


"Mystery of the Opal Cave" is the first part of the sixteenth episode of the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. It was released on Disney+ on November 8, 2023.[1]

Official description[]

The young Jedi investigate a haunted cave.

Plot summary[]

The mines of Ootoo Prime[]

Ayva Ackler gives the Jedi younglings Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs a tour of the Ootoo Prime gem mines. Brightstar thanks Ackler for the tour while Solay marvels at the range of gems. Nubs takes an interest in a purple kuggerag gem, which Ackler explains that they use in a lot of machines.

When Brightstar asks about a nearby sealed cave, Ackler briefs them about Ootooan Opals, which she considers the best gems in the mine. When Solay asks why the cave is sealed, Ackler tells them about an old Ootoo legend about a huge Shadow monster inhabiting the cave. Nubs is scared but Brightstar reassures him it is a legend. Ackler claims that scary things have been happening recently. Brightstar believes that there is a more rational explanation and wants to investigate the recent haunting.

When Solay questions her, Ackler admits that the Ootoo stopped mining because of a legend about a scary monster. Solay reiterates the Jedi mission to help people and offers to investigate the hauntings. Brightstar agrees but asks Ackler to accompany them since they are unfamiliar with the caves. Ackler reluctantly agrees. Sensing that Ackler and Nubs are afraid, Solay expresses empathy but says they shouldn't let fear hold them back. Solay and Brightstar encourage Nubs and Ackler, who reluctantly agree to come but make a promise to stick together.

Investigating Opal Cave[]

After going through the entrance, Ackler leads them to a pulley cart system, which leads them down to the opal gems excavation site. Before they can proceed, they hear a wailing sound, which fighters Ackler and Nubs. Brightstar thinks it is the wind howling. Nubs also howls, which echoes through the caves. He is startled when he hears a second howl. Panicking Nubs accidentally pulls the pulley, which causes his cart to carry him deeper into the mines. Solay races after him. Brightstar convinces Ackler to help him find Nubs.

Following a wild ride, they manage to use the brakes on their carts to halt their vehicles at the next station. The four are relieved to have made it down to the Opal Cave. Ackler marvels at the blue Ootoan Opals, which glimmer in shades of blue and purple. The four then hear the mysterious howling getting louder. As they approach the source of the noise, they see a mysterious fog. Ackler panics but Nubs decides to face his fear and draws his lightsaber.

Solay and Brightstar resolve to investigate whether the legend is real and draw their lightsabers. Nubs and Ackler follow. As they venture deeper into the caves, they see the shadow of a monstrous beast. Ackler panics and flees but Nubs steels himself and slices a stalagmite with his lightsaber. The three Jedi Initiates discover that the shadow beast is a puppet, boosted by a speaker system and a fogger. Nubs gestures agh the puppet. Brightstar realizes the legend isn't real. Solay asks who is responsible for the fake hauntings.

Taborr strikes again[]

Hearing voices, they venture deeper into the Opal Cave and discover Taborr Val Dorn, EB-3 and Pord loading crates of Ootoan Opals. Val Dorn reveals his plan to use the legend of the shadow monster to scare the miners away so that they can steal the Opals. EB-3 says that all of took was a fogger, speaker and some junk made to look like a shadow monster. EB-3 and Val Dorn then argue over who should take credit for the plan.

Brightstar wants to stop Taborr's gang but Solay advises caution since they don't know the caves that well. Brightstar says that they need Ackler and the Ootoo's help. Nubs volunteers to tell them the truth about the shadow monster. Solay and Brightstar volunteer to stay behind and keep and eye on Val Dorn. Nubs is afraid of traveling through the caves but Solay and Brightstar encourage him not to let his fear hold him back. Nubs travels back using one of the rail carts.

While Taborr's gang begin loading their stolen Opal gems, Brightstar and Solay decide to delay them until Nubs returns with reinforcements. They decide to block them. Brightstar tells Val Dorn to return the Opals and leave Ootoo Prime for good. Val Dorn is defiant and angrily castigates EB-3 for not calculating that the Jedi would be here. Val Dorn leads his gang in attacking Brightstar and Solay. While Val Dorn parries with Brightstar, Solay uses the Force to hurl EB-3 aside. Pord charges with her battle axe but Solay dodges her. Pord accidentally hits EB-3 and the two fall. Solay begins pushing one of the carts away. While fighting Brightstar, Val Dorn accidentally strikes a column with his electrostaff, triggering a cave-in. The five run for safety.

Seeking reinforcements[]

Back on the surface, Nubs tells the miners about the pirate presence. When a male Ootoo asks about the shadow monster, the Ootoos resolve not to go in there. When they hear the sound of the cave-in, Ackler realizes that Kai and Lys are in danger. Though she is afraid, Nubs convinces her not to let her fear hold her back.

Ackler tries to convince the other miners to accompany them to the Opal Cave by telling them that pirates were behind the hauntings and that Brightstar and Solay need their help. She tells them not to let fear hold them back. Her words lead to a discussion among the miners, much to Ackler and Nubs' dismay.

Turning the tables[]

Back in the cave, Brightstar tries to reason with Val Dorn about the unethical nature of his activities. Val Dorn responds that the Ootoos are silly for being afraid of their caves but that he won't let fear control him. The pirate leader is interrupted by several shadowy figures who make scary noises. Val Dorn thinks the Jedi are playing a trick but Brightstar confirms that the Jedi are not responsible. EB-3 says the same. As the shadowy figures converge, Pord panics and jumps into EB-3's arms. EB-3 believes that the legend is indeed real. Brightstar panics and flees with his fellow pirates.

Brightstar tells Solay to stop her trick but Solay reveals she is not responsible. The shadowy figures reveal themselves to be Ackler and her fellow Ootoo. Solay and Brightstar are relieved that Ackler returned and that she and her people are no longer scared. Nubs is also confident.

Lessons learnt[]

Later, the Ootoo resume mining the Opal Cave. Solay is delighted to see the Ootoo happily mining their face. Ackler explains that her people were afraid because they thought that the legend was real. She thanks the Jedi for teaching them not to let fear hold them back. In the process, they learned that there was nothing to fear. As a gift, Ackler gives them several Ootooan Opals, which shine brightly. The miners cheer.


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  • Shadow monster (First mentioned)



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Notes and references[]
