Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
MA PRO star
This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Prodigy, and thus may contain spoilers.

Commander Tysess was a male Andorian command division officer who served as the first officer of the USS Dauntless and the USS Voyager-A under Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway and later Captain Chakotay in the late 24th century.

Starfleet career[]

Service aboard the Dauntless[]

He was on the bridge in 2384 when the Dauntless's sensors detected a third proto-warp signature originating from the USS Protostar. (PRO: "A Moral Star, Part 2")

He later reported to Janeway that they had tracked the USS Protostar's warp signature to Tars Lamora. (PRO: "Asylum")

When Janeway ordered the Dauntless to pursue the Protostar into the Romulan Neutral Zone, Tysess refused to obey, as doing so would constitute an act of war and jeopardize ongoing negotiations with the Romulans. He reminded Janeway that she had once counseled him against being guided by his emotions, and stated his belief that she was allowing her concern for Captain Chakotay to compromise her judgment. (PRO: "Crossroads")

Later, the Protostar suddenly exited the Neutral Zone, stopped right under the Dauntless's nose, then hurled toward Federation space at high warp. Tysess immediately called the Admiral to report to bridge, but Noum stated she was not answering comms, leading Tysess to wonder where she was since they needed her immediately. When Tysess asked if they could get closer to the Protostar. Ensign Asencia suggested that they could close gap if they rerouted power from quantum slipstream--that would allow them to merge their warp fields and lock onto their course. When Dr.Noum argued that if the Protostar engaged their proto-engine, they’d be torn apart. Asencia pointed out that the proto-drive was offline and reminded Tysess that the Admiral did not want them to lose the ship.

When Admiral Janeway arrived on the bridge, she displayed highly erratic behavior. After uncharacteristically spitting out her coffee, Admiral Janeway suddenly put Tysess (whom she referred to in this instance as "antenna") in charge and quickly left the bridge. Meanwhile, Asencia reported that the Protostar was headed toward a restricted area of space which Tysess recognized as awfully close to the heart of the Federation. He informed the crew that he'd contact Starfleet Command and recommend they divert all ships to that sector.

Tysess, Noum and Asencia then went to Janeway's quarters where they found her dancing erractically. When Tysess informed her that they were taking her to Sickbay, she protested and bolted from the room, only to be subdued and placed in sickbay in restraints for her own protection.

Later, on the bridge, they discovered Janeway, in an environmental suit, was walking along the outside of the Dauntless. Tysess demanded that she be beamed back but Noum stated that the merged warp field made that impossible. While Tysess insisted that they find an option before she burned herself alive, Noum complained that she was endangering the lives of everyone aboard the ship. Ultimately, they were able to pull the admiral back in with a tractor beam and have her placed in the brig. (PRO: "Mindwalk")

Service aboard the Voyager-A[]

Later that year, Tyssess, along with Dr. Noum were reassigned from the Dauntless to the USS Voyager-A, a Lamarr-class science vessel and continued to serve under Admiral Janeway. (PRO: "Into the Breach, Part I")

Key dates[]



Background information[]

Tysess was voiced by Daveed Diggs.

In an information panel seen in the Dauntless transporter room, Tysess was identified as a commanding officer. He was one of two commanding officers aboard this ship; Kathryn Janeway was the other one. A clear view of this panel was provided by Dominique Rossier of Wardenlight Studio. [1]
