Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

Star Trek: Gateways was a crossover event, published by Pocket Books in 2001, devised by Robert Greenberger and Pocket editor John Ordover.

The Iconian gateways, scattered across the galaxy, have begun to spring into life across time and space. In the late 24th century, aliens claiming to be the long-lost Iconians have contacted the major powers of the Alpha Quadrant, offering the secret of the gateways to the highest bidder.

The crossover involved the crews of all of the major novel series active at the time, including an abortive launch of Star Trek: Challenger. Each novel within the crossover ended on a cliffhanger, which was resolved in the final story collection What Lay Beyond. Co-creator Greenberger later acknowledged the criticism that arose from this move, noting that "[in] retrospect, this was not a good idea and people have come to resent the series because of the caper costing twenty-four dollars after investing in six five dollars and ninety-nine cents books." (Voyages of Imagination, p. 448)


  1. TOS: One Small Step
  2. Challenger: Chainmail
  3. TNG: Doors Into Chaos
  4. DS9: Demons of Air and Darkness
  5. VOY: No Man's Land
  6. New Frontier: Cold Wars
  7. What Lay Beyond

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