


"The Talon Takeover" is the second part of the fifteenth episode of the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. It was released on Disney+ on November 8, 2023.[1]

Official description[]

The Jedi must rescue Taborr from the Ganguls.

Plot summary[]

Rival pirates[]

The episode opens with Taborr Val Dorn and his gang burgling a farming community. When EB-3 and Pord trip while carrying stolen goods, Val Dorn rebukes them, promoting EB-3 to remark that Val Dorn never praises them when they do things right. When Taborr heads back inside to acquire more stuff, someone throws a smoke bomb at EB-3 and Pord. In spite of their attempts to get rid of it, it explodes, enveloping them in smoke. Several figures move around them, and the pair get caught in an energy net.

The figures reveal themselves to be Ganguls gang members Sellaccc Orryak, Jooro Jarrot and Toda-Joh. The Ganguls subsequently board Taborr's starship Iron Talon, which Orryak delightfully refers to as their new ship. Emerging from the building once more, Val Dorn rushes after the Ganguls as they depart aboard the Talon. He also frees his associates but ignores their offer to help. Val Dorn uses a grappling cable to climb aboard the rear hangar before the rear hatch closes.

Once inside, EB-3 and Pord contact him via holoprojector, warning him that he can't take on the Ganguls alone. Val Dorn insists on doing things his way and forces his way out of the hangar bay armed with his electrostaff. While making his way up the cockpit, Val Dorn overhears the pirates gloating over their theft, learning that they are planning to raid an abandoned outpost on Dedoon for rare droid parts. EB-3 contacts Val Dorn again, and Taborr tells him about the pirates' plan, but the noise of their conversation alerts the Ganguls of his presence.

Jarrot snatches Taborr's electrostaff with a magnetizer gun. Val Dorn manages to flee down the ladder, but Orryak quickly corners him in the cargo bay and attacks him with his own electrostaff. Val Dorn attempts to fight back with his magnetizer, but the female Trandoshan overpowers him and grabs him by the neck. Orryak and Toda-Joh throw Val Dorn into the brig and confiscate his holoprojector. EB-3 contacts Val Dorn again via holoprojector but Orryak tells him and Pord that they have captured their friend and warns them not to try anything or they will be next. EB-3 tells Pord they need to find help.

Seeking help[]

Meanwhile in Kublop Springs, Lys Solay and her friends Kai Brightstar and Nubs carry ship parts from Marlaa Jinara, which they plan to give to Nash Durango. EB-3 approaches the locals for help, telling them that their ship has been taken and their friend captured. A Mon Calamari vendor refuses to help them because they have stolen from him before. After consulting with Pord, EB-3 approaches the Jedi Initiates for help, telling them that a group of pirates stole the Iron Talon and took Val Dorn prisoner. Knowing that the Jedi believe in helping others, EB-3 tells them that they need a ship to rescue Taborr.

The Jedi younglings discuss the matter in private. Brightstar wonders if it is a trap but Solay convinces her friends to help if Val Dorn is in trouble. Brightstar tells EB-3 and Pord they will help but warns them to behave themselves. EB-3 thanks Brightstar and shakes his hand. Pord does the same with Solay. EB-3 tells Brightstar that the pirates are traveling to Dedoon. Brightstar replies he will contact his friend Nash Durango, who has a starship called the Crimson Firehawk.

In the brig, Val Dorn asks Orryak who she and her gang are. Orryak responds that they are the Ganguls and they have big plans for the Iron Talon. When Val Dorn presses further, Orryak explains that the Ganguls have outgrown Tenoo and aspire to be the greatest pirates in Tenoo's sector. Val Dorn boasts that he is the greatest pirate in the sector, a remark Orryak finds amusing before walking away.

To the rescue[]

Meanwhile aboard the Firehawk, Durango says that if the Ganguls are looking for rare droid parts, the abandoned outpost on Dedoon is their target. She explains that her mothers used to fly shipments there a lot. When Durango asks why they are helping EB-3 and Pord, Brightstar explains that they need help in rescuing Taborr from pirates. Durango jokes about a pirate getting captured by other pirates, which makes EB-3 and Pord uncomfortable.

When Brightstar asks for ideas about rescuing Val Dorn, Solay suggests distracting the pirates and luring them away from the Talon. EB-3 proposes that he and Pord could sneak aboard and find Val Dorn but admits it is a terrible idea. Nubs and Brightstar think it is a good idea. When EB-3 asks if they are serious about it, Brightstar says that they always work together as a team. EB-3 responds that they usually do what Val Dorn tells them. When they try to help, he says that they mess things up.

RJ-83 announces they are approaching Dedoon. Having learned her lesson, Durango says that she and RJ-83 will stay aboard the Firehawk as getaway pilots. After landing on Dedoon, Brightstar and the others survey the Iron Talon and the Ganguls from a plateau. Brightstar and Solay recognize the other pirates as the Ganguls. Solay proposes that the Jedi distract the pirates while EB-3 and Pord free Val Dorn and get their ship back.

EB-3's plan[]

While EB-3 and Pord hide among the crates and wreckage outside the outpost, Jarrot ponders why the outpost was abandoned. Toda-Joh says it is a mystery. Jarrot nevertheless hopes to get rich from the rare droid parts. The Jedi younglings confront the pirates, with Solay telling the Ganguls that the Talon does not belong to them. When the Ganguls express defiance, the Jedi use the Force to levitate the stolen droid parts as Brightstar reiterates that they do not belong to them. The two Ganguls then pursue the Jedi.

EB-3 is pleased that his distraction idea worked. He and Pord immediately find Val Dorn inside the brig. When Val Dorn asks how they got past the pirates, EB-3 explains the Jedi's distraction. Val Dorn is angry they brought the Jedi, believing that they will ruin everything. EB-3 tries to explain, but Val Dorn says they could have gone to anyone else. Their voices, however, draw the attention of Orryak, who had been lounging in the cockpit.

When Val Dorn says that they should have let him handle things, EB-3 counters that Kai and his friends actually listen and help each other when they come up with their plans. Val Dorn is still unwilling to listen to reason. Orryak confronts EB-3 and Pord with Val Dorn's stolen electrostaff. Val Dorn criticizes EB-3's plan. Orryak advances on EB-3 and Pord, who hide among the cargo. EB-3 decides to seek the help of the Jedi.


Meanwhile, Nubs and Solay lead the other two Ganguls on a chase. EB-3 contacts Brightstar for help, asking him for advice on what to do. Just then, Jarrot catches up with Brightstar and he is forced to flee. EB-3 tells him they still need help. Brightstar tells them that they have good ideas and that he believes in the two of them. This encourages EB-3 and Pord. Meanwhile, Orryak rummages through the cargo in the Talon's docking bay, but is unable to find the two rival pirates.

Val Dorn thinks that EB-3 and Pord are no match for Orryak. The two pirates distract Orryak with a MSE series droid. She sees two shapes moving under a green sheet but discovers they are a GNK-series power droid and a DUM-series pit droid. While Orryak is distracted, EB-3 tells Pord to raise the rear hatch. The cargo falls atop the Trandoshan, allowing EB-3 to trap her under a crate. Val Dorn is impressed with his associates, but Orryak breaks free of the crate.

Before she can hurt EB-3 and Pord with the electrostaff, Val Dorn warns her to stay away from his friends. Orryak is triumphant but the MSE-series droid trips her up, causing her to fall. This gives Pord the opportunity to free Val Dorn from the brig. Now outnumbering Orryak, EB-3 proposes surrounding her. While Val Dorn and EB-3 run circles around Orryak, Pord jumps on her back, causing her to drop the electrostaff. EB-3 passes the weapon to Taborr, who corners the pirate at the rear hatch. EB-3 releases the rear hatch, expelling her from the ship.

Back to business[]

Val Dorn tells her to stay off their ship. Orryak calls for reinforcements but Jarrot and Toda-Joh are exhausted from their fight with the Jedi. The Ganguls decide to retreat in the face of stronger opposition. She vows revenge against Val Dorn. EB-3 and Pord are jubilant. Brightstar speaks up for them, telling Val Dorn that he is lucky to have friends like them. Val Dorn sighs and thanks both his associates and the Jedi younglings.

Still unbowed and proud, Val Dorn warns the Jedi not to think that they owe them anything. He tells EB-3 and Pord to come along for some important business. As the pirates leave on their reclaimed starship, Solay says she is glad that Taborr is being nicer to his friends. Brightstar voices agreement.


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Notes and references[]
