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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

La'an Noonien-Singh was a Starfleet lieutenant, security chief aboard the USS Enterprise under Captain Christopher Pike in the late 2250s. (SNW episode: "Strange New Worlds")


Born in 2228, La'an Noonien-Singh was the daughter of Ronu and Sa'an Noonien-Singh and the younger sister of Manu Noonien-Singh. (SNW episode: "Strange New Worlds") La'an was a descendant of the infamous Human Augment Khan Noonien Singh, though by all indications, she did not inherit any Augment DNA. Her heritage resulted in her being bullied in her youth, causing her to develop a prejudice against Augments. (SNW episode: "Ghosts of Illyria")

As a child, La'an was aboard the colony ship SS Puget Sound when it was captured by the Gorn. While the rest of her family perished, La'an was spared as part of the Gorn ritual to lure more humans to them. Instead, La'an was rescued by Ensign Una Chin-Riley aboard the USS Martin Luther King Jr.. (SNW episode: "Memento Mori")

In 2259, La'an was assigned as the temporary first officer of the USS Enterprise when Chin-Riley had gone missing when investigating Kiley 279. After rescuing Una, the Enterprise crew discovered that the Battle near Xahea had exposed Kiley 279 to warp signature and allowed the technologically 21st century society to develop warp technologies. Once Pike had defused global tensions, he welcomed La'an aboard as Security chief. (SNW episode: "Strange New Worlds")

When the crew investigated the disappearance of an Illyrian colony, they were struck by a contagion that made them crave light. After being sedated, La'an was taken to sickbay only to wake up in time to overhear Una confess that she was an Illyrian. Knocking out Christine Chapel, La'an's sickness drove her to the warp core, whose containment protocols she overrode. When Una confronted her, La'an expressed her disgust for Augments before being knocked out as the deck was flooded with radiation. Una's Illyrian physiology allowed her to instantly create antibodies that healed her with La'an's proximity allowing a human compatible variant to be made. After being cured, the two made amends. (SNW episode: "Ghosts of Illyria")

On Starfleet Remembrance Day, the Enterprise fell into a Gorn trap, with La'an again acting as first officer following Una being injured in the initial attack. To survive the Enterprise hid in a gas giant that was being consumed by a black hole as the Gorn craft closed in. To escape, La'an consented to Spock performing a mind meld so she could remember the light patterns that the Gorn used to communicate, tricking the larger Gorn craft into destroying the smaller one. The Enterprise then played dead, hiding in the accretion disk of the black hole and ejecting broken machinery to fool their pursuers into thinking they had been destroyed. (SNW episode: "Memento Mori")

The Enterprise subsequently returned to Earth for repairs and a shore leave. As La'an and Una oversaw crew departures, she informed Pike that the R'ongovian delegation had arrived ahead of schedule. After most of the crew had disembarked, La'an and Una responded to an airlock opening, discovering two ensigns playing "Enterprise bingo". After admonishing the ensigns, the two senior officers decided to play the game themselves, finishing the game in time to see the R'ongovians announce their intent to join the United Federation of Planets. (SNW episode: "Spock Amok")

When the Enterprise passed through the Jonisian Nebula, the ship was ensnared by a boltzmann brain, later dubbed Debra. Bonding with Rukiya, Debra molded the Enterprise into a recreation of The Kingdom of Elysian, La'an acting out of the role of Princess Thalia. (SNW episode: "The Elysian Kingdom")

La'an was later part of a landing party to Valeo Beta V to rescue the crashed USS Peregrine only to discover that Gorn hatchlings had caused the crash. Managing to lure the hatchlings into areas of extreme cold, the away team endured until the Enterprise returned, save for Lieutenant Hemmer, who had given his life to save the crew. In the aftermath, La'an chose to take a leave from the Enterprise, hoping to reunite fellow Gorn survivor Oriana with her family. (SNW episode: "All Those Who Wander")

Alternate timeline[]

In an alternate timeline created by Christopher Pike when he avoided his own exposure to delta radiation in 2266, Noonien-Singh was promoted to Commander and served as XO under Captain James T. Kirk aboard the USS Farragut. (SNW episode: "A Quality of Mercy")



USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) security & tactical personnel
under Robert April F. D. Reed under Christopher Pike P. Bryce • Collins • Endel • A. Hardin • Orloff • D. Reed • Ross • Noonien-Singh • M. Takahara • B. Tuval • Valdini Federation icon image. Enterprise ops icon image.
under James T. Kirk
(first five-year mission)
R. Abrams • Autry • B. al Auriga • M. al-Baslama • Alonzo • Ames • J. Anderson • J. Anderson's impostor • Apple • Archer • J. Aristeides • M. A. Arrunja • Asherman • Atete • Autry • Bachman • Bardoli • Barrows • P. Bates • Baxter • Bobynin • H. Beason • Beltre • L. Benitez • Berengaria • N. Boggs • Borido • Bounds • L. Breen • Brennan • Brentano • Brickston • J. Buchert • Butterfield • Carlisle • Carlucci • Carver • Chavez • P. Chekov • Chevalier • Ching • Chopra • Christensen • Clark • Clark • G. Collier • B. Collins • Compton • Corcoran • J. Cordova • Creighton • J. Cruz • S. Darnell • Davis • Davison • B. Davoff • DeCamp • DeCastro • Devereaux • Dickerson • Digard • Doyle • Endercott • A. Esswein • Evans • Evans • Everts • Ferris • Fields • Fitzgerald • Fitzroy • J. Freeman • M. Flynn • Fphargn • Franklin • Friedman • M. Fuller • S. Fuller • Gabler • Gallagher • D. Galloway • S. Garrovick • R. Garvin • Garvin • Gary • Gebson • Gemas • B. Giotto • Gomez • Gorden • Grant • Hacker • Hadley • S. Hallie • Hanashiro • Handley • Harlow • Harrison • Hasmid • Hendorff • Herring • Hevelin • Hilambo • Hixon • Hrolfson • A. Huff • Inciviglia • Jakobs • Jameson • M. Jameson • Jamison • Jansen • Jennings • Johnson • Johnson • R. Johnson • Johnstone • M. Josephs • Kaplan • A. Kaplan • Kasuki • Kelly • Kellum • R. Kelowitz • Klinsky • Kirby • Korenman • Krawchuk • Lamia • Lang • Lebrun • R. Lemli • S. Lerner • Leskanich • R. Leslie • Levitz • Lewis • Lindenbaum • Ling • Lopez • Lowry • Mallard • Mallory • Manning • Marple • Martins • Masaryk • Masters • E. Mathews • Matthews • McGaren • Meyers • Michaels • N. Minecci • Montgomery • M. Moore • Morton • Mosley • Murphy • B. Nairobi • Namura • H. Ndugu • Neal • Nelson • Neon • L. Nguyen • A. Nored • O'Herlihy • O'Hyr • Olag • E. Olaus • O'Neill • Onorax • Ordover • Organa • Osborne • O'Shay • Oyama • Paikert • Parham • Patten • Pauli • Phillips • Porter • Pulaski • F. Ragsdale • Rainer • E. Rayburn • Reems • Reichert • Rivera • Rizzo • B. Robinson • Rogers • Rojas • Rowe • Sanders • A. Schang • Shanti • Shea • Sheckley • Shimada • Silverman • Sinclair • Smith • Snnanagfashtalli • K. Spencer • J. Stanger • Steib • D. Steinberg • Sentell • Stragey • Suarez • Swenson • Tadaki • Thomas • J. Thompson • Thorton • Timmons • Tique • I. Tomson • Trancas • Tremayne • Trucco • Tuan • Tully • Tuthill • Ush • Valdini • J. van Dreenan • Van Pelt • Vierne • Vinci • M. Vorozh • Wein • Wheeler • J. Williams • Williams • Willis • B. Wilson • Wodsworth • Wolfman • Wood • Worsley • Wu
subsequent missions under Kirk & Spock J. Aragonés • M. A. Arrunja • Anderson • Barnes • Barrasso • M. Bergstresser • J. Byrnes • Carver • Castora • Chavez • Chavi'rru • P. Chekov • S. th'Clane • T. Collins • Corey • Davidson • Dobius • Emigh • Estano • Farnsworth • M. Fox • Friedman • Galloway • Garrison • Glaser • Gomez • L. Gottlieb • Gunderson • S. Hallie • M. Howard • Hrdina • Jaffe • Jagr • Keth • Kinitz • C. Lance • Larek • M. Latham • Lemieux • C. Leno • D. Markson • C. Matlock • S. Mendoza • Merlino • Mosley • Mullen • Murphy • M. Nizhoni • O'Grady • S. Ohara • Padilla • Paek • Pearson • J. Perez • Pfeiffer • Phillips • M. Publicker • Ralston • Ramirez • R. Randall • Recchi • Richardson • R'leez • Robinson • B. Robinson • Samuelsson • Santana • Sh'aow • Smith • Sternbach • B. St. John • D. Sweeney • Tagsut • Takashida • F. Tanka • Tate • Tenzing • T'Hesh • Tiilson • Tocchet • Todd • Trottier • Umeki • Vlastikovich • B. Wagner • Worene • J. Workman • Yendes • M. Z'ar • Zorn Federation icon image. x40px icon image.
see also: administrative personnel • communications personnel • engineering personnel • medical personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • sciences personnel • senior staff • unnamed (2240s and 2250s • 2260s • 2270s and 2280s)


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