


"Creature Comforts" is the second part of the fourteenth episode of the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. It was released on Disney+ on November 8, 2023.[2]

Official description[]

Lys gets attached to a lost wild creature.

Plot summary[]

Meeting Diggles[]

Lys Solay accompanies SF-R3 ("Aree") and CAM on a creature safari on a forest world. Solay chats with her friends Kai Brightstar and Nubs via holoprojector. They wish her all the best and hope to see her after the safari. After sensing movement in the nearby bush, Solay bids her friends goodbye and switches off the holoprojector.

A lizard-like creature emerges from the bush. After CAM consults her database and finds no record of the creature on their databanks. Solay says that they are here to find undiscovered animals and thinks the creature is just a baby. Before Aree can catalogue the creature, a large bird circles the baby lizard. Solay grabs the lizard in her arms and uses her lightsaber to drive off the creature. After several attempts, the bird flies away.

Solay suggests that the group try and find the creature's nest or burrow. Aree suggests that a nearby mud puddle could be his home. Solay responds that the creature likes to play in the mud but doesn't think that the mud puddle is its home. Noticing that the lizard likes digging, Solay names him "Diggles." Solay wonders where Diggles' family is. Aree says that many creatures leave their nest when they grow up and speculates that this may be Diggles' first day out of the nest.

Searching for Diggles' family[]

Solay thinks that Diggles must be lost. Aree wants to catalogue the creature but Solay insists on getting the creature home. She says that a Jedi will always get a creature back to their home, whether big or small. Aree is reluctant but agrees to a short walk. After a period of searching, they are still unable to find Diggles' home. Solay thinks that Diggles must live in a nearby creek since he has scales and tiny legs.

After seeing Diggles rummaging through several nearby root vegetables, Solay wants to feed him. Aree opines that it is better observing the creature's eating habits. Diggles takes a liking to Solay. When Solay asks what happens if they can't find Diggles' family, Aree admits he doesn't know but agrees to keep looking. Solay suggests searching the other side of the creek. Aree and Solay jump across giant rocks while CAM flies over the rocks.

While crossing, Solay trips and drops Diggles onto some spiky fruits. Diggles scurries under a nearby bush made from leaves. Diggles is troubled by the spiky fruits but Solay manages to remove them. If they cannot find Diggles' home, Solay suggests bringing him back to Tenoo. Aree is reluctant to take wild animals from their natural habitat. Solay understands but says that Diggles is a baby and offers to serve as a surrogate mother.

Diggles' mother[]

Their presence attracts the attention of a large lizard-like creature which is covered by leaves. Thinking the creature is hostile, Solay and the droids flee with Diggles. The creature chases them through the forest and Aree gets stuck in the mud. As the large reptilian creature approaches Aree, CAM distracts it while Solay uses the Force to free Aree from the mud. The creature corners Solay and the droids at the edge of a waterfall.

The creature uses its large tail to swing mud at the offworlders. Solay uses her lightsaber to deflect the mud. Aree and CAM manage to trap the creature's tail under a tree trunk. They manage to flee back aboard SF-R3's second starship. Once inside, Solay attempts to comfort Diggles but it wiggles away from her and burrows at the door. She realizes that the creature wants to go back outside.

The large lizard creature breaks free of the log and climbs on top of Aree's ship, preventing them from taking off. The group retreat to the cockpit where Diggles is still trying to break out. Watching a sad Diggles reaching out to the large lizard creature outside, Solay realizes that the creature is Diggles' mother. Aree agrees and says that some creatures look different from their babies. Solay realizes that Diggles wanted to get back with her family. Aree tells Solay that they need to do the right thing even if it means approaching the large unknown creature outside.

Doing the right thing[]

Solay agrees to do the right thing and returns Diggles to his mother. Diggles is soon joined by several of his siblings, who have been nesting under the leaves on their mother's hide. Solay and Aree are fascinated with the new reptilian creatures they encountered. Aree tasks CAM with recording the reptiles for the Galactic Creature Guide. The mother allows CAM to film them. Solay is sad that she did not get to bring Diggles home but Aree reassures her that doing the right thing can be hard sometimes. He is proud of her.

Before leaving, Diggles goes up to Solay and bids her farewell. Diggles' mother allows Solay to bring Diggles to her. Diggles climbs on top of his mother’s head. Back at the Tenoo Jedi Temple, Solay delivers a hologram presentation to Brightstar and Nubs and explains that Aree named the species Mardorsh. She also shows them a picture of Diggles and his siblings. When Brightstar says that she helped Diggles, she replies that they helped each other.



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Notes and references[]
