


"Kai's Daring Droid Rescue" is the third short of the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. It was released on the Disney Junior YouTube channel on March 27, 2023.[1]

Official description[]

In this video from Young Jedi Adventures Nash calls Kai when her droid RJ-83 is in trouble.[1]

Plot summary[]

The episode opens with Nash Durango and RJ-83 completing repairs on a wooden sailing ship. She asks RJ-83 to look for a hydrospanner. While rummaging through a box, the droid is distracted by a blue bifflefly and falls overboard. RJ-83 is swept away by the river currents, much to Durango's distress.

Meanwhile, Kai Brightstar trains at the Jedi Temple on Tenoo under the guidance of Jedi Master Yoda. Brightstar struggles to lift a large rock and complains that it is too big for him. Yoda tells him to trust the Force and himself. Brightstar decides to trust the Force and himself and manages to lift the rock from the ground. However, his holoprojector rings and he loses concentration. Brightstar receives a distress message from Durango about RJ's situation. Yoda tells Brightstar to go because a Jedi always helps those in need and that they can finish the lesson later.

Brightstar rides to the dock in his speeder bike. Durango tells Brightstar that her droid is headed down the river rapids. RJ clings onto a box. Brightstar and Durango ride on the speeder bike over the river. They try to reach for the droid but he is swept farther downstream by the rapids. Unable to continue on the speeder bike, they run along the banks of the river, which leads to a waterfall.

Brightstar tells Durango that he is going to move a big log with the Force and that she should run to the other side to catch RJ. Durango questions whether Brightstar's plan will work but he insists on trusting in himself and the Force. Putting his plan into action, Brightstar uses his Force Powers to form a barrier at the edge of the waterfall. This allows Durango to run onto the log and pull RJ to safety before the box is swept over the waterfall. Durango thanks a grateful Brightstar.

Back at the Temple, Brightstar manages to lift the rock higher for a longer time. Brightstar thanks Master Yoda for his lesson. Yoda encourages him to trust in himself and the Force, and he will be able to do great things. He adds that this is the way of the Jedi.



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Notes and references[]
