


"An Adventure with Yoda" is the first part of the fifteenth episode of the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. It was released on Disney+ on November 8, 2023.[1]

Official description[]

Yoda teams up with the young Jedi to stop pirates.

Plot summary[]

The obstacle course[]

The episode opens with Jedi Master Yoda leading Jedi Initiates Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay and Nubs on speeder bikes over a river on Tenoo. The younglings are spending the whole day training with Master Yoda. Yoda leads the group on an obstacle course which involves riding their bikes up a giant Tenoo tree. Solay struggles to manoeuvre her bike over the branches of the tree while Brightstar rides his bike through a tunnel in the trunk of the giant tree.

Following their obstacle course, the three younglings park their bikes at the base of the tree. Solay remarks that it did not go well and Nubs voices agreement in Poobian. Yoda advises them to stay calm in challenging situations and to focus on what is in front of them and do it. When Brightstar asks how they will be able to do all of these things, Yoda replies that they are more capable than they realize.

Helping Zepher[]

Shortly later, Nash Durango and RJ-83 arrive in the Crimson Firehawk. Durango tells them that her friend Zepher is in trouble and needs their help. When Solay asks what happened, she explains that pirates broke into his store and stole the Jedi Vectors he was working on. Durango says the pirates are now looting his store and that Zepher is hiding. The younglings react with dismay while Yoda says that they should help Zepher. When the younglings asks if Yoda will come with them, he tells them to hurry and to return for the speeders. The younglings are excited that they are going on a rescue mission with Yoda.

They travel aboard the Firehawk to Dedoon. The group land near Zepher's shop and the pirate starship. The Jedi decide to bust into the ship and rescue Zepher. Yoda tasks Durango with staying behind in case they need a quick escape. After they leave, Durango expresses frustration at Yoda's order to stay behind and decides to join the Jedi. She task RJ-83 with guarding the Firehawk.

Confronting the Nihil pirates[]

Meanwhile, Zepher hides in fear while two Nihil pirates loot his shop. The Talpini pirate Jaay says that their boss told them to take the Vectors and anything else they can carry. He hopes to make a lot of money. The Besalisk Fleever says they should take a lot and the two laugh. Yoda and the younglings encircle the two pirates. Brightstar tells them to drop their stolen goods and leave the shop. A defiant Jaay deploys several spider-like droids with four legs.

While the droids encircle the Jedi who fight back with their lightsabers, the Nihil take the opportunity to escape. Durango arrives in time to see her friends in trouble. Zepher is relieved to see her and the Jedi. Yoda disables one droid by slicing through its head. He then slices a second in half. Zepher is impressed with Yoda's swordsmanship. While the Jedi deal with the droids, Durango comes up with a plan to escape with Zepher aboard a Jedi Vector.

However, she changes her mind after seeing a spider droid sneaking up on her Jedi friends. The two Nihil take the opportunity to board the two park Vectors but struggle to start them up. Durango calls out to her friends, temporarily distracting them. The spider droid charges and fires blaster bolts at the Jedi. However, Yoda uses the Force to suspend the blaster bolts in mid-air and hurls them back at the spider droid, destroying it. Yoda then destroys the remaining spider droids with his lightsaber. Durango remarks that she now understands why her friends were so excited that Yoda was here.

Nash's folly[]

When Solay asks why she didn't stay aboard the Firehawk as instructed, Durango says that she could not leave her friends to face danger alone. Yoda reminds her about her role as a getaway pilot when they hear the Nihil firing up the stolen Vectors. The pirates circle the hangar before jetting off in their stolen ships. They land the Vectors inside their ship before departing. Zepher hides aboard the passenger seat of one of the Vectors.

On the ground, Durango tells the Jedi that she put Zepher aboard a Vector to keep him safe. Durango regrets not listening to Yoda's orders and blames herself for making things worse. Yoda reassures Durango and the younglings that they still have a chance to rescue Zepher. Yoda tells Durango that they need her while Brightstar adds that she is the best pilot to catch the pirates. Durango agrees and leads the way to the Firehawk.

Saving the day[]

While flying over the canyons, Durango spots the pirate ship in the horizon. She tasks RJ-83 with firing up the engines. The Firehawk pursues the Nihil into space. Fleever warns Jaay that the Jedi are catching up on them. Jaay flies their ship into an asteroid field. Brightstar tries to encourage Durango due to their previous adventures with asteroids. However, Durango is still upset with herself for making the situation worse. Brightstar reminds her of Master Yoda's advice to stay calm and breathe when things are tough. Solay adds to focus on the challenge in front of them and to do it. Yoda reassures Durango that she is more capable than she realizes.

Durango takes a moment to breathe deeply before assigning Brightstar to operate the scanner. She tasks Solay and Nubs with manning the ship's blasters. She tells them to blast any asteroids that Brightstar picks up. Durango gets Yoda to buckle up his seatbelt. Durango accelerates the Firehawk's thrusters, catching up with the pirates. The pirates also fire up their engines. The two ships dodge several asteroids.

At Brightstar's orders, Solay and Nubs blast asteroids approaching them. In an attempt to lose the Jedi, Jaay flies the pirate ship into an asteroid. Durango chases the pirate ship through the asteroid tunnel and catches up with them. Yoda praises Durango for her flying. Durango also acknowledges RJ-83, who nods his head in return. Jaay grumbles that Durango is a better pilot.

As they trail the pirate ship, Yoda advises Durango to hold the ship steady and that he will take care of everything else. Yoda uses the Force to force open the pirate ship's rear hatch. He then uses the Force to levitate the two Vector starfighters out of the pirate ship's hangar bay. Brightstar is ecstatic while Zepher is relieved. Jaay is enraged at the situation. Fleever warns him of an approaching asteroid and the pirate ship narrowly escapes a collision with the asteroid. Realizing they have lost, Jaay and Fleever escape the asteroid field in their starship.

Cleaning up[]

The younglings and Master Yoda praise Durango for her piloting skills. Seeing Zepher in one of the Vectors, Durango says that they should take Zepher back to his shop. Back on the ground, Zepher thanks the Jedi and Durango. Yoda says he is proud of the Jedi younglings and commends Durango's talents as a pilot. He says that Brightstar, Solay, Nubs and him are fortunate to have her as a friend. Yoda invites the Jedi and Durango to help him clean Zepher's shop.


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Notes and references[]
