Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Mirror universe
MA PRO star
This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Prodigy, and thus may contain spoilers.
It has been suggested that this article should be renamed to ISS Voyager (ISS-74656-A).
You can discuss this suggestion on the talk page.

For the prime universe counterpart, please see USS Voyager (NCC-74656-A).

The ISS Voyager (ISS-74656-A)/(NCC-74656-A) was a Terran Lamarr-class starship that was in service to Starfleet in the late-24th century. The ship's commanding officer was Admiral Kathryn Janeway.

In 2385, while under the command of Janeway and Captain Chakotay, a crossover event occurred due to a reality fracture. Chakotay, Dal R'El, Jankom Pog, and Murf from the prime universe found themselves aboard. Initially captured, Chakotay impersonated his mirror self and they were able make their way to the bridge where they recalibrated Voyager's deflector dish to create a broad-spectrum warp field with an inverse tachyon pulse that would fix the fracture in reality. With the Loom invading the mirror universe because of the rift, mirror Janeway allowed the group to proceed. Gwyn was able to activate the warp field, repairing the fracture in reality and returning everyone to the prime universe. (PRO: "Cracked Mirror")

Command crew[]

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