


"Clash" is the second part of the sixteenth episode of the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. It was released on Disney+ on November 8, 2023.[1]

Official description[]

Kai and rival Jedi Djovi team up for a mission.

Plot summary[]

The new competitor[]

At the Tenoo Jedi Temple Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay and Nubs practise their lightsaber strokes with three other Jedi Initiates including a Mirialan and two dark skin human girls under the supervision of Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna. Impressed, Master Zanna announces that they will be sparring today. Brightstar is excited about practising sparring with Solay and Nubs. However, Master Zanna informs Brightstar that today he will be sparring with Djovi Resmia, who she says will give him a different kind of challenge.

Brightstar complies. Resmia says that Brightstar will be an excellent opponent. Zanna reminds them that this is not a competition but that the purpose of sparring is to practise and help each other get better. She orders the younglings to get into position and begin. Resmia draws their yellow lightsaber while Brightstar draws his second lightsaber. After Kai initiates the first round of swinging, Resmia launches an aggressive offensive. Brightstar notices that they are using a form that the initiates have not yet been taught.

Resmia remarks that Master Zanna wanted this to be a challenge and that they like a good challenge. Brightstar agrees and dares Resmia to show him what else they have. Resmia and Brightstar spar aggressively, which draws the attention of the other younglings and Master Zanna. Resmia gains the upper hand over Brightstar and knocks his lightsaber out of his hand. A concerned Master Zanna tells them to stop and dismisses the class.

A special assignment[]

At the Jedi Temple cafeteria, Brightstar is upset that he lost and accidentally swings a ball of paste onto Nubs' plate. He apologizes and Nubs accepts it, chewing the ball of paste. Solay reassures Brightstar that he did not lose because Master Zanna said it wasn't a competition. She reassures him that he was great with his lightsaber and that his forms were amazing. Brightstar is upset because he thought he was the best pupil and got beaten.

Master Zanna calls Brightstar aside for a private chat. Nubs finishes off Brightstar's plate with Solay's approval. In private, Zanna speaks with both Brightstar and Resmia. She observes that the two of them showed some excellent lightsaber skills today and decides to give them a special assignment. Displaying a holoprojector, Zanna tells them that the giant Tenoo tree has several glowing beacon stones that light the rope bridge path. She tasks the two younglings with retrieving a damaged beacon stone for repairs. The two initiates accept the challenge.

While walking on the rope bridge path, the two discuss their mission objectives. After Resmia checks the first beacon stone, Brightstar opines that the mission seems too simple. Resmia thinks that Master Zanna has her reasons. Brightstar vows not to let her down and to show that he is the best Jedi for the job. Resmia remarks that Brightstar is still thinking about their sparring match. When Brightstar asks how they learnt how to knock the lightsaber out of his hand, Resmia is unwilling to give away the secret of their advantage.

Brightstar says that he won't let Resmia beat him again and vows to find the beacon stone fire. Resmia disagrees and challenges Brightstar to a race. Brightstar accepts but Resmia starts first. The two Younglings use their Force powers to leap over the rope bride and branches of the giant Tenoo tree. They also lasso over exposed parts of the bridge system.

Race for the beacon stone[]

While resting on a large branch, the two Younglings discuss their favourite masters. Resmia's favourite master is Avar Kriss while Brightstar's favourite master is Yoda. Brightstar says Yoda is 650 years old and believes he is the Jedi who is most skilled with the Force. Resmia counters that Master Kriss uses the Force to spin her lightsaber in midair. When Brightstar complements Resmia's knowledge of Jedi Masters, Resmia says that they have studied them all and wants to be the best Jedi Master they can be. Brightstar agrees because the Jedi help the needy.

Brightstar tells Resmia that Yoda gave him his training lightsaber. While Brightstar speaks about his ambition of becoming a great Jedi one day, Resmia notices the damaged beacon stone above and retrieve. When Brightstar realizes that Resmia has tricked him, Resmia dares him to race him back to the Jedi Temple. As Resmia runs along the rope bridge, Brightstar uses the Force to leap over branches and catches up with Resmia. During the pursuit, Resmia accidentally drops the beacon stone over the rope bridge into the forest floor below.

Resolving differences[]

The two younglings blame each other for the loss of the beacon stone. Resmia is upset that they won't be able to impress Master Zanna. Brightstar thinks that Resmia has already impressed Zanna with their lightsaber combat skills. When he asks why they need to impress her, Resmia reveals that they are jealous at Brightstar for being seemingly able to excel at everything. Resmia thinks that the only way they can get better is to train with Brightstar. Resmia remarks that Master Zanna always sees how great Brightstar is. Resmia admits that they aspires to be the best.

Brightstar responds that when Resmia beat him, he felt for a while that he would never be a great Jedi just because he was not the best at one thing. Brightstar opines that being a great Jedi is not always about winning but that maintaining control is also important. The two Younglings apologize. Resmia admits that they tend to bring out the competitive side of people even outside of competitions. Extending an olive branch, Brightstar reminds Resmia of their mission to recover the beacon stone together. Resmia agrees, saying that would be what a great Jedi would say.


Reaching the forest floor, the two Younglings decide to use their lightsabers to search for the beacon stone. They find the beacon stone but Brightstar falls into a pit. Resmia jumps after him and uses their lightsaber to slow their descent, while reaching out to Brightstar. Brightstar thanks Resmia for saving his life. They then spot the beacon stone, which is about to slip down. Resmia's lightsaber is slipping and they struggle to hold on. They asks Brightstar for ideas.

Brightstar uses his lightsaber to secure himself on the wall of the pit before levitating the beacon stone. After passing it to Resmia, the two Younglings use their lightsabers as anchors while they climb up. Resmia passes Brightstar the beacon stone. As they climb up with their lightsabers, they take turns passing the beacon stone to each other until they reach the top. Reaching the top, they laugh with joy and relief. The two Younglings decide to bring the beacon stone home together.

Back at the Temple, Brightstar credits Resmia with saving his life. Resmia in turn credits Brightstar with recovering the beacon stone. Master Zanna is proud that the two younglings were able to work together on the mission. Just like the beacon stone, she says that each of them has a light within. Zanna draws her lightsaber and scrapes the beacon stone several times, causing it to shine again. As Jedi, they have to help each other find that light so that they can share it with others. Zanna says that they have both learnt that. She takes them with returning the beacon stone to its place. The two younglings happily accept the mission.


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Notes and references[]
