Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
MA PRO star
This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Prodigy, and thus may contain spoilers.

"The real me is hunting us with a quantum slipstream Dauntless-class starship? Good luck with that!"

The USS Dauntless (NCC-80816) was a Federation Dauntless-class starship operated by Starfleet in the late 24th century.

Service history[]

In 2384, under the command of Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway, the Dauntless was tasked with locating the missing USS Protostar. (PRO: "A Moral Star, Part 2")

The crew first tracked the warp signature of the Protostar to Tars Lamora, where they found the Diviner in stasis within the abandoned prison colony. (PRO: "Asylum")

The Dauntless then tracked the Protostar to communication relay station CR-721, where the crew were shocked to discover it destroyed with no signs of survivors. Knowing that the Protostar's Captain Chakotay would never commit such an act, Janeway surmised that someone else was in control of the Protostar. (PRO: "Let Sleeping Borg Lie")

USS Protostar meets the USS Dauntless

Intercepting the Protostar

Following the trail of CR-721's sole crew member, Lieutenant jg Barniss Frex, brought the Dauntless to Denaxi Depot, where their away team chanced upon the Protostar crew. The Protostar fled the planet and entered the Romulan Neutral Zone after its protostar drive was disabled by a photon torpedo fired by the Dauntless. Confronted by three Romulan D'deridex-class warbirds, the Dauntless was unable to pursue. Janeway was ordered to destroy the protostar drive at long range with microtorpedoes rather than allow the technology to be captured by the Romulans, but this proved to be unnecessary. (PRO: "Crossroads", "Masquerade")

The Dauntless resumed its pursuit and was able to merge its warp field with the Protostar's. The Dauntless shot several phaser shots at the Protostar, but were unable to penetrate its shield. It caused Zero to inadvertently switch consciousness between Admiral Janeway and R'El. Janeway and R'El were able to switch back to their bodies before they were stopped by a Starfleet armada. During this time, Ensign Asencia revealed herself as a Vau N'Akat time traveler and boarded the Protostar. After subduing the crew, Ascencia contacted the Dauntless and activated the Living construct. The construct was able to infect the Dauntless. forcing it to attack the other ships in Starfleet's armada. The Dauntless' universal translators were also taken offline by the construct as it spread to the rest of the armada. Fortunately, the Dauntless and other ships were freed from the construct's corruption when holo-Janeway destroyed the Protostar. (PRO: "Mindwalk", "Supernova, Part 1", "Supernova, Part 2")

Later that year, Janeway, Tysess and Dr. Noum transferred from the Dauntless to the Lamarr-class USS Voyager-A to rescue Captain Chakotay. (PRO: "Into the Breach, Part I")

Command crew[]

See also: USS Dauntless personnel


See also[]


Background information[]

The USS Dauntless (NCC-80816) commanded by Admiral Janeway in Prodigy shares its name and elements of its design with a ship that was posing as a Starfleet ship in VOY: "Hope and Fear". Producer Aaron Waltke tweeted confirming that Prodigy's Dauntless is separate but inspired by the original and was nicknamed "Dauntless 2" around the office.[1]

External links[]
