Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Did You Know?

This page lists Did You Know templates that are included on the portal pages – to edit one of the templates, use an "edit this entry" link. Please make sure...

  • ...that each entry starts as if "Did you know " was at the beginning of the first sentence, and is formed as a question.
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  • ...that each template covers only one subject and
  • ...that all entries for People, Society and Culture, Science, Technology, and the Alternate Reality are written from an in-universe POV, while the entries for Star Trek, TV and films, and Merchandise are written from a production POV.




that Jean-Luc Picard was the commanding officer of two different Enterprises of two different classes, one Galaxy-class and the other Sovereign-class?


that at the age of 15, Wesley Crusher served as conn officer aboard the USS Enterprise-D?


that James T. Kirk was the first cadet at Starfleet Academy to pass the no-win test "Kobayashi Maru" by secretly reprogramming the simulation computer to make it possible to win?


that, in 2026, Buck Bokai broke Joe DiMaggio's record for scoring hits in consecutive baseball games?


that the Xindi scientist Degra not only designed the Xindi weapon, but also customized his own ship and designed the power systems of the Reptilian warship?


that in the mirror universe, Nog was the owner of his uncle's bar after Quark and Rom's deaths – at least until his own death in 2372?


that when he was young, Martok had a pet targ that his wife Sirella "accidentally" caused to get lost upon their marriage?


that James T. Kirk caused opponents with artificial intelligence to destroy themselves – using nothing but verbal arguments – on at least four separate occasions?


that Quark killed Jem'Hadar soldiers on three different occasions? The first was during first contact with the Dominion in 2370, the second during Operation Return in 2374, and the third during the Siege of AR-558 in 2375.


that T'Pol didn't reveal her age to Trip Tucker until February 14, 2154, after nearly three years of him trying to find out?


that Data had his mind and body taken over on separate occasions by Ira Graves, Noonien Soong, Ux-Mal criminals, and the D'Arsay archive?


that Data had his ethical program disabled by Lore, lost his memory on Barkon IV, and malfunctioned on the Ba'ku planet?


that T'Pau was the only person ever to reject a seat on the Federation Council by 2267?


that Guinan had had "some dealings" with Q during the 22nd century, before encountering him again aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2365?


that Kathryn Janeway was the Starfleet captain with the most first contacts since James T. Kirk?


that Jonathan Archer was called the "greatest explorer of the 22nd century" by 23rd century historian John Gill?


that Michael Burnham was the first Human ever to attend the Vulcan Learning Center?


that by 2256 the most decorated captains in Starfleet history were Robert April, Jonathan Archer, Matthew Decker, Philippa Georgiou, and Christopher Pike?


that Julian Bashir stopped calling himself Jules in 2356, after he had learned of his genetically-enhanced status at the age of fifteen?


that Lyndsay Ballard died during an away mission in the Vyntadi Expanse, but was later revived by the Kobali under the name Jhet'leya?