Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A holographic duplicate was a holographic re-creation of a biological or technological lifeform, including other holograms, that was either a sentient or non-sentient doppelgänger of their respective counterpart. These holograms were created for a wide variety of uses including, but not limited to: espionage, historic recreations, medical records, training programs, trials, keepsakes, simulations, and just simple fun.

Holographic duplicates[]

Table of Contents
A • B • C • D • E • F • G • H • I • J • K • L • M • N • O • P • Q • R • S • T • U • V • W • X • Y • Z• Appendices



Date Image Program Note Reference
2384 No image yet Kathryn Janeway's program Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway recreated the christening ceremony of the USS Protostar, with Adreek-Hu present, on the USS Dauntless' holodeck. PRO: "Asylum"

Apgar, Manua[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2366 Manua Apgar Deposition Program Riker One
Manua Simulation One
Tayna Simulation Three
This duplicate was used in the Tanuga IV investigation programs
This recreation was not interactive.
TNG: "A Matter of Perspective"

Apgar, Nel[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2366 Nel Apgar Deposition Program Riker One
Hypothetical Krag One
Manua Simulation One
Tayna Simulation Three
Tayna Simulation Four
La Forge One
This duplicate was used in the Tanuga IV investigation programs
This recreation was not interactive.
TNG: "A Matter of Perspective"

Archer, Jonathan[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2370 Archer NX-01 historical program The historic final flight of the NX-class Enterprise in 2161 as run by Cmdr. William T. Riker. ENT: "These Are the Voyages..."



Date Image Program Note Reference
2367 Ensign Bailey Barash's USS Enterprise-D program A program set in 2383 as created by Barash on Alpha Onias III so Cmdr. Riker would stay. TNG: "Future Imperfect"

Barclay, Reginald[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2371 Barclay USS Voyager's Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program Recreations of crewmembers of the USS Voyager and the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center seen by The Doctor during a holodeck malfunction. VOY: "Projections"
2377 Barclay and his hologram Barclay transmission program Lt. Reginald Barclay created a holographic simulation of himself, to be transmitted to the USS Voyager. The transmission was intercepted by DaiMon Nunk and his crew and modified in an attempt to trick Voyager's crew VOY: "Inside Man"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2380 Barnes Boimler Seven
Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta
Created by Ensign Brad Boimler to practice his interactions with the crew before Ensign Beckett Mariner reprogrammed it into a movie. LD: "Crisis Point"
2381 Barnes Naked Time Barnes was recreated in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"
2381 Barnes Crisis Point II: Paradoxus Created by Ensign Brad Boimler for his holographic "movie sequel". LD: "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus"

Bashir, Julian[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2373 LMH LMH test program 1 Dr. Lewis Zimmerman began work on a Long-term Medical Holographic program to augment the Emergency Medical Holographic program. The project was scrapped when Bashir's genetically-engineered status was uncovered. DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume"

Billups, Andy[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2380 Andy Billups hologram, 2380 Boimler Seven
Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta
Created by Ensign Brad Boimler to practice his interactions with the crew before Ensign Beckett Mariner reprogrammed it into a movie. LD: "Crisis Point"
2381 Billups Naked Time Andy Billups was recreated in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"
2381 Mirror Universe Andy Billups Mirror Universe Encounter Mirror Universe Billups was created in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"

Bingston, Winger, Jr.[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2380 Winger Bingston, Jr. Boimler Seven
Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta
Created by Ensign Brad Boimler to practice his interactions with the crew before Ensign Beckett Mariner reprogrammed it into a movie. LD: "Crisis Point"

Boimler, Bradward[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2381 Lt Mariner's exercise program A hologram of Lieutenant junior grade Brad Boimler appeared chained to a wall during Ensign Beckett Mariner's escape from a simulated Cardassian prison, begging for Mariner to free him. She refused to do so, however, as she was still upset about the real Boimler's transfer to the USS Titan. LD: "Strange Energies"
2381 Boimler, Jet and Billups Naked Time Bradward Boimler was recreated in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"
2381 Mirror Universe Bradward Boimler Mirror Universe Encounter Mirror Universe Brad Boimler was created in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"
Unknown Bradward Boimler Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram A hologram depicting Brad Boimler drinking a soft drink VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2375 Boothby Chakotay Training Program 15-Beta Boothby was recreated by Commander Chakotay in a boxing training program reviving his days as a cadet at Starfleet Academy. VOY: "The Fight"

Borg Queen[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2381 The Borg Queen Borg Encounter The Borg Queen was recreated in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"

Brahms, Leah[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2366 Brahms Drafting Room 5 program A recreation of Drafting Room 5 from the 2350s used by Geordi La Forge to devise a means of escaping the Aceton assimilators. TNG: "Booby Trap", "Galaxy's Child"

Brevelle, Anthony[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2367 Anthony Brevelle La Forge's Tarchannen III outpost investigation program Created by Geordi La Forge in order to recreate the mission he undertook five years earlier. This recreation was not interactive. TNG: "Identity Crisis"

Bronowski, Doug[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2371 Bronowski USS Voyager's Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program Recreations of crewmembers from USS Voyager and the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center seen by The Doctor during a holodeck malfunction. VOY: "Projections"

Burnham, Michael[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2257 Michael Burnham Control's holographic projection The Section 31 artificial intelligence, Control created a holographic projection of Michael Burnham to demonstrate its ability to mimic the appearance of any being to Operative Leland. DIS: "Perpetual Infinity"

Byron, Lord[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2373 Byron EMH program 4C Byron was one of the historical personality profiles studied by The Doctor during his attempt to expand his personality subroutines. VOY: "Darkling"



Date Image Program Note Reference
2380 Casey Command Trainer 4
Command Trainer 43
Recreations of several bridge officers from the USS Cerritos were present in two holodeck simulations run by Commander Jack Ransom in 2380. LD: "Envoys"
2380 Casey Boimler Seven
Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta
Created by Ensign Brad Boimler to practice his interactions with the crew before Ensign Beckett Mariner reprogrammed it into a movie. LD: "Crisis Point"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2371 Chakotay USS Voyager's Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program Recreations of crewmembers from USS Voyager and the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center seen by The Doctor during a holodeck malfunction. VOY: "Projections"
2373 Chakotay Insurrection Alpha The entire crew of USS Voyager was recreated for this program circa 2371. VOY: "Worst Case Scenario"
2374 Chakotay The Doctor's USS Voyager program The Doctor created this program to help Seven of Nine improve her social skills VOY: "One"
2376 Chakotay Barclay's USS Voyager program Lt. Reginald Barclay's recreation of USS Voyager circa 2371 at the Communications Research Center on Earth for the Pathfinder Project. VOY: "Pathfinder"
2378 Chakotay Seven of Nine Alpha-3 Seven of Nine created this program to help her improve her social life. VOY: "Human Error"
Katanay Photons Be Free The Doctor's holonovel, set aboard the USS Vortex, was based on the crew of the USS Voyager, albeit the names were changed to protect the innocent. The character of Katanay was based on Chakotay. VOY: "Author, Author"
The Doctor, disguised as Chakotay The Doctor The Doctor was forced to impersonate members of the USS Voyager's crew during a crisis. VOY: "Renaissance Man"
2383 Holographic recording of Chakotay USS Protostar recording A holographic recording of Captain Chakotay from the computer archive of the USS Protostar was replayed on board. PRO: "Kobayashi"
2384 No image yet Kathryn Janeway's program Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway recreated the christening ceremony of the USS Protostar with herself and Captain Chakotay present, on the USS Dauntless' holodeck. PRO: "Asylum"
31st century Chakotay The Voyager Encounter The Kyrian Museum of Heritage used this program, set in 2374, to detail their encounter with the warship Voyager, as an aid to a history lesson.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Living Witness"
The Doctor's revised version of The Voyager Encounter The Doctor's revised version of The Voyager Encounter, that was based on his memories of the events of 2374.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Living Witness"

Cochrane, Zefram[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2381 Cochrane Ride the Phoenix A recreation of Zefram Cochrane served as the host for a theme park attraction beginning in Bozeman, Montana reenacting his historic flight aboard the Phoenix. LD: "Grounded"

Crusher, Beverly[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2366 Crusher Barclay Program 15 Lt. Reginald Barclay's recreation of 17th century France as inspired by the story The Three Musketeers. TNG: "Hollow Pursuits"
Crusher Barclay's USS Enterprise-D program Created by Lt. Reginald Barclay. TNG: "Hollow Pursuits"
2367 Crusher Barash's USS Enterprise-D program A program set in 2383 as created by Barash on Alpha Onias III so Cmdr. Riker would stay. TNG: "Future Imperfect"
2369 Crusher Moriarty's USS Enterprise-D program Created by James Moriarty. TNG: "Ship In A Bottle"
2383 Beverly Crusher Kobayashi Maru scenario A hologram of Beverly Crusher was part of the Kobayashi Maru scenario holoprogram taken by Dal R'El on board the USS Protostar. PRO: "Kobayashi"

Crusher, Jack R.[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2348 Crusher Holographic message Jack recorded a message to his son with the intent to deliver it to him on his 18th birthday.
This recreation was not interactive.
TNG: "Family"

Crusher, Wesley[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2366 Wesley Barclay Program 15 Lt. Reginald Barclay's recreation of 17th century France as inspired by the story The Three Musketeers. TNG: "Hollow Pursuits"
Crusher Barclay's USS Enterprise-D program Created by Lt. Reginald Barclay. TNG: "Hollow Pursuits"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2371 Culhane USS Voyager's Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program Recreations of crewmembers from USS Voyager and the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center seen by The Doctor during a holodeck malfunction. VOY: "Projections"

Curie, Marie[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2373   EMH program 4C Curie was one of the historical personality profiles studied by The Doctor during his attempt to expand his personality subroutines.

Curie was not seen in the episode, but her presence was noted by The Doctor.

VOY: "Darkling"


da Vinci, Leonardo[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2373   EMH program 4C Leonardo da Vinci was one of the historical personality profiles studied by The Doctor during his attempt to expand his personality subroutines.
Leonardo da Vinci was not seen in the episode, but his presence was noted by The Doctor.
VOY: "Darkling"
2374 da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci's workshop Captain Janeway ran this program of Leonardo da Vinci's workshop to ease her mind in tough situations. VOY: "Scorpion", "The Raven", "Scientific Method", "Concerning Flight", "The Omega Directive"
2380 da Vinci USS Cerritos' da Vinci program
Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta
Ensigns Sam Rutherford and D'Vana Tendi were skeet shooting with this holographic version of Leonardo da Vinci, which later appeared within Ensign Beckett Mariner's holodeck movie, and curtailed a holographic Vindicta's plans by shooting her, saying, "Not-a today! Not-a on-a da Vinci's watch!" LD: "Crisis Point"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2381 Mirror Universe Dahae Mirror Universe Encounter A mirror universe duplicate of Dahae was created in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"


Date Image Program Note Reference
31st century The Voyager Encounter The Kyrian Museum of Heritage used this program, set in 2374, to detail their encounter with the warship Voyager, as an aid to a history lesson.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Living Witness"
Daleth The Doctor's revised version of The Voyager Encounter The Doctor's revised version of The Voyager Encounter, that was based on his memories of the events of 2374.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Living Witness"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2374 Damar Federation/Dominion negotiations recording A holo-recording for analysis by Jack, Patrick, Lauren, and Sarina Douglas.
This recreation was not interactive.
DS9: "Statistical Probabilities"
Damar The Dominion's invasion of Romulus A forged recording created by Grathon Tolar to convince Romulan Senator Vreenak to join the Federation and Klingon Empire in the war with the Dominion.
This recreation was not interactive.
DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2366 Data Barclay Program 15 Lt. Reginald Barclay's recreation of 17th century France as inspired by the story The Three Musketeers. TNG: "Hollow Pursuits"
Data Barclay's USS Enterprise-D program Created by Lt. Reginald Barclay. TNG: "Hollow Pursuits"
2367 Data Barash's USS Enterprise-D program A program set in 2383 as created by Barash on Alpha Onias III so Cmdr. Riker would stay. TNG: "Future Imperfect"
2369 Eli Hollander "Ancient West" Deadwood program A computer malfunction aboard the USS Enterprise-D while the holodeck was running resulted in all these 19th century characters taking on the appearance of Lieutenant Commander Data, in this case Eli Hollander. TNG: "A Fistful of Datas"
Frank Hollander "Ancient West" Deadwood program A computer malfunction aboard the USS Enterprise-D while the holodeck was running resulted in all these 19th century characters taking on the appearance of Lieutenant Commander Data, in this case Frank Hollander. TNG: "A Fistful of Datas"
Annie "Ancient West" Deadwood program A computer malfunction aboard the USS Enterprise-D while the holodeck was running resulted in all these 19th century characters taking on the appearance of Lieutenant Commander Data, in this case Annie. TNG: "A Fistful of Datas"
Unknown Bandito "Ancient West" Deadwood program A computer malfunction aboard the USS Enterprise-D while the holodeck was running resulted in all these 19th century characters taking on the appearance of Lieutenant Commander Data, in this case a Bandito. TNG: "A Fistful of Datas"
Unknown Coyboy "Ancient West" Deadwood program A computer malfunction aboard the USS Enterprise-D while the holodeck was running resulted in all these 19th century characters taking on the appearance of Lieutenant Commander Data, in this case a Cowboy. TNG: "A Fistful of Datas"

Dax, Jadzia[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2372 Honey Bare Julian Bashir, Secret Agent A transporter accident aboard Deep Space 9 resulted in transporter patterns that would normally be stored in the pattern buffer to overwrite some of the characters in this program set in the 1960s, in this case, Honey Bare. DS9: "Our Man Bashir"
2374 Dax Section 31's Deep Space 9 program Created by Luther Sloan as part of his investigation into Julian Bashir. DS9: "Inquisition"

Diviner, The[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2384 The Diviner USS Protostar recording of Solum-1 Recording of the Diviner's use of the Solum-1 holoprogram on the USS Protostar holodeck. This recreation was not interactive. PRO: "Let Sleeping Borg Lie"
2384 The Diviner Composite holo-program This instance of The Diviner's likeness was re-purposed into a barista in The Key Club. PRO: "Ghost in the Machine"


Einstein, Albert[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2367 Einstein Barclay's USS Enterprise-D program Reginald Barclay discussed the Grand Unification theory with Einstein after an encounter with a Cytherian probe dramatically raised his IQ. TNG: "The Nth Degree"
2369 A poker game Data's Program Data created program in order to watch how three of the greatest Human scientists – Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawking, and Albert Einstein – would interact during a game of poker. TNG: "Descent"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2024 Elnor Jurati's CSS La Sirena program Created by Agnes Jurati to defend CSS La Sirena. PIC: "Hide and Seek"


Freeman, Carol[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2380 Freeman Boimler Seven
Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta
Created by Ensign Brad Boimler to practice his interactions with the crew before Ensign Beckett Mariner reprogrammed it into a movie. LD: "Crisis Point"
2381 Freeman Naked Time Carol Freeman was recreated in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"
2381 Freeman Crisis Point II: Paradoxus Created by Ensign Brad Boimler for his holographic "movie sequel". LD: "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus"

Freud, Sigmund[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2370 Sigmund Freud Data's program Data visited Sigmund Freud for a consultation after the android experienced nightmares. TNG: "Phantasms"


Gandhi, Mahatma[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2373 Gandhi EMH program 4C Gandhi was one of the historical personality profiles studied by The Doctor during his attempt to expand his personality subroutines. VOY: "Darkling"

Garak, Elim[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
Unknown Elim Garak Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram Origin of hologram unknown. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2369 Garvey Moriarty's USS Enterprise-D program Created by James Moriarty. TNG: "Ship In A Bottle"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2367 Ensign Gates Barash's USS Enterprise-D program A program set in 2383 as created by Barash on Alpha Onias III so Cmdr. Riker would stay. TNG: "Future Imperfect"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2366 Guinan Barclay's USS Enterprise-D program Created by Lt. Reginald Barclay. TNG: "Hollow Pursuits"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2384 Gwyn USS Protostar recording Recreated on the USS Protostar holodeck. This recreation was not interactive. PRO: "Let Sleeping Borg Lie"
2384 Hologram Gwyn Holo-duplicate created to fool the USS Voyager-A crew. Due to a glitch, she switched voices and personality with Murf before The Doctor repaired her program after the deception was discovered. PRO: "Imposter Syndrome", PRO: "The Fast and the Curious", PRO: "Is There in Truth No Beauty?"
Unknown Gwyn Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram Origin of hologram unknown. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"


Hawking, Stephen[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2369 Stephen Hawking Data's Program Data created a program in order to watch how three of the greatest Human scientists – Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawking, and Albert Einstein – would interact during a game of poker. TNG: "Descent"


Janeway, Kathryn[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2371 Janeway USS Voyager's Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program Recreations of crewmembers from USS Voyager and the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center seen by The Doctor during a holodeck malfunction. VOY: "Projections"
2372 Janeway Viorsa's species artificial hibernation program This holographic duplicate was used to fool The Clown. VOY: "The Thaw"
2373 Janeway Insurrection Alpha The entire crew of the USS Voyager was recreated for this program circa 2371. VOY: "Worst Case Scenario"
2374 Janeway The Doctor's USS Voyager program The Doctor created this program to help Seven of Nine improve her social skills. VOY: "One"
2375 Janeway Holographic image The Doctor took a holographic image of Captain Janeway while she deleted his memory.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Latent Image"
2376 Janeway The Doctor's daydream algorithm in the holodeck Ensign Harry Kim and Seven of Nine projected The Doctor's daydreams into the holodeck aboard Voyager in order to better understand what was malfunctioning. In this daydream, The Doctor acted as the Emergency Command Hologram after Captain Janeway was incapacitated. VOY: "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy"
2376 Janeway Barclay's USS Voyager program Lt. Reginald Barclay's recreation of USS Voyager circa 2371 at the Communications Research Center on Earth for the Pathfinder Project. VOY: "Pathfinder"
2378 Janeway Seven of Nine Alpha-3 Seven of Nine created this program to help her improve her social life. VOY: "Human Error"
Jenkins Photons Be Free The Doctor's holonovel, set aboard the USS Vortex, was based on the crew of the USS Voyager, albeit the names were changed to protect the innocent. The character of Jenkins was based on Janeway. VOY: "Author, Author"
The Doctor, disguised as Janeway The Doctor The Doctor was forced to impersonate members of the USS Voyager's crew during a crisis. In 2384, The Doctor once again holographically impersonated Janeway as a distraction for Asencia. VOY: "Renaissance Man", PRO: "Touch of Grey"
2383- Hologram Janeway Hologram Janeway The USS Protostar was equipped with an adviser and training program based on Janeway. The real Janeway had it created to assist Captain Chakotay in the Delta Quadrant as she refused to ever go back there. Later became the Emergency Command Hologram of the USS Prodigy after The Doctor saved her program from being destroyed by copying it to an EMH backup module. Star Trek: Prodigy
2384 No image yet Kathryn Janeway's program Vice Admiral Janeway recreated the christening ceremony of the USS Protostar with herself and Captain Chakotay present, on the USS Dauntless' holodeck. PRO: "Asylum"
31st century Janeway The Voyager Encounter The Kyrian Museum of Heritage used this program, set in 2374, to detail their encounter with the warship Voyager, as an aid to a history lesson.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Living Witness"
The Doctor's revised version of The Voyager Encounter The Doctor's revised version of The Voyager Encounter, that was based on his memories of the events of 2374.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Living Witness"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2371 Jarvis USS Voyager's Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program Recreations of crewmembers from USS Voyager and the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center seen by The Doctor during a holodeck malfunction. VOY: "Projections"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2367 Jones Romulan brainwashing program Used by the Romulans to see if a brainwashed Geordi would kill on command. Created by Taibak. TNG: "The Mind's Eye"



Date Image Program Note Reference
2381 Kayshon Crisis Point II: Paradoxus Created by Ensign Brad Boimler for his holographic "movie sequel". LD: "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2371 Kes USS Voyager's Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program Recreations of crewmembers from USS Voyager and the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center seen by The Doctor during a holodeck malfunction. This version of Kes was Human. Another version seen appears as Ocampa. VOY: "Projections"
2373 Kes Insurrection Alpha The entire crew of USS Voyager was recreated for this program circa 2371. VOY: "Worst Case Scenario"
2376 Kes Kes' recording Before she left USS Voyager, Kes created this holorecord in order to convince her future self not to go back in time and try to "rescue" herself. VOY: "Fury"

Kim, Harry[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2371 Kim USS Voyager's Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program Recreations of crewmembers from USS Voyager and the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center seen by The Doctor during a holodeck malfunction. VOY: "Projections"
2373 Kim Insurrection Alpha The entire crew of USS Voyager was recreated for this program circa 2371. VOY: "Worst Case Scenario"
2374 Kim The Doctor's USS Voyager program The Doctor created this program to help Seven of Nine improve her social skills VOY: "One"
2375 Kim Holographic image The Doctor took holographic images of the entire crew of Voyager in 2375 during their annual physicals.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Latent Image"
2376 Kim Barclay's USS Voyager program Lt. Reginald Barclay's recreation of USS Voyager circa 2371 at the Communications Research Center on Earth for the Pathfinder Project. VOY: "Pathfinder"
2378 Kim Seven of Nine Alpha-3 Seven of Nine created this program to help her improve her social life. VOY: "Human Error"
Kymble Photons Be Free The Doctor's holonovel, set aboard the USS Vortex, was based on the crew of the USS Voyager, albeit the names were changed to protect the innocent. The character of Kymble was based on Harry Kim. VOY: "Author, Author"
31st century Kim The Voyager Encounter The Kyrian Museum of Heritage used this program, set in 2374, to detail their encounter with the warship Voyager, as an aid to a history lesson.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Living Witness"
The Doctor's revised version of The Voyager Encounter The Doctor's revised version of The Voyager Encounter, that was based on his memories of the events of 2374.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Living Witness"

Kira Nerys[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2371 Quark/Kira Quark's Kira program This hologram was created by Quark for Tiron in 2371. It was modified by Kira and Odo before delivery. DS9: "Meridian"
2372 Anastasia Komananov Julian Bashir, Secret Agent A transporter accident aboard Deep Space 9 resulted in transporter patterns that would normally be stored in the pattern buffer to overwrite some of the characters in this program set in the 1960s, in this case Anastasia Komananov. DS9: "Our Man Bashir"
2374 Kira Section 31's Deep Space 9 program Created by Luther Sloan as part of his investigation into Julian Bashir. DS9: "Inquisition"
Lola Chrystal Bashir 62 Vic Fontaine made the character Lola Chrystal for Odo based on Anastasia Komananov, who in turn was based on Kira, as an addition to the 1962 program. DS9: "His Way"


La Forge, Geordi[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2366 La Forge Deposition Program Riker One
Manua Simulation One
This duplicate was used in the Tanuga IV investigation programs
This recreation was not interactive.
TNG: "A Matter of Perspective"
La Forge Barclay Program 15 Lt. Reginald Barclay's recreation of 17th century France as inspired by the story The Three Musketeers. TNG: "Hollow Pursuits"
La Forge Barclay's USS Enterprise-D program Created by Lt. Reginald Barclay. TNG: "Hollow Pursuits"
2367 La Forge Barash's USS Enterprise-D A program set in 2383 as created by Barash on Alpha Onias III so Cmdr. Riker would stay. TNG: "Future Imperfect"
La Forge La Forge's Tarchannen III outpost investigation program Created by the real Geordi La Forge in order to recreate the mission he undertook five years earlier. This recreation was not interactive. TNG: "Identity Crisis"
2369 La Forge Moriarty's USS Enterprise-D program Created by James Moriarty. TNG: "Ship In A Bottle"
2370 La Forge Bridge Officer's Test
(USS Enterprise-D)
The program Cmdr. Riker had Deanna Troi take to become a bridge officer. TNG: "Thine Own Self"

Leijten, Susanna[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2367 Susanna Leijten La Forge's Tarchannen III outpost investigation program Created by Geordi La Forge in order to recreate the mission he undertook five years earlier. This recreation was not interactive. TNG: "Identity Crisis"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2257 Leland hologram Control's holographic projection The Section 31 artificial intelligence, Control created a holographic projection of Operative Leland to demonstrate its ability to mimic the appearance of any being to him. DIS: "Perpetual Infinity"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2380 Lemonts Boimler Seven
Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta
Created by Ensign Brad Boimler to practice his interactions with the crew before Ensign Beckett Mariner reprogrammed it into a movie. LD: "Crisis Point"

Li Nalas[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2370 Li Deep Space 9 program Created by the personnel of Deep Space 9 in order to lure the Bajoran assailants into a holosuite. DS9: "The Siege"

Lundy, Lars[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2380 Lundy Boimler Seven
Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta
Created by Ensign Brad Boimler to practice his interactions with the crew before Ensign Beckett Mariner reprogrammed it into a movie. LD: "Crisis Point"
2381 Mirror Universe Andy Billups Mirror Universe Encounter Mirror Universe Lars Lundy was created in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"


Manhaver, Jet[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2380 Jet pinning the real Boimler Boimler Seven
Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta
Created by Ensign Brad Boimler to practice his interactions with the crew before Ensign Beckett Mariner reprogrammed it into a movie. LD: "Crisis Point"
2381 Boimler, Jet, and Billups Naked Time Jet Manhaver was recreated in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"
2381 Mirror Universe Jet Manhaver Mirror Universe Encounter Mirror Universe Jet Manhaver was created in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"

Mariner, Beckett[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2380 Beckett Mariner Boimler Seven
Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta
Created by Ensign Brad Boimler to practice his interactions with the crew before the real Ensign Mariner reprogrammed it into a movie. LD: "Crisis Point"
2380 Vindicta Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta This version of Vindicta - the character played by the real Ensign Mariner in her holodeck movie - was present in the final scene of that program. She emerged from a photon torpedo casing seeking revenge, but was inexplicably shot dead by the Leonardo da Vinci hologram before she could exact her vengeance. LD: "Crisis Point"
Unknown Beckett Mariner Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram Origin of this hologram is unknown. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"

Mayweather, Travis[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2370 Mayweather NX-01 historical program The historic final flight of the NX-class Enterprise in 2161 as run by Cmdr. William T. Riker. ENT: "These Are the Voyages..."
Unknown Mayweather Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram The origin of this hologram is unknown. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2367 Mendez La Forge's Tarchannen III outpost investigation program Created by Geordi La Forge in order to recreate the mission he undertook five years earlier. This recreation was not interactive. TNG: "Identity Crisis"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2381 No image yet Naked Time Merp was recreated in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2381 Migleemo Naked Time Migleemo was recreated in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"
2381 Mirror Universe Migleemo Mirror Universe Encounter Mirror Universe Migleemo was created in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2374 Morn Quark's Morn program Used as replacement for Morn when he left DS9 on business.
This recreation was not interactive.
DS9: "Who Mourns for Morn?"

Moset, Crell[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2375 Crell Moset Medical Consultant Program Beta one A holographic version of Dr. Crell Moset from circa 2371 created by The Doctor to help remove a cytoplasmic lifeform from B'Elanna Torres. VOY: "Nothing Human"

Musiker, Raffaela[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2401 Raffaela Musiker La Sirena hologram Created as a ruse when Worf and Raffaela Musiker tracked down Krinn in District Seven on M'talas Prime. PIC: "Imposters"



Date Image Program Note Reference
2371 Neelix USS Voyager's Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program Recreations of crewmembers from USS Voyager and the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center seen by The Doctor during a holodeck malfunction. VOY: "Projections"
2372 Neelix Vulcan Rage Created by Tuvok to provide an outlet for violent feelings he absorbed during a mind meld with Lon Suder. VOY: "Meld"
2373 Neelix Insurrection Alpha The entire crew of USS Voyager was recreated for this program circa 2371. VOY: "Worst Case Scenario"
2374 Neelix The Doctor's USS Voyager program The Doctor created this program to help Seven of Nine improve her social skills VOY: "One"
2374 Neelix Protomatter nebula shuttle accident recording A simulation of a shuttle accident where Neelix was struck by an energy discharge and died.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Mortal Coil"
2376 Neelix The Doctor's daydreams in the holodeck Ensign Harry Kim and Seven of Nine projected The Doctor's daydreams into the holodeck aboard Voyager in order to better understand what was malfunctioning. In this daydream, Neelix attended The Doctor's award ceremony VOY: "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy"
2378 Neelix Seven of Nine Alpha-3 Seven of Nine created this program to help her improve her social life. VOY: "Human Error"
31st century Neelix The Voyager Encounter The Kyrian Museum of Heritage used this program, set in 2374, to detail their encounter with the warship Voyager, as an aid to a history lesson.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Living Witness"
Unknown Neelix Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram The origin of this hologram is unknown. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"

Newton, Isaac[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2369 Isaac Newton Data's Program Data created program in order to watch how three of the greatest Human scientists – Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawking, and Albert Einstein – would interact during a game of poker. TNG: "Descent"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2384 Noum bikers
Noum gangsters
Noum pirates
Composite holo-program These instances of Dr. Noum's likeness, originally created by Jankom Pog for a street fighting sim, were re-purposed into various roles across several holo-program settings. PRO: "Ghost in the Machine"


O'Brien, Miles[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2367 O'Brien Romulan brainwashing program Used by the Romulans to see if a brainwashed Geordi would kill on command. Created by Taibak. TNG: "The Mind's Eye"
2370 O'Brien Deep Space 9 program Created by the personnel of Deep Space 9 in order to lure the Bajoran assailants into a holosuite. DS9: "The Siege"
2372 Falcon Julian Bashir, Secret Agent A transporter accident aboard Deep Space 9 resulted in transporter patterns that would normally be stored in the pattern buffer to overwrite some of the characters in this program set in the 1960s, in this case Falcon. DS9: "Our Man Bashir"
2374 O'Brien Section 31's Deep Space 9 program Created by Luther Sloan as part of his investigation into Julian Bashir. DS9: "Inquisition"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2374 Odo Section 31's Deep Space 9 program Created by Luther Sloan as part of his investigation into Julian Bashir. DS9: "Inquisition"
2383 Odo Kobayashi Maru scenario A hologram of Odo was part of the Kobayashi Maru scenario holoprogram taken by Dal R'El on board the USS Protostar. PRO: "Kobayashi"

Ogawa, Alyssa[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2367 Ogawa Barash's USS Enterprise-D program A program set in 2383 as created by Barash on Alpha Onias III so Cmdr. Riker would stay. TNG: "Future Imperfect"


Pacelli, Alfonse[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2367 Alfonse Pacelli Barash's USS Enterprise-D program A program set in 2383 as created by Barash on Alpha Onias III so Cmdr. Riker would stay. TNG: "Future Imperfect"

Paris, Tom[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2371 Paris USS Voyager's Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program Recreations of crewmembers from USS Voyager and the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center seen by The Doctor during a holodeck malfunction. VOY: "Projections"
2373 Paris Insurrection Alpha The entire crew of USS Voyager was recreated for this program circa 2371. VOY: "Worst Case Scenario"
2376 Paris The Doctor's daydreams in the holodeck Ensign Harry Kim and Seven of Nine projected The Doctor's daydreams into the holodeck aboard Voyager in order to better understand what was malfunctioning. VOY: "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy"
2376 Paris Barclay's USS Voyager program Lt. Reginald Barclay's recreation of USS Voyager circa 2371 at the Communications Research Center on Earth for the Pathfinder Project. VOY: "Pathfinder"
2378 Paris Seven of Nine Alpha-3 Seven of Nine created this program to help her improve her social life. VOY: "Human Error"
Marseilles Photons Be Free The Doctor's holonovel, set aboard the USS Vortex, was based on the crew of the USS Voyager, albeit the names were changed to protect the innocent. The character of Marseilles was based on Tom Paris. VOY: "Author, Author"
Narrator (second draft) Photons Be Free The Doctor's holonovel (revised) set aboard the USS Voyeur, was based on the crew of the USS Voyager, though the title couldn't be changed to protect the innocent. The Narrator (revised) was based on Tom Paris.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Author, Author"
31st century Paris The Voyager Encounter The Kyrian Museum of Heritage used this program, set in 2374, to detail their encounter with the warship Voyager, as an aid to a history lesson.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Living Witness"
The Doctor's revised version of The Voyager Encounter The Doctor's revised version of The Voyager Encounter, that was based on his memories of the events of 2374.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Living Witness"

Parsons, Michael[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2371 Parsons USS Voyager's Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program Recreations of crewmembers from USS Voyager and the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center seen by The Doctor during a holodeck malfunction. VOY: "Projections"

Pel, Danara[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2372 Danara Pel Danara Pel program This holographic duplicate was created by The Doctor as an avatar for Dr. Pel while they worked to repair her body. VOY: "Lifesigns"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2370 Phlox NX-01 historical program The historic final flight of the NX-class Enterprise in 2161 as run by Cmdr. William T. Riker. ENT: "These Are the Voyages..."

Picard, Jean-Luc[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2366 Picard Barclay Program 15 Lt. Reginald Barclay's recreation of 17th century France as inspired by the story The Three Musketeers. TNG: "Hollow Pursuits"
Picard Barclay's USS Enterprise-D program Created by Lt. Reginald Barclay. TNG: "Hollow Pursuits"
2367 Picard Barash's USS Enterprise-D program A program set in 2383 as created by Barash on Alpha Onias III so Cmdr. Riker would stay. TNG: "Future Imperfect"

Pike, Christopher[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2257 Christopher Pike (holographic replica) Control's holographic projection The Section 31 artificial intelligence, Control created a holographic projection of Christopher Pike to demonstrate its ability to mimic the appearance of any being to Operative Leland. DIS: "Perpetual Infinity"

Pon Darra[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2380 Pon Darra Command Trainer 4
Command Trainer 43
Recreations of several bridge officers from the USS Cerritos were present in two holodeck simulations run by Commander Jack Ransom in 2380. LD: "Envoys"
2381 Pon Darra Klingon Encounter Pon Darra was recreated in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"



Date Image Program Note Reference
2371 Quark/Kira Quark's Kira program A hologram created for Tiron. DS9: "Meridian"
2372 Quark Quark's waiter program Quark tried to replace his wait staff with holograms of himself during a strike; unfortunately, energy systems, including tricorders, disrupted the imaging systems, something which Quark was not informed about. DS9: "Bar Association"
Quark Garak's Quark program Used by Elim Garak to demonstrate fatal choices for Quark when he was considering killing himself. DS9: "Body Parts"
2374 Quark Section 31's Deep Space 9 program Created by Luther Sloan as part of his investigation into Julian Bashir. DS9: "Inquisition"
Unknown Quark Unknown malfunctioning program The origin of this hologram is unknown. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"


Ransom, Jack[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2380 Jack Ransom Boimler Seven
Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta
Created by Ensign Brad Boimler to practice his interactions with the crew before Ensign Beckett Mariner reprogrammed it into a movie. LD: "Crisis Point"
2381 Jack Ransom Naked Time Jack Ransom was recreated in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"
2381 Jack Ransom Crisis Point II: Paradoxus Created by Ensign Brad Boimler for his holographic "movie sequel". LD: "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus"

Reed, Malcolm[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2370 Reed NX-01 historical program The historic final flight of the NX-class Enterprise in 2161 as run by Cmdr. William T. Riker. ENT: "These Are the Voyages..."
Unknown Reed Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram The origin of this hologram is unknown. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"

Riker, Min[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2367 Min Riker Barash's USS Enterprise-D program A program set in 2383 as created by Barash on Alpha Onias III so Cmdr. Riker would stay. Min Riker was based on the hologram Minuet. TNG: "Future Imperfect"

Riker, William T.[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2366 Riker Deposition Program Riker One
Hypothetical Krag One
Manua Simulation One
Tayna Simulation Three
La Forge One
This duplicate was used in the Tanuga IV investigation programs
This recreation was not interactive.
TNG: "A Matter of Perspective"
Riker Barclay Program 15 Lt. Reginald Barclay's recreation of 17th century France as inspired by the story The Three Musketeers. TNG: "Hollow Pursuits"
Riker Barclay's USS Enterprise-D program Created by Lt. Reginald Barclay. TNG: "Hollow Pursuits"
2368 Riker Data's Riker program A recreation of Commander Riker was programed by Data and used in a diversion to facilitate Picard, Spock, and his escape from Romulus.
This recreation was not interactive.
TNG: "Unification II"
2369 Riker Moriarty's USS Enterprise-D program Created by James Moriarty. TNG: "Ship In A Bottle"
Riker Picard Delta One Created by Captain Jean-Luc Picard within Moriarty's own program. TNG: "Ship In A Bottle"
Unknown Riker Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram The origin of this hologram is unknown. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"
Unknown Riker Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram The origin of this hologram is unknown. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"

Rios, Cristóbal[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2399 Emil Emergency Medical Hologram Rios based all of the emergency holograms aboard La Sirena on his own likeness. PIC: "The End is the Beginning", "Stardust City Rag", "Nepenthe", "Broken Pieces"
2399; 2401 Emmet Emergency Tactical Hologram Rios based all of the emergency holograms aboard La Sirena on his own likeness. PIC: "Absolute Candor", "Broken Pieces", "The Star Gazer"
2399 Enoch Emergency Navigational Hologram Rios based all of the emergency holograms aboard La Sirena on his own likeness. PIC: "The End is the Beginning", "Broken Pieces"
2399 Ian Emergency Engineering Hologram Rios based all of the emergency holograms aboard La Sirena on his own likeness. PIC: "Broken Pieces"
2399 Mister Hospitality Emergency Hospitality Hologram Rios based all of the emergency holograms aboard La Sirena on his own likeness. PIC: "Absolute Candor", "Broken Pieces"


Date Image Program Note Reference
Unknown 100px|Rok-Tahk Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram The origin of this hologram is unknown. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2369 Russell Moriarty's USS Enterprise-D program Created by James Moriarty. TNG: "Ship In A Bottle"

Rutherford, Sam[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2381 Samanthan Rutherford Naked Time Samanthan Rutherford was recreated in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"
2381 Mirror Universe Samanthan Rutherford Mirror Universe Encounter Mirror universe Sam Rutherford was created in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"



Date Image Program Note Reference
2257 Saru (holographic replica) Control's holographic projection The Section 31 artificial intelligence, Control created a holographic projection of Saru to demonstrate its ability to mimic the appearance of any being to Operative Leland. DIS: "Perpetual Infinity"
Unknown Saru Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram The origin of this hologram is unknown. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"

Sato, Hoshi[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2370 Sato NX-01 historical program The historic final flight of the NX-class Enterprise in 2161 as run by Cmdr. William T. Riker. ENT: "These Are the Voyages..."

Scott, Montgomery[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2383 Montgomery Scott Kobayashi Maru scenario A hologram of Montgomery Scott was part of the Kobayashi Maru scenario holoprogram taken by Dal R'El on board the USS Protostar. PRO: "Kobayashi"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2373 Seska Insurrection Alpha The entire crew of USS Voyager was recreated for this program in 2371. VOY: "Worst Case Scenario"

Seven of Nine[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2375 Seven of Nine The Doctor's program The Doctor created this hologram to practice expressing his romantic feelings to the real Seven. VOY: "Someone to Watch Over Me"
2376 Seven, the nude model The Doctor's daydream algorithm in the holodeck Ensign Harry Kim and Seven of Nine projected The Doctor's daydreams into the holodeck aboard Voyager in order to better understand what was malfunctioning. In this daydream, The Doctor wore a painter's smock and beret while he painted a holographic representation of Seven in the nude. VOY: "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy"
2377 Seven The Doctor's program This hologram was created by The Doctor and Captain Janeway in order to evaluate the chances of a successful replacement of Seven's cortical node. VOY: "Imperfection"
2378 Three of Eight Photons Be Free The Doctor's holonovel, set aboard the USS Vortex, was based on the crew of the USS Voyager, albeit the names were changed to protect the innocent. The character of Three of Eight was based on Seven of Nine. VOY: "Author, Author"
Two of Three Photons Be Free The Doctor's holonovel (revised) set aboard the USS Voyeur, was based on the crew of the USS Voyager, though the title couldn't be changed to protect the innocent. The character of Two of Three (revised) was based on Seven of Nine. VOY: "Author, Author"
31st century Seven The Voyager Encounter The Kyrian Museum of Heritage used this program, set in 2374, to detail their encounter with the warship Voyager, as an aid to a history lesson.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Living Witness"
The Doctor's revised version of The Voyager Encounter The Doctor's revised version of The Voyager Encounter, that was based on his memories of the events of 2374.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Living Witness"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2380 Shaxs Boimler Seven
Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta
Created by Ensign Brad Boimler to practice his interactions with the crew before Ensign Beckett Mariner reprogrammed it into a movie. LD: "Crisis Point"
2381 Shaxs Naked Time Shaxs was recreated in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"
2381 Mirror Shaxs Mirror Universe Encounter Mirror universe Shaxs hologram created in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"
2381 Shaxs Crisis Point II: Paradoxus Created by Ensign Brad Boimler for his holographic "movie sequel". LD: "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus"

Shran, Thy'lek[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2370 Shran NX-01 historical program The historic final flight of the NX-class Enterprise in 2161 as run by Cmdr. William T. Riker. ENT: "These Are the Voyages..."

Sh'reyan, Jennifer[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2381 Jennifer and Barnes Naked Time Jennifer Sh'reyan was recreated in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"

Sisko, Benjamin[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2370 Sisko Deep Space 9 program Created by the personnel of Deep Space 9 in order to lure the Bajoran assailants into a holosuite. DS9: "The Siege"
2372 Hippocrates Noah Julian Bashir, Secret Agent A transporter accident aboard Deep Space 9 resulted in transporter patterns that would normally be stored in the pattern buffer to overwrite some of the characters in this program set in the 1960s, in this case Hippocrates Noah. DS9: "Our Man Bashir"
2374 Sisko Section 31's Deep Space 9 program Created by Luther Sloan as part of his investigation into Julian Bashir. DS9: "Inquisition"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2373 Socrates EMH program 4C Socrates was one of the historical personality profiles studied by The Doctor during his attempt to expand his personality subroutines. VOY: "Darkling"

Soong, Noonien[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2336 Soong Juliana answer program A recreation of Dr. Soong designed to answer any questions the finder of the program would have about the Soong-type android Juliana Soong. TNG: "Inheritance"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2368 Spock Spock One The holoprogram Spock One was to be used by Sela in the attempted Romulan invasion of Vulcan.
This recreation was not interactive.
TNG: "Unification II"
2383 Spock Kobayashi Maru scenario A hologram of Spock was part of the Kobayashi Maru scenario holoprogram taken by Dal R'El on board the USS Protostar. PRO: "Kobayashi"
Unknown Spock Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram A hologram of Spock's head that was part of a five-headed hologram featuring the likeness of himself, William T. Riker, T'Pol, Charles Tucker III and Nyota Uhura. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"

Stamets, Paul[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
3190 Paul Stamets Stamets duplicate A holographic duplicate was created of Paul Stamets which was remotely controlled by Stamets himself as it ventured into the Dark Matter Anomaly with Cleveland Booker on board Booker's ship. DIS: "Anomaly (DIS)"

Stevens, Steve[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2380 Steve Stevens Boimler Seven
Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta
Created by Ensign Brad Boimler to practice his interactions with the crew before Ensign Beckett Mariner reprogrammed it into a movie. LD: "Crisis Point"
2381 Steve Stevens Naked Time Stevens was recreated in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"



Date Image Program Note Reference
2370 Talla NX-01 historical program The historic final flight of the NX-class Enterprise in 2161 as run by Cmdr. William T. Riker. ENT: "These Are the Voyages..."


Date Image Program Note Reference
2380 T'Ana Boimler Seven
Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta
Created by Ensign Brad Boimler to practice his interactions with the crew before Ensign Beckett Mariner reprogrammed it into a movie. LD: "Crisis Point"
2381 T'Ana and Shaxs Naked Time T'Ana was recreated in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"
2381 T'Ana Crisis Point II: Paradoxus Created by Ensign Brad Boimler for his holographic "movie sequel". LD: "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2381 Taylor Crisis Point II: Paradoxus Created by Ensign Brad Boimler for his holographic "movie sequel". LD: "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2366 Tayna Deposition Program Riker One
Manua Simulation One
Tayna Simulation Four
This duplicate was used in the Tanuga IV investigation programs
This recreation was not interactive.
TNG: "A Matter of Perspective"


Date Image Program Note Reference
31st century Tedran The Voyager Encounter The Kyrian Museum of Heritage used this program, set in 2374, to detail their encounter with the warship Voyager, as an aid to a history lesson.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Living Witness"
The Doctor's revised version of The Voyager Encounter The Doctor's revised version of The Voyager Encounter, that was based on his memories of the events of 2374.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Living Witness"

Tendi, D'Vana[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
Unknown D'Vana Tendi Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram The origin of this hologram is unknown. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2367 Tomalak Barash's Romulan base program A program set in 2383 as created by Barash on Alpha Onias III so Cmdr. Riker would stay. TNG: "Future Imperfect"

Torres, B'Elanna[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2371 Torres USS Voyager's Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program Recreations of crewmembers from USS Voyager and the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center seen by The Doctor during a holodeck malfunction. VOY: "Projections"
2374 Torres The Doctor's USS Voyager program The Doctor created this program to help Seven of Nine improve her social skills VOY: "One"
2376 Torres Barclay's USS Voyager program Lt. Reginald Barclay's recreation of USS Voyager circa 2371 at the Communications Research Center on Earth for the Pathfinder Project. VOY: "Pathfinder"
B'Elanna Torres The Doctor's daydream algorith in the holodeck Ensign Harry Kim and Seven of Nine projected The Doctor's daydreams into the holodeck aboard Voyager in order to better understand what was malfunctioning. In this daydream, The Doctor ended his imagined relationship with a holographic B'Elanna Torres and she takes the news by crying uncontrollably. The real Torres, who watched the scene unfold, became very angry at The Doctor's view of her. VOY: "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy"
2378 Torres Seven of Nine Alpha-3 Seven of Nine created this program to help her improve her social life. VOY: "Human Error"
Torrey Photons Be Free The Doctor's holonovel, set aboard the USS Vortex, was based on the crew of the USS Voyager, albeit the names were changed to protect the innocent. The character of Torrey was based on B'Elanna Torres. VOY: "Author, Author"
The Doctor, disguised as Torres The Doctor The Doctor was forced to impersonate members of the USS Voyager's crew during a crisis. VOY: "Renaissance Man"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2373 T'Pau EMH program 4C T'Pau was one of the historical personality profiles studied by The Doctor during his attempt to expand his personality subroutines. VOY: "Darkling"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2377 T'Pel Holographic simulation created by Tom Paris Created to help Tuvok deal with his pon farr symptoms. VOY: "Body and Soul"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2370 T'Pol NX-01 historical program The historic final flight of the NX-class Enterprise in 2161 as run by Cmdr. William T. Riker. ENT: "These Are the Voyages..."
Unknown T'Pol Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram The origin of this hologram is unknown. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"
Unknown T'Pol Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram The origin of this hologram is unknown. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"

Troi, Deanna[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2366 Goddess of Empathy Goddess of Empathy, Barclay Program 15 Lt. Reginald Barclay's recreation of 17th century France as inspired by the story The Three Musketeers. TNG: "Hollow Pursuits"
Troi Barclay's USS Enterprise-D program Created by Lt. Reginald Barclay. TNG: "Hollow Pursuits"
2367 Troi Barash's USS Enterprise-D program A program set in 2383 as created by Barash on Alpha Onias III so Cmdr. Riker would stay. TNG: "Future Imperfect"
2369 Troi Moriarty's USS Enterprise-D program Created by James Moriarty. TNG: "Ship In A Bottle"
Unknown Troi Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram The origin of this hologram is unknown. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"

Tucker III, Charles[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2370 Tucker NX-01 historical program The historic final flight of the NX-class Enterprise in 2161 as run by Cmdr. William T. Riker. ENT: "These Are the Voyages..."
Unknown Tucker Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram The origin of this hologram is unknown. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"
Unknown Tucker Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram The origin of this hologram is unknown. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2371 Tuvok USS Voyager's Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center program Recreations of crewmembers from USS Voyager and the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center seen by The Doctor during a holodeck malfunction. VOY: "Projections"
2373 Tuvok Insurrection Alpha The entire crew of USS Voyager was recreated for this program by the real Tuvok in 2371. VOY: "Worst Case Scenario"
2376 Tuvok The Doctor's daydream algorithm in the holodeck Ensign Harry Kim and Seven of Nine projected The Doctor's daydreams into the holodeck aboard Voyager in order to better understand what was malfunctioning. In this daydream, The Doctor acted as the Emergency Command Hologram during a crisis, while Tuvok served on the bridge. VOY: "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy"
2376 Tuvok Barclay's USS Voyager program Lt. Reginald Barclay's recreation of USS Voyager circa 2371 at the Communications Research Center on Earth for the Pathfinder Project. VOY: "Pathfinder"
2378 Tuvok Seven of Nine Alpha-3 Seven of Nine created this program to help her improve her social life. VOY: "Human Error"
Tulak Photons Be Free The Doctor's holonovel, set aboard the USS Vortex, was based on the crew of the USS Voyager, albeit the names were changed to protect the innocent. The character of Tulak was based on Tuvok. VOY: "Author, Author"
31st century Tuvok The Voyager Encounter The Kyrian Museum of Heritage used this program, set in 2374, to detail their encounter with the warship Voyager, as an aid to a history lesson.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Living Witness"
The Doctor's revised version of The Voyager Encounter The Doctor's revised version of The Voyager Encounter, that was based on his memories of the events of 2374.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Living Witness"


Uhura, Nyota[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2383 Nyota Uhura Kobayashi Maru scenario A hologram of Nyota Uhura was part of the Kobayashi Maru scenario holoprogram taken by Dal R'El on board the USS Protostar. PRO: "Kobayashi"
Unknown Uhura Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram The origin of this hologram is unknown. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"
Unknown Uhura Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram The origin of this hologram is unknown. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"



Date Image Program Note Reference
2380 Vassery Boimler Seven
Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta
Created by Ensign Brad Boimler to practice his interactions with the crew before Ensign Beckett Mariner reprogrammed it into a movie. LD: "Crisis Point"



Date Image Program Note Reference
2381 Westlake Naked Time Westlake was recreated in a simulator holopod training drill by Shari yn Yem. LD: "I, Excretus"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2374 Weyoun Federation/Dominion negotiations recording A holo-recording for analysis by Jack, Patrick, Lauren, and Sarina Douglas.
This recreation was not interactive.
DS9: "Statistical Probabilities"
Weyoun Section 31's Deep Space 9 program Created by Luther Sloan as part of his investigation into Julian Bashir. DS9: "Inquisition"
Weyoun The Dominion's invasion of Romulus A forged recording created by Grathon Tolar to convince Romulan Senator Vreenak to join the Federation and Klingon Empire in the war with the Dominion.
This recreation was not interactive.
DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight"


Date Image Program Note Reference
2366 Worf Barclay's USS Enterprise-D program Created by Lt. Reginald Barclay. TNG: "Hollow Pursuits"
2367 Worf Barash's USS Enterprise-D program A program set in 2383 as created by Barash on Alpha Onias III so Cmdr. Riker would stay. TNG: "Future Imperfect"
2369 Worf Moriarty's USS Enterprise-D program Created by James Moriarty. TNG: "Ship In A Bottle"
Worf Picard Delta One Created by Captain Jean-Luc Picard within Moriarty's own program. TNG: "Ship In A Bottle"
2370 Worf Bridge Officer's Test
(USS Enterprise-D)
The program Cmdr. Riker had Deanna Troi take to become a bridge officer. TNG: "Thine Own Self"
2372 Duchamps Julian Bashir, Secret Agent A transporter accident aboard Deep Space 9 resulted in transporter patterns that would normally be stored in the pattern buffer to overwrite some of the characters in this program set in the 1960s, in this case Duchamps. DS9: "Our Man Bashir"
2374 Worf Section 31's Deep Space 9 program Created by Luther Sloan as part of his investigation into Julian Bashir. DS9: "Inquisition"


Yar, Natasha[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2364 Yar Yar's recorded will A recording Yar made in the event of her death. Data kept this as a keepsake. TNG: "Skin Of Evil", "The Measure Of A Man"



Date Image Program Note Reference
2384 No image yet USS Protostar recording Recreated on the USS Protostar holodeck. This recreation was not interactive. PRO: "Let Sleeping Borg Lie"
Unknown Zero Unknown malfunctioning holoprogram The origin of this hologram is unknown. VST: "Holograms All the Way Down"

Zimmerman, Lewis[]

Date Image Program Note Reference
2370 EMH-MK1 Emergency Medical Holographic program Dr. Lewis Zimmerman chose to base the initial EMH related holograms on himself, in this case the Emergency Medical Hologram-Mark I. Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek: First Contact
DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume"
JSD-A11 Jupiter Station Diagnostic Program Alpha-11 Dr. Lewis Zimmerman chose to base the initial EMH related holograms on himself. VOY: "The Swarm"
2373 The Doctor Insurrection Alpha The entire crew of USS Voyager was recreated for this program circa 2371. VOY: "Worst Case Scenario"
2374 EMHRP Emergency Medical Hologram Replacement Program Dr. Lewis Zimmerman chose to base the initial EMH related holograms on himself. As a consequence of this, holograms based on Voyager's EMH subsequently are also based on him. VOY: "Message in a Bottle"
EMH-BM EMH backup module Dr. Lewis Zimmerman chose to base the initial EMH related holograms on himself. As a consequence of this, holograms based on Voyager's EMH subsequently are also based on him. VOY: "Living Witness"
2376 The Doctor Barclay's USS Voyager program Lt. Reginald Barclay's recreation of the USS Voyager circa 2371 at the Communications Research Center on Earth for the Pathfinder Project. VOY: "Pathfinder"
EMH-Miniature Miniature copy of The Doctor A miniature copy of The Doctor was created on the USS Voyager. VOY: "Virtuoso"
QSH Qomar singing holograpic matrix The Qomar created this hologram to replicate The Doctor's singing ability. Unfortunately for The Doctor, the Qomar created this hologram to reach octaves and tones that The Doctor could not, ultimately relegating his ability unneeded. VOY: "Virtuoso"
The Doctor, the artist The Doctor's daydream algorithm in the holodeck Ensign Harry Kim and Seven of Nine projected The Doctor's daydreams into the holodeck aboard Voyager in order to better understand what was malfunctioning. In this daydream, The Doctor wore a painter's smock and beret while he painted a holographic representation of Seven in the nude. VOY: "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy"
2377 Fake Doctor The Doctor's training file After he stole The Doctor's program from the USS Voyager, Gar left this copy—created from one of The Doctor's old training files—aboard the starship, to cover his tracks. VOY: "Critical Care"
ECH Emergency Command Hologram The ECH was created aboard the USS Voyager jointly by Captain Kathryn Janeway and The Doctor to command Voyager in times of extreme emergency when neither the captain or the first officer, Commander Chakotay, were able to command. VOY: "Workforce"
2378 The Doctor Seven of Nine Alpha-3 Seven of Nine created this program to help her improve her social life. VOY: "Human Error"
Narrator Photons Be Free The Doctor's holonovel, set aboard the USS Vortex, was based on the crew of the USS Voyager, albeit the names were changed to protect the innocent. The Narrator was based on The Doctor.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Author, Author"
The Doctor Photons Be Free Tom Paris' revised version of The Doctor's holonovel was set aboard the USS Voyeur, was based on the crew of the USS Voyager, but altered by Tom Paris to prove a point. The title was left unchanged to allow The Doctor to activate the program without realizing it had been altered. The Voyeur's CMO was based on The Doctor. VOY: "Author, Author"
31st century The Doctor The Voyager Encounter The Kyrian Museum of Heritage used this program, set in 2374, to detail their encounter with the warship Voyager, as an aid to a history lesson. In this recreation The Doctor was an android
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Living Witness"
The Doctor's revised version of The Voyager Encounter The Doctor's revised version of The Voyager Encounter, that was based on his memories of the events of 2374.
This recreation was not interactive.
VOY: "Living Witness"

In the spin-offs of Star Trek made from 1987 to 2005 (TNG-ENT), the only main character who did not appear on screen as a holographic duplicate was Ezri Dax. Jake Sisko also did not appear, but he did appear in the simulation experienced in DS9: "The Search, Part II" that was of an unspecificed nature.
