Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Firewall is a Star Trek: Picard novel by David Mack published in February 2024.


Seven of Nine has been refused either Federation citizenship or entry to Starfleet because of her connection with the Borg. She chooses to leave Earth and head to a distant region. There, she is contacted by a Federation Security Agency representative, Arastoo Mardani, who asks her to infiltrate the Fenris Rangers, formerly a law enforcement agency located in the Qiris sector but, since the fall of most of the governments in the area following the Federation's withdrawal of support to the area to focus on the Romulan evacuation, are now characterized as vigilantes.

Seven observes veteran Ranger Keon Harper attempting to break up a deal between Antican arms dealers and their Nausicaan customers. Realizing he is outnumbered, she steps in to help and ends up fleeing the planet with him back to the Ranger base, having destroyed the weapons shipment and taken the medical supplies being given as payment.

Accepted into the Rangers, Seven learns much of the misery in the sector is caused by a warlord, General Kohgish, and comes up with a plan to curtail some of his influence by regaining control of the weather control station on Soroya IV, which is currently causing a permanent drought. Although the Ranger leadership veto the idea, a number of Rangers agree to accompany Seven anyway. The operation initially succeeds, despite costing the life of one of their number, but Kohgish later launches a retaliatory bombardment that kills hundreds of thousands and will eventually render the entire planet uninhabitable.

Ranger Ellory Kayd works out that Kohgish is planning to extort money from a planet and then use the funds to buy a decommissioned Talarian warship that will officially make him the largest power in the sector. She proposes a plan to corrupt the bank transfer and empty his account, which is accepted by the Ranger leadership and succeeds. In the process, they learn that much of Kohgish's funds came from the Federation Security Agency, which they make public.

Kathryn Janeway is contacted by the FSA, having been made aware of Seven's situation. It transpires that Mardani is actually a rogue former agent, Erol Tazgui, who used their funds to support Kohgish, intending to install him as a proxy ruler in an area between Federation and Romulan space.

Seven and Harper are sent to collect Kohgish's former funds, now converted into latinum, and take them to the bank on Freecloud. However, Tazgui and Kohgish employ a number of bounty hunters, one of whom, a Romulan named Veris, prevents them from landing. They are forced to take refuge on the desolate planet Zirat. Tazgui sends Borg-killing drones after them, killing Harper and retrieving the latinum. Ellory, with whom Seven has begun a relationship, arrives to rescue her but they come under attack from Veris again. They are rescued by personnel from the USS Dauntless, now under Janeway's command.

With Janeway sharing the Federation's view of the Rangers as vigilantes, Seven and Ellory end up stealing Veris' ship in order to disrupt Kohgish's purchase of the warship. The pair are able to board Kohgish's ship and neutralise everyone there, as well as recovering the latinum. The Dauntless arrives to arrest Tazgui and take possession of the Talarian warship, with Seven and Ellory returning Veris' ship to them and leaving with Ranger reinforcements to deliver Kohgish for trial. Seven chooses to remain with the Rangers.



Asencia • Ballard (Fenris Ranger) • Shawna Benson • Brooks (Lieutenant) • Chong • Darusha • Boash gev Deg • Brody Dehler • Dokar (Lieutenant) • Feeno • Keemah Geiss • Gurkha • Qulla Hain • Keon Harper • Jalen Par • Kathryn Janeway • Ellory Kayd • Sorno Kel • Rokkash Khol • Kohgish • L'Kel • Maruuk • Katya Pakaski • Rana (Fenris Ranger) • Lucan Sagasta • Saszyk • Seven of Nine • Shren • Solok (Captain) • John Speirs • Erol Tazgül/Arastoo Mardani • Tysess • Veris • Sofia Yaakola • Yivv • Leniker Zehga • Zhang Wei • unnamed Nausicaans • unnamed Tiburonians
Referenced only
Axum • Brunt • Chakotay • The Doctor • Gresh • Irene Hansen • Harry Kim • Yo-Yo Ma • Maxx • Neelix • Tom Paris • B'Elanna Torres • Valarius • Naomi Wildman

Starships and vehicles[]

Amarok • Bolvangar • USS Dauntless • Eris • Laniakea • Mjolnir • Nodokata • Okami • USS T'Kala • Starfire 500 prowler
Referenced only
USS Voyager • Borg cube


Achlys • Alta • Arendel • Cape Town • Earth • Fafnir Heights • Fenris • The Kettle • Kevrik system • Lambda Hydrae • Macassar Beach • Monsoon • Nymeria • Otroya II • Qiris sector • San Francisco • Senya Colony • SkÃ¥nevik Prime • Soroya IV • South Africa • Starheim • Utsira III
Referenced only
Alderi III • Delta Quadrant • Freecloud • Haakona • Izar • Jofur Park • Romulus • Stardust City • TaQ'hor • Unimatrix Zero • Voll system

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • Antican • Argelian • Bajoran • Balduk • Betelgeusian • Bolian • Borg • Cardassian • Catullan • Chalnoth • Human • Nausicaan • Orion • Romulan • Saurian • Selayan • Talarian • Tellarite • Tiburonian • Trill • Vulcan • Zakdorn
Referenced only
Ferengi • Klingon • Talaxian

States and organizations[]

Amyl's Night Rate • Bank of Ferenginar • Borg Collective • Federation • Federation Security Agency • Fenris Rangers • Starfleet

Science and classification[]

astronomy • biology • cartography • communications • matter • measurement • technology


galaxy • planet • quadrant • space • star • star system • time • universe


lifeform • medicine
humanoid • targ


Federation News Network

Materials and substances[]

air • atmosphere • food • drink • gas • deuterium • latinum • liquid • metal
Food and drink[]
Belgarian Sunset • raktajino

Cartography and measurement[]


Technology and weapons[]

computer • nanoprobe • replicator • starship

Occupations and titles[]

admiral • command division • crew • commanding officer • Federation Starfleet ranks • Federation Starfleet ranks (2380s) • officer • rank

Other references[]

boot • clothing • emotion • government • hair • pants • races and cultures • science • Starfleet uniform • Starfleet uniform (2380s) • state • title • tunic • uniform • firewall • mosh pit • neopunk • club music • slam dancing • daimyo • non-governmental organization • money laundering • forensic accounting • maglev • huntsman spider • Omicron particle • Vehicle replicator • news cycle • metadata


Related media[]


External link[]
