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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Four races. One galaxy. Endless strategy.—Armada was a Star Trek video game, published by Activision for PC play in the year 2000.


Stardate: 53550.8:
The Dominion War is over. The three major powers of the Alpha Quadrant, once allied against a common foe, begin planning for the future. For now, an uncomfortable peace has settled in the galaxy.
On Federation planets across the galaxy, the process of recovery has begun. The USS Enterprise-E, commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, is assigned to re-establish Federation support in some of the more devastated systems of the quadrant.
On the Klingon homeworld of Qo'noS, the population grows restless for battle. Newly appointed Chancellor Martok works closely with Federation Ambassador Worf on efforts to restore the Empire to its former state of glory.
On Romulus, the Romulan Senate and its intelligence division, the Tal Shiar, conspire to tip the balance of power to their favor. Admiral Sela begins secret negotiations with unseen allies near the Klingon border.
And on the fringe of explored space, massive, metallic shapes move silently through the area, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Around them are the whispers of millions of minds working as one. The Borg have returned.


Federation Campaign[]

Mission 1: "Premonitions"[]

The USS Enterprise-E, accompanied by two Akira-class ships, must eliminate rogue Jem'Hadar attack ships in the sector, in order to secure colonization efforts. A construction ship is also present to build a permanent outpost in the system. Once all Dominion ships are destroyed, a temporal vortex is detected, and a Starfleet vessel emerges, pursued by two Borg spheres. Picard recognizes it, like he has seen it before. The vessel identifies itself as the U.S.S. Premonition, and its CO, Captain Thaddeus Demming, informs Captain Picard that a major Borg invasion is imminent. Within the hour, a force of Borg ships will attack and destroy Starbase 612, the first step to the assimilation of the Alpha Quadrant.

Mission 2: "Paradise Revisited"[]

Ambassador Worf, on temporary assignment to the Ba'ku settlement, and commanding the U.S.S. Avenger, must eliminate a force of Son'a warships intent on reclaiming the planet. He receives word of the Borg invasion, and heads to Qo'noS to gain reinforcement.

Mission 3: "Vendetta"[]

En route to Qo'noS, Worf is ambushed by Toral, and a small force of Klingon warships. Outgunned, he must traverse the Ikolis Expanse, a hazardous region of space, to escape, salvaging derelict vessels and even a Federation Starbase and Shipyard to assist along the way. In order to prevent Toral seizing the Klingon throne, Worf takes the Avenger to the location of the Sword of Kahless.

Mission 4: "Dark Omens"[]

The Enterprise arrives at Starbase 612, only to find its defense fleet in ruins and most of the station's facilities heavily damaged. The player must salvage as many ships as possible, and bring local stations back on-line in order to repel a second wave of attack, including an assault by assimilated Starfleet vessels, and eliminate the local Borg base.

Klingon Campaign[]

Mission 5: "To the Gates of Sto'vo'kor"[]

The Borg have struck at Klingon territory as well. Chancellor Martok must lead an assault on a Borg force attacking the Gamma Eridon system. Once the Borg have been eliminated, Martok heads for his command base to find out why expected reinforcements did not appear.

Mission 6: "The Enemy Within"[]

Having escaped from Worf in "Vendetta", Toral has assembled a formidable fleet, and launches an assault on Martok's starbase. The base must be held until the Avenger arrives, when Martok evacuates to the Defiant-class vessel, and leaves the sector, bound for Qo'noS, to present the Sword of Kahless to the Klingon High Council.

Mission 7: "A Good Day to Die"[]

Qo'noS is embroiled in conflict as Martok arrives aboard the Avenger. Worf's vessel is refitted with a cloaking device, and dispatched to trail Toral. Martok must attack and destroy Toral's main base. Toral manages to escape the attack, with Worf in hot pursuit...

Mission 8: "Gray Eminence"[]

Continuing from the end of "A Good Day to Die", Toral escapes to a Romulan base near the border. Martok's fleet follows behind, and launches an assault to clear the sector of all Romulan presence. With Toral and the Romulans routed, Martok announces that this is only the beginning of a larger war with the Romulans.

Romulan Campaign[]

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Borg Campaign[]

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Omega Campaign[]

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Jean-Luc Picard • Worf • Martok • Sela • Locutus of Borg • Thaddius Deming • Hawthorne • Jal Par • Species 9341 mother entity • Spock • Toral, son of Duras • Tos'san • Oldan • DaiMon Poug

Starships and vehicles[]

Species 9341 ships[]

Species 9341 Entity (Scout) • species 9341 mother entity

Borg ships[]

assembler (construction ship)
G204-10848 • G204-11861 • G204-18600 • G204-18984 • G204-45044 • G204-45105 • G204-45444 • G204-45605 • G204-48684 • G204-48912 • G204-50055 • G204-50155 • G204-54580 • G204-68165 • G204-68468 • G204-74860 • G204-84068 • G204-84746 • G204-85615 • G204-86405 • G204-90484 • G204-94814 • G204-94474 • G204-98108
assimilator (cruiser)
A571-05616 • A571-06546 • A571-06841 • A571-11658 • A571-14681 • A571-16811 • A571-18415 • A571-44561 • A571-48500 • A571-48910 • A571-56168 • A571-60636 • A571-61615 • A571-61861 • A571-68120 • A571-68410 • A571-74681 • A571-78161 • A571-78165 • A571-81561 • A571-84161 • A571-84614 • A571-98412 • A571-98425
collector (mining freighter)
M148-89416 • M148-48084 • M148-78466 • M148-15145 • M148-16458 • M148-08450 • M148-84015 • M148-68405 • M148-47850 • M148-48469 • M148-99456 • M148-98259 • M148-69696 • M148-94535 • M148-84055 • M148-48486 • M148-98741 • M148-78456 • M148-08054 • M148-10564 • M148-96569 • M148-84264 • M148-16054 • M148-80584
cube (battleship)
C935-15497 • C935-15784 • C935-16448 • C935-16845 • C935-18978 • C935-34632 • C935-38424 • C935-38482 • C935-46818 • C935-48648 • C935-48962 • C935-54891 • C935-54835 • C935-58471 • C935-71967 • C935-73743 • C935-74564 • C935-76119 • C935-79244 • C935-84388 • C935-84487 • C935-86248 • C935-86287 • C935-94684 • Locutus's cube
detector (scout)
D374-04851 • D374-04884 • D374-10584 • D374-15615 • D374-16162 • D374-16510 • D374-16615 • D374-16841 • D374-16844 • D374-18474 • D374-19081 • D374-19484 • D374-46418 • D374-56405 • D374-60518 • D374-64805 • D374-68441 • D374-78148 • D374-78914 • D374-84156 • D374-84914 • D374-85446 • D374-89411 • D374-96118
X892-01561 • X892-14666 • X892-15608 • X892-16151 • X892-16840 • X892-18416 • X892-18674 • X892-44744 • X892-45110 • X892-45163 • X892-46031 • X892-46511 • X892-51615 • X892-55468 • X892-56161 • X892-61165 • X892-67845 • X892-78616 • X892-78941 • X892-79816 • X892-84106 • X892-84168 • X892-86412 • X892-89161
interceptor (cruiser)
I472-04645 • I472-05641 • I472-05646 • I472-12844 • I472-16104 • I472-16471 • I472-16841 • I472-18644 • I472-45614 • I472-46514 • I472-46844 • I472-48541 • I472-48746 • I472-48941 • I472-56160 • I472-63155 • I472-68464 • I472-75161 • I472-78416 • I472-78911 • I472-78916 • I472-85104 • I472-91464 • I472-96461
sphere (cruiser)
S618-05464 • S618-08467 • S618-16441 • S618-16841 • S618-16851 • S618-18641 • S618-18647 • S618-18741 • S618-19414 • S618-19841 • S618-48615 • S618-56160 • S618-61105 • S618-61618 • S618-61871 • S618-64111 • S618-64164 • S618-64168 • S618-68105 • S618-68106 • S618-73518 • S618-76815 • S618-91444 • S618-94641

Breen ships[]

Breen warship

Cardassian ships[]

Damar-class (destroyer)
Antharn • Belor • Berak • Crovax • Dakol • Desark • Draxon • Entek • Grevik • Karmak • Kelak • Keleras • Kezaran • Kevanak • Kornek • Makbar • Prekon • Prellak • Raxarek • Rejal • Teken • Teraxa • Tulkes • Veridon
Galor-class (battleship)
Aldara • Borad • Derell • Groumall • Klakar • Kovat • Kraxon • Parn • Prakesh • Rekleen • Soukara • Terak

Federation ships[]

Akira-class (cruiser)
USS Andromeda • USS Antietem • USS Apache • USS Avondale • USS Bishop • USS Bonaparte • USS Centaur • USS Citadel • USS Crusader • USS Defender • USS Dominance • USS Endeavor • USS Essex • USS Fearless • USS Gallant • USS Geneva • USS Geronimo • USS Goliath • USS Hope • USS Hotspur • USS Inverness • USS Jaganath • USS Jefferson • USS Jubei • USS Jupiter • USS Lafayette • USS Lakota • USS Magellan • USS Malevolent • USS Merlin • USS Minotaur • USS Montgomery • USS Morningstar • USS Nautilus • USS Nostromo • USS Pathfinder • USS Peerless • USS Perseus • USS Poseidon • USS Renegade • USS Renown • USS Resilient • USS Resolution • USS Reverant • USS Scimitar • USS Seattle • USS Spirit • USS Stalingrad • USS Sumter • USS Templar • USS Thunderbird • USS Thunderchild • USS Timberwolf • USS Trident • USS Tripoli • USS Trinity • USS Trojan • USS Valhalla • USS Venerable • USS Vicksburg • USS Vindictive • USS Washington • USS Winchester
Defiant-class (destroyer)
USS Ajax • USS Alaska • USS Albatross • USS Aldebaran • USS Armstrong • USS Avenger • USS Barracuda • USS Baracus • USS Baton Rouge • USS Champion • USS Cheyenne • USS Cobra • USS Concord • USS Condor • USS Cormir • USS Corvus • USS Crockett • USS Eagle • USS Eclipse • USS Falkirk • USS Fargo • USS Galahad • USS Gauntlet • USS Gawain • USS Grant • USS Halberd • USS Havoc • USS Helena • USS Hornet • USS Hurricane • USS Iwo Jima • USS Javelin • USS Kant • USS Kingfisher • USS Law • USS Lee • USS Leyte • USS Loki • USS Manowar • USS Matador • USS Medvedev • USS Merrimack • USS Michigan • USS Mongoose • USS Monitor • USS Monsoon • USS Morgana • USS Myrmidon • USS Narcissus • USS Nomad • USS Pendragon • USS Pleiades • USS Potemkin • USS Python • USS Quillon • USS Ramses • USS Raven • USS Relentless • USS Renegade • USS Revere • USS Rockford • USS Rome • USS Sao Paulo • USS Savannah • USS Scorpion • USS Sioux • USS Sirocco • USS Snake Eyes • USS Spitfire • USS Stromming • USS Tenacious • USS Thor • USS Titan • USS Treplev • USS Triumph • USS Triton • USS Tsunami • USS Turin • USS Valiant • USS Vanya • USS Victoria • USS Vigilant • USS Voltaire • USS Warspite • USS Wasp • USS Wolverine • USS Zeppelin
USS Andromeda • USS Argo • USS Citadel • USS Dominance • USS Enterprise-D • USS Frontier • USS Formidable • USS Geronimo • USS Jubei • USS Malevolent • USS Odyssey • USS Oregon • USS Pequod • USS Perseus • USS Renown • USS Reverant • USS Scimitar • USS Trident • USS Ulysses • USS Valhalla • USS Vindictive
USS Albert Einstein • USS Aristotle • USS Barclay • USS Bell • USS Boyle • USS Cousteau • USS Crick • USS Curie • USS Darwin • USS Descartes • USS Edison • USS Euclid • USS Faraday • USS Farragut • USS Fermi • USS Foucoult • USS Galileo • USS Gates • USS Godel • USS Hawkings • USS Hegel • USS Heisenberg • USS Hera • USS Kelvin • USS Knuth • USS Newell • USS Newton • USS Nobel • USS Ockam • USS Oppenheimer • USS Pascal • USS Pasteur • USS Pavlov • USS Proxima • USS Pythagorus • USS Salk • USS Schrodinger • USS Schweitzer • USS Tessla • USS Tomaselli • USS Whitney • USS Zee-Magnees • USS Zimmerman
Premonition-class (timeship)
USS Premonition
Sovereign-class (battleship)
USS Aeon • USS Alexandra • USS Archangel • USS Aries • USS Atlas • USS Avatar • USS Avalon • USS Cavalier • USS Challenger • USS Destiny • USS Endurance • USS Enterprise-E • USS Faithful • USS Formidable • USS Horizon • USS Hyperion • USS Integrity • USS Justice • USS Legacy • USS Leviathan • USS Majestic • USS Midway • USS Nimitz • USS Odin • USS Providence • USS Saratoga • USS Sentinel • USS Tempest • USS Tiberius • USS Yamato
Steamrunner-class (cruiser)
USS Alamo • USS Amsterdam • USS Appalachia II • USS Arcadia • USS Archon • USS Arizona • USS Ballista • USS Bangkok • USS Benevolence • USS Budapest • USS Cairo • USS Caspars • USS Cerberus • USS Churchill • USS Cimmeron • USS Columbia • USS Denver • USS Diligent • USS Dublin • USS Enforcer • USS Eureka • USS Georgia • USS Gettysburg • USS Icarus • USS Iron Horse • USS Ironclad • USS Jerusalem • USS Kevlar • USS Kodiak • USS Kyushu • USS Lexington • USS Maryland • USS Nautilus • USS October • USS Patton • USS Protector • USS Protégé • USS Sacramento • USS San Diego • USS Savior • USS Sierra • USS Solaris • USS Sun Tsu • USS Trafalgar • USS Trebuchet • USS Vambrace • USS Wyoming • USS Zephyr
Venture-class (scout)
USS Aberdeen • USS Appomattox • USS Arrowhead • USS Calais • USS Carbides • USS Casablanca • USS Circe • USS Coltrane • USS Crymea • USS Dunkirk • USS Drake • USS Firestreak • USS Fletcher • USS Flynt • USS Golgotha • USS Guernica • USS Horatio • USS Jade • USS Kingston • USS Nina • USS Nobunaga • USS Orcrist • USS Othello • USS Paris • USS Partisan • USS Perth • USS Pinta • USS Redoubt • USS Santa Maria • USS Serpentine • USS Skylark • USS Sparta • USS Troy • USS Vanguard • USS Vizier • USS Zurich
construction ship
USS Boehm • USS Bradshaw • USS Braverman • USS Calatravo • USS Campbell • USS Chen • USS Dalzell • USS Danan • USS Davis • USS Dutton • USS Eisenman • USS Elliot • USS Frost • USS Gaudi • USS Geary • USS Godard • USS Hancock • USS Hejduk • USS Hawkins • USS Lahman • USS Lang • USS M.L. King • USS Malamed • USS Mayeda • USS Meyers • USS Moore • USS Moyes • USS Muir • USS O'Toole • USS Palladio • USS Pei • USS Raphael • USS Robinson • USS Roddenberry • USS Scarpa • USS Scott • USS Somers • USS Son • USS Sullivan • USS Truffaut • USS Walden • USS Walkin • USS Webster • USS Williams • USS Woo • USS Wright • USS Zechariah
mining freighter
USS Amazon • USS Arcos • USS Athens • USS Colorado • USS Corinth • USS Danube • USS Delaware • USS Deliverance • USS El Captain • USS El Dorado • USS Everest • USS Fuji • USS Ganges • USS Hudson • USS Kwai • USS McKinley • USS Mekong • USS Mississippi • USS Missouri • USS Mongehela • USS Nile • USS Orinoco • USS Rhine • USS Rhone • USS Rio Grande • USS Rubicon • USS Shasta • USS Sinai • USS St. Helen • USS Tallahassee • USS Tangiers • USS Tiber • USS Tigris • USS Volga • USS Yorktown

Ferengi ships[]

D'Kora-class (marauder)
Garvan • Hartan • Karluk • Keechvar • Kekron • Krayton • Kreechta • Varkart • Zarlax

Jem'Hadar ships[]

Jem'Hadar battleship
Jem'Hadar 1st Division Battleship 1 • Jem'Hadar 1st Division Battleship 2 • Jem'Hadar 1st Division Battleship 3 • Jem'Hadar 1st Division Battleship 4 • Jem'Hadar 1st Division Battleship 5 • Jem'Hadar 1st Division Battleship 6 • Jem'Hadar 1st Division Battleship 7 • Jem'Hadar 1st Division Battleship 8 • Jem'Hadar 1st Division Battleship 9 • Jem'Hadar 2nd Division Battleship 1 • Jem'Hadar 2nd Division Battleship 2 • Jem'Hadar 2nd Division Battleship 3 • Jem'Hadar 2nd Division Battleship 4 • Jem'Hadar 2nd Division Battleship 5 • Jem'Hadar 2nd Division Battleship 6 • Jem'Hadar 2nd Division Battleship 7 • Jem'Hadar 2nd Division Battleship 8 • Jem'Hadar 2nd Division Battleship 9 • Jem'Hadar 3rd Division Battleship 1 • Jem'Hadar 3rd Division Battleship 2 • Jem'Hadar 3rd Division Battleship 3 • Jem'Hadar 3rd Division Battleship 4 • Jem'Hadar 3rd Division Battleship 5 • Jem'Hadar 3rd Division Battleship 6 • Jem'Hadar 3rd Division Battleship 7 • Jem'Hadar 3rd Division Battleship 8 • Jem'Hadar 3rd Division Battleship 9
Jem'Hadar destroyer
Jem'Hadar 1st Division Wing Destroyer 1 • Jem'Hadar 1st Division Wing Destroyer 2 • Jem'Hadar 1st Division Wing Destroyer 3 • Jem'Hadar 1st Division Wing Destroyer 4 • Jem'Hadar 1st Division Wing Destroyer 5 • Jem'Hadar 1st Division Wing Destroyer 6 • Jem'Hadar 1st Division Wing Destroyer 7 • Jem'Hadar 1st Division Wing Destroyer 8 • Jem'Hadar 1st Division Wing Destroyer 9 • Jem'Hadar 2nd Division Wing Destroyer 1 • Jem'Hadar 2nd Division Wing Destroyer 2 • Jem'Hadar 2nd Division Wing Destroyer 3 • Jem'Hadar 2nd Division Wing Destroyer 4 • Jem'Hadar 2nd Division Wing Destroyer 5 • Jem'Hadar 2nd Division Wing Destroyer 6 • Jem'Hadar 2nd Division Wing Destroyer 7 • Jem'Hadar 2nd Division Wing Destroyer 8 • Jem'Hadar 2nd Division Wing Destroyer 9 • Jem'Hadar 3rd Division Wing Destroyer 1 • Jem'Hadar 3rd Division Wing Destroyer 2 • Jem'Hadar 3rd Division Wing Destroyer 3 • Jem'Hadar 3rd Division Wing Destroyer 4 • Jem'Hadar 3rd Division Wing Destroyer 5 • Jem'Hadar 3rd Division Wing Destroyer 6 • Jem'Hadar 3rd Division Wing Destroyer 7 • Jem'Hadar 3rd Division Wing Destroyer 8 • Jem'Hadar 3rd Division Wing Destroyer 9 • Jem'Hadar 4th Division Wing Destroyer 1 • Jem'Hadar 4th Division Wing Destroyer 2 • Jem'Hadar 4th Division Wing Destroyer 3 • Jem'Hadar 4th Division Wing Destroyer 4 • Jem'Hadar 4th Division Wing Destroyer 5 • Jem'Hadar 4th Division Wing Destroyer 6 • Jem'Hadar 4th Division Wing Destroyer 7 • Jem'Hadar 4th Division Wing Destroyer 8 • Jem'Hadar 4th Division Wing Destroyer 9 • Jem'Hadar 5th Division Wing Destroyer 1 • Jem'Hadar 5th Division Wing Destroyer 2 • Jem'Hadar 5th Division Wing Destroyer 3 • Jem'Hadar 5th Division Wing Destroyer 4 • Jem'Hadar 5th Division Wing Destroyer 5 • Jem'Hadar 5th Division Wing Destroyer 6 • Jem'Hadar 5th Division Wing Destroyer 7 • Jem'Hadar 5th Division Wing Destroyer 8 • Jem'Hadar 5th Division Wing Destroyer 9

Klingon ships[]

B'rel-class (bird-of-prey destroyer)
IKS Begh'poQ • IKS BImoqu' • IKS BInep • IKS BI'ngo' • IKS BIQ'a'ngo' • IKS Bllugh • IKS Chong'pogh • IKS Dakh'yi'DIL • IKS Deb'choS • IKS Doh' • IKS Do'Ha' • IKS Dom'SIS • IKS Dun'wo' • IKS Duy'Hub • IKS Ghar'Qotlh • IKS Gho'be' • IKS Ghoch'ragh • IKS GhoH'Sot • IKS Hegh'QeDp • IKS Hijol'peng • IKS Hob'DIS • IKS Huj'a'SIp • IKS Hurgh'ragh • IKS HuS'ngeb • IKS Jib'lalDan • IKS Jiyajbe' • IKS Jol ylchu' • IKS JuS'mung • IKS LoS'maH • IKS Luq'argh • IKS MajQa'be' • IKS Maw'HeSwI' • IKS Mich'pagh • IKS NaS'puchpa' • IKS Nay'par • IKS PiqaD'nem • IKS Qap'ghargh • IKS Qo' • IKS Qugh'tung • IKS QuHvaj'Qob • IKS Qul'bIQ • IKS Quoc'Truong • IKS Qup'SoH • IKS Qut'Such • IKS RaQpo'juS • IKS Sap'leng • IKS SID'ghom • IKS TaD'moH • IKS TajHu' • IKS Tar'be' • IKS TIH'Hich • IKS TIQ'IwSev • IKS TlhIH'Hu • IKS Tu'a'rop • IKS VIghajbe' • IKS Vut'bol • IKS Wuv'a'tem • IKS Yaj'a' • IKS YijatlhQo' • IKS Ylje'
IKS HoH'bIH • IKS 'Iw'pub • IKS Jach'Saj • IKS JIH'wIv • IKS JorwI'apoq • IKS LeSpoH'qI' • IKS Nagh'SIS • IKS NgeH'che' • IKS NI'yIN • IKS Non'urgh • IKS Pol'Quj • IKS Qun'jIH • IKS Qut'a'Dol • IKS Sup'tIch • IKS WIH'Hotlh • IKS YepHa'Hub
IKS Qaw'Hoch
Negh'Var-class (battleship)
IKS BajnISlu' • IKS Chang • IKS Ghol'quS • IKS GhuH'nov • IKS Giz'ta'bek • IKS HI'a'pIm • IKS Ho'a'chaID • IKS JeH'jhong • IKS Kempec • IKS Koloth • IKS Loj'boq • IKS LoS'SaD • IKS Ma'tlhej • IKS Nov'Hoch • IKS Pe"egh • IKS Pey'Suq • IKS PoHmey'vav • IKS QaStaHvIS • IKS Qetbogh • IKS QIghpej • IKS Satlh'QaH • IKS Ta'rom • IKS Vangshu'a' • IKS Yinlu'taH • IKS Sword of Kahless • Toral's battleship
NuQ'DuJ-class (scout)
IKS JoS'ghom • IKS Lij'Quch • IKS Majbe'HOM • IKS Meb'avwI' • IKS NobHIvje' • IKS QIbHeS • IKS Qib'veQ • IKS Sip'a'jor • IKS SuD'mol • IKS TlhaQQuch • IKS TaDmoH • IKS VavnI'pI
SuQ'jagh-class (cruiser)
IKS Chal'Qong • IKS Chep'Qan • IKS ChoH'yov • IKS CholjaH • IKS Chop'jIV • IKS Dom'SIS • IKS Ghobe'mIm • IKS HoDDISloD • IKS Hoj'lop • IKS Huj'jaw • IKS Jot'raQ • IKS LaD'chuq • IKS Lam'ngor • IKS Let'yob • IKS LoSpev'bup • IKS Lum'woQ • IKS Mach'val • IKS NeH'a'veS • IKS Ngeb'meH • IKS Ngup'HoD • IKS PeD'vaj • IKS Pongbe'Hom • IKS Pu'beH • IKS Pu'wanI • IKS Qap'nuq • IKS Sap'wot • IKS Sol'um'yu' • IKS SuS'a'ghor • IKS Tiq'a'luj • IKS ToD'qeH • IKS Tun'Sub • IKS VuS'tlhegh • IKS WeH'tlhoj • IKS WuQ • IKS YepHa'Hom • IKS YuQHom
Vor'cha-class (cruiser)
IKS 'Ach loDnI' • IKS Bej'joq • IKS BighHa' • IKS BortaS'tej • IKS Chen'a'meQ • IKS DaQ'Qat • IKS DaSpu'Dal • IKS Dop'puS • IKS Hej'leng • IKS HoSghaj • IKS Hurgh'a' • IKS JaqHom • IKS JorwI'Hegh • IKS LengwI'qet • IKS MaHmuSSoH • IKS May'morgh • IKS Mep'reH • IKS Nagh'nuS • IKS Nav'Don • IKS Nong'ngIv • IKS PIvghor • IKS Poj'qumpa • IKS Qap'Hurgh • IKS Qay'lIng • IKS Qigh'yoD • IKS Qit'ong • IKS Qogh'a'Huy • IKS QueloDmI' • IKS RoghvaH • IKS SIH'chor • IKS 'TlhuH • IKS VatlhvI' • IKS Vum'ghargh • IKS Vup'Quj • IKS Waq'bach • IKS Yab'loD
construction ship
IKS DeghwI' • IKS Maj'targh • IKS Min'QOM • IKS MoDtIq • IKS Nuj'ghich • IKS TlhIb' • IKS TujyopwaH • IKS Vatlh'pI
dilithium freighter
IKS MajloDHom • IKS MoH'SoS • IKS QAM'DIng • IKS Ram'tlhon • IKS Seng'QaS • IKS Tong'Duj • IKS VeQ'Duj • IKS YIH'suQ
prison barge

Romulan ships[]

D'deridex-class (battleship warbird)
Antius • Araram • D'desedex • D'entin • D'ereq • Devoras • D'seret • D'teres • D'varian • D'vinn • Irix • J'pax • Mereidex • S'tema • T'deret • T'dir • T'salvan • V'ashan • V'rela • Vrelnec • Sela's warbird
Griffin-class (cruiser)
Brak'en • D'dedus • D'elan • D'engal • D'ornel • D'soria • D'tervik • Irese • Jolan • Joran • Joval • Marix • Pi • P'lan • Rilidam • S'delon • S'kal • S'narat • S'ten • S'varan • S'van • T'lass • Tovarek • T'vatal • Veletan • Velosh • Venen • Veshal • V'nerex • V'ren • Vrenek • V'tallus
Raptor-class (cruiser)
D'aen • D'derax • D'ekat • D'espera • D'lorean • D'lzel • D'teres • Emene • Imperix • Kialune • Lavoran • Lonthul • Loralas • Lulasal • Maures • Neca • S'kal • S'pau • T'rell • T'reltex • T'sal • Tunalan • T'xeren • Varis • Visen • Voran • V'shian • Xithus
Apnex • D'relex • S'entar • Setran • S'ten • S'var • T'lassan • V'aator • Vathos • Venar • V'mendon • Vuox
Shrike-class (destroyer)
Avarek • Bandis • Dejerek • D'lassus • D'oras • D'pas • D'relan • D'thal • D'yl • Equitus • Imderia • Infini • Inydar • Irixidon • Kellem • Kerata • Kessar • Lemal • Lossal • Lukan • Marrus • Meret • Rumaal • S'alpal • Seres • S'pala • S'paut • Suratak • T'ala • T'anis • T'endadar • Theron • T'lasadon • T'mera • T'nar • T'onara • Toralan • T'ossan • T'rarn • T'rassis • T'salin • T'san • T'sassan • T'varian • V'ashnu • Vastar • V'eshan • Vestela • V'laneth • V'lrath • V'terex • V'tar
Talon-class (scout)
D'dara • Dioador • D'jak • D'kalem • D'taret • D'vidices • Lettem • Lirash • Pilaron • Sora • Tarlon • T'vandal
Romulan construction ship (construction ship)
Aralax • D'resal • Equis • Ixis • Kevrek • Loran • Nostan • Vishan
Romulan mining freighter (mining freighter)
Erelax • Jular • Lopan • Neriax • T'esedar • T'gereth • T'ixtar • T'rnderf • Vulas
omega containment vessel

Son'a ships[]

Son'a battleship
Gasala • Huthano • Jalak Su • Kelorath • Lopasan • Neratho • Quhtho • Roantha • Telena
Son'a destroyer
Aralas • Astrama • Keleras • Ladon • Loranda • Opalash • Rorana • Rothara • Tesselan • Thalando • Thulas • Veretha

Stations and outposts[]

Borg stations[]

advanced assembly matrix (shipyard)
AAM99-326497 • AAM99-4894636 • AAM99-808688 • AAM99-868848 • AAM99-453456 • AAM99-73196 • AAM99-820546 • AAM99-84056 • AAM99-486468 • AAM99-848648 • AAM99-144606 • AAM99-488626
assembly matrix (shipyard)
AM41-1070 • AM41-7646 • AM41-8465 • M41-74468 • AM41-748640 • AM41-04864 • AM41-7564 • AM41-48644 • AM41-754684 • AM41-46844 • AM41-4784 • AM41-768340
modification center (research station)
XR85-576578 • XR85-798784 • XR85-68448 • XR85-494064 • XR85-48640 • XR85-489485 • XR85-48684068 • XR85-46846 • XR85-84764 • XR85-345645 • XR85-1086458 • XR85-4860846
nexus (starbase)
NX38-98647 • NX38-42443 • NX38-48689 • NX38-97945 • NX38-52468 • NX38-12275 • NX38-80571 • NX38-12157 • NX38-45262 • NX38-8675309 • NX38-76168 • NX38-94657
processing node (mining station)
PN72-8657 • PN72-8946 • PN72-7291 • PN72-0848 • PN72-7196 • PN72-099990 • PN72-46840 • PN72-75454 • PN72-43553534 • PN72-4464 • PN72-45446 • PN72-788048
technology node (research station)
XT96-646147 • XT96-441684 • XT96-349348 • XT96-254624 • XT96-346834 • XT96-678468 • XT96-486518 • XT96-786184 • XT96-168684 • XT96-7168470 • XT96-05161 • XT96-105160
transwarp gate
TG66-140054 • TG66-0486416 • TG66-40864 • TG66-4084 • TG66-870004 • TG66-94784 • TG66-486464 • TG66-761084 • TG66-78460 • TG66-940484 • TG66-48648 • TG66-3506418 • TG66-7619 • TG66-904809 • TG66-71618 • TG66-740641
Unimatrix 001 • omega containment facility • Dominion cloning facility

Cardassian stations[]

Cardassian shipyard
Entek Shipyard • Teken Shipyard • Dakol Shipyard • Berak Shipyard • Rejal Shipyard • Kornek Shipyard • Makbar Shipyard • Belor Shipyard • Keleras Shipyard • Kevanak Shipyard • Desark Shipyard • Prellak Shipyard • Draxon Shipyard • Prekon Shipyard • Veridon Shipyard • Kezaran Shipyard • Teraxa Shipyard • Grevik Shipyard • Crovax Shipyard • Raxarek Shipyard • Tulkes Shipyard • Karmak Shipyard • Antharn Shipyard • Kelak Shipyard

Dominion stations[]

Dominion cloning facility • Dominion research facility • Dominion Shipyard Station Alpha (Dominion shipyard)

Federation stations[]

advanced shipyard
Altair Prime Shipyard • Barcon Prime Shipyard • Bolarus Prime Shipyard • Cestus Prime Shipyard • Idran Prime Shipyard • Invernia Prime Shipyard • Janus Prime Shipyard • Ledonia Prime Shipyard • Tellar Prime Shipyard
mining station
Mining Station Alpha • Mining Station Beta • Mining Station Gamma • Mining Station Delta • Mining Station Omicron • Mining Station Theta • Mining Station Epsilon
research facility
Avogadro Center • Brahms Center • Cochrane Center • Daystrom Center • Doppler Center • Frege Center • Planck Center • Soong Center
science station
Asimov Center • Bradbury Center • Bova Center • Brin Center • Chriton Center • Clark Center • Gibson Center • Heinlein Center • Huxley Center • Niven Center • Pournelle Center • Sagan Center • Simmons Center • Verne Center • Welles Center
Acamar Prime Shipyard • Aldea Prime Shipyard • Andoria Prime Shipyard • Barisa Prime Shipyard • Calder Prime Shipyard • Denocet Prime Shipyard • Dytallix Prime Shipyard • Erabus Prime Shipyard • Finnea Prime Shipyard • Galor Prime Shipyard • Iyaar Prime Shipyard • Meldrar Prime Shipyard • Minos Prime Shipyard • Moriya Prime Shipyard • Nausicaa Prime Shipyard • Oyarsa Prime Shipyard • Qualor Prime Shipyard • Tau Ceti Prime Shipyard • Taurus Prime Shipyard • Tessen Prime Shipyard • Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Starbase 11 • Starbase 12 • Starbase 17 • Starbase 27 • Starbase 28 • Starbase 34 • Starbase 40 • Starbase 44 • Starbase 62 • Starbase 64 • Starbase 67 • Starbase 69 • Starbase 72 • Starbase 77 • Starbase 82 • Starbase 86 • Starbase 93 • Starbase 99 • Starbase 102 • Starbase 106 • Starbase 123 • Starbase 152 • Starbase 162 • Starbase 173 • Starbase 182 • Starbase 252 • Starbase 260 • Starbase 263 • Starbase 268 • Starbase 303 • Starbase 312 • Starbase 344 • Starbase 357 • Starbase 383 • Starbase 411 • Starbase 412 • Starbase 419 • Starbase 420 • Starbase 422 • Starbase 452 • Starbase 473 • Starbase 521 • Starbase 523 • Starbase 528 • Starbase 612 • Starbase 623 • Starbase 693 • Starbase 823 • Starfleet Headquarters
temporal research facility
Manheim Center

Ferengi stations[]

Ferengi shipyard
Garvan Shipyard • Hartan Shipyard • Karluk Shipyard • Keechvar Shipyard • Kekron Shipyard • Krayton Shipyard • Kreechta Shipyard • Varkart Shipyard • Zarlax Shipyard

Klingon stations[]

Klingon starbase
ejyo'waw • Martok's starbase
cha'puj TlhIl (Klingon dilithium refinery) • Klingon prison colony • nuH botlh (Klingon weapons center) • QeD botlh (Gre'thor Armory) • Qab'a'Qach (shockwave station) • Duj Qach, Duj'a'Qach (Klingon shipyards)

Romulan stations[]

Romulan shipyard
T'sau Prime • Gaius Prime • Hasdrabar Prime • Praxus Prime • Velesh Prime (advanced shipyard)
D'deras Station (Romulan starbase) • S'klar Station (mining facility) • D'lerex Station (covert ops facility) • Tal Shiar facility • D'deralax Station (phoenix facility)


Planets and planetoids[]

Acamar Prime • Aldea Prime • Alpha Theta VI • Altair Prime • Andoria Prime • Barcon Prime • Barisa Prime • Beta Lankal • Bolarus Prime • Calder Prime • Cestus Prime • Denocet Prime • Dytallix Prime • Earth • Erabus Prime • Eridon Prime • Finnea Prime • Galor Prime • Idran Prime • Invernia Prime • Iyaar Prime • Janus Prime • Ledonia Prime • Meldrar Prime • Minos Prime • Moriya Prime • Nausicaa Prime • Oyarsa Prime • Qo'nos • Qualor Prime • Regula II • Tau Ceti Prime • Taurus Prime • Tellar Prime • Tessen Prime • T'sau Prime • Gaius Prime • Hasdrabar Prime • Praxus Prime • Velesh Prime

Stars and star systems[]

Ba'ku system • Devron system • Krios system • Narendra system

Stellar regions[]

Alpha Quadrant • Barisa sector • Beta Quadrant • Briar Patch • Delta Quadrant • Gamma Eridon sector • Gamma Quadrant • Ikolis Expanse • Pleiadus Cluster • Romulan Neutral Zone

Science and classification[]

nebular classification • planet • planetoid • quadrant • sector • space • star • star system • technology • weapon

Nebular classification[]

cerulean nebula • latinum nebula • metaphasic nebula • protostellar nebula • tachyon nebula • radioactive nebula • metreon nebula

Technology and weapons[]

ion cannon • ion weapon • polaron torpedo • point defense phaser • space station • starship

Races and cultures[]

Human • Klingon • Romulan • Borg • Ferengi • Jem'Hadar • Breen • Son'a • Species 9341

States and organizations[]

United Federation of Planets • Starfleet • Starfleet Command • Klingon Empire • Romulan Star Empire • Tal Shiar • Borg Collective • Cardassian Union • Ferengi Alliance • Ferengi Latinum Consortium • Dominion • Breen Confederacy

Other references[]

government • nation-state • races and cultures • science


Related media[]


External links[]
