Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Did You Know?

This page lists Did You Know templates that are included on the portal pages – to edit one of the templates, use an "edit this entry" link. Please make sure...

  • ...that each entry starts as if "Did you know " was at the beginning of the first sentence, and is formed as a question.
  • ...that information presented here is also available in at least one of our articles and
  • ...that this article is linked in the entry.
  • ...that each template covers only one subject and
  • ...that all entries for People, Society and Culture, Science, Technology, and the Alternate Reality are written from an in-universe POV, while the entries for Star Trek, TV and films, and Merchandise are written from a production POV.


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that according to 22nd century Vulcan scientists only one of every 43,000 planets in the Milky Way Galaxy supported intelligent life?


that Bajor had five moons, including Derna and Jeraddo?


that not only did a Vulcan undergo pon farr every seven years to force him/her to reproduce, but that this condition could be induced through a mind meld or exposure to certain pathogens?


tha by 2268 several hundred million people lived on the planet Archer IV, after an antidote for the planet's toxic pollen had been discovered in the early 2200s?


that the non-humanoid Tholians lived at temperatures over 200 °C?


that the termites of Loracus Prime provided the inspiration for the development of Hodgkin's Law of Parallel Planetary Development?


that, according to Kathryn Janeway, Schlezholt's Theory of Multiple Big Bangs was difficult to disprove because Wang's Second Postulate had "more lives than a cat"?


that Federation scientists had discovered 246 elements until 2371, when the USS Voyager discovered a 247th element in the Delta Quadrant?



