Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Prodigy, and thus may contain spoilers.

"Jankom Pog can fix it. Jankom Pog can fix it!"
– Jankom Pog, repeatedly, to Boxy, 24th century ("Preludes")

Jankom Pog was a young Tellarite male born during the mid-22nd century, who spent two centuries in cryostasis before being revived in the late 24th century.


Early life[]

He was born on Tellar Prime sometime before the Federation was formed in the year 2161. (PRO: "Preludes") He had a habit of referring to himself in the third person. (PRO: "Crossroads", et al) At some point, Pog's right hand had been replaced with a multi-mitt: a cybernetic implant that possessed a number of capabilities, such as turning into a hammer and functioning as a grapnel launcher. (PRO: "Dream Catcher")

An orphan, Pog was thus enlisted for deep space missions and was sent in the Delta Quadrant aboard a Tellar sleeper ship of miners. He was accidentally awoken sometime before 2383 when his cryo-stasis chamber malfunctioned. "Assisted" by the robot Boxy, Pog had to repair multiple system failures that threatened the old ship before returning to stasis. Boxy frequently required Pog to state his name before asking a question, which over time resulted in him developing a habit of referring to himself in the third person. When Pog finally finished repairing the ship, Boxy informed him that there was not enough oxygen left for the thirty crew members to reach their destination. Pog then sacrificed himself by leaving the ship aboard an escape pod and was picked-up shortly thereafter by Kazon slavers. (PRO: "Preludes")

On the Protostar[]

He worked as an engineer at the Tars Lamora prison colony until 2383, when Dal R'El asked him and several others to assist in their escape on the newly-discovered Federation starship USS Protostar. (PRO: "Lost and Found")

Jankom Pog in uniform

Jankom Pog in Protostar uniform

Pog was initially unaware of the subsequent formation of the Federation and his species' role as a founding member. On learning this, he claimed it made him royalty. (PRO: "Asylum") He was later knocked down a peg by fellow Tellarite, Noum, after he referred to Pog as an "under-sized pauper", adding that, in Tellarite culture, the name "Pog" was reserved for runts, specifically, those "short in size and vocabulary." (PRO: "Crossroads")

Pog suffered a crisis of confidence when he was unable to disable the Living construct which was had been installed on the Protostar with the intention of destroying Starfleet. As a result, he was less than enthusiastic when the Protostar crew answered a mysterious distress call emanating from a seemingly pre-warp planet. Having been told by the natives, who called themselves Enderprizians, of a curse coming from a monster called "The Gallows" that lived in the woods. Pog, along with Rok and Gwyn investigated, only to discover that the "Gallows" was actually a Starfleet shuttlecraft called Galileo (2267) which had been leaking plasma for over a century. That plasma had been interacting with native dilithium, which created a toxic run-off which had been contaminating the land. Pog, who'd been studying 23rd century technology, bravely entered the shuttle, stating that if he couldn't fix this problem, he couldn't call himself an engineer. Ultimately, Pog was able to eliminate the toxic run-off by causing the Galileo to fall into a cavern. (PRO: "All the World's a Stage")

Eventually, thanks to the Living construct, the Protostar crew no longer had control of the ship, and was headed for the heart of Federation space, where it was met by an armada of Starfleet vessels. When Starfleet vessels began attacking one another, thanks to the Living construct, Dal decided that the only solution was to destroy the Protostar. When Pog stated that that would destroy everything in this solar system, Rok countered that it wouldn't if they set the ship to explode as it was going into proto-drive. Unfortunately, since the self-destruct was off-line, the core would need to be detonated manually. Dal volunteered to go down with the ship. but Holo Janeway declared that she should be the one to stay behind.

As Pog and the others escaped on a bare-bones, makeshift shuttle that Rok created using the vehicle replicator, the Protostar destroyed itself in mid-jump, disabling the Living construct.

A month later, Pog and the others made it to Starfleet Headquarters on Earth. where they found themselves in front of a Starfleet tribunal where they faced various criminal charges, such as stealing a Federation starship. Vice admiral Kathryn Janeway argued on their behalf that the kids did everything in in an effort to warn Starfleet. thanks to the admiral's impassioned speech, all criminal charges were dropped and although they weren't allowed immediate entrance into Starfleet Academy as they hoped, the crew, with the exception of Gwyn who'd decided to go to Solum to try to unite her people, would be permitted to serve under the admiral as Warrant officers-in-training. (PRO: "Supernova, Part 2")

Memorable quotes[]

"Ugh, she's hideous. Why is her forehead so smooth? Ugh."
"You're no summer peach either, Tellarite."
"Ha ha ha ha! Jankom Pog likes her."

- Jankom Pog and Hologram Janeway (PRO: "Starstruck")

"You know, Jankom swore he'd never been eaten alive… again."

- Jankom (PRO: "Asylum")

"Jankom Pog is so excited to be meeting a fellow Tellarite! Consider me underwhelmed."
"I consider you under… something. Undersized pauper."
"Hey, you're Starfleet? Pog needs to tell you… WHA? Pauper? We Tellarites are practically royalty!"
"Royalty? HAHAHA! "Pog"'s a name we reserve for runts, short in size and vocabulary.

- Jankom and Dr. Noum (PRO: "Crossroads")



Background information[]

Jankom Pog is voiced by Jason Mantzoukas.

According to his official Nickelodeon description:

A stubborn, stout, 16-year-old Tellarite engineer, Jankom Pog loves to tinker, fix, create, and reconfigure (even when he's not supposed to). Like all Tellarites, he rarely backs down from an argument, and loves to play "devil's advocate." Some might find him cranky, but Jankom always gets the job done and has yet to find an engine he can’t fix with his trusty Multi-Mitt. Jankom loves food and referring to himself in the third person. [1]

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