Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow: The following content contains spoilers!

Drednoks were sentient artificial lifeforms created by the Vau N'Akat.


Drednoks were used during the Vau N'Akat's civil war. They were then used by the Order to board and capture the USS Protostar and its crew under Captain Chakotay. When the Protostar was sent back in time, 100 drednoks went with their Vau N'Akat owners to find it.(PRD episode: "Preludes")

In the 2360s, The Diviner's drednok served as his advisor and majordomo at the Tars Lamora mining prison. He commanded the Watchers It served in that position until it's dismantlement by The Unwanted in 2384.(PRD episodes: "Kobayashi", "A Moral Star")

Another Drednok arrived with Asencia the Vindicator in 2381. The Drednok disguised itself as a piece of furniture in Asencia's quarters aboard the USS Dauntless.(PRD episodes: "Preludes", "Masquerade") It was later destroyed by Murf.(PRD episode: "Ouroboros")

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Known Drednoks[]

  • Drednok
    • Dred 2
  • Drednok

Specifications & technical data[]

Drednoks had a humanoid form with long arms and legs. They also had retractable tentacles on their backs with claws at their ends. Their left arm were equipped a holographic projector. They were also capable of transforming themselves into furniture or a escape pod.(PRD episodes: "Lost and Found", "Preludes", "Supernova")



External link[]

Drednok article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
