


"The Harvest Feast" is the second part of the eighteenth episode of the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. It was released on Disney+ on November 8, 2023.[1]

Official description[]

Kai and his friends help a family unite for a feast.

Plot summary[]

Harvesting gomgourds[]

The story opens with Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs harvesting giant green vegetables known as gomgourds. Nubs quips that he can eat one while Solay and Brightstar struggle with carrying one. The Jedi Initiates load the gomgourds onto hoversleds. The human farmer Tey thanks them for their help, explaining that the gomgourds will be used for Dunkutu Day. A girl named Fiorna, who is his daughter, explains that Dunkutu Day is a thanksgiving holiday on the planet Omaka.

Solay says she is glad that Master Zia Zaldor Zanna sent them to help the farmers so that they can learn more about Dunkutu Day. Tey wants to share more Omakan traditions including a big feast in town that night. He encourages them to hurry up so that they can prepare for the feast. When Brightstar suggests that droids could be helpful, Tey says that Omakans prefer to do things by hand, adding that it is a tradition here. Fiorna says that traditions are what makes the holiday special and believes they should not change them. Brightstar agrees to follow tradition and the younglings help Tey and Fiorna load the gomgourds.

The malfunctioning droids[]

At the Omakan town, Solay and Nubs look forward to eating at the feast. Fiorna tells them to save room for her family's gomgourd pie. Tey adds that he makes gomgourd pies every Dunkutu Day, which he describes as another tradition. Shortly later, three loadlifter droids enter the town drawing a wagon full of gomgourds. Nubs moves Fiorna out of harm's way. Solay and the younglings believe the droids are out of control, because they are rushing through the town, causing chaos. After the droids knock over a fruit standard, Brightstar jumps on top of the wagon but is unable to gain control of the droids. The gomgourds tumble out of the wagon towards the town square where the festival is to be held.

One of the gomgourds crashes against a stall roof, showering a vendor with fruit splatter. Brightstar rides a second fruit. His friends manage to secure the fruit before it can create a mess. Tey is relieved that the younglings are safe but grumbles that Fiorna's grandfather Roog has ruined things again. Fiorna explains that Roog is a farmer who makes machines out of old farm equipment. Solay suggests telling Roog that his droids are acting weird when he comes to the feast.

Fiorna says that Roog won't be coming to the feast because her father Tey and grandfather Roog had a big fight last Dunkutu Day. Her grandpa went to live by himself with his droids and now her grandpa and father are not on speaking terms. Fiorna says she will miss her grandpa. Solay and her friends plan to return the last remaining gomgourd to Roog and invite Fiorna to come. However, Fiorna is unable to come because she has to help her father set up for the feast tonight. Solay offers to convince her grandfather to come for the feast. Fiorna is pleased and Brightstar says that they want her to have the best Dunkutu Day ever.

Visiting Grandpa Roog[]

The three Jedi younglings travel to Grandpa Roog's farm where they find him supervising his loadlifter droids as they prepare for a gomgourd feast. Roog is initially hostile to the visitors, saying that only droids are allowed at his farm. Solay explains that Fiorna sent them. Brightstar brings the gomgourd which they managed to retrieve. Roog is grateful to the younglings and orders his droids AG-1 and AG-2 to go back to town and pick more gomgourds for the feast tonight. He also tells them to clean up the mess that they made. Roog also orders AG-3 to unload the younglings' gomgourd. All three droids show visible signs of wear and tear, including short-circuiting.

AG-3 struggles to lift the gomgourd and falls on his back. The younglings express concern about the well-being of the droids but Roog takes pride in his craftsmanship and insists that he knows his droids. Roog tells them to leave but Solay invites him to the Dunkutu Day feast in town. Roog dismisses the invitation. Brightstar says that his family cares for him but Roog disagrees. Nubs says something in Poobian. Just then, AG-3 drops the gomgourd and it rolls down a cliff. The droid tries to retrieve the vegetable but falls over. The younglings pull the droid to safety. As the droid begins short-circuiting, Roog manages to switch off the droid.

He thanks the younglings for saving AG-3 and concedes that something is wrong with his droids. He says that they have been a bit glitchy since he gave them a bunch of extra work. When Solay asks about the extra work, Roog explains that it involves doing all their farming duties plus preparing for his Dunkutu Day feast. He vows to prove to his son Tey that he can celebrate the holiday on his own. Brightstar says he could be with his family. Roog says he tried that last year and that he built the droids because he was unable to harvest the gomgourds by himself. He says that Tey got upset due to the Omakan tradition of harvesting by hand.

When Brightstar brings up that topic, Roog explains that Tey said that he couldn't use the droids and that he got into a fight with his son. Roog tried to explain but Tey refused to listen and he stormed off. Solay invites him to come back with them to town so that they can explain everything. Brightstar mentions that Fiorna misses her. Before Roog can respond, Fiorna contacts them via comlink to tell them that Roog's droids are breaking things and ruining the feast. Fiorna calls for help. Roog agrees to come with the younglings.

Stopping the droids[]

When they reach town, they find AG-1 and AG-2 going amok and smashing things. A frightened astromech droid crashes into a pile of gomgourds, which explode. Tey sees his father and asks what he is doing here. Roog replies that he is here to help and that those are his droids. Brightstar says they need to shut them down. Brightstar comes up with plan for himself and Nubs to distract the droids while Solay shuts them down.

Putting their plan into action, Brightstar and Nubs distract AG-1 by throwing a gomgourd into his hands. Solay manages to turn the droid off. They find AG-2 jumping on top of a table where Fiorna is hiding. The droid stomps on several gomgourds, causing the table to break under its weight. Before Fiorna is crushed, the younglings use the Force to levitate the table, preventing the fragments from hitting her. Meanwhile, Roog tells Tey that he knows how to switch the droids off but lacks the strength and asks for his son's help. While Roog grabs the droid's torso with his cane, Tey flips the droid's power circuit.


Roog pulls Fiorna to safety and hugs his granddaughter. Fiorna thanks her grandfather and he tells her to also thank her dad Tey. Tey hugs his daughter. Roog and Tey begin arguing. When Tey says that the droids were no good, Roog says that he built them for Dunkutu Day. Tey accuses his father of not respecting their traditions. Roog starts to argue back but decides to leave with his droids. Nubs pleads with him to stay while Solay explains that Roog built the droids because he cared about the Omakan traditions around Dunkutu Day.

Brightstar convinces Roog to tell Tey what he told them earlier. Roog explains that he is too old to harvest he gomgourds by hand but that he built the droids because he wanted to be part of Dunkutu Day. When Tey reminds him of the tradition, Roog regrets losing his temper because he was embarrassed that he is not as strong as he used to be. Roog explains that he built the droids so that they could help him. Tey says that he didn't know and regrets getting upset instead of letting his father explain things. He apologizes. Roog in turn apologizes and says that he never wanted to spend Dunkutu Day away from his family.

Family over tradition[]

Fiorna smiles and hugs her grandfather. Tey also hugs his father and invites him to join the feast. Fiorna expresses concern that they won't be able to have the feast in town because all of the gomgourds there were destroyed. Brightstar convinces the Omakans to move the festival to Grandpa Roog's farm where they have a feast. Solay thanks Brightstar for the idea. During the feast, Tey concludes that family is more important than following the strictures of tradition. He proposes repairing the farm droids so that they can help with the harvest next year. He says this can be their new tradition. Fiorna thanks the Jedi for their help. When Nubs slurps a plate, Tey reminds him to leave some for Roog.


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