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My Hero Academia Wiki

Pankration (ćƒ‘ćƒ³ć‚Æ惩惁ć‚Ŗćƒ³ Pankurachion?)[citation needed] is a Greek Pro Hero in My Hero Academia: Two Heroes.


Pankration is an adult man with long, blond hair that grows downward along with a tall, well-built figure and muscular arms.

Pankration's hero costume consists of a red sleeveless breastplate with a white chiton-like garment looped around his shoulders and neck, which is belted at the waist, and falls below like a skirt that stretches to his knees, and his arms sport big metallic vambraces with a frilled hem. He also wears what appears to be a thin silver circlet around his forehead. He also wears a pair of greaves and sandals. Overall, Pankration's hero costume evokes an ā€œAncient Greekā€ aesthetic, fitting with his Olympic theme and character inspiration.



Not much is known about his personality, though he seems to be friendly, as he greeted a mother and her child as he was walking.


My Hero Academia: Two Heroes[]

Pankration is seen walking around the I-Expo preview and greets a woman and her child as he passes by.[1]



Power (惑ćƒÆćƒ¼ Pawā?): Pankration's Quirk allows his body to absorb and unleash large amounts of raw power, granting him immense strength.[citation needed]

Battles & Events[]

Battles & Events


  • Pankration was a sporting event introduced into the Greek Olympic Games in 648 BC and was an empty-hand submission sport with scarcely any rules.
    • His appearance and powers are based on the hero Olympian.
  • Pankration shares his birthday with Makoto Tsukauchi.
  • Pankration shares his Quirk with the High-End Nomu, Hood.
  • The Greek word pankration literally means "All-Might."


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