Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow: The following content contains spoilers!

Asencia, also known as The Vindicator, was a Vau N'Akat and member of The Order in the 25th century.


In the 2430s decade, Asencia had joined The Order. When the USS Protostar arrived through a temporal anomaly, Asencia and The Order captured the ship and it's crew under Captain Chakotay. She oversaw the installation of the last living construct into the Protostar. However, Chakotay and what was left of his crew sent their ship back into the anomaly. Asencia, her Drednok, and 100 other Vau N'Akat were sent into the anomaly to find the Protostar. She and her Drednok arrived in 2381. (PRD episode: "Preludes")

Dauntless crew 2384

Asencia aboard the USS Dauntless

For the next 3 years, she posed as a Trill ensign aboard the USS Dauntless under Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway. (PRD episode: "A Moral Star")

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USS Dauntless personnel
USS Dauntless (NCC-1697) Anya Brzezinski • Ezekiel Fisher • Hallie Gannon • Lloyd Kendrick • Rajiv Mehta • Kunimitsu Okano • Diego Reyes • Terence Sadler • Shey • Soledad Valdez Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
USS Dauntless (NCC-71879) Leland Bell • Solian Brex • Miguel Diaz • Saffi Larsen • Kiska LoMar • Felix Savali • Robert Wright • Jae Yi
USS Dauntless II Theresa Detwiler • Hopkins • Joshua Kemper • Ray Williams
USS Dauntless (NCC-80816) Asencia • Kathryn Janeway • Noum • Tysess


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