Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a Production point of view)
Mission to Horatius

Mission to Horatius, the first Trek novel

For in-universe novels, please see Book.

Through a licensing process similar to those granted to create collectibles, comics, and games, Paramount Pictures has granted the rights to market Star Trek stories and books of various sorts through a number of different publishers, beginning in 1967 with a series based on Star Trek: The Original Series.

With the success of the Star Trek films and Star Trek: The Next Generation, a licensing office associated with the productions took stricter control of the franchise's image. Although writers of Star Trek publications were unlimited by TV budget and studio set constraints, they were discouraged from creating depictions that varied from the style and details of the franchise, as seen in filmed productions. Previous novels of the 1960s, 70s, and early 80s tend to vary from canon more than later series. Since most novels are produced by editors and writers not affiliated with franchise production staff, filmed productions generally regard the events and situations in most novelizations as completely apocryphal.

It should be noted that certain publications written by creators of Star Trek's various series are sometimes referenced in later episodes of those series. Somewhat paradoxically, the novels themselves remain apocryphal in such cases while whatever information was mentioned on-screen becomes canon.

See also: Undeveloped Star Trek publications

Star Trek television tie-in series[]

Original ongoing series[]

Crossover series and anthologies[]

Other adventures[]

Young adult series[]

Omnibus collections[]

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