Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
MA PRO star
This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Prodigy, and thus may contain spoilers.

"It seems we met a new chapter of Starfleet after all. Sure, they got a few things wrong, but they got a few things right."
– Dal R'El, 2384 ("All the World's a Stage")

The Enderprizians were pre-warp humanoids who lived on Planet 0042692, first discovered by the crew of the USS Enterprise during the late 2260s. Their world, which was subject to protection by the Prime Directive, became culturally contaminated after Enterprise Ensign David Garrovick crash landed the shuttlecraft Galileo there.

After making contact with the natives, Garrovick was healed and lived amongst them for several months, teaching them of Starfleet values and of the Enterprise's crew. He also explained to them about the Prime Directive, and how they were not ready as a species to handle advanced technology or the ideas of the Federation. Garrovick took time to explain, as far as the natives could understand, the danger posed by the damaged Galileo and that they could not approach the crash site without falling to a lethal illness.

Following his death, the imitative species, now known as the Enderprizians, constructed the New Enda-Prize colony and built a civilization loosely based on Garrovick's teachings. They dressed in Star-Flight uniforms, practiced hand-to-hand combat, and improperly mastered the Vulcan salute. Technologically, they constructed with metals, sewed with cloth, and practiced primitive medicine, but carried advanced 23rd century Starfleet technology that Garrovick salvaged from the Galileo, including communicators, type 2 phasers, viewscreen, and the ability to record video.

After about a century of exposure to 23rd century Starfleet technology, the descendants of the people Garrovick had met were knowledgeable enough to operate the bridge consoles of a Constitution-class starship.

In 2384. the USS Protostar discovered the distress signal left by Garrovick and arrived at the planet. After assisting the Enderprizians in what became their second contact, they were left with medical supplies and a fulfillment of a prophecy, and based on Starfleet protocols, at that point, it was up to them how they chose to continue to evolve. (PRO: "All the World's a Stage")

Evidently, this second contact resulted in the Enderprizians establishing a relationship with the Federation at large as several months later, an Enderprizian was in a sciences class with Rok-Tahk as the new warrant officer was receiving basic training at Starfleet Academy. (PRO: "Supernova, Part 2")

Alternate realities and timelines[]

In an alternate reality encountered by Rok-Tahk and Zero, Tuvix was the commanding officer of a USS Voyager-A that was crewed by Enderprizians. (PRO: "Cracked Mirror")




