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Clair Voyance (クレア・ボヤンス Kurea Boyansu?) is a Pro Hero from Otheon.


Clair Voyance is a curvy woman with bright blue eyes, a visor with two large blue-tinted lenses, and straight blonde hair with a brown patch stemming from her roots.

She wears a form-fitting royal blue suit with a wide opening in the chest area, with the space being taken up by a high-collared white dress shirt. The suit has a dark magenta zipper going down the middle, and both of its short sleeves have the "WHA" (World Heroes Association) logo. She also wears thigh-high black boots with the same dark magenta line snaking down the legs, and strapped to her right thigh is a brown holster containing her pulse gun.


Clair Voyance holds a calm, resolved, and relatively serious composure. She is a dutiful hero who assists others when needed, such as the raid on Humarise Headquarters.


My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission[]

Otheon Team descends on Humarise headquarters

Clair and the Heroes descend to storm on Humarise's headquarters.

A few days ago, an anti-Quirk terrorist organization known as Humarise had committed a terrorist bombing that caused the deaths of thousands of people by setting off a Trigger Bomb in a city. In response to this terrorist attack, the World Heroes Association had organized an international operation to raid all the branches that Humarise has in the world in an effort to defeat the terrorist organization.

Clair Voyance joins the Otheon Task Force led by the Japanese top hero, Endeavor, to storm Humarise's headquarters in the capital to stop their leader, Flect Turn, and seize the Trigger Bombs. Endeavor divides the force into two teams, he will lead the one in charge of looking for the Trigger Bomb while the other team will hunt down Flect Turn. Clair is a part of the first team to locate the Trigger Bombs.


Clair uses her Quirk to scan through X-Ray vision of locating the Trigger Bombs.

When everything is ready, they start the storming of the base. Endeavor clears the way of any Humarise agents who oppose them before storming inside of the building. He asks Clair to start scanning the building for any Trigger Bombs. She uses her Quirk Voyance to see through X-Ray vision in the entire building while the rest of the Heroes apprehend its members. She scans for intel on the bomb's location, yet despite an exhaustive search, she informs Endeavor that she cannot find any trace of Flect Turn or the bombs. The results were the same in the rest of the raids across the world so the WHA Director orders all the task forces to remain on alert in the countries that were assigned to them. Otheon's team leaves to a hotel in the capital that they use as a temporary base.

Meanwhile, the Endeavor Agency trainees, Izuku, Shoto, and Katsuki, went off and stopped a jewelry thievery with Shoto and Katsuki returning to the hotel to explain what happened to Endeavor, who berates them both for acting on their own to stop a petty heist as the local heroes should deal with minor crimes. He then asks about Izuku, which Shoto replies that he went after a third person suspected of helping the jewelry villains, but they haven't been able to contact him.

Right on cue, Izuku phones them to tell them that he and the thief had been attacked by a villain and the Otheon police for unknown reasons. As Endeavor, Shoto, and Katsuki listen to Izuku's story, an exasperated Clair interrupts them to show them the current television news that's being reported: Izuku has been accused of a mass murder of twelve people, resulting in putting him on the Otheon most wanted list. All of the Otheon team is shocked by these accusations, and Shoto tells Izuku to stay hidden while they try to figure out what's going on.

With Izuku being a fugitive from the authorities, the Heroes cannot officially support them, so they try to do whatever they can to clear his name. While Shoto manages to deduce more or less what is happening thanks to a series of clues, Clair comes in to show him the pictures of the car that exploded on the bridge, telling him that the car was attacked by a Quirk user, and furthermore, the driver is revealed to be a defecting scientist from Humarise named Alan Kay who managed to survive the crash, but he was comatose. Shoto then starts receiving an encrypted message from Izuku indicating where he is going. Clair lets him leave as he takes Katsuki with him to go to the location, asking Clair to report to his father of everything he has discovered.

Clair Voyance finds Otheon's Trigger Bomb

Clair has found the Trigger Bomb in a semi-truck.

Days later, Humarise hijacks all telecommunication and announces globally that they have placed the Trigger Bombs in twenty-five cities around the world, and that they will explode in less than two hours. To further attract the greatest number of heroes to the prepared trap, they indicate in which cities are found, Otheon being one of them. Endeavor's entire team immediately scrambles in defense to search for the bombs and help the terrified civilians. Clair takes her sidekick with her to fly high in the skies while using her Quirk to search for the Trigger Bombs in the midst of the chaos.

After a struggle of searching, Clair calls Endeavor, informing that she has already found the bomb hidden in a semi stopped in front of the Otheon Tower. Endeavor and Burnin immediately fly there, telling the rest of the heroes to gather at the building if they can however Clair screams as she is attacked by members of Humarise, stationed there to protect the weapon from the Heroes.

Burnin and Clair Voyance

Burnin and Clair are covering Endeavor to fend off against the Humarise.

A pitched battle soon breaks out between the Heroes and Humarise. After much effort, Endeavor manages to reach the Trigger Bomb, but since there is little time left for it to explode and release its lethal contents, he grabs the weapon and uses his Hellflame Quirk to propel himself skyward, trying to get as high as possible. While doing so, Burnin and Clair provide covering fire to fend off against the Humarise sleeper agents.

Fortunately, Izuku and the interns were successful in defusing all of the Trigger Bombs, defeating Flect Turn and the higher-ranking members of Humarise in the process. With the terrorist plot foiled, all the surviving Humarise members are arrested and the Trigger Bombs are safely removed.[2]


Keen Intellect: As a Pro Hero, Clair has shown to be very clever and insightful. She was able to correctly guess that the text Izuku had sent Shoto was encoded.


Voyance (透視 (ボヤンス) Boyansu?): Clair's Quirk gives her x-ray vision, allowing her to see through anything in her line of sight, except for living things. If she limits her field of vision, such as by peering through a hole formed by her fingers, her power stays active longer.


Pulse Gun: Clair keeps a gun holstered on her left side. The gun seems to fire some sort of pulse.

Battles & Events[]

Battles & Events


  • Clair's full name is a play on "clairvoyance," the ability to see things without being present.
  • Clair shares her birthday with Melissa Shield and Ichimoku Samazu.


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