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Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

The Dauntless-class was a class of Federation starship operated during the late 24th century.


The Dauntless had a similar design to the fake USS Dauntless, which was also designated as a Dauntless-class starship and was altered to appear Federation in design during the 2370s by Arturis, a member of Species 116. Captain Kathryn Janeway and the crew of the USS Voyager first encountered the original Dauntless in the Delta Quadrant in late 2374. (VOY: "Hope and Fear")

Given Janeway's order for the entire Voyager crew to thoroughly study the ship, they had enough data to reverse engineer its systems. This was demonstrated in 2375 when they were able to recreate their own marginally successful attempt at the alien Dauntless' slipstream drive. (VOY: "Timeless")

By the 2380s, Starfleet created their own version of this class. (PRO: "A Moral Star, Part 2")

Dauntless class at Procyon V

The Dauntless-class in the 26th century

In a possible future, the Federation maintained this design during the 26th century, with at least one Dauntless-class starship participating in the pivotal Battle of Procyon V. (ENT: "Azati Prime")

Technical data[]

This Dauntless cruiser was equipped with a quantum slipstream drive allowed it to go faster than the standard Starfleet warp scale at the time.

According to falsified data, it could travel sixty thousand light years in three months, and in practice, demonstrated the ability to travel over fifteen light years in only a short time, a distance that otherwise took the USS Voyager two days to cover at high warp. (VOY: "Hope and Fear")

The class was equipped with four phaser cannons. The main phaser cannon was located on Deck E, with two forward phaser cannons on Decks B and C and a rear phaser cannon on Deck E. The ship was, also, equipped with a torpedo launcher, located on Deck F, which could fire standard photon torpedoes or microtorpedoes. On Deck G, there were vertical torpedo launchers which were used for firing quantum torpedoes. It was protected by deflector shields. (PRO: "Crossroads", "Masquerade", "Mindwalk", "Supernova, Part 1")

Physical arrangement[]

Although created by alien technology, this ship was made to resemble Federation starships on the interior and exterior by the means of particle synthesis. The darker alien interior was modified to a more familiar Federation color palate, and LCARS interfaces. The exterior of the vessel was also modified with familiar Federation markings and ship's registry. (VOY: "Hope and Fear")

USS Protostar meets the USS Dauntless

The size of the Dauntless compared to the size of the Protostar

Externally, the Federation's Dauntless design retained several design cues from the original Dauntless, including a streamlined, arrowhead shaped primary hull, a near organic transition into the secondary hull and underslung warp nacelles. With the new design, the secondary hull and warp nacelles were lengthened compared to the original and the secondary hull appeared to house auxiliary impulse engines. It also lacked the "hump" the original had in its transition from the nape of the ship's dorsal section. (PRO: "A Moral Star, Part 2") This class was far larger in size than a Protostar-class vessel. (PRO: "Crossroads")

Based on the master systems display graphics inside the Dauntless shown throughout PRO: "Mindwalk", the ship's primary hull is eight decks in height, and has a significantly different aft section than the alien ship upon which it is based.

Interior design[]

By Starfleet standards, the original Dauntless was considered to be relatively minimalist, possessing only one transporter and no replicators, holodecks, or shuttlecraft. (VOY: "Hope and Fear")

Unlike the alien version of this class, the Federation's version possessed holodecks and replicators. (PRO: "Asylum", "Let Sleeping Borg Lie")


Main engineering[]

Ships of this class[]




Background information[]

According to Aaron Waltke, the Dauntless was a Starfleet reproduction of Arturis' vessel built from detailed scan data gathered by USS Voyager. It, too, is also equipped with a limited form of quantum slipstream drive. [1]

In a log by Janeway on the "Star Trek Logs" Instagram account, the project leader in designing the Dauntless was B'Elanna Torres, who also suggested the name. [2]

Studio model[]

A foam core mock-up concept model of the bridge of the Dauntless was sold in the It's A Wrap! sale and auction of 9 March 2007 as Lot#2034. The model measuring 22"×36"×7.5" sold for US$876.

See Dauntless-class model.


Though not originally a Starfleet design, ships matching the configuration of the Dauntless appear in the 25th century timeline of Star Trek Online as the Dauntless-class "Experimental Science Vessel", featuring a special device that mimics the effects of particle synthesis to distract enemies and confuse their targeting.

External link[]
