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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Dauntless.
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The USS Dauntless (NCC-80816) was a 24th century Federation starship, a Dauntless-class[1] vessel in Starfleet service by the 2380s decade, under the command of Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway in the year 2384. (PRD episode: "A Moral Star")

By the 2410s decade of the 25th century, the Dauntless was categorized as a tier 6-rated Dauntless II-class command science dreadnought. The Dauntless II was molded by Janeway's experiences as captain of USS Voyager and equipped with a quantum slipstream drive. (STO website: Incursion: Command the Dauntless II!)

Service history[]

Dauntless viewscreen

The original but fake USS Dauntless.

Dauntless registry number

NCC registry number.

B'Elanna Torres served as project lead for the development of this class. She suggested the name Dauntless as a solemn reminder of their time aboard Voyager in the Delta Quadrant. (Instagram - Star Trek Logs - Prodigy post: Janeway - Vice Admiral's Log )

During her time as captain of Voyager in the 2370s, Janeway had encountered a fake Federation starship created by Arturis of Species 116. This Dauntless-class vessel introduced Starfleet to the quantum slipstream drive. The Dauntless itself was lost to the Borg in the year 2374. (VOY episode: "Hope and Fear")

In 2381, Captain Carol Freeman noted in a crew handbook for her ship that the California-class USS Cerritos did not have the bleeding-edge technology of the Dauntless. (LD module: Lower Decks - Crew Handbook)

The bridge of Starfleet's Dauntless resembled that of the NX-01-A. (PRD episode: "A Moral Star, Part 2"; VOY episode: "Hope and Fear")

Starfleet's own USS Dauntless was searching for the USS Protostar, an experimental starship equipped with another advanced FTL engine, the protostar drive[5]. Under the command of Janeway, the Dauntless was on a mission to search for the missing USS Protostar. In 2384, sensors detected the signature of the proto-drive, and Janeway ordered to follow the trail at maximum warp. (PRD episode: "A Moral Star, Part 2")

On stardate 61224.9, the Dauntless was en route to the last known location of the Protostar, traveling from the Carina Nebula near the Beta-Delta border. At the time, Janeway found it weird to command the Dauntless after years behind a desk at Starfleet Command. (Instagram - Star Trek Logs - Prodigy post: Janeway - Vice Admiral's Log )

From 2411 onwards, flag officers of the Khitomer Alliance could deploy the Dauntless II alongside other spacecraft for assignments across the galaxy's quadrants as part of Operation: Delta Rising's four-quadrant strategy. (STO - Incursion mission: "Admiralty System")

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Dauntless bridge 2384

Admiral Janeway and her staff on the bridge.



Dauntless-class starships
Federation, Starfleet USS Dauntless (NX-47700) • USS Dauntless (NCC-80816) • unnamed Federation icon image. icon image.
Species 116 USS Dauntless (NX-01-A) Delta Quadrant icon image.
Ships named Dauntless
United States Small craft class: SBD Dauntless USA flag
Federation Starfleet USS Dauntless (NCC-1697, Pyotr Velikiy-class) • USS Dauntless (NCC-2012, Indomitable-class) • USS Dauntless (NCC-71879, Galaxy-class) • USS Dauntless (Defiant-class) • USS Dauntless (Galaxy-class) (II) • USS Dauntless (NCC-80816, Dauntless-class) • USS Dauntless (NX-47700, Dauntless-class) UFP emblem image. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Imperial Starfleet
(mirror universe)
ISS Dauntless (NX-class) Seal of the Terran Empire.
Cardassian Union CDS Dauntless (Keldon-class) Emblem of the Cardassian Union
Species 116 USS Dauntless (Dauntless-class) Delta Quadrant locator logo.

Appearances and references[]



External links[]
