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Worf (Colonel)

Colonel Worf in 2293

Colonel Worf was a prominent Klingon advocate and diplomatic figure in the late 23rd century.

In 2293, Worf represented Captain James T. Kirk and Dr. Leonard McCoy when they were put on trial on the planet Qo'noS, in suspicion of involvement in the assassination of Chancellor Gorkon. While Worf was powerless to prevent the pair being convicted in what was essentially a show trial, he nonetheless managed to convince a trio of judges who were presiding over the case that the evidence was not strong enough to support the death penalty. He noted that Gorkon's assassins could have merely been wearing Starfleet uniforms rather than being members of Starfleet themselves. Due to this line of deliberation, combined with the closeness of an impending peace summit, the sentence was commuted to a lifetime's imprisonment on Rura Penthe.
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