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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The High Country is a Star Trek novel by John Jackson Miller in the Strange New Worlds series.


The Enterprise has been assigned to search for a missing survey ship, the Braidwood, near a pre-warp planet. Pike, Una, Spock and Uhura take experimental Erastosthenes out but a mechanical failure results in them all having been beamed to the surface.

Pike discovers the planet inhabited by a group of humans, one of many groups from different species whose ancestors were relocated there by the Skagarans. A mysterious effect known as the Baffle has rendered all advanced technology useless, while a strange fire known as the Sorry destroys all attempts to go beyond the technology the Skagarans allow. The Skagarans fled their homeworld because of pollution and have rescued groups they say would have died. Pike's hosts, who quickly realise he is from space, are "Menders" who try to advance beyond the restrictions. Pike meets an old friend, Lila Talley, who was on the Braidwood and came from a luddite community on Earth, embracing the Skagarans' philosophy.

Una meets with a wilderness explorer, Celarius, who turns out to be the son of the Skagaran leader Drayko. She is eventually reunited with Uhura, who has befriended a flame creature she has dubbed an empatherm. Meanwhile, Pike's hosts are arrested and he helps them escape, eventually joining up with Spock and a fleet of sailing ships run by Vulcans who crashed on the planet a century earlier. Drayko has Una and Celarius imprisoned in a pit with political prisoners including the rest of the Braidwood crew. It transpires the Sorry is actually the result of the Skagarans forcing the empatherms to do their bidding.

Pike, Spock and Lila find the remains of a village of the Stroohs, who colonised the world before the Skagarans, and learn the rondours the Skagarans use to communicate control the Baffle. The central node could be used to shut it down or extend it to other worlds. Lila, wanting revenge on the Klingons for wiping out her community and her family, sets off to use it for the latter, which Drayko approves of, desperate to hold onto his authority. Una, Celarius and the other prisoners are freed by Uhura and set off to rendezvous with Pike.

The Enterprise sends Hemmer down in an improvised escape pod and he is able to construct an ice cutter out of one of the ships. He also reveals extending the Baffle could wipe out all life inside its influence. Lila attempts to use it anyway and the rondours are launched, creating a Baffle bubble. Celarius takes charge of the situation, deposing Drayko, and the Enterprise destroys the central node. This allows the rondours to complete the task they were designed for and allow the empatherms, who were on the planet first, to return to another dimension.

The Enterprise spends some time relocating everyone to where they want to go, including making contact with the Skagarans who stayed on their homeworld and are trying to rebuild it.



Buckshot • Carpenter (Zoldaari) • Celarius • Una Chin-Riley • Drayko • Empy • Sebastian Garr • Harjon • Hemmer • Cyrus Hodge • Jaddak • Javu • George Samuel Kirk, Jr. • Kohsam • Kyle (Chief) • Jennie Magee • Joe Magee • Joseph M'Benga • Jenna Mitchell • Mochi • La'an Noonien-Singh • Erica Ortegas • Christopher Pike • Reedy • Rivkin • Rufus • Saachi • Sal (Epheska) • Sava • Shankar • Sivenda • Spock • Taliyah • Lila Talley • Tooza • T'Pau • T'Var (Vulcan) • Nyota Uhura • Weedaw • Vicki Whitehorse • Zoryana • ollodons
Referenced only
Jonathan Archer • Caitlin Barry • Eratosthenes • Ghalka • Moves-With-Burning-Grace • Louvier • Erin Magee • Jallow • John Wayne • Hoshi Sato • Ward Bond

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Enterprise (Constitution-class heavy cruiser) • Eratosthenes • Issala • Zersa
Referenced only


the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrant
Andracine Range • Bullseye Nebula • Cherra Bay • Devil's Dish • Dry River • Epheska • Golaraad • Hohlagad • Jevarsk • Kandrus Ice Sheet • Krykander • Leejo Point • Om Mataya • Pleasant Ridge • Veros Slope • Zevayne
Referenced only
Andoria • Bar T Ranch • California • Emuruangogolak • Gregory Rift • Havenbrook • Kelfour VI (Kelfour star system) • Kiley 279 • Mount Kenya • Skagara • Tellar • Vulcan (40 Eridani system, Vulcan sector, the galaxy's Beta Quadrant)

Races and cultures[]

Aenar • Akaali • Avgana • Empatherm • Human • Illyrian • Luddites • Menk • Skagaran • Strooh • Vulcan • Yuganan • Zoldaari
Referenced only
Andorian • Denebian • Klingon • Tellarite

States and organizations[]

Federation • Starfleet

Science and classification[]

astronomy • biology • cartography • communications • matter • measurement • technology • telesthesia


galaxy • planet • quadrant • space • star • star system • time • universe


lifeform • medicine

Materials and substances[]

atmosphere • gas • metal

Cartography and measurement[]

day • quadrant • timeline • year

Technology and weapons[]


Occupations and titles[]

captain • command division • crew • doctor • engineer • Federation Starfleet ranks • Federation Starfleet ranks (2240s-2260s) • lieutenant commander • medic • physician • officer • rank • sciences division • scientist

Other references[]

Baffle • boot • clothing • emotion • Georgiou Gambit • government • hair • pants • races and cultures • science • Starfleet uniform • Starfleet uniform (2240s-2265) • state • title • tunic • uniform • Nine Overlords • Mender • zazic



The book is set in 2259 between the events of The Serene Squall and The Elysian Kingdom. John Jackson Miller descided so because he wanted both Hemmer in the story as well as Rukiya in Enterprise' transporter bufffer, as an additional reason not to approach the planet. [1].

It makes reference to events from North Star, New Eden, Through the Valley of Shadows, The Vulcan Hello, Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach, The Enterprise War, Strange New Worlds, Kir'Shara, The War Without, The War Within and The Cage.



Media featuring Christopher Pike
Episodes and movies The Original Series The Cage • The Menagerie
Movies Star Trekk • Star Trek Into Darknessk
Discovery Will You Take My Hand? • Brother • New Eden • Point of Light • An Obol for Charon • Saints of Imperfection • The Sound of Thunder • Light and Shadows • If Memory Serves • Project Daedalus • The Red Angel • Perpetual Infinity • Through the Valley of Shadows • Such Sweet Sorrow
Short Treks Q&A • The Trouble with Edward • Ask Not
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
Novels Killing Timea • Enterprise: The First Adventure • Vulcan's Glory • Legacy • The Rift • Where Sea Meets Sky • Burning Dreams • A Less Perfect Uniona • The Children of Kings • Child of Two Worlds • Desperate Hours • The Enterprise War • The High Country
Short stories "Conflicting Natures" • "A Private Anecdote" • "Sins of the Mother" • "The Greater Good"m
Comics Early Voyages "Flesh of My Flesh" • "The Fires of Pharos" • "Our Dearest Blood" • "Nor Iron Bars a Cage" • Cloak and Dagger (1 • 2) • "The Flat, Gold Forever" • "Immortal Wounds" • "One of a Kind" • The Fallen (1 • 2) • "Futures, Part One" • "Future Tense" • "Futures" • "Now and Then" • "Thanatos" • "Nemesis"
Starfleet Academy "Return to the Forbidden Planet" • "A Prelude to War"
Crew "Shadows of the Past" • "The Ends of Eternity"
New Visions "A Scent of Ghosts" • "The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner " • "The Cage"
other "All Those Years Ago..." • "To Walk the Night" • "Door in the Cage" • Alien Spotlight Alien Spotlight, Volume I (Vulcans • Orions) • Mirror Imagesm (1 • 2 • 4 • 5) • Spock: Reflections, Issue 2 • Star Trek Movie Adaptationk (2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6) • Captain's Log: Pike • Aftermath (1 • 2 • 3)
k : Kelvin timeline • m : Mirror Universe • a : alternate reality


Publication history[]
German language: Das Weite Land, translated by Christian Langhagen (Cross Cult).

External link[]
