Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Did You Know?

This page lists Did You Know templates that are included on the portal pages – to edit one of the templates, use an "edit this entry" link. Please make sure...

  • ...that each entry starts as if "Did you know " was at the beginning of the first sentence, and is formed as a question.
  • ...that information presented here is also available in at least one of our articles and
  • ...that this article is linked in the entry.
  • ...that each template covers only one subject and
  • ...that all entries for People, Society and Culture, Science, Technology, and the Alternate Reality are written from an in-universe POV, while the entries for Star Trek, TV and films, and Merchandise are written from a production POV.


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that chroniton torpedoes existed in a constant state of temporal flux?


that by 2376, numerous discharged versions of the Mark I Emergency Medical Hologram were used to scrape plasma conduits or to mine dilithium ore?


that Deep Space 9 was originally built by the Cardassians to process uridium ore?


that by the 24th century, Ferengi had tiny universal translators that were inserted directly into their ears?


that a model of the DY-100 class, the same as Khan Singh's SS Botany Bay, appeared in Rain Robinson's office in 1996?


that the kitchen aboard the USS Enterprise-A included a weapons locker?


that the gymnasium areas aboard the Galaxy-class starship USS Enterprise-D had aerobic studios, martial arts areas, a parrises squares area, an anbo-jyutsu court, and featured a fencing room?


that by the 29th century Starfleet utilized Wells-class timeships, including the USS Relativity?


that the USS Franklin was the first Earth ship to achieve warp 4?


that the spore drive aboard the USS Discovery utilized mycelium spores harvested from Prototaxites stellaviatori?