if Stain's backstory is revealed to the public through the use of media, villainy will rise and the League of Villains will take credit as a group following Stain's ideology due to the connection between them, which will cause delinquents to join the League of Villains.

Gran Torino states that he believes that an old enemy will use Stain's backstory to remove obstacles in his path. Gran Torino hypothesizes that the old enemy, the villain who killed All Might's predecessor and gave All Might his scars, All For One has returned. All Might is in disbelief that All For One had survived, not wanting to believe it given the serious injuries All Might inflicted on him. Gran Torino advises All Might to reveal to Izuku everything about himself and One For All when the opportunity arises.[66]

Rescue Training Race rules

Rescue training.

The workplace training comes to an end and Class 1-A returns to U.A. Class 1-A next class is Foundational Hero Studies with All Might. All Might says that their lesson will be a Rescue Training Race through Playing Ground Gamma (a construction site with many densely packed lanes which makes it look like a labyrinth). The class must race through the construction site and to the area in the middle to meet up with All Might. Class 1-A will split into four groups of five for the training lesson.

Izuku, along with Mashirao Ojiro, Tenya Ida, Mina Ashido, and Hanta Sero are the first group that will partake in the rescue training race. All Might watches the race and is surprised and amazed at Izuku's new control of his Quirk and his movements, although he stumbles and ends up last, with Hanta winning the race.

All Might gives Izuku a thumbs up

All Might congratulates Izuku on his improvement with One For All.

All Might commends the group on improving their Quirks more broadly since entering U.A. He asks them to prepare for the end-of-term test. All Might then approaches Izuku, telling him that he is impressed with his improvement and gives him a thumbs up. All Might tells Izuku that after the lesson is finished, he should come to his place because he wants to talk to Izuku about the story of him and One For All.[67]

All Might meets with Izuku in the Break Room. All Might tells Izuku to lock the door and then apologizes to Izuku for not being at his side during the Hosu incident, to which Izuku replies that he does not have to apologize. All Might says that Izuku's blood was ingested by the Hero Killer, reminding Izuku about One For All transfer and inheritance method, causing Izuku to panic, thinking that One For All is in Stain's possession.

Izuku panics

For a moment, Izuku thinks that Stain now has One For All.

However, All Might tells Izuku that he still has One For All because One For All will not be transferred to a new recipient unless the user wishes it, thus One For All cannot be forcibly stolen, although it can be forcibly passed on. All Might tells Izuku that One For All is a special Quirk and begins telling Izuku One For All's origin. All Might says that One For All is derived from a Quirk that has existed since the beginning.

All Might says that long ago during the Quirk phenomenon, society had not adapted to the idea of having Quirks which caused an age of upheaval to arise; a man possessing a Quirk called All For One, a Quirk that can steal Quirks and grant them. He stole many Quirks and used his new overwhelming power and influence to gather and unify people under his command. The man used the people he gathered as pawns for his plans which allowed to take over Japan and made himself its evil ruler. Izuku says that he has heard rumors but this story is not in any textbook causing All Might to reply that underground dealings are never recorded in the textbooks.

All Might explains the origin of One For All

All Might explains the origin of One For All.

Izuku asks how this man is related to One For All. All Might says that All For One can grant Quirks, but those who were not able to handle the strain became brain-dead like Nomu. All Might explains that there were cases for those who did survive the procedure where their Quirks mutated. All Might tells Izuku another story; the man (who would eventually become Japan's evil ruler) had a younger brother; the man used All For One and forcibly gave his younger brother a Quirk that stockpiles power. However, the younger brother already had a Quirk, a Quirk that can transfer itself to others. The younger brother's Quirks (one that stockpiles power and the other that can transfer itself) merged and became One For All.

All Might notes the irony that justice was born in the bowels of evil. Izuku says that it is impossible for the man who ruled Japan in the distant past to be alive. All Might theorizes that the man stole a Quirk that stopped his aging or a Quirk that granted him immortality. All Might explains that the younger brother, whose Quirks became One For All, fought against his older evil brother but could not defeat him.

Episode 33

All Might defeated All For One.

The younger brother decided to pass on One For All to the next generation so that one day it will accumulate enough power to defeat the older brother's All For One; All Might says that he was finally the successor that defeated the older brother, or so he thought. All Might tells Izuku that the man possessing All For One has returned and is leading the League of Villains. All Might finishes his story by saying that One For All is a power that is meant to stop All For One and that Izuku will also have to confront the man.

All Might apologizes for giving Izuku so much information. Izuku says that whatever task All Might gives him he will accomplish no matter what as long as All Might is by his side. All Might is not able to bring himself to tell Izuku that he will not be able to remain by his side when the time comes and thanks him instead.[15]

Final Exams Arc[]

All Might vs Izuku and Katsuki

All Might vs Izuku and Katsuki.

U.A.'s First Term Final Exam are mandatory exams taken by U.A.'s Hero Department students at the end of the first semester. It consists of two exams, written one and a practical test in which the students must face the teachers in mock battles. Izuku and Katsuki are paired together and must fight All Might in their end of term test exercise. All Might tells the wonder duo to cooperate together and come at him to win.[68]

All Might, Izuku, and Katsuki get onto a bus and drive to an uninhabited city where the test exercise will take place. All Might, Izuku, and Katsuki arrive in the city. All Might explains the test exercise: Izuku and Katsuki have two options of winning and passing the test exercise; they must either handcuff All Might or one of them must escape from the battlefield. Izuku and Katsuki have to accomplish either fighting to handcuff their opponent or one of them must escape the battlefield in 30 minutes. Izuku notes that this will test their flight or fight decision skills. All Might puts on super-compact weighted bracelets to give himself a handicap. The test exercise begins. After a while passes, Izuku and Katsuki begin arguing. Suddenly, All Might throws a punch which devastates the area Izuku and Katsuki are in; All Might says that he will have to get involved.[69]

All Might swears to do his best

All Might decides to push his students beyond their limits.

Izuku is shocked at the level of All Might's (even though he knows that All Might is handicapped and severely weakened to begin with). All Might declares to the duo that he is a villain and collateral damage means nothing to him. All Might charges at the duo. Feeling All Might's pressure, Izuku tells Katsuki that they have no chance of winning and should run away. However, Katsuki refuses to run away.

Katsuki uses Stun Grenade against All Might which distracts him. Katsuki charges at All Might, but the Symbol of Peace grabs Katsuki's face, stopping his advance. Katsuki launches a flurry of Explosions against All Might. However, Katsuki's Explosions do not even scratch All Might. All Might slams Katsuki down onto the ground. All Might turns his attention to Izuku who planned on running away. All Might questions Izuku on his decision to escape. Izuku recalls the Hero Killer and activates Full Cowl, wondering why he suddenly recalled the Hero Killer. Izuku jumps into the air, but Katsuki has also jumped into the air; the duo collides into each other as a result.

All Might vs Izuku and Katsuki

All Might overpowers Izuku and Katsuki.

All Might appears in the air with a guardrail in his hands; All Might slams the guardrail on Izuku which pins him down to the ground. Then, All Might punched Katsuki in the stomach, greatly injuring him and sending him flying backward. All Might approaches Katsuki and says that he understands his jealousy of Izuku's sudden growth; All Might tells Katsuki that what he is currently doing is a waste and must grow his willingness to borrow other peoples' strength.

The weakened Katsuki struggles to get up and tells All Might that if he must rely on other peoples' strength, then he would rather lose. Disappointed with Katsuki's decision, All Might prepares to finish off Katsuki; Katsuki tries to move but to no avail. Suddenly, Izuku activates Full Cowl and breaks free of the guard rail; Izuku charges and punches Katsuki out of harm's way.

Izuku Midoriya uses a Grenadier Bracer

Izuku uses Grenadier Braces.

All Might chases after Izuku and Katsuki. Suddenly, Katsuki appears from behind and attacks All Might with an Explosion which distracts All Might. However, one of Katsuki's Grenadier Bracers is missing. Suddenly, Izuku appears behind All Might with Katsuki's missing Grenade Bracers equipped on him. Katsuki yells at Izuku to commence his attack; Izuku aims the Grenade Bracer at All Might and releases the grenade pin.

Izuku releases the grenade pin and blasts an immense Explosion at All Might at point blank range. After the Explosion is finished, Izuku and Katsuki dash towards the exit. All Might easily takes the Explosion, only coughing up a little blood. All Might is impressed with the duo's strategy; All Might notes that while their relationship will not improve immediately, Izuku and Katsuki's cooperation with each other in this practical test will be a great leap forward for them in the future. All Might decides to chase after the escaping Izuku and Katsuki, declaring that he will give it his all.[70]

All Might catches up

All Might catches up Izuku and Katsuki.

All Might catches up to Izuku and Katsuki and defeats them; All Might pins Katsuki down on the ground with his foot and dangles Izuku in the air with his arm. All Might praises Izuku and Katsuki for working together to try and defeat him but reminds them that working together is merely a per-requisite of the practical test.[71]

Recovery Girl announces that Shoto and Momo are the first team to pass the exam. All Might is surprised to learn that his colleague, Shota, has been defeated. All Might smashes Katsuki into the ground with his foot. Katsuki finally understands that All Might is far too overpowered for him to stop and realizes that All Might is truly the strongest Hero and the world's most sky scrapping wall. Izuku tries activating Full Cowl, but All Might stops him and throws him onto the ground. All Might decides to finish off Izuku and Katsuki.

New Hampshire Smash

New Hampshire Smash!!

Suddenly, Katsuki gets up and launches a big explosion against All Might, which distracts the Symbol of Peace. While All Might is distracted by the light, Katsuki grabs Izuku and throws Izuku towards the escape gate with an Explosion. To prevent Izuku from escaping, All Might uses New Hampshire Smash and blasts himself into Izuku which crushes Izuku due to All Might's great weight and sends him tumbling down.

Katsuki chases after All Might; Katsuki tells All Might that the Grenadier Bracers were to help him use his maximum Explosions without risk and admits that he was a fool for thinking that he could win without taking risks. Katsuki uses a huge explosion against All Might (similar to the explosion in the U.A. Sports Festival) and tells Izuku to escape; Izuku struggles to get up. Katsuki decides to sacrifice himself to hold off All Might so that Izuku has time to escape; Katsuki uses another huge Explosion against All Might. However, although the great Explosions have distracted All Might, the Symbol of Peace is still unscathed.

Izuku Midoriya punches All Might

Izuku punches All Might.

Izuku gets up and prepares to activate Full Cowl so that he can leap towards the escape gate. Not allowing Izuku to make an escape, All Might prepares to attack Izuku but Katsuki intercepts All Might's attempt. Izuku successfully activates Full Cowl and begins his escape while All Might smashes Katsuki into the ground. Izuku sees that Katsuki is in trouble. Despite being greatly injured, Katsuki yells at Izuku to escape and bites All Might's hand. All Might ignores Katsuki's desperate attempt and tells Izuku that he won't allow him to escape.

Surprisingly, Izuku does not rush towards the escape gate; instead, Izuku rushes back to help Katsuki. While rushing to help, Izuku remembers All Might's words; that when times are scary and uncertain, you face it all with a smile. Izuku smiles and punches All Might in the face. While All Might is suffering from slight recoil, Izuku grabs Katsuki who has fallen unconscious. Izuku rushes towards the escape gate with Katsuki in tow. All Might shrugs off Izuku's punch and watches him escape. All Might understands by now that Izuku is the type of person to save somebody; All Might notes that whenever Izuku tries to save somebody, there's never a wall in his way.[72]

Recovery Girl scolds All Might

Recovery Girl scolds All Might.

After Izuku and Katsuki pass the practical exam, All Might carries them to Recovery Girl's tent to be healed. Recovery Girls scolds All Might for not restraining himself during his battle with Izuku and Katsuki. Recovery Girl asks All Might to take Izuku and Katsuki back to U.A. to recover. After Izuku requests to stay, All Might leaves carrying an unconscious Katsuki in his arms, he notes that Izuku will be extraordinarily strong one day. All Might walks out of the tent and prepares to carry Katsuki back to U.A. All Might notes that Katsuki himself is also incredible and that whenever there is a wall in front of Katsuki, he laughs at it.[73]

After the exams, Deku goes to Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall along some of his classmates to buy, and in there he is confronted by Tomura Shigaraki.[74] He who forces him to have a conversation about Stain, which ends up leading to Tomura reinforcing his hatred towards All Might, considering him an arrogant fool who believes he can save everyone. Satisfied with the chatting, Tomura leaves. The police are notified of what happened, but the villain already finds us there and Izuku is taken to the Police Station to be questioned.

All Might checks up on Izuku

All Might checks up on Izuku.

Later, Toshinori goes to the Police Station, meeting Izuku and Naomasa outside; and he apologizes to the boy for not being there. Thinking about his conversation with Tomura, Izuku asks Toshinori if there were times when he failed to save someone. Toshinori tells Izuku that there were many times he could not save someone; Toshinori modestly admits that he is only human and cannot save everyone. Toshinori notes that his title, the Symbol of Peace, serves to inspire people and Heroes to play their roles so that more people can be saved. Inko Midoriya arrives to pick Izuku up; Izuku comforts his crying mother, telling her that everything is fine.

After Izuku and his mother leave, Naomasa theorizes that Tomura will probably target other students and decides that Hero schools must exercise more caution and become more proactive in implementing countermeasures against villains. Naomasa advises Toshinori that leaving U.A. is also an option, but he decides against it. Naomasa concludes their conversation by saying that they will capture All For One this time, to which Toshinori agrees.[75]

My Hero Academia: Two Heroes[]

All Might reminds Deku they're bonded by One For All

"We're bonded by something thicker than blood."

Before the special training exercise Toshinori reserved an email, but didn't get the chance to read it. After the training exercise was over Toshinori went to the computer and remember that he got an email. After looking at it on who it was from Toshinori realized that it was from Melissa. She invited him to I-Island for the preview of I-Expo. Toshinori laid back into his chair, and had a flashback about the time he told David that he wanted to become the Symbol of Peace, to shine a light in the world. When Izuku was on the way home, Toshinori in his muscle form gave him a surprise visit. Toshinori quickly turned back into his skinny form. Izuku asked what was he doing there, Toshinori asked Izuku if he has heard of I-Island. This has caused Izuku to start his muttering habit going way too many details, Toshinori asked Izuku if he wanted to go there with him. Toshinori said that as his successors he needs to learn a lot new tricks than traits their. Izuku agreed to go, Toshnori told him to quickly go up to his room a pack a bag. Toshinori told Izuku that they will be going soon.[76]

On the plane ride to I-Island, Toshinori fell asleep and had a dream about his time at America. Toshinori remembered when he and David had stopped the L.A. Villains before their class lecture took place. He wakes up to Izuku calling his name repeatedly, as they are almost at I-Island. The plane lands, and All Might transforms into his muscular form, and double checks everything including if Izuku got permission to bring his hero costume along.

All Might reunites with Melissa Shield

All Might reunites with Melissa Shield.

On I-Island, All Might is met with a swarm of adoring fans, much to his and Izuku's dismay. The interactions takes longer than expected, making All Might late to meet his old friend, David. Suddenly, Melissa Shield bounces over to the two on her advanced pogo stick and greets "Uncle Might." They are thrilled to see each other again, and All Might introduces Melissa to Izuku, and the two quickly get acquainted. All Might interrupts them when Melissa gets close to Izuku and notices his scars, reminding her of their agenda.

All Might surprises David in his laboratory, who is very happy to see his old friend. He introduces David to Izuku, but the latter already knows all about the professor. David notices steam coming out of All Might's body, so he asks Melissa to show Izuku around the expo and give them some time alone. After they leave, All Might reverts to his weak form, and David is surprised at the injuries despite being informed via email.

All Might restrained

All Might is restrained.

David examines Toshinori on a medical bed and is horrified to see that his Quirk levels have dropped drastically. He asks Toshinori about it, but the latter gives a vague response, as David does not know about One For All. David worries that without All Might, Japan's low crime rate will rise once again, but All Might reassures him, saying that the Symbol of Peace is still alive. All Might shifts into his muscular form and leaves the lab, promising to meet David at the reception party.

At the party, All Might gives a speech, but is abruptly interrupted when the I-Island Security System sets off an alarm across the whole island, locking the building from the outside. The villain Wolfram and his crew barge into the party with guns, threatening to use the security bots to hold everyone on the island hostage. All Might and the Pro Heroes at the party are restrained by powerful bond shots from the ground. David convinces All Might to comply with the villains and swears to find a way to save everyone.

Wolfram takes David and his assistant, Samuel Abraham, while All Might can't do anything as he watches. All Might then notices Izuku flashing light at him from the third floor, and All Might discreetly explains the situation. Izuku relays a message saying that Class 1-A and Melissa will disable the security system to save everyone. While All Might mostly disapproves, he puts his faith in his pupil and remains constricted on stage.

Double Detroit Smash

Double Detroit Smash!

All Might had trouble maintaining his muscular form, but found an opening when Melissa disabled the security system, freeing him of his restraints. Melissa calls All Might and updates him on the stakes, and he promises to rescue Izuku and David. As Wolfram was about to escape with David Shield, All Might leaps high above their helicopter and rescues his friend. David tries to apologize, but Wolfra attacks them both with a metal pillar and traps David in a metal casing. Wolfram, using David's Quirk Amplification Device, proves to be powerful, and nearly crushes All Might, but he is saved by Katsuki and Shoto, who are accompanied by the rest of Class 1-A. Motivated by their heroic spirits, All Might goes beyond his limits and breaks through Wolfram's iron defenses.

All Might and David look at their Two Heroes

All Might and David are proud of Izuku and Melissa.

However, Wolfram uses his surprise Muscle Augmentation Quirk and metal wires to trap All Might. All Might is shocked, and deduces that Wolfram got his power from All For One. All Might's smile begins to fade when he realizes that his nemesis attempted to twist his best friend to darkness, but Izuku rescues him with a powerful kick. All Might scolds Izuku for his reckless use of One For All, but his smile returns and thanks his successor. The two race into the final battle and rush past a barrage of metal assault and defeat Wolfram with a Double Detroit Smash. All Might goes to check up on David, who admits that he was afraid that the Symbol of Peace would fade away. David realizes that he was clinging onto the past, and knows that Izuku and Melissa can ensure a bright future. All Might says that Izuku isn't ready yet, but adds on that he has the potential to be the greatest hero.[7]

Forest Training Camp Arc[]

All Might and Naomasa visit Momo at the Hospital

All Might congratulates Momo for her growth.

When summer break begins, students go to a training camp to improve their Quirks, but on the third day of training, the League of Villains attacks the place and kidnaps Katsuki, leaving several students and professors hospitalized. One day later after the League of Villains' Vanguard Action Squad capture Katsuki, Toshinori is in a meeting with the U.A. faculty. In the meeting, Toshinori is ashamed of himself for lounging around while his students were out fighting for their lives. Toshinori leaves the meeting when he gets a phone call from Naomasa, who informs him that they have located the League of Villains' hideout and requests his help in the rescue operation.

Before carrying out the operation, All Might and Naomasa visit Momo at the Hospital. She explains that Yosetsu Awase had planted a transmitter she had created onto the Nomu, and handed a device to All Might that will allow him to locate the transmitter. All Might applauds Momo's growth and found her to be worthy of being a hero, asking her to leave the rescue of Katsuki to him.[77]

Hideout Raid Arc[]

Hideout Raid Arc (Anime)

Pizza Delivery.

The next day at night, Toshinori along with the police and a large number of Pro Heroes await for their infiltration of the League of Villains' hideout. While waiting, Toshinori and Gran Torino converse to each other that All For One is making his move. The infiltration begins with the Police Force and the Pro Heroes standing outside the League of Villains' hideout; Toshinori prepares to attack.[78]

Toshinori breaks into the hideout with Kamui Woods swinging in and restraining the League of Villains with his Lacquered Chain Prison while Gran Torino stops Dabi from using his Quirk with his kick. Toshinori checks Katsuki and compliments him for not being afraid, much to Katsuki's chagrin. After Kurogiri's attempt to bring the Nomus fail, Toshinori criticizes Tomura for underestimating them and declares that it is game over for him and his League of Villains.[79]

Warping Katsuki

All Might is unable to stop Katsuki from warping away.

However, Tomura refutes Toshinori's claim and orders Kurogiri to create portals so that they can escape, but Edgeshot knocks Kurogiri unconscious. Gran Torino asks Tomura the location of his boss, All For One. Tomura does not answer and instead screams out his hatred for Toshinori. Suddenly, a mysterious black liquid appears out of thin air with Nomus appearing out of the phenomenon which surprises the League of Villains and the Pro Heroes; Edgeshot notices that the black liquid is not Kurogiri's doing since he is unconscious. More Nomus begin appearing from the masses of the mysterious black liquid. Toshinori grabs Katsuki. However, Katsuki begins dissolving into the black liquid and disappears, much to Toshinori's fury.[80]

Tomura, Kurogiri, and the Vanguard Action Squad are entrapped in the mysterious black liquid. Toshinori and Gran Torino attempt to stop them but the mysterious black liquid teleports Tomura, Kurogiri, and the Vanguard Action Squad away from the hideout. Kamui Woods mulls over his failure in restraining the League of Villains while Edgeshot tells him not to worry since they could not do anything either. Four Nomus attack Toshinori, and he defeats them with Oklahoma Smash. Outside the hideout, Naomasa along with Enji and the Police Force continue battling the dozens of Nomu's and have the upper hand. Toshinori appears and decides to leave the rest to Enji.

Episode 48

The fated rematch between light and darkness.

Toshinori manages to find All For One and attacks him, but All For One blocks the attack. Toshinori declares that he will take everything back while All For One wonders if the Symbol of Peace will attempt to kill him again.[81]

All Might and All For One clash, which creates a shockwave that sends Katsuki, Tomura and the Vanguard Action Squad backwards. Both All For One and All Might criticize each other for becoming weaker. All Might declares that he will save Katsuki and won't repeat the same mistake as he did five years ago and this time he will definitely put All For One behind bars along with the League of Villains. All Might charges at All For One. However, All For One sends a huge blast wave at All Might, causing the Symbol of Peace to be sent flying away at great force. All For One's blast wave attack not only hits All Might but destroys several buildings in the process.

All For One blasts All Might

All For One blasts All Might.

Despite being sent several miles away, All Might quickly recuperates and returns to the battlefield by jumping to it, refusing to allow All For One to escape and charges at him. All Might and All For One clash once again. Meanwhile, Katsuki is fending off some of the Vanguard Action Squad; All Might attempts to help Katsuki only for All For One to intervene and stop him. Suddenly, Izuku, Eijiro, and Tenya appear above in the air; All For One sees the trio and attempts to attack them, but All Might intervenes by punching All For One.[82]

All Might is surprised with Izuku and the other students' presence. Gran Torino appears at the battlefield, knocking out Spinner, Magne, Mr. Compress and is annoyed that Izuku has taken on All Might's characteristics, while All Might himself is still surprised that Izuku and some of his fellow students came to rescue Katsuki. However, All Might is pleased with their intervention as he can now fight All For One without holding back.

All Might saves Gran Torino

All Might saves Gran Torino.

After Izuku and his friends flee with Katsuki and Tomura along with the Vanguard Action Squad are teleported away, All Might charges at All For One, but All For One uses his Warp Quirk to teleport Gran Torino in front of him, using the elderly Hero as a human shield which causes Gran Torino to take All Might's attack instead. All For One expresses his hatred for All Might as he is the one who brought down his comrades in the past and while he descended into darkness, All Might rose to the top as the Symbol of Peace. All For One prepares to fire his blast wave move, intending of blowing away Gran Torino and All Might at the same time. However, All Might pulls Gran Torino away and uses Detroit Smash to cancel out All For One's blast wave move.

All For One sees that his destruction of the city has brought chaos and decides to put the innocent civilians in danger so that All Might won't be able to fight at full strength. Furious with All For One's sadism, All Might grabs his arm while throwing Gran Torino away for safety. All Might admonishes All For One for all the despicable crimes he has committed and for his misanthropy.

All Might vs All For One

All Might destroys All For One's mask.

All Might punches All For One in the face, shattering his mask; however, All Might's punch wasn't strong enough to finish off All For One. As Gran Torino calls out to him, All Might turns back into his true form. All For One says that All Might would not be the first to criticize him as he has heard those same lines before, from the previous One For All successor: Nana Shimura.[83]

All Might whose face has partially reverted to its true form is angry at All For One for mentioning his predecessor's name, Nana Shimura. All For One notes that Nana Shimura was all bark and no bite, only going on about her ideals and was not even strong; All For One mocks Nana for her uselessness and mentions that she died an embarrassing, shameful death. Furious, All Might prepares to attack All For One. However, All For One uses his blast wave technique against All Might, causing the Symbol of Peace to be blasted into the air. Gran Torino catches All Might and lands him to safety on the ground. Gran Torino advises All Might to not listen to All For One's provocations and that due to All For One's different Quirk usage and strategies; he should only attack when All For One lets his guard down.

All Might's weak form revealed

All Might's secret being exposed.

Up in the sky, news helicopters are broadcasting the battle. All For One decides to sever the trust in Heroes once and for all. All For One once again expresses his hatred for All Might due to taking something away from him and wants him to die in the most gruesome way possible.

All For One fires another blast wave attack at All Might. All Might, seeing that an innocent civilian is trapped under rubble behind him, blocks All For One's blast wave attack which saves the civilian from being harmed. However, All Might who blocked the blast wave attack has caused him to expend his power and he reverts to his true form. All For One relishes in the fact that All Might's true form has been exposed for all to see.

All Might's despair

All Might desperate after knowing the truth about Tomura.

Everyone around the country sees All Might's true form and begins panicking. All For One mocks All Might for the pitiful state he is in. However, All Might doesn't care about his rotting body nor his exposure to the world; Toshinori declares that his spirit burns strongly which is what truly matters. Wanting to break his spirit, All For One reveals that Tomura Shigaraki is Nana Shimura's grandson, which demoralizes All Might.

All Might refuses to believe, but All For One tells the Symbol of Peace that it is the truth. All For One wonders why All Might isn't smiling and sarcastically remarks about All Might's smile, which is something Nana would always do. All Might's spirit is greatly demoralized by All For One's sarcasm while All For One continues relishing in All Might's pitiful state. However before he could fall in complete despair, the innocent civilian under the rubble encourages All Might to win and help her.

Episode 49

All Might's resolve to protect those in need.

Around the country, the people who are watching refuse to believe that All Might will lose even though he isn't at his best and do not care about his true form since he has attained victory one way or another. Many citizens who are watching rally behind All Might and encourage him to win. In response to this, Izuku and Katsuki also encourage All Might shouting at him to win. Invigorated by the civilian pleas, All Might regains hope as he activates One For All throughout the right side of his body, transforming it back into its Hero form. All Might smiles and states that Heroes have many things to protect which is why they don't lose.[2]

All Might activates One For All throughout the right side of his body. Endeavor, Edgeshot, and Kamui Woods arrive; Endeavor and Edgeshot fight All For One with the former flabbergasted with All Might's appearance. Kamui Woods rescues Best Jeanist, Mt. Lady, and Gang Orca while Tora rescues the trapped civilian; Tora encourages All Might to win since he is everyone's Number One Hero.

Endeavor and Edgeshot vs All For One

Endeavor and Edgeshot helping All Might.

Growing tired with the sentimental talk, All For One blasts Endeavor and Edgeshot back. All For One activates a numerable amount of his Ultimate Combination, causing it to become an enlarged mutated arm filled with numerous deadly screws and hardened minerals.

All For One charges at All Might with his heavily empowered and mutated arm. While heading towards All Might, All For One knows from battling him that All Might no longer has One For All and tells All Might that the person who was given One For All by him is Izuku. All For One taunts All Might by saying that he has also failed as a teacher towards Izuku due to his apprentice's recklessness. Both All For One and All Might clash by punching each other with their enhanced fists, which creates a huge shockwave that devastates a great portion of the city.

United States of Smash


As they struggle, All For One uses his impact Recoil Quirk to revert all the damage to All Might. However, All Might transfers One For All to his other arm, sacrificing his right arm but rendering Impact Recoil ineffective. All Might says that he must indeed criticize Izuku for his actions. All For One is shocked that All Might would go to such lengths to protect his leftovers of One For All and admits that he miscalculated. All Might refuses to die until he has finished bringing up Izuku, he then counters by throwing his empowered left arm and punch at All For One who has left his guard open.[84]

All Might punched All For One, successfully hitting him. However, the punch All Might delivered was meant to lower All For One's guard which worked. All Might transfers One For All to his right arm and prepares for his final attack he will ever use. All Might uses United States of Smash on All For One, which creates a great shockwave. After the dust clears, All For One is in a crater, badly beaten and unconscious.

All Might is victorious

The Symbol of Peace's final job.

All Might raises his arm to signify his victory; the reporter from the news helicopter announces All Might's victory. All Might transforms into his Hero form while raising his arm, signifying that he is the Symbol of Peace which causes the citizens watching to start celebrating; Edgeshot wants All Might to preserve his strength, but Gran Torino stops him as he wants All Might to enact his dream of being the Symbol of Peace for one last time.

With the battle over, Pro Heroes begin carrying out rescue operations to save people who are trapped under rubble as a result of All Might and All For One's battle. Meanwhile, Endeavor and All Might watch All For One being placed in the iron maiden. Now that All For One is properly imprisoned, All Might points to the camera and delivers a message "you're next". The citizens watching take All Might's message as a warning to all villains out there, causing the citizens to praise All Might and start celebrating again. However, Izuku knows what All Might's message truly meant; that his time as Symbol of Peace has come to an end and he (Izuku) is the next successor. Izuku now realizes that All Might's time has truly come to an end and starts crying.[85]

At a hospital, All Might who is bandaged and recovering states that he can no longer use One For All and that although he can no longer be the Symbol of Peace, he still has things to do. Naomasa is in disbelief that Tomura Shigaraki is Nana Shimura's grandson. On that topic, Gran Torino comments that Nana Shimura and her husband had a child. However, after her husband died due to heroics, Nana sent her son to a foster family so that he can stay away from the world of heroics. Nana then informed Gran Torino and Toshinori to not get involved with her son.

All Might wishes to find Tomura, however, Gran Torino tells All Might that he is in no position to help Tomura since he has would not be able to see Tomura as a villain. Gran Torino and Naomasa decide that they will handle the search for Tomura. Gran Torino suggests to All Might that he must remain at U.A. and carry out what he must still do; helping his successor, Izuku Midoriya.

All Might promises to raise Izuku

All Might dedicates himself to raising Izuku.

All Might meets Izuku at the Takoba Municipal Beach Park. All Might greets Izuku with a Texas Smash to the face as a part of his scolding. All Might reveals to Izuku that he can no longer use One For All and demonstrates this by entering his Hero form, only to exit it in a split second afterwards. All Might informs Izuku that he is retiring as a Hero since he is in a state where he cannot fight anymore.

All Might scolds Izuku for never doing what he is told and for his recklessness in rescuing Katsuki. However, All Might is glad that his recklessness did not get him injured this time and is proud of Izuku for that. All Might hugs Izuku and apologizes for not being a proper mentor towards him, but from now on he will focus solely on Izuku's development and training. Izuku begins to cry, to which All Might scolds him for again while some tears of his own begin to form.[86]

Nezu thanks All Might

Nezu thanks All Might.

All Might returns to U.A. where Nezu thanks him for saving the day. Mr. Principal announces a plan he would like to implement; transitioning U.A. to a boarding school as a means to mitigate the safety issues and asks for Shota's cooperation.

Shota and All Might visit the homes of Class 1-A. He and All Might visit Kyoka Jiro's home, where Kyoka's father, Kyotoku Jiro, is not too happy with U.A's safety measures and has doubts in U.A's ability to protect her if she were to relocate to U.A's dormitories; Shota acknowledges that U.A. has been negligent in its duty to safeguard its students and vows to correct this safety issue as well as promising to make Kyoka into a fine Hero. Kyoka tells Shota to relax as her father has already agreed to allow her to relocate to U.A's dormitories.

Shota and All Might visit Katsuki's home, where Katsuki's mother, Mitsuki Bakugo, is more than happy to allow her son to relocate to U.A's dormitories. Mitsuki is confident in U.A. because Shota sees her son for who he is instead of what he can do. Mitsuki also reasons that her son, even though she was worried, returned home safe and sound from his captors thanks to the Pro Heroes which is why she is confident in U.A's ability to safeguard and raise her son.

Katsuki confronts All Might about Izuku

Katsuki asks All Might about his relationship with Izuku.

As Shota and All Might leave the Bakugo household, Katsuki appears and asks All Might what Izuku is to him. Unable to tell Katsuki the truth, All Might informs him that Izuku is a student to him who has great potential just like Katsuki. Satisfied to a degree with All Might's answer, Katsuki thanks All Might for everything and goes back inside his house. Shota decides to visit the other Class 1-A families by himself while All Might goes to visit Izuku.

All Might decides to visit Izuku's apartment by himself while Shota visits the rest of Class 1-A. All Might enters the Midoriya Apartment, being uncomfortable with the home possessing fan memorabilia of him. Izuku and Inko are flabbergasted that the Number One Hero has entered their abode. After the three sit down at the table, All Might asks Izuku's mother for her permission to send Izuku to the U.A. dorms. However, Inko is against it. Inko explains that she is worried about her son since his Quirk damages him rather than helps him and is deeply concerned about her son's future as a Pro Hero after witnessing All Might's brutal battle, unable to bear the fact that Izuku will also have to face such bloody battles with no hope possibility of full recovery. Inko states that she has no confidence in U.A. and is unable to entrust her son to them.[87]

Izuku tries to convince his mother that his injuries are a result of his inability to control his Quirk, but Inko replies that regardless it is still the responsibility of U.A. to take care of their students which they have not done. Inko understands that she is being a strict parent but the safety of her child is her number one priority and she is fine with Izuku continuing to become a Hero since it is his dream as long as he is in a safe environment, which is why she wants to send Izuku to another school. Although he understands his mother, Izuku wants to continue his dream at U.A. since that is where All Might became a hero.

Izuku runs out of the room while All Might understands Izuku's frustration; that it must be painful to not being able to study at the same place his idol went to. Izuku returns to the room with a letter in his hand; the letter is a thank you from Kota. Izuku tells his mother that at the training camp, he saved a boy named Kota Izumi, who hated Quirk and heroes because a villain killed his parents. Izuku understands that he has a long way to go but for a little while, Kota and his thank you letter made him a hero. Izuku declares that even if he cannot study at U.A., he will still keep dreaming to become a hero.

Episode 50

All Might begs Izuku's mother.

All Might is shocked that Izuku is willing to continue his dream even though it is not as the same place as his idol; All Might is impressed with Izuku's growth and is glad that he is going on his own path instead of following him, his idol. All Might transforms into his Hero form and kneels before Izuku and Inko, bowing his head, much to their shock.

All Might apologizes to Inko for his negligence as Izuku's teacher and understands that she is worried about the bloody path of a Hero; All Might asks Inko to allow him to walk together with Izuku down his path so that he doesn't have a bloody future. The former Symbol of Peace also understands Inko's concerns about the current U.A. and tells her that they are reforming their ways. All Might promises that he will nurture and protect Izuku even at the cost of his own life.

Inko asking All Might to live and protect Izuku

Inko asking All Might to live and protect Izuku.

Inko is shocked at All Might's resolve, causing her to fall to her knees. Inko states that all she wants is Izuku to be happy and tells All Might that he should never trade his life away for someone else's sake. Inko tells All Might to continue living and that as long as he can protect and nurture Izuku, she will reconsider her decision to not send Izuku to live at U.A. All Might pledges to protect and nurture Izuku while Izuku tells his mother that he will not worry her.

Outside, All Might compliments Izuku's mother, telling Izuku that she reminds him of his master. All Might leaves and tells Izuku that he will see him at U.A.[88]

Provisional Hero License Exam Arc[]

All Might arrives at training

All Might checks on his students.

The Students train under the supervision of Shota, Ken, Nemuri, and Ectoplasm in Gym Gamma. The goal is to develop their Quirks and Ultimate Moves before the Provisional Hero License Exam. All Might appears at the entrance to the gym because he wants to help. Shota tells him he should focus on recovering but All Might replies that it is his job as a teacher to oversee the training of his students. When Katsuki defeated an Ectoplasm clone, Shota and All Might comment on Katsuki's prowess and that he will only keep growing stronger from here on out.

The other students of Class 1-A continue their training and thinking about their special moves while Izuku is still puzzled on what to do next. All Might approaches him and gives Izuku advice: he is still trying too hard to imitate him, which confuses Izuku. Before he can question further, All Might moves on to give advice to Eijiro. All Might is teaching Izuku to think independently. Shota wonders why his sudden interest in helping students, when he spots a book sticking out of his back pocket. It is titled "Even Dummies can be Teachers! Easy Education Theory". Shota is stunned.[89]

Shoot Style

Deku saving All Might with his Shoot Style.

Four days later at Gym Gamma in the midst of training, All Might shows up and Shota Aizawa tells him that Class 1-A are progressing nicely. However, the rock Katsuki used to test his AP Shot cracks and begins falling towards All Might. Katsuki and Shota warn All Might, but Izuku jumps out and destroys the falling wall with a single kick, showing his new fighting style, which he names "Full Cowl - Shoot Style". All Might smiles at Izuku in approval.[90]

All Might comments that Izuku's new fighting style it's a big step in the right direction, and will help him in the Provisional Hero License Exam. Shota warns All Might to stay a safe distance away from the training session to avoid being injured. All Might apologizes to Katsuki, who storms off shortly after telling All Might to be more careful. The former Symbol of Peace is staggered about the fact that throughout his life, he has been protecting others. Now, All Might realizes that he needs others to protect him and is perturbed with the role change.[91]

All Might talks to All For One

All Might talks to All For One.

Several days later, while the students of U.A. participate in the Provisional Hero License Exam, All Might goes to Tartarus, a special prison for criminals for whom the death penalty is not enough. All Might is there to sits down to speak with All For One. All For One tries taunting him, asking where Gran Torino is and why he has come dressed in his hero costume. All Might ignores him, asking where Tomura is. All For One states he doesn't know and has allowed his successor to carry on his will.

All Might tries to ask how he is still alive. All For One doesn't answer and says its a pointless question. He begins taunting All Might by saying society is beginning to turn on heroes, while sensing growing insecurity in the world due to the new heroes leader, Endeavor. All Might stands up in anger, while someone on a radio com asks him to please back away. He states he will not die and will not allow Tomura to kill him. All Might leaves while All For One continues to taunt him.

All Might will not die

Toshinori declares he won't die at Tomura's hands.

After leaving, he is in a car speaking with Naomasa. He then receives a text from Izuku with a picture of his provisional license saying "Thanks to you, I was able to take another step forward!", which causes All Might to smile, though he does not reply to the text.[92]

That same night, he gets word that Izuku and Katsuki are fighting. He goes to stop the fight, but instead he stands back out of sight allowing the two boys to fight it out while eavesdropping on their conversation. After Katsuki pins Izuku down, he walks up to them. He apologizes to Katsuki for not realizing that he has been blaming himself for All Might's condition. Katsuki asks why All Might chose Izuku as his successor. He states that despite being powerless, he was more of a hero than anybody else on the day of the sludge villain attack, and he judged it was his responsibility to help Izuku stand in the arena, instead of Katsuki who was already standing in it.

Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo become true rivals

Deku and Kacchan become proper rivals.

Katsuki yells that he's weak and because of it, All Might became like he is. All Might goes up to Katsuki stating it was not his fault and apologizes for not realizing his pain sooner. He hugs Katsuki but is pushed away. He then gives advice to Katsuki and Izuku stating to be a hero one needs to both want to rescue and win, and if either is lacking, they will lose their sense of justice. He tells them if they can recognize each other and raise each other up, both of them can be heroes who both win and rescue. All Might then proceeds to tell Katsuki everything about One For All and how he passed it to Izuku. After hearing it, Katsuki realizes how dangerous of a secret it is and promises to not tell anyone.[93]

Back at Heights Alliance, Shota restrains the tandem and punishes them for breaking the rules. All Might tries to calm him down by telling him that the fight was brought about due to Katsuki feeling guilty about his retirement. Although he understands the reason, Shota still refuses to let Izuku and Katsuki's transgression of fighting go by and gives them house arrest as an appropriate punishment, as well as dorm cleaning duties while also demanding a written apology.[94]

Shie Hassaikai Arc[]

Izuku ask Toshinori to introduce him to Nighteye

Izuku ask Toshinori for help.

Several days later, after Shota Aizawa spoke to Class 1-A about Hero Work-Studies, Izuku reaches out to Gran Torino for a Work-Study opportunity. Gran Torino has to refuse because he's busy working with the Police and recommends him All Might's former sidekick, Sir Nighteye.

Izuku goes to All Might in the staff room and asks him to introduce him to Sir Nighteye for a Hero Work-Study. All Might refuses to help Izuku, much to his surprise. All Might says that there are three reasons for his decision: first, he was against letting the first years conduct Hero Work-Studies so early; second, he wants Izuku to focus on strengthening his Shoot Style; and third, he and Nighteye broke off their partnership not in the best way several years ago. Izuku tells All Might that if he is under the guidance of Nighteye, it will serve as a strong point of comparison to him and he must become stronger than anyone else.

All Might talking with Izuku Midoriya and Mirio Togata

All Might meets with Izuku and Mirio.

All Might does not dislike Izuku's determination but he still will not be getting an introduction, not from him, so he calls Izuku and Mirio to the nap room to talk about a few things. All Might tells Izuku that Mirio is serving a Hero Work-Studies under Nighteye and asks Mirio if Izuku is fit to work under Nighteye. Mirio replies that there is no problem and considers Deku fit. However, Mirio does not understand why it is not him who presents Izuku to Nighteye since they were friends and allies and Nighteye still has great respect for him. All Might replies that he does not feel comfortable meeting Nighteye because he became exactly what Nighteye warned him about.[95]

All Might allows Izuku to carry out his Work Studies under the guidance of Sir Nighteye. However, Izuku's first day is full of bitter revelations. Izuku discovers the truth about One For All, that he was not the right candidate to inherit it and that Mirio was the true successor of All Might as a Symbol of Peace.[96] This makes Deku start to doubt himself. Nor does it help him that also on his first day he couldn't help a little girl called Eri, daughter of Overhaul, leader of the Shie Hassaikai, a Yakuza organization that Sir Nighteye was investigating.[97][98]

Toshinori explains everything to Izuku

Toshinori explains everything to Izuku.

Unable to keep going like this, Izuku goes out in search of All Might to ask him questions, finds him outside of U.A., jogging. Izuku asks him why he didn't tell him anything about Sir Nigheye knew about One For All and that Mirio was supposed to be the true inheritor of the Quirk. All Might states that there was no need to tell him everything, to which Izuku yells that there was and demands to know the whole truth. All Might decides to tell Izuku the truth but he mustn't regret it, to which Izuku replies that he won't.

All Might starts telling him that Sir Nighteye was his sidekick for years and that they formed a great team. But six years ago, after his fight against All For One they dissolved their partnership due to his injuries and because of the differences in their values. Nighteye warning him back then to stop continuing his hero duties due to his grievous injuries and look for a successor. He refused because that would generate a period of fear and chaos. Sir Nighteye revealed to him that the real reason he wanted Toshinori to stop is because he predicted his gruesome death at the hands of a villain in six to seven years.

After their argument, they went their separate ways. Nezu recommended Mirio Togata, but he ended up meeting Izuku before he met Mirio. All Might did not want to tell Izuku all of this since he was his fan and apologizes. Izuku is shocked and distraught with the truth All Might told him; not only he was never meant to be All Might's successor, but also that All Might has roughly a year to live.[10]

All Might thanks Izuku for answering his call

A reason to keep on living.

All Might continues and tells him that when he met him, he considered him the perfect candidate to inherit One For All. Toshinori told Nighteye about this, but Nighteye was vehemently against All Might's idea. Their heated debate further drove them apart, and Nighteye took it upon himself to cultivate Mirio, whom he believed to be the truly appropriate successor.

Izuku asks Toshinori if Nighteye's Foresight can be changed. However, Toshinori's answer crushes Izuku's hopes; there is a margin of error of his estimation, but nothing can change the future he sees in his Foresight. Toshinori tells Izuku that after he had accepted his inevitable death with ease and because the goal was in sight, he ran full speed towards it. Toshinori reveals that the goal was his final confrontation with All For One at Kamino and that he planned on dying there.

All Might fights back against fate

Toshinori vows to bend fate.

However, Izuku was there, a timid Quirkless boy who day after day rose to meet his expectations. Izuku's determination and his mother's encouragement gave him the will to twist Nighteye's prediction and try to stay alive to see the boy grow into a hero worthy of being the Symbol of Peace. Izuku promises All Might that they will defy fate together.[38]

Everyone visits Sir Nighteye (anime)

Nighteye's final moments.

During the Shie Hassaikai Raid, Sir Nighteye is fatally wounded by Overhaul. Sir Nighteye's wounds are too serious and the doctors tell that he won't last. Bubble Girl, one of Sir Nighteye's sidekicks, calls All Might to see him at his last moments. Izuku and Mirio are also there. Nighteye remarks on how it fitting it is for his mentor to visit him one last time on his deathbed. All Might laments on not visiting him before and begs his old friend to pull through so he could make amends.

Izuku begs Sir Nighteye to live as Sir Nighteye claims that he does not blame All Might and only wanted him to be happy and is fine with All Might fighting against fate. Sir Nighteye has wanted to change All Might's future where he is murdered but could not find any answers. However, Izuku showed him a way. Sir Nighteye hypothesizes that everyone's wishes for a better future changed the outcome. All Might and Izuku grieve as Sir Nighteye is satisfied with his changed views of the future never being certain.

Toshinori cryes

Toshinori mourns Mirai's death.

In his last moments, Sir Nighteye says goodbye to everyone, tells All Might and Deku that he is thankful for having met them, and uses Foresight one last time to look into Mirio's future, assuring him that he will become an outstanding hero. Sir Nighteye passes away peacefully after telling everyone to keep smiling, as society needs smiles and laughs to bring about a brighter future.

With the last words spoken, Izuku, Mirio, and All Might are left crying at the loss of their beloved Sir Nighteye.[99]

Remedial Course Arc[]

All Might, Present Mic, Katsuki and Shoto

All Might and Present Mic accompany Katsuki and Shoto.

Because Shota must take care of Eri, Toshinoi becomes the substitute for Eraser Head for Katsuki and Shoto's Provisional Hero License Course, with Present Mic as his bodyguard. Before the exam starts Endeavor enters thanking All Might for looking after his son Shoto, he then demands to have a proper chat with All Might.[100]

All Might alongside Endeavor and Present Mic enter the room where the training was being held, and Endeavor shouts Shoto's name to encourage him and gains the attention of everyone there. Everyone in the room were merely curious as to why he was there, but they grew ecstatic upon noticing All Might with him.[101]

All Might and Endeavor talking

Conversation between the previous and the current number 1 hero.

While the students have the trial to take care of a group of unruly children from Masegaki, the former and the new number 1 heroes have a conversation. Endeavor asks the former Number One Hero what the Symbol Of Peace is, telling him about how he became the Number Two Hero at the young age of 20 but immediately knew he would never beat All Might, which is why he entrusted everything with Shoto.

In response, All Might states that he always believed that the country needed a symbol to be their beacon of light, and in doing so he ignored the people around him, such as his former sidekick. All Might tells Endeavor that he knows his struggle of filling in his spot as the Number One Hero and tells him he does not need to follow in his footsteps to become the same symbol but find his own way of doing things instead.[102]

All Might at Sir Nighteye's funeral

All Might paying respect to his friend.

Both heroes witness the success that the students have had with children, All Might tells Endeavor that the reason to be strong is very simple, and believes Endeavor knows the answer to that simple question.[103] After the trial ends, he talks with the Shiketsu High School teacher about U.A. High School and Shiketsu starting to work together in order to stop the League of Villains.

At the beginning of October, All Might accompanies the Work studies group to attend the funeral of Mirai Sakaki. Toshinori pays his respects to his former sidekick and friend, saying goodbye definitively to him, before returning with his obligations.[104]

U.A. School Festival Arc[]

Per Izuku's request, Toshinori meets with him at the school's break room. After discussing the preparations for the U.A. School Festival, Toshinori asks Izuku why he wanted to meet at such a busy time to which the latter expresses his desire to learn long-range attacks. Izuku frustratingly tells Toshinori that even with his power at 20% he could not hold his own against Overhaul, and had it not been for Eri he would not have been able to win.

Toshinori asks Izuku to activate his Full Cowl

Toshinori trains Izuku for ranged combat.

Understanding his problem, Toshinori tells Izuku that he should use ranged combat as well, and both go to U.A.'s school grounds forest sector, Toshinori asks Izuku to use One For All 20%. Izuku activates One For All 20% and even though it starts hurting him, Toshinori tells Izuku to remain in position and unleash his attack. Izuku jumps up and kicks, which releases a monstrous burst of wind. Toshinori congratulates him and was going to teach Izuku to properly unleash wind pressure after his overall power limit passed 15%.

Toshinori affirms that Izuku can unleash wind pressure without his body breaking, and tells him that he must take a moment to rethink through his journey. Izuku does so. All Might states that, once Izuku's maximum limit had passed 15%, he had wanted to tell him that he was not always bringing out 100%. Izuku is struck with realization, that if All Might had continuously moved at 100%, he would have caused a devastating windstorm in the surrounding area. Izuku realizes that he cannot move long at 20%, and surmises that he must use One For All 20% in one area, which not only releases a decent amount of power but prevents his body from becoming completely immobilized. Toshinori advises that Izuku needs much subtler control than he has exercised now. An encouraged Izuku sees that he needs to refine his body parts that require the most motion.[105]

All Might training Izuku

Toshinori gives Izuku advice about One For All.

The days of the week go by, and while Deku practices with his classmates for the School Festival dance show, he also trains to be able to perform long-range attacks with Toshinori Yagi. As Toshinori advises Izuku to avoid internal bleeding, Izuku has trouble keeping control of the wind pressure at critical moments and asks Toshinori for his advice, but he does not have any helpful suggestions since he was able to use One For All freely from the very beginning.

Then, Toshinori hears a noise behind him and catch a flying ball that was flying at him and Deku from behind without turning around. Mei Hatsume appears and reveals that she is there testing her inventions. Mei notices and informs Izuku that he will soon have the support item he has requested. As Mei leaves, Izuku tells Toshinori that the item he requested has to do with a new technique he has developed. Toshinori shocks Izuku with the revelation that he once used support items as well, but the equipment was too bulky for him and was not effective in close range combat. While he finds reinforcing oneself with items to be a good strategy, Toshinori reminds Izuku not to rely solely on support items too much.[106]

Toshinori admires Izuku's gloves

"How compact support items are nowadays!"

The day of the festival has arrived. At 6:30 p.m., Izuku is training with Toshinori when a Mei shows up and gives him the support equipment he requested: a pair of gloves. Toshinori notes that back in his day his support equipment was quite bulky and is surprised that support equipment nowadays are quite compact. Mei gives Izuku the manual for the gloves and runs off; Toshinori decides that Izuku should try out the gloves, with which Izuku agrees.

A few hours before the school festival begins, Izuku has to go out running errands, meeting Gentle Criminal and La Brava on the way, two minor villains who wanted to infiltrate the campus.[107] Izuku manages to stop them but the combat delays his lap a lot, but fortunately, he arrives in time to participate in the performance of Class 1-A, which is a success.[108]

After finishing the show, Toshinori scolds Izuku for worrying everyone with his delay, for which Izuku apologizes as well as for the scuffle between him and Gentle Criminal. Toshinori is well aware of the situation from Ryo Inui and Ectoplasm. Although Ryo praises Izuku for not getting injured and for preventing the festival from being canceled, he scolds Izuku for not contacting the heroes to take charge of the situation.

Izuku acknowledges his fault which satisfies Ryo who sends Izuku flying towards the festival, telling him to have fun. Toshinori thanks Ryo who gets over-excited and starts playfully attacking Toshinori.[109]

Pro Hero Arc[]

Toshinori Yagi reacts to Endeavor getting injured

Toshinori reacts to Endeavor's fatal injury.

At U.A., All Might watches a report of a Nomu attack in the Teachers Lounge along other members of the U.A. Staff. He is horrified as it showed Endeavor being injured and overwhelmed by Hood's attack. All Might grabs his chest as he watches this scene, worried for his colleague.[110]

Toshinori then watches as Endeavor regains his strength and defeats the Nomu by incinerating it with Prominence Burn. He then witnesses Endeavor using a pose similar to the one he made to symbolize his victory against All For One, and is shocked by this feat.[111]

Joint Training Arc[]

One night, Izuku experiences a dream where the First User interacts with him and shared his memories. This dream ends when One For All managed to activate on its own, causing a great mess in Izuku's room and shattering his window.[112]

Izuku tells All Might about the dream he had

Toshinori and Izuku talking about the dream.

The next morning, Izuku tells All Might everything that happened about his dream, which leaves him surprised. All Might tells Izuku that he also experienced similar visions. His master told him that they are vestigial remnants of the prior generations of One For All rather than simple dreams. However, he tells Izuku that he is the first user of One For All being able to interact with the vestiges. All Might tells Izuku that he truly does not understand what happened that well and they should search for answers together.[113]

Izuku goes to the industrial training area, where Classes 1-A and 1-B are about to compete against each other in a Joint Training Battle. Joining them is Hitoshi, who is eager to enter the Hero Course. The teams and the order of participation are organized by lots. All Might and Midnight come to spectate the battles.[114]

Toshinori wants to talk privately with Izuku (Anime)

Toshinori wants to talk privately with Izuku.

After round one, in which Hitoshi participates, Shota asks All Might what he thinks about Hitoshi since this exercise is his test to get into the hero course. All Might claims that Hitoshi showed great potential and expects the next set to be even more passionate.[115]

After round two, All Might asks Izuku if he has felt anything weird since his dream about the previous users of One For All. Izuku replies that he hasn't, and All Might tells him that he will ask Gran Torino if Nana ever mentioned anything to him about similar visions. All Might tells Izuku to be careful in his match against Hitoshi, as Hitoshi seems to be a piece of the puzzle, as far as the visions are concerned.

Katsuki scolds Izuku and All Might

Katsuki scolds Izuku and All Might.

Suddenly, Katsuki appears and asks them what they were just talking about, reminding the two that he is also in on their secret. They tell Katsuki that One For All managed to activate on its own when Izuku had his dream, which surprises him. Katsuki proceeds to berate Izuku, asking him when he will make One For All his own. All Might wonders if this is Katsuki simply showing his own type of regard for Izuku.[116]

When Class 1-A, under Katsuki's command, achieves victory in round four, All Might confronts Katsuki and commends him on a great job well done. Katsuki brushes him off and Izuku congratulates him next. Katsuki yells at him out of reflex and then reminds Izuku that he's getting stronger. Izuku claims he'll still surpass Katsuki, annoying him. All Might claims Izuku has a good friend in Katsuki outside of his vulgar language.[117]

Toshinori contacts Gran Torino

Toshinori contacts Gran Torino about the dream about One For All.

The fifth and final match starts, where Izuku along with Ochaco, Mina and Mineta, faces the Class 1-B team, in which Hitoshi is one of the teammates. All Might receives a call and walks over to a private area to speak to Gran Torino. Gran Torino tells him about Nana's dream about One For All, the old hero mentions that around the time when Nana inherited One For All, she had a dream about a strange figure shrouded in dark fog telling her "It's not time yet…".[118]

While the conservation goes on, something goes off with Izuku's Quirk, as dark energy begins to emanate from his body in strength, destroying his equipment in the process, and goes on a rampage. A horrified All Might tells Shota and Vlad King to cancel the match before anyone becomes gravely injured in the process. However, before they could intervene, thanks to the intervention of Ochaco and the power of Hitoshi, they managed to get Deku to regain control.[119]

Toshinori asks to call off the match

All Might asks for the 5th Match to be called off.

The fifth round continues under the watch of Eraser Head, Vlad King, and All Might. Vlad expresses shock as Shota decides to let the match go on, despite both teachers witnessing Izuku's Quirk going berserk, but Shota explains that he'll keep a close eye on Izuku just in case if he loses control of his power once again. He also notes that Hitoshi's brainwashing ability has managed to prevent it from injuring the participants. All Might questions Shota's decision, only for the latter to respond that he believes that all combatants still feel determined to fight out till their very last breath.[120]

The fifth round ends with victory for Deku's team, and having obtained more victories than Class 1-B, Class 1-A is declared the winner of the Joint Training Battle.[121]

Izuku, Katsuki and All Might talk about One For All

Trying to discern what's going on with One For All.

After the Joint Exercise, Izuku, All Might, and Katsuki have a conversation about the latest events and revelations related to the All For One. It turns out that the black tendrils that Deku manifested are actually the Quirk of one of the predecessors, known as Blackwhip, and that Deku will manifest the Quirks of the previous One For All users. When Katsuki asks All Might about what he knows about the interactions of the predecessors and Deku having a new Quirk, he admits that everything is new to him and that he has no idea about the whole thing.

The conversation ends, when Katsuki asks if this turn of events has anything to do with All For One, explaining that it would make sense as he was the person who created One For All in the first place and he can also possess multiple Quirks. While All Might does not disregard that theory, he also states that it was the last thing he wanted to think of.

Around 7:00 PM in the evening, Izuku and Katsuki engage in a sparring match at Gym Gamma. Katsuki tries to activate the Blackwhip by putting Izuku in a dangerous situation, believing that it would activate it, but Deku reveals that it apparently can't be unlocked as of now. All Might immediately tells the two to halt the match, seeing that it does not work. Without knowing what to do, they decide to return to their rooms.[122]

Meta Liberation Army Arc[]

Toshinori congratulates Katsuki and Shoto

All Might congratulates Katsuki and Shoto.

In early December, All Might accompanies Shoto and Katsuki for the final test to obtain their Provisional Hero License. They eventually succeeded, and on their return to U.A. they witness a villain attack. All Might chases after Shoto and Katsuki as they confront a group of villains going on a theft spree.[123]

While Shoto and Katsuki battle the villains, All Might assists in evacuating the bystanders. One of the bystanders stops to film the fight, while unaware that a light post is about to fall on her. All Might notices and is able to push her out of the way at the last moment thanks to one of Katsuki's explosions. He then gets berated by Katsuki for being careless.

After the villains are defeated, All Might is accompanied by the Pro Hero, Slidin' Go, who praises the duo for a job well done. All Might also congratulates the duo for doing a great job.[124]

My Hero Academia: Heroes: Rising[]

Yokumiru Mera meets Nezu and Toshinori

Yokumiru explains the Hero Work Recommendation Project.

During fall, Toshinori and Principal Nezu met with Yokumiru Mera at U.A. High School, who explained to them about the Hero Public Safety Commission's new program, the Hero Work Recommendation Project, to help to train the new generation of Heroes due All Might retirement.

Weeks go by, and shortly after winter begins, Class 1-A is sent to Nabu Island, a remote place in southern Japan. As the Class 1-A members are helping around the island, at U.A. High School All Might worries about whether they will be okay. Shota assures Toshinori that he should not be concerned, as Nabu Island is a quiet place where there have been no incidents involving villains in the past thirty years, and the students should be relatively safe from any significant threats.

All Might is glad that Izuku and Katsuki are alright

All Might thanks the previous One For All users for helping Izuku and Katsuki.

Unfortunately, the island is attacked by the villain Nine and his gang, although the students managed to defeat them and send a S.O.S. Shortly after Class 1-A emerged victorious over the threat, a field force of professional heroes and the military arrived on Nabu Island. Toshinori helps the wounded Izuku and Katsuki, who had barely managed to defeat Nine. A barely conscious Izuku tearfully apologizes to Toshinori for giving One For All to Katsuki because he had no other choice if he wanted to protect the people on the island before losing consciousness.

Toshinori forgives Izuku, but is left surprised when he sees One For All still retained inside of Izuku. At first, he theorized that Katsuki must've lost consciousness before the transfer could be completed, but then theorized that One For All must've kept itself inside of Izuku for his willingness to risk himself to protect the innocent even if it means losing One For All. Tearfully, Toshinori thanks the previous users of One For All and his master, Nana Shimura.

After helping with the repairs, the Hero Public Safety Commission suspends the Hero Work Recommendation Project, so everyone returns to U.A.[125]

Endeavor Agency Arc[]

Nezu visits Toshinori

Toshinori looking for data about the previous One For All users.

At the end of December, Toshinori appears more skeletal than usual because he hasn't slept in a few days, collecting all the information he could find about the previous One For All inheritors and their Quirks to help Izuku. Nezu visits him to inform him that the next round of work studies will begin soon.[126]

A few days later, Nezu talks to All Might and detective Naomasa through a video call. They talk about the fact that since all the students moved into Heights Alliance four months ago, they have been being watched to discover the League's spy, but in all that time no one has shown signs of being the spy, so it seems that the traitor is not one of them. All Might tells Nezu that all students of the Hero course are true heroes and none of them is the traitor, to which Nezu replies he knows that. Then, Nezu asks All Might if he will return to U.A. that day. All Might tells him that it is unlikely since he is very busy unless something happens to Izuku. Nezu reassures him by telling him that he apparently has forgotten that it is Christmas.[127]

Subsequently, Izuku and Katsuki talk with Toshinori that they have accepted a proposal from Shoto to do their Hero Work-Studies with Endeavor. Toshinori thinks it's an excellent idea. When Izuku asks him about his training with One For All, he replies that there should be no problems because as long he has mastered the image of "locking" and "unlocking", All Might he doesn't expect that he will experience more outbursts. As for Katsuki, All Might tells him that it will benefit him to work with Endeavor since both are very similar.[128]

My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission[]

All Might coordinates the heroes

All Might coordinates the heroes in a global anti-terror operation against Humarise.

While Toshinori continued to teach at U.A., a major city suffers from a terrifying terrorist act committed by Flect Turn, the leader of the cult known as Humarise, who detonated a Trigger Bomb in a large city, causing a large number of victims. As a result of this, the World Heroes Association requested his assistance to help them lead the heroes worldwide in defeating the terrorist organization.

All Might and the WHA Director organize a worldwide operation with heroes from all over the world to attack the 25 headquarters that Humarise has in different countries. Since the nature of the entire operation is strictly off-books clandestine, they must refrain from asking for help from local law enforcement.

Toshinori talks to WHA director

Toshinori tells the WHA Director the possibility of Humarise having a secret base.

Once the operation begins, the heroes around the globe successfully raid the Humarise branches in each of the countries, but they fail to locate the Trigger Bombs or apprehend the leader. All Might theorizes that Humarise has another base of operations that they missed, tellings his suspicions to the WHA Director, who orders the heroes deployed to the branches to be on standby.

Some time later, while he continues to help by advising them to coordinate the operation, the World Heroes Association receives an emergency call from Otheon task force, informing them of a shocking event: Izuku Midoriya has been accused of a mass murder of twelve people by the Otheon government, placing him on the most wanted list. Toshinori is totally appalled of the accusations against his pupil and successor, being unable to believe them, and distraught at being unable to do anything about it.

Toshinori at the World Heroes Association

Being notified that his students intend to storm Humarise's base.

A few days later, the operation is compromised when Flect Turn hacked into every communications network and broadcast to the world that they have planted Trigger Bombs in the major cities of the twenty-five countries and they will detonate them in two hours. One of the WHA workers wonders if this might be a trap, and Toshinori replies that even if it is, they still have to do something about it, as Humarise's ultimatum results in widespread panic and hysteria throughout the countries. The WHA greenlights the heroes being deployed to each sector and fights in defense to quell the chaos and locate the Trigger Bombs.

When there's only less than 30 minutes left before the detonations, the WHA receives a message from Shoto Todoroki, who tells them that he, Izuku, and Katsuki had obtained a disarming key for the Trigger Bombs, and that they are now heading to Humarise's secret base, where the main system of the deadly weapons is. Since at that moment all the heroes are busy facing Humarise's soldiers, none can be sent to support them, so the only thing Toshinori can do is wish the three students luck in their mission.

Toshinori is proud of his students and heroes

Toshinori can't help but feel proud of everyone.

For several intense minutes, all he can do is watch the heroes fighting relentlessly to remove the Trigger Bombs, while the countdown continues. Fortunately, when the count reaches the deadline, none of the Trigger Bombs blow up, indicating that Izuku's group succeeded in disarming the bombs worldwide. The workers in the WHA control room celebrate that the tragedy has been averted, and Toshinori congratulates everyone for it. With the crisis over, Toshinori returns to U.A. High School, congratulating Izuku for his valiant job to accomplish the mission.[129]

Paranormal Liberation War Arc[]

Toshinori making cotton candy

All Might tries to make a cotton candy prank.

Winter break ends and students return to U.A. High School. Class 1-A head to Ground Alpha to show how much they have improved with their skills and Quirks during the Hero Work-Studies. Because Shota Aizawa has to attend an emergency, Toshinori replaces him. He welcomes Class 1-A students at Ground Alpha, making cotton candy to make a joke on his catchphrase, which doesn't win over the students.[130]

Class 1-A begins the training, battling Villain bots to showcasing their newfound abilities. Finally, it's Katsuki and Izuku's turn to show off what they learned working for Endeavor at his agency. Toshinori is especially glad about Izuku showing his improved control over Blackwhip. All Might recalls some of his interactions with him, holding back tears, but proudly looking on as he realizes that Izuku no longer needs his approval, as he's outgrown the need for it. All Might concludes the class, revealing that everything was recorded for Shota Aizawa to watch later, and encourages the students to keep working hard at their work studies.

Toshinori shows Izuku and Katsuki his research

All Might gives Izuku a notebook with all the information he could find.

Later, in the Teachers Lounge, All Might meets with Izuku and Katsuki, congratulating the two on their improvements, much to Izuku's delight and Katsuki's annoyance. All Might then places a notebook on the table that contains his research into the Quirks of the past successors of One For All.[131] He reveals he couldn't find anything on the 2nd and 3rd users due to the era they existed in and the multifaceted nature of the Quirk. All Might asks Izuku if he made contact with the other users, to which he says no.

During the conversation about the previous heirs, Toshinori reveals that they were heroes who did not have particularly powerful Quirks, as All For One hunted down the strongest. Also, the concept of a "One for All successor" was not implemented until Nana Shimura chose him. Until then, the heirs fought All For One and got themselves killed for it at relatively young ages, and they simply entrusted One for All to their closest ally to keep fighting, until one day the Quirk grew powerful enough to defeat All for One. Katsuki then asks what the next Quirk Izuku will get, to which Toshinori says it'll be Nana's Quirk, which is called Float.

Shota talks with Toshinori

Shota wants to chat with Toshinori.

At night, he is sitting outside Heights Alliance, when Shota approaches him and asking him what he's doing, to which All Might says he isn't doing much. He asks about Eri to which Shota tells him she's asleep and he'll start training her this week. All Might offers his help, to which Shota appreciates. He then asks what's bothering All Might, to which he says that while he has decided to live, he can't help but feel powerless when he sees how much they've developed.

Shota tells him that because he bore the title of Symbol of Peace for so long, it's hard for him to accept that there are so many other things he can do for the students, such as being there for them, and to keep being the person he knows he is. All Might accepts the advice while asking what Shota wanted, to which he tells him that Naomasa sent a message to him asking for him to delay his meeting with Stain.[132]

Katsuki talks with All Might about Deku

All Might and Katsuki talk about One for All and Deku.

During the next two months, All Might continued to help train Izuku to be more proficient in Blackwhip, as well as prepare himself to handle Float, inviting Ochaco, Tsuyu, and Hanta to a training session. As the four got to work, All Might had a conversation with Katsuki who talked about how with all the Quirks starting to emerge, it will be harder to keep One For All a secret, which is what All Might has been preparing when the time is right.

Katsuki proceeds to talk to All Might about how Izuku tends to act by putting himself before others and how he's been unable to understand that. He also asks All Might how even though he added the age and cause of death for all the One For All users, he scribbled out one of them, starting to question if that means anything, but All Might quickly denies it, since he's unsure of what it means. He continues to tell Katsuki that he knows that him helping Izuku with his training is his way of trying to make up after everything he had done to Izuku, even though Izuku himself doesn't see it like that, and that one day the two will be able to talk things over.[133]

Toshinori and Eri watching the news

Toshinori concerned about the development of the War.

By late March, the Paranormal Liberation War occurs, as the full might of the Heroes raid the bases of the Paranormal Liberation Front, with the intention of taking down the villains for good. As the events are going down, All Might is watching over Eri at U.A., observing the destruction of Jaku City on the news.[134] After the War has concluded, All Might goes to Central Hospital, where he is seen holding the hand of an unconscious Izuku, who has remained in a coma for two days due to the extent of his injuries.[135]

It turns out that during this time, Izuku is having a conversation with the vestiges of One For All, which All Might is able to sense through his ghostly vestige within the Quirk. The vestiges reveal that they've discovered that One For All eats away a user's lifespan if they already possess a Quirk, which is how the fourth user, Hikage Shinomori, died after holding the Quirk for 18 years, at the age of 40 (this being the information All Might scribbled out in the notebook).

Toshinori watches over the comatosed Izuku

All Might watches over the unconscious Izuku.

They further reveal the reason All Might was able to wield the Quirk for 40 years is because he was Quirkless, shaping One For All into his own being, which is also why he is represented in the vestige world as a ghostly spirit. This ghostly spirit also contains all the information the real All Might knows, which is how the users were able to determine this truth about One For All through his research. It is because of how powerful the Quirk has become, and the decline in Quirkless people in the world, that they believe Izuku will be the last user of One For All.[136]

After this conversation, Nana confronts Izuku about being able to kill Tomura, due to how dangerous he is and can be if left alive. Even though Izuku agrees there be no other way to deal with it, he declares that One For All is a power that is meant to save and not kill, and that All Might's actions taught him that, so he wants to try. The words bring tears to All Might's vestige and Nana, as the users accept Izuku's resolve.[137]

Toshinori decides to reveal the secret of One For All

Toshinori reveals the secret of One For All to the Heroes.

As the real All Might senses the conversation, Hawks and Best Jeanist arrive and ask to speak to him. Hawks explains that they want to know what the connection is between Izuku and All For One because the media heard that the villain was after something known as One For All and Endeavor informed them that during the war, Tomura Shigaraki was targeting Izuku, and with the current crisis, they need to know the truth. Recognizing that there is no point in continuing to hide the secret of One For All, All Might takes them somewhere to tell them everything.[138]

Days later, Izuku regains consciousness and is visited by his mother. A medic informs them that since Izuku's body has largely been able to adapt to his Quirk, his injuries weren't that serious. Despite that, he warns that his limbs may still be immobilized, so he advises him to be careful.

All Might offers to join Izuku in his quest

All Might vows to follow Izuku in his search of All For One and Tomura.

After the doctor leaves, Inko demands an explanation and Toshinori and Izuku decide to tell her the whole truth about One For All. This leaves Inko dumbfounded, wondering what will become of his son knowing that the villains will go after him. Toshinori tells her that they are making arrangements to protect him at U.A. but Izuku announces he won't be returning, since he does not want to put the people he cares in danger. He hugs his mother and tries to reassure her as Inko breaks down in tears, promising to return home to her.

Barely able to contain her tears, Toshinori remembers when he bowed to her at their home and declares that he knows he can't stop Izuku from going, so he offers to join him. He contacts Best Jeanist informing him of this turn of events, who accepts it, saying that he may be the only one who can determine Tomura's location after thinking of using him as the focal point of their efforts, so they will follow in his wake while maintaining a safe distance.[139]

Izuku, All Might and the Top Three

The team-up of heroes ready to settle the score.

By the start of what would be Izuku's second year in April, he leaves U.A. High, with All Might accompanying him, after secretly leaving behind letters to Class 1-A explaining everything about One For All and his connection to the villains.[138] The plan is for Endeavor, Hawks, and Best Jeanist to use Izuku as bait to lure out the League of Villains and determine Tomura's location, while they follow suit maintaining a safe distance.

This plan leads them to face a multitude of villains in order to find any clue about All For One and Tomura. To help his protégé and prevent further arm damage when fighting, All Might ordered a new support item for Izuku, called the Mid-Gauntlets, from America before the borders closed.[139]

Dark Hero Arc[]

All Might recieves a phone call

All Might receives a phone call from Hawks to inform him of the situation.

After defeating and sending Muscular to prison, Izuku meets All Might in an alleyway, who was waiting for him by his car, Hercules. All Might asks him if he is hurt, and Izuku reassures him saying that he is fine and that the Mid-Gauntlets were very useful. All Might reminds him that the item is still a prototype and they were made for endurance; they will reinforce his body but they can't handle 100% output, therefore he can't go overboard until his rematch.

All Might's phone rings, picking it up to hear Hawks speaking to him while he, Endeavor, and Best Jeanist contain a villain. Hawks asks how Izuku is doing and All Might reports he is fine, but he immediately departs, having received another warning from Danger Sense. Hawks surmises he is worried about putting anyone else's lives in danger, adding that while they could potentially keep him completely isolated to prepare for what is to come, knowing the capacity of power the ones who attacked Tartarus possess, it will be all over if they come well prepared.

All Might arrives to help

All Might helping in any way he can.

Because of this, following Izuku's idea of actively seeking out their enemy will raise the odds of their victory. Hawks knows how tough a position this is for All Might, and that even though he's worried, the best they can do right now is support him.[139]

During a stormy night, after Izuku saved the life of a woman who was being attacked by people mistaking her for a villain, All Might arrives on the scene to help. Izuku asks him to take her to the shelter, but not before he hands him a lunch box to eat which he thanks him for.[140]

All Might is ambushed

All Might is ambushed by two villains.

Later, while following Izuku from a safe distance, All Might thinks that Izuku is trying too hard at his task without hardly resting, and this reminds him of the conversation he had with his sidekick Sir Nighteye when he was convalescing from his injuries from his combat against All For One, when he wanted him to retire from hero work and take a break now and then. This memory is interrupted when he realizes Izuku's GPS signal has disappeared. Then, a grenade is thrown at his car and explodes.[141] Fortunately, Hercules manages to withstand the explosion and All Might is unscathed.

Two villains appear ready to throw flaming spears at him, and All Might instantly realizes that this is not an ordinary attack but with clear intentions to kill him. All Might grabs a spare phone and alerts the rest of his team that the villains are trying to separate them from Izuku, who must be facing off against a villain. All Might manages to get out of the car with a suitcase before the villains destroy it with their weapons.

All Might's Heroic Willpower

"I will protect Deku at all costs!!"

The villains are surprised to see All Might, but don't stand down since he isn't the same as he was before, saying the real All Might died a long time ago. However, when he demands they stand aside, the villains start shivering in fear when they feel his immense aura of intimidation. All Might remembers the promise he made to Inko as he tells the villains that Deku is bearing more of a burden than he himself ever did yet he still idolizes him, and he yells that the day anything happens to him is the day he dies.[142]

While he is busy dealing with this two villains, Izuku confronted Lady Nagant, a villain sent specifically by All For One to capture him, but managed to defeat her. As a preventive measure, All For One implanted in her a Quirk of immolation that made her explode.[143] Thanks to the previous call from All Might, Endeavor and Hawks manage to reach Izuku and take care of the charred Lady Nagant, who is still alive. Minutes later, All Might finally arrives asking Izuku if he is okay and Endeavor ensures him that everything is under control.[144]

Sometime later, Izuku defeats another assassin sent by All For One and immediately tells All Might that he knew nothing and to be careful in case he is rigged to explode. All Might yells to Izuku to stop so he can give him some more food, but Izuku tells All Might that he doesn't need to follow him anymore, saying that he is fine on his own now. All Might tries to speak but Izuku claims he can practically move at 100% without injury just like he could, so he shouldn't worry about him. He wants to tell him to rest, but he can't as Izuku leaves, and All Might trips as he tries to reach out to him.[145]

Stain confronts All Might

All Might is at Stain's mercy.

Eventually, Izuku is cornered by Class 1-A and taken by to U.A. for some well-needed rest. However, instead of checking up on him, still depressed about him leaving him behind, All Might returns to Kamino, in the aftermath of his battle with Class 1-A, intending to check in on the anti-hero supporters who refused to evacuate, while still thinking about being unable to help Izuku. Looking at the statue of his former self, he berates himself for doing nothing and just dragging everyone down. Stain then suddenly appears above him, holding his sword near his neck and demanding he take back his slam against All Might.

All Might realized it is the Hero Killer and notes how Stain never went after him when he was active and they didn't get to have their meeting till now, but the Hero Killer becomes confused, leading All Might to clarify who he is by quickly transforms into his muscle form to prove it, but Stain reacts in disgust, refusing to believe that was him just now, calling him a sham and why he presumes to call himself a "hero."

All Might responds back to Stain's claims in agreement, explaining how he couldn't handle the uneasiness of the world, and despite being powerless, he wanted to make the world a better place, but now he's reached his end point. With so much chaos in the world, and unable to protect the student he promised he would, he feels like he's gotten further away from heroism than anyone.

Episode 138

The legacy of All Might's embers continues on through Class 1-A.

Stain leaps forward and pulls All Might back behind an ice block, before pointing him toward the statue. The two see a girl pulling down the "I Am Not Here" sign off of it, which Stain says she has been coming by to clean the statue from the vandalism every day. All Might is confused why she would put herself in danger just for that, until Stain reveals she is the last person All Might saved: the girl from the Kamino Incident.

Stain exclaims that what All Might did as a hero had nothing to do with his Quirk, but that he always kept a smile on his face and did everything he could to help people. That the embers of inspiration he left behind continue to burn within those who followed him, and have now started to form a great fire, so they all must continue to stoke the flame so that it won't die.

After Stain reveals he knew about what happened regarding his true state, he tells him that if he is a true hero, to make use of his information from Tartarus, throwing him a knife and several pieces of paper, as well as telling him to end "the man who murdered 40 heroes" to fix this society, before walking away.[146]

Toshinori reports Naomasa about the decrypted data

All Might gives new information to the police.

Shortly after this, All Might returns back to Heights Alliance, where Class 1-A has just finished bathing down Izuku. He busts into the dorm and apologizes himself to Izuku for not helping him enough despite his protests, but Izuku apologizes back for abandoning him too. The other kids demand an apology for leaving them abruptly as All Might says that the decisive battle is drawing near. He tells everyone that he has acquired some new information that will help them, thinking back to Stain's words, and that he has decided to continue supporting everyone even though he is Quirkless. Izuku speaks up and tells All Might that the food he made for him gave him strength, and chalked his hardships to not having him at all.[147]

All Might heads back out to meet up with Naomasa, after giving them the data Stain had given him. Naomasa reveals that since Tartarus' systems are cut off from the outside world, they would've had no way of getting this data normally, and that it contains the cause of the system shutdown, which was "Tomura" and All For One's constant blasts of Radio Waves inside and out.

Sansa suggests that this is because All For One was synchronized with the vestige within Tomura, however All Might reveals that the communication isn't a two-way channel. Just like with his vestige within One For All, while the vestige has access to all his current thoughts, All Might himself has no connection to the vestige itself, at least until he was able to make contact with Izuku back at the Hospital. Because of this, All Might believes that even All For One wouldn't be able to have such direct control over the vestige from so far away.

Naomasa then says that the two All For One's were able to communicate through the Radio Waves Quirks, and that the recorded waveforms on the data disk resemble a conversation that says: "Make him complete in 38 days." The revelation shocks Sansa, as Central Hospital's research stated it was 2 months till he was completed, but All Might says it's possible he rigged the results as a bluff, and that if they are to take their conversation as the truth, Tomura will be complete in 3 days.[148]

Star and Stripe Arc[]

With Tomura's near impending completion, All Might calls in to the foreign heroes for assistance. While the rest are unsure, America's No. 1 Hero Star and Stripe, who considers All Might her spiritual master, makes her way over to help. During her impending arrival, she is ambushed by "Tomura", and in the aftermath of her battle, Star is killed. However, when "Tomura" stole her Quirk, she had turned it into a virus at the last minute, causing various of his Quirks to be destroyed and forcing him to flee.

Although All Might was currently at U.A. during all this, it wasn't until Star's American jet fighter pilots returned to tell him of her death. He lamented with sadness about wanting to see her again, however, the pilots tell him their fighter jets have a record of the battle, and were able to measure all of Tomura's bio-signatures, as well as every Quirk during the fight, providing the data to them to use, alongside the ones already being studied at Central Hospital.[149]

U.A. Traitor Arc[]

All Might tells Class A to prepare for War

All Might tells Class 1-A to prepare for the second inevitable war.

The next day, two days after Izuku had returned to U.A., All Might informs Class 1-A that Tomura was supposed to have his body completed by the following day, but thanks to Star's New Order, it acted like a poison when Tomura stole it, eating away inside him and destroying a large number of his Quirks, with the class realizing now's their best chance to take him out. He continues that the remaining Heroes have been continuing the mass evacuation effort and hunting the remaining Villains, and reminding them that due to how unpredictable All For One is, all out war is inevitable.

He reminds them of their current targets: Tomura, All For One in his original body, Dabi, Himiko Toga, the remaining six Near High-End Nomu, the remnants of the Paranormal Liberation Front, and the remaining escaped convicts, also including that they'll be likely to amass more allies too. All Might continues that while less than half of their heroes remain, it is thanks to Star's sacrifice that they have a chance to use this time for everyone to grow even a little bit stronger.

The Aoyama Family arrested

All Might was shocked that the U.A. Traitor was Yuga Aoyama.

In response, Katsuki yells at All Might that they've already been doing this. Class 1-A reveal that since the War, they've continued their training with the Wild, Wild Pussycats, all with the intention to fight alongside Izuku until Tomura is defeated. The rest of the class each respond with enthusiasm as they all prepare to go out and train. All Might watches on, thinking about how the "zygotes" from the first day of class have hatched brilliantly into fledgling heroes. He thinks about how All For One has made a foolish mistake underestimating them, and that Class 1-A is a mighty force to behold.[150]

Unfortunately, his spirits were shattered when he and the other U.A. staff are informed of U.A.'s traitor being captured by Izuku and Toru, revealing to be Yuga Aoyama. In the U.A. A.V. Room, the Aoyama Family are interrogated by All Might, Detective Naomasa, and the U.A. staff, learning Yuga was Quirkless and received his Quirk about 10 years ago from All For One, so his family was forced into his debt.

After interrogating them on information regarding All For One, Izuku speaks up as he recognized Yuga's troublesome situation and had no malicious intentions in his actions, so wants him to help them and prove he can still be a hero. The rest of the class believes this as meaning they can use Yuga to deceive All For One, but Naomasa reminds them that it is still very unlikely that could work. Just then, Shota Aizawa, listening in on a tablet, informs everyone that he has an idea, which they all listen to after covering the Aoyama Family's ears. Nezu says that it seems possible, and All Might adds that it'll be up to how well "he" can handle it, as Naomasa escorts the Aoyama Family back to their HQ, telling everyone not to say a word to anyone else about the plan.[151]

All Might's plan to isolate the villains

All Might's most critical plan to defeat the villains: split them up.

With the plan preparing to go into motion, and Class 1-A heading out into the streets to hunt down the villains, All Might and Hawks form the "Counter-Force", including Ragdoll, the Police Force, and Star and Stripes' American military task force. At the start of their meeting, he informs everyone that after deeming them all trustworthy, and with the other big Heroes currently out in the field, they'll be keeping their current circle small to detail the classified information.

All Might demonstrates their scenario by placing tiny refrigerator buttons of the villains on a whiteboard, stating that whether they're going for Plan A or B, what they must do no matter what is to split them up. He further elaborates that the only way they can hope to achieve total victory is by isolating all of the villains that are deemed a major threat: separating each of the League's major operatives, luring them out individually, and defeating them one by one.

Several men say it's easier said than done, with All Might responding they need to have a strategy to make it happen, which Naomasa figures is Yuga. He adds that while he does sympathize with his situation, considering he still turned his back on society, from his position he still has to proceed with caution. All Might chooses to believe in Yuga, and he already believes in his teacher, Shota.[152]

Final War Arc[]

Chapter 344

All Might gives the brief description of their plan of action against the villains to Class 1-A.

After the conclusion of the meeting, All Might, Naomasa, and Nezu visit Class 1-A to explain the plans to deceive All For One. They remind them how unlikely it is they'll be able to track them down in their search, however, this works to their benefit as it allows them to draw him out by getting him to loosen up. Naomasa explains how they assume that All For One is using Search to monitor everyone, and everything they've done since Izuku returned will make him believe that they're being exhausted, which will allow them to catch him off guard, and utilize Shota's plan of having Yuga choose the location to lure him out.

Theorizing that All For One has a way of determining whether people are lying or not, in order for the plan to take effect, All Might has recruited Hitoshi Shinso, to the class' excitement. Hitoshi explains that he had to train hard to keep up with everyone, so managed to push through the limits of his Quirk to allow him to get his brainwashed targets to talk, so their plan is to make Yuga and his parents talk so that their motives and emotions won't come into play at all.[153]

Mezo asks to be part of the Hospital team

Mezo and Koji approach All Might and Shota about participating in the Central Hospital defence.

During these preparations, Mezo and Koji approach Shota and All Might, asking to be involved in the defence of Central Hospital, surprising them that they know about the plan. Mezo reveals he had spoken to the giant woman, as well as several of the other heteromorph refugees, and learned that there was a "call to action" plan being initiated by Spinner and the Paranormal Liberation Front, calling on the mutants to storm the Hospital in retribution for all the prejudice they've faced. Mezo states he needs to be involved as he can't let this slide, or else he won't be able to consider himself a hero. Shota accepts and allows them to join the team led by Present Mic.[154]

As the day approaches, All Might watches as Hitoshi brainwashes the Aoyama Family when they are in contact with All For One, giving him Yuga's number, followed by a brainwashed Yuga giving All For One their meet-up location, a parking lot on the outskirts of the U.A. "Troy" dormitory.

The Final War begins, and All Might and the Counter-Force observe from Central Hospital, waiting patiently for Izuku to make contact with Yuga who was recently released from his "lawyers", anticipating All For One to finally reveal himself after months of hiding without a single trace. With One For All in his reach, All For One summons an army of villains, intending to end it all here so he can get One For All, using Search to confirm none of the Heroes are anywhere near.

However, it turns out the other part of their plan to catch him off guard was to utilize Neito Monoma to Copy Kurogiri's Warp Gate, allowing them to teleport the heroes immediately onto the battlefield. Now that all the villains have been summoned in one place, All Might activates the Troy system, trapping all the villains in cages emerging from beneath the battlefield. All Might and Naomasa declare that even though they tried to bring him down once before and All Might's stomach was destroyed, they're still alive, and this time for sure they'll take him down. Neito summons several more Warp Gates around the cages, as the Heroes prepare to shove them all in, to split up the villains.[153]

Fat Gum is in command to capture the remaining villains

All Might tells Fat Gum to lead the frontal assault against the villains who weren't caught.

With nearly everyone warped, All Might orders Fat Gum in command to capture the remaining threats in the area and to watch over Yuga. All Might then tells Neito to regroup with Shota as now that the separation is successful, they can begin Phase 2.[155]

As the battles continue, All Might receives word that Shoto has successfully defeated Dabi, getting emotional over his students' success. Naomasa reminds him they need to keep this up, as All Might proceeds to inform the rest of the battlefields of this status, giving them all a boost in motivation.[156]

However, many things of the war eventually turns for the worse on the Heroes. Dabi revives himself after copying Shoto's Phosphor technique, Himiko managed to transform into Twice, All For One regenerates himself by taking a reverse-engineered Quirk-Destroying Drug to Rewind himself to his prime, Spinner succeeds in freeing Kurogiri from his containment, and Skeptic hacks into U.A., causing the floating fortress to start to plummet to the ground. As Naomasa scrambles to contain the chaos, All Might heads out in order to help in his own way. Naomasa protests him to stay out of the battlefield, but he persists anyway.[157][158]

During this time, All For One manages to defeat all the Heroes attempting to contain him, as a result of getting stronger the younger he gets, and blasts his way over to Tomura's location. Also at this point, Endeavor and Dabi both give chase to each other, with the Counter-Force realizing that Dabi has been internally compressing thermal energy, and that in about ten minutes, his body will explode and cremate everything within 5 kilometers, including the evacuated civilians who are trapped in the middle of the blast zone due to Skeptic's interference.

Chapter 386

All Might prepares himself for the final battle with All For One.

With all of their precautions failing, All Might makes contact with both the Counter-Force, as well as Shoto and Tenya on the outskirts of the ruined Ido City. All Might informs Shoto and Tenya, who are in Kamino, about Dabi's impending explosion in Gunga, the civilians trapped in-between, and Endeavor being unable to stop it. He says he knows Tenya will be able to run to it, and that after overcoming so many hardships he tells Shoto he knows his mind and body are one. Shoto worries about All For One but he simply says that a "powerful ally" is waiting to deal with him, and that he has the utmost respect to those who still continue to fight even with doubts, telling him to stop Dabi and reassure everyone, to become his best self, and that they need the two of them and their Quirks together to avert the disaster.

Fearful for his friend's safety, Naomasa cries out to All Might through the communicator, but All Might responds that it was always his fight. As All For One quickly approaches through the clouds, All Might asks out loud about their endless warring, further stating that Tomura's hatred has started to affect his main body, which means he won't be able to ignore him. Naomasa cries out reminding him he is Quirkless, which causes All Might to think back to Izuku's words if someone can be a hero even without a Quirk.[159]

Chapter 396

All Might armors up and becomes Armored All Might.

All Might thinks back to Nighteye's prophecy of the future about how if he continued down his path of heroism in his conditions, he will encounter a villain that will give him an unspeakably gruesome death, not expecting the "young man" appearing before him to be All For One. He figures if the prediction still holds true, then this is it for him. With nothing to lose, All Might declares his signature motto, "I AM HERE!", unleashing an array of support items and weapons from Hercules and his briefcase. While All For One stares down on him grinning with madness, a mechanical suit begins to form around All Might's body, unveiling his newly advanced weapon, "Armored All Might".

He tells the A.I. computer in Hercules to start recording as he addresses Naomasa to keep him updated on the battle. In spite of potentially facing a brutal death just to buy a few minutes from All For One, All Might smiles on. All For One sees said smile and psychotically asks why he is still smiling and unleashes a destructive laser blast at him. All Might uses Hercules to activate "Red Riot" to shield his body in a protective coating ball, defending himself from the attack. All Might blasts forward into the air as the A.I. states that the shields have been depleted by 66% and he won't survive another hit, but All Might doesn't consider that a problem.

Armored All Might uses Chargebolt and Cellophane

All Might uses "Blackwhip" to ensnare All For One with "Cellophane" and "Chargebolt".

All For One recognizes All Might's classic style of a mad charge without dodging, yelling that it only worked because he held One For All before. Just then, All Might activates several carbon wires, dubbed "Blackwhip" that all snared into All For One, and uses "Chargebolt" to release electrical shockwaves that permeate his body, interfering with his regeneration. All Might yells out that ever since his final battle with his master, Nana Shimura, he's made a habit of starting fights with haphazard long-ranged attacks in order to wear his opponents down before stealing their Quirks, however that approach only works for someone with a Quirk. He uses "Cellophane" to reel the wires into him, and "Sugarman" to build-up his leg kick.

Shoot Style Smash

All Might kicks at All For One with Shoot Style Smash.

All Might tells All For One he wanted to fight him one last time again, and declares the suit and car are here to keep him in the fight, if only for a bit. He reveals that he came up with the specs and put in the design request, and that it was created by Melissa Shield.

He states how when he was last defeated by him, he sought refuge in the United States where he made a friend, and these weapons are the fruits of that bond that makes him keep on fighting. He yells out that all he's been blessed with will bear its weight against him, telling Naomasa that they've known each other for long enough that he should realize he's never gone into a battle expecting to lose. With his suit powering up, All Might delivers a powerful kick right into All For One's face with a "Shoot Style Smash".[158]

As the hero delivers another kick to All For One's face, All Might laughs about how wrong it feels being over 50 years old and beating up such a "helpless young lad". He thinks about how the villain now harbours a ferocious rage that hungers for One For All, which is what he is exploiting and the only reason the fight is possible. All Might gleefully shouts that any real Demon Lord would be aghast at getting beaten up by a Quirkless man, keeping him in this obsession not to tear his eyes away from him.

Chapter 397

All Might and All For One continues to fight each other.

Enraged, All For One releases a haphazard combination of Quirks, unleashing a gigantic explosive attack that smashes All Might back through several buildings. He manages to survive the assault using the "Utility Cape Auto-Guard: Dark Shadow" to shield most of the damage, realizing he's randomly combining Quirks, meaning his taunts are working, psyching himself up to keep him riled up.

The A.I. computer in his suit informs him that the cape was destroyed and he's acquired injuries in the clavicle and left humerus, so All Might tells it to set movement assist to max. All For One flies up and re-appears above All Might, calling him a pathetic, washed-up piece of garbage, and how wearing his "trash bag" made him lose all perspective. Since All Might is fighting with his suit, all he needs to do is destroy his gadgets before he can kill All Might because they can't go beyond their own limits. In return, All Might thinks back to advice he gave to Izuku about not relying on support items too much, having seen far too many Heroes who couldn't wield their power after losing their items, jokingly replying that the two of them think alike.

Armored All Might uses Dark Shadow

All Might uses "Dark Shadow" to protect himself as best as possible.

He flies in to punch the villain in the face, however, All For One doesn't flinch from the attack and angrily states he didn't fall for his cheap ploy to stall him since he can easily spare the time to clean up the trash, just before All For One razes All Might with a powerful energy beam. Despite suffering such a powerful attack, All Might simply continues to smile on, and responds by calling him undignified with excuses trying to play it cool.[1]

A device then ejects from Hercules nearby, which All Might uses to stab it directly into All For One, releasing the "Superacid Injection: Pinky". The acid starts to effect All For One, causing his body to rupture, while All Might shouts that he's dissolving away after rewinding some damage, laughing at him for calling him "trash".

Armored All Might uses Pinky

All Might injects All For One with acid to disrupt his body.

The battle between All Might and All For One ends up in Tatooin Station, as All Might is once again flung backwards through several buildings, and crashing on a rooftop. Despite being closer to U.A., All For One is now solemnly focused at chasing and hunting All Might. The A.I. computer in his suit informs him that he has sustained multiple fractured ribs, full body contusion, and his respiratory system malfunctioning.

All Might then spots the same rooftop where he first met Izuku, thinking about the words he said to him, and Stain's words also echo in his mind. Despite taking serious damage and injuries, he does everything he can to stand as All For One once again appears above him. However, All Might notices that All For One has gotten younger, unsure if he himself has noticed, meaning he needs to make sure he doesn't come to his senses. He realizes All For One had to use Quirks to the acid from his body, but the strain is hurting him, figuring taking damage is speeding up the rewinding process.

Armored All Might equips the Uravity and Ingenium Thrusters

"To be of service to others... what a joy!"

Just then, as everything that has happened to him within the past year flashes through his head, All Might begins to manically laugh, louder and louder, further inciting All For One's rage, shouting for Hercules to send the remaining parts of the suit to him. The car complies and sends everything it has in its arsenal to All Might, as he activates the Thrusters: Uravity and Ingenium at Full Throttle. With his suit upgraded to the maximum, All Might declares how much of a joy it is to be of service to others, and "together" they will be victorious.

At this same time, the vestige of All Might within One For All senses the battle between his real self and All For One occurring nearby.[160]

All For One corners All Might in the alley

All Might is being hunted and cornered by All For One.

All Might and All For One resume their destructive battle, and as All For One continues to try and blast All Might, he uses the newly equipped weapons to evade him: the Tentacole and Froppy suction cups to swing in-between the buildings, alongside the Shoto and Tailman weapons to act as defence.

As All For One chases after him, All Might thinks about how the devices should boost his speed and mobility for tighter turns, aware that All For One must be getting bored of the one-sided struggle, so he needs to set a trap. Assuming that repeated, massive damage to his body shortens his lifespan, he knows just the "Quirk" to get the job done. Because his mechanical armor lacks the efficient power source, he sends the Anima drones to go ahead and solve the issue.

All For One surprise attacks All Might

All For One gets the drop on All Might and crushes his spine.

In a backstreet alleyway, All For One catches up to him and corners All Might, mocking him for laughing like a madman one moment and then running away the next, clearly aware of his goal so he has no problem in wasting excess strength, taking it easy being enough to kill him. He grabs the side of the buildings and unleashes an onslaught of River Stabs into the buildings, which he barely evades. All Might blasts himself back up into the sky to get some distance, but All For One counters with two giant Mouth Quirks, halting his ascent. He blasts himself back downward, angrily calling him a liar, but All For One claims he really is just conserving power.

As All Might avoids the attack, All For One mocks All Might about his missing smile, calling him a bag of bones missing half his guts, forced to rely the suit giving him shoddy replications of the students' Quirks. The Rivet Stabs proceed to rip the suit apart one by one, reminding All Might that their fight is being recorded, meaning the whole world is about to watch the Symbol of Peace falling to his doom as the Symbol of Impotence.

Armored All Might uses Can't Stop Twinkling

All Might hammers down upon All For One with Can't Stop Twinkling.

While All Might looks back, All For One suddenly ambushes him by breaking through a building in front, saying their guiding light is about to be snuffed out, and lands a devastating hit on All Might right in the stomach. However, All Might knew that All For One was about to do this because he wanted to see his face in excruciating pain so he didn't aim for the head.

Since he need to lure All For One into his trap, All Might uses Tailman to guard himself so he can take the direct hit. However, the attack crushed his spine and his legs still paid the price. Despite the painful injury, All Might retaliates by using Tentacole to ensnare All For One, and shoves Shoto into his mouth, laughing to him that lights flicker on and off, so while his light might be snuffed out, someone will be there to pick up his torch and shine on.

All Might declares to let there be light in the darkness, so that he may twinkle as well. The Anima returns, connecting to a nearby power substation, as he yells at All For One he's not here to lose, and to know this name as he burns away. From above, the Can't Stop Twinkling is activated, sending a giant laser bombardment directly onto him.[161]

Armored All Might uses Earphone Jack

All Might blares off Earphone Jack to barrage All For One.

Just before the laser rains down, All Might uses the Thrusters to fly away and the armor's "Invisible Girl" optic resin shields him from the laser's immense heat. As All For One is being consumed by the laser, the "Can't Stop Twinkling" device begins to overheat, but All Might insists it keep shooting to keep him pinned down. He declares that he took inspiration from Star and Stripe's final battle, even if he wasn't able to turn the laser into solid matter like she did. All For One attempts to break free from the blast zone, but All Might retaliates with "Sound Wave Vibration: Earphone Jack", intending to keep him within the attack at all costs.

All For One fights back with a web of Rivet Stabs that slice apart more of the suit, so All Might unleashes the "Morphing Armor: Creati" and the "Binding Rounds: Grape Juice" in an attempt to lock him in place. All Might thinks about how he couldn't load himself up with more power than this, desperately hoping All For One finally fades away, while his euphoria is still overriding his pain.

Stain uses his Quirk to freeze All For One

Stain arrives to support All Might.

The Can't Stop Twinkling beam finally overheats and explodes. From out of the now exposed crater, a glowing, child-sized All For One emerges, reminding All Might tools cannot surpass their limits. All Might is stunned by his sudden appearance and charges toward him. All For One's back begins to expand, asking if he's forgetting to smile, but suddenly, his body freezes in place, unable to move. All Might looks up to see the Hero Killer: Stain hovering above the battlefield. He managed to swallow some of All For One's blood spilled on debris and use his Quirk, Bloodcurdle, to keep All For One in place. With All For One's movement being halted, Stain shouts for All Might to take him down.[162]

The two of them charge toward the paralyzed All For One, with All Might silently acknowledging Stain's reasoning for appearing to help now. However, right before they are about to hit him with their katana and fists respectively, All For One uses Forced Quirk Activation on himself and activates his Bloodlet Quirk, causing his blood to completely expel from his body.

Bloodlet and Antigen Swap

All Might and Stain are caught off guard by All For One's Bloodlet Quirk.

All For One angrily yells out to Stain, having anticipated that he would make a move, since he never joined him and fled on his own after he escaped Tartarus. Stain tries to swallow the spilled blood anyway, but All For One reveals his Antigen Swap Quirk, able to overwrite his own blood type, which is how he's been able to never leave a trace of himself behind.

A fist extends from All For One's back to grab Stain, and crushes his body. All Might rushes toward Stain, only for All For One to thrust the fist, tossing him through several buildings in the distance. All For One instantly appears before the barely conscious Stain, while All Might begins to panic calling out Stain's name, desperately chasing after them and calling out to All For One.

All Might is still alive

All Might doesn't know when to quit.

Right before All For One lands his final blow, Stain weakly stretches his arms out as a final sign for All Might to live on and triumph, as All For One attacks, killing him and taking his Quirk. All Might is shocked when All For One then turns his attention back to him, ready to fire a blast from his palm at point blank range. However, the last remains of Hercules suddenly appears to give him one final shield, with All Might surprised it wasn't already destroyed, repeating that he must live on.

All Might is blast backward by the shockwave, crashing him through many buildings. He managed to survive the attack, but it took a toll on him, completely destroying the Armored All Might suit along with Hercules. Nearly close to death, All Might starts to see a vision of his deceased master, Nana Shimura, encouraging him that he can still do this, though he is aware that it is just a hallucination trying to give him a pep talk. He then sees a vision of Sir Nighteye, telling him his support items, his legs, and all he's been given are rendered useless, so he can no longer fight. Despite being severely wounded, All Might angrily remains determined, prepared for All For One to do his worst, as he crawls himself back up to fight with everything he's got, while the floating U.A. slowly continues to fall in the background.[163]

All For One carrying All Might

All For One drags All Might over to U.A.

Now that he is within reach of Tomura, All For One states that ever since injecting himself with the Rewind Drug, getting to that location has been his goal, so he can give his Quirk copy to Tomura so that he can become a stronger version of himself. All Might attempts to get him to focus on him by telling him he's still alive and kicking, but All For One ignores him and activates his Warping Quirk on Tomura. However instead, Tomura rejects his Master, swallows the gloop and continues fighting. All For One realizes that Tomura's consciousness has overcome his own, and looking down at All Might, he smiles, saying that he'll have to do the legwork himself.

All For One carries the battered All Might by the leg, telling him to show everyone how pathetic he looks and to take responsibility for the false dreams he filled their heads with. In his mind, while seeing Izuku keeping his hold on Tomura in battle, All Might thinks about how Izuku can be a hero even without a Quirk, because he is someone who gives his all every time, and is someone who could never let their dream die, just like how he can't abandon his dream of being a Symbol of Peace.

All Might's final gambit

All Might intends to go out in a blaze of glory to take down All For One.

Just then, All Might ushers his last remaining strength to grab ahold of All For One tightly, shocking the villain. He realizes what he is about to do, as All Might confidently asks if he will turn into a kindergartener again after this death, as All Might prepares his last remaining gauntlet left from his armor, ready to blow the both of them up.[164]

All Might starts to have his life flash before his eyes, thinking about his past, including reading books as a child with his mother. He thought about how his path was one anyone could have taken, with his earliest memories being too tender to be considered a proper origin, and he just happened to glance back at his path for what he has done, seeing something that seemed so significant.

All For One using Bloodcurdle

All Might is now completely at his lowest before All For One.

But then suddenly, All For One snarks at All Might's attempt and refuses to let him die in a heroic death, so he activates his Spearlike Bones on his shoulder, destroying the destructive gauntlet. All Might is horrified at the unexpected development, and now that he's finally used up all his tricks, All For One swaps some of All Might's blood and uses the Bloodcurdle Quirk, paralyzing him. All For One grins excitedly as he sees the face he's been wanting all this time: All Might in absolute despair at his lowest.

Gentle and the American military try to assist, but All For One blasts U.A. to keep Gentle at bay and destroys the jet fighters. With All Might immobile and defenseless, All For One carries the body above him, and prepares to rip it apart in front of everyone. All Might can only look on in despair at the equally horrified Izuku, with seemingly no one able to do anything.[165] As this is happening, Sir Nighteye's prediction about his death once again rings through his mind, but also his last words about how between someone's clenched fists, and someone's deep exhalation, there's a sort of energy, from wishing and striving for a certain future.

Katsuki saves All Might

All Might is saved by Katsuki.

At this moment, an alive Katsuki suddenly emerges from above U.A., and blasts himself downward toward Izuku, who uses Gearshift on him, and in conjunction with his own Cluster technique, is sent barreling through the skies at insanely, blistering speeds. Backed up by the hopes and prayers of everyone wishing for All Might to survive pushing him forward, Katsuki successfully steals All Might back from All For One's hands, ripping them apart in the process. An astonished All Might reacts to Katsuki's unexpected arrival, as he exclaims that they're going to win.[166]

Within his mind, All Might asks his hallucination of Nighteye if this wasn't when he was supposed to die, but he claims it was where his dream died, and that fate was reshaped, so that while his dream did end there, his promise to live for Izuku's sake was kept in tact. All Might says that the old mentor is supposed to die after passing on the torch, but Nighteye quips he's read too many comic books, making All Might remark at what he's making his hallucination say. Nighteye smiles and says that he's a hero, but he's also human, so he can't possibly die so readily.

Dynamight Tool

All Might gives Katsuki his last piece of armor, "Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight".

Katsuki continues blasting himself forward while carrying All Might, landing on a nearby building. All Might asks if he's okay, and Katsuki bites back that it's his line before he suddenly coughs up a lot of blood. Edgeshot, now just the size of a thread, emerges from Katsuki's body, saying that it's his line to ask. All Might is surprised to see him as he explains he was forced to expel the blood within which should now grant him some relief. Edgeshot proceeds to explain how he used his body to mend Katsuki's organs and broken bones, as well as revealing that it was a stray bead of sweat he produced moments before his death that was ultimately what resuscitated him back to life.

Katsuki then turns to All Might and asks who the glowing kid is, assuming he was going to fight All For One, which All Might confirmed is indeed him. Due to still being paralyzed and his legs crushed, he asks for Katsuki's arm, and hands him over the remaining bits of his gauntlet to act as a brace, the "Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight". All Might wishes he could give him more, as he collapses, and Katsuki responds with a smile before leaving to face All For One.[167]

All Might watches in amazement at Katsuki's new incredible speed and his destructive power against All For One. Edgeshot mentions to him that when he was on the verge of death, he managed to even outpaced Tomura, noting he seems to be on the verge of grasping something essential about his Quirk.[168]

As they watch the battle unfolding, they were completely horrified to see All For One attempting to end it all in one final, ultimate attack - "Omni-Factor Unleash: All For One Goal", activating every single Quirk and Quirk Factor in his body to simultaneously kill Katsuki, reach Tomura, and implant his own Quirk to re-establish control. They realize he intends to use everything to propel him forward and claim victory in a single burst, even though it will revert him back to a baby. All Might yells for Katsuki to dodge and get out of there, but the boy remains confident and stands firm.[169]

All For One releases his attack, blasting forwards at lightning-fast speeds, and leaving a path of destruction in its wake. All Might and Edgeshot were blown away by the attack, but managed to hold on as All For One comes for Katsuki. Despite the odds stacked against him, Katsuki keeps firm, and successfully counters All For One's attack with his Explosions. As a result of the onslaught, as well as losing control of his Quirk Factors due to his negative emotions, he's unable to retaliate as Katsuki unleashes his super-empowered Howitzer Impact, blasting his monstrous appearance with a barrage of Explosions, and destroying All For One's face with a ginormous Explosion at point blank range, sending him careening toward the ground. All Might looks on, understanding that after all the damage dealt by everyone and his own built-up aggravation, at long last, All For One has been defeated for good.[170]

Due to his severe injuries, All Might briefly falls unconscious, where he suddenly begins to experience a vision from his vestige self within One For All. He sees a vision of the Star and Stripe vestige's final moments against Tomura and All For One, and as she disappears, she sees that deep within the core surrounded by hands is Tenko Shimura, and in the present, her lingering embers point towards a crack in the crumbling visage, telling her "Master" there's a forlorn boy in there.

In the real world, Edgeshot wakes up All Might, telling him he may meet his end if he drifts off and to remain conscious, and without an earpiece they don't know the details, but they presume that Izuku is still fighting Tomura. All Might wonders what that dream was about, quickly realizing the sensation was just like what happened previously when he experienced what his vestige self witnessed, not knowing how that's possible with One For All so far away. He realizes that the power they spun together, bit by bit, is coming unraveled.[171]

Soon after, Ethan Drive and the American soldiers find All Might and Edgeshot after he activated the ejector seats to get the Americans out to safety, believing that was his doing. All Might says the kids are hoping for an absolute victory, so he'd rather keep their losses to a minimum, which Ethan says is rich coming from him. All Might then thought about how on that day, when Izuku rushed out and allowed his body to take action, ever since that day, he has been his greatest hero, putting his bulked fist up one last time.[172]

One week after the end of the Final War, the restoration efforts that were stalled after the Jaku Hospital Raid have picked back up at a breakneck pace, as Heroes from around the world arrived to provide support and resources in rescue and rebuilding Japan. All Might was hospitalized in another room with a recovering Izuku, which All Might believes it is Naomasa's doing, since it's easier to guard. Izuku asks how All Might is feeling, which he says they never had to use so many bolts to put someone back together. Izuku replies that he's starting to feel his arms again. He tells All Might that in the end, he couldn't save Tenko's life, that even after reaching into his heart and shattering his hatred, he remained a villain to the the very end. All Might then asks Izuku what was the look on his face in the end, and Izuku recalls after he told Tomura that it’s already been destroyed, he responds that it depends on what they do tomorrow, and to make sure he "do your damn best" with a genuine smile in his face. All Might says that if what he saw wasn't a crying boy, then he thinks his soul was saved, and he did his duty with One For All.

All Might asks Izuku if he passed One For All to Tomura, since he felt it was happening, and Izuku responds that he can still feel some of the embers within him, just before Katsuki barges into the room, despite his parents yelling at him for moving. Katsuki begins to cry, much to Izuku's flabbergasting shock. Izuku tries to calm him down, since he still has the embers, and wonders if his body being banged up is making him emotionally vulnerable.

All Might then tells the both of them that they have grown so strong, and are so different since the day he met them. That on the day when he first ran off, Izuku was already a great hero, but now the way he encourages the world to get back up on their feet, he is a great hero to all of them too. He then tells Katsuki that it's thanks to him that he got the opportunity to tell them both all of that, and deeply thanks his pair of great heroes.[173]

Weeks later after recovering, Izuku requests to see Spinner at the Central Hospital. After seeing Spinner, Izuku meets back up with Naomasa and All Might, with Naomasa informing him about his request regarding Kai Chisaki. His former Shie Hassaikai boss makes a personal visit instead of Izuku after recovering from his coma. Izuku thanks Naomasa for doing this for him, which he remarks is much better option than making Eri see him again. Izuku asks what they can do to make it all stop for good, which Naoamsa says it's not going to stop, jokingly suggesting that Hawks could drum up an army's worth of Heroes. All Might tells him to look sharp, since the new first years are joining, so they can't be doom and gloom around them.[174]

All Might, still recovering and bound to a wheelchair, comes to Hawks, the new PHSC, discussing about broadening the scope of the Hero Billboard Chart JP, wanting to use it to honor more than just the Pro Heroes that played a part in the Final War, giving props to "heroes" in the original sense, beyond those employed, mostly to reformed criminals and civilians who took part of the final battle. All Might asks Keigo that they should lean away from the popularity aspect all together, which Hawks says makes sense, seeing the cons of the system and not the pros had affected the country the last time, with him thinking about an update that doesn't completely toss out everything, because since even the "greatest" can only handle so much, and they wanna save more people, the saviors have to be more than just the Pros, in the hopes of cultivating even more Heroes.[175]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 397.
  2. 2.0 2.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 92 and Episode 49.
  3. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 304.
  4. 4.0 4.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 46 and Episode 26.
  5. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 46 and Episode 27.
  6. My Hero Academia Manga: Volume Origin, All Might Rising
  7. 7.0 7.1 My Hero Academia: Two Heroes.
  8. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 333.
  9. My Hero Academia: Team-Up Missions Manga: Chapter 3.3.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 130 and Episode 67.
  11. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 92.
  12. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 93.
  13. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 94.
  14. 14.0 14.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 1 and Episode 2.
  15. 15.0 15.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 59 and Episode 33.
  16. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 5.
  17. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 6+α.
  18. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 6+β.
  19. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 37.
  20. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 47.
  21. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 49.
  22. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 54.
  23. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 54.
  24. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 55.
  25. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 84.
  26. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 99.
  27. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 100.
  28. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 101.
  29. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 102.
  30. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 103.
  31. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 105.
  32. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 122.
  33. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 123.
  34. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes Manga: Chapter 123.
  35. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 121 and Episode 62.
  36. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 1 and Episode 1.
  37. 37.0 37.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 2 and Episode 3.
  38. 38.0 38.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 131 and Episode 67.
  39. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 4 and Episode 4.
  40. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 6 and Episode 5.
  41. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 7 and Episode 6.
  42. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 8 and Episode 6.
  43. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 9 and Episode 7.
  44. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 10 and Episode 7.
  45. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 11 and Episode 8.
  46. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 13 and Episode 9.
  47. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 17 and Episode 11.
  48. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 18 and Episode 12.
  49. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 19 and Episode 12.
  50. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 20 and Episode 13.
  51. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 21 and Episode 13.
  52. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 22 and Episode 14.
  53. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 23 and Episode 15.
  54. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 26 and Episode 16.
  55. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 30 and Episode 18.
  56. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 31 and Episode 19.
  57. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 32 and Episode 19.
  58. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 33 and Episode 20.
  59. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 34 and Episode 20.
  60. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 39 and Episode 20.
  61. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 42 and Episode 24.
  62. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 41 and Episode 24.
  63. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 44 and Episode 25.
  64. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 45 and Episode 26.
  65. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 47 and Episode 28.
  66. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 57 and Episode 31.
  67. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 58 and Episode 33.
  68. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 60 and Episode 34.
  69. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 61 and Episode 37.
  70. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 63 and Episode 37.
  71. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 64 and Episode 37.
  72. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 65 and Episode 37.
  73. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 66 and Episode 37.
  74. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 68 and Episode 38.
  75. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 70 and Episode 38.
  76. My Hero Academia Anime: Episode 58.
  77. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 83 and Episode 45.
  78. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 86 and Episode 47.
  79. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 87 and Episode 47.
  80. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 88 and Episode 47.
  81. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 89 and Episode 48.
  82. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 90 and Episode 48.
  83. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 91 and Episode 48.
  84. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 93 and Episode 49.
  85. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 94 and Episode 49.
  86. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 95 and Episode 50.
  87. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 96 and Episode 50.
  88. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 97 and Episode 50.
  89. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 100 and Episode 52.
  90. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 101 and Episode 52.
  91. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 102 and Episode 53.
  92. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 116 and Episode 60.
  93. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 120 and Episode 61.
  94. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 121 and Episode 61.
  95. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 126 and Episode 65.
  96. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 127 and Episode 66.
  97. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 128 and Episode 66.
  98. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 129 and Episode 67.
  99. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 161 and Episode 77.
  100. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 163 and Episode 78.
  101. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 164 and Episode 79.
  102. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 165 and Episode 79.
  103. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 166 and Episode 80.
  104. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 167 and Episode 80.
  105. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 172 and Episode 82.
  106. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 174 and Episode 83.
  107. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 175 and Episode 84.
  108. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 181 and Episode 86.
  109. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 183 and Episode 86.
  110. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 188 and Episode 88.
  111. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 190 and Episode 88.
  112. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 193 and Episode 88.
  113. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 194 and Episode 91.
  114. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 195 and Episode 91.
  115. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 198 and Episode 93.
  116. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 202 and Episode 95.
  117. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 209 and Episode 97.
  118. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 210 and Episode 98.
  119. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 213 and Episode 98.
  120. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 214 and Episode 99.
  121. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 216 and Episode 99.
  122. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 217 and Episode 100.
  123. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 218 and Episode 100.
  124. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 219 and Episode 100.
  125. My Hero Academia: Heroes: Rising.
  126. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 241 and Episode 101.
  127. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 242 and Episode 101.
  128. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 243 and Episode 102.
  129. My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission.
  130. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 253 and Episode 107.
  131. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 256 and Episode 113.
  132. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 257 and Episode 113.
  133. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 274 and Episode 122.
  134. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 276 and Episode 120.
  135. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 298 and Episode 128.
  136. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 304 and Episode 131.
  137. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 305 and Episode 131.
  138. 138.0 138.1 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 306 and Episode 131.
  139. 139.0 139.1 139.2 My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 309 and Episode 132.
  140. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 310 and Episode 133.
  141. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 311 and Episode 133.
  142. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 313 and Episode 134.
  143. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 315 and Episode 134.
  144. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 316 and Episode 134.
  145. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 317 and Episode 135.
  146. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 326 and Episode 138.
  147. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 327 and Episode 138.
  148. My Hero Academia Manga and Anime: Chapter 328 and Episode 138.
  149. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 334.
  150. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 335.
  151. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 338.
  152. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 340.
  153. 153.0 153.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 344.
  154. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 372.
  155. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 345.
  156. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 353.
  157. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 378.
  158. 158.0 158.1 My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 396.
  159. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 386.
  160. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 398.
  161. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 399.
  162. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 400.
  163. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 401.
  164. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 402.
  165. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 403.
  166. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 404.
  167. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 405.
  168. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 406.
  169. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 408.
  170. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 409.
  171. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 413.
  172. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 422.
  173. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 424.
  174. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 427.
  175. My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 429.

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