Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"There can be no utopia without crime."
– Krinn, 2401 ("Imposters")

Krinn was a male Vulcan who was the kingpin of the V'Lashi crime syndicate in the early 25th century. He specialized in high security infiltration, and was wanted for multiple counts of theft, racketeering, and murder across several star systems.

Krinn grew up as a scavenger in District Seven on M'talas Prime alongside the Ferengi Sneed. The two considered themselves brothers and had sworn a blood oath of loyalty to each other. Despite his criminal lifestyle, Krinn professed to adhere to Vulcan logic, and had once even learned from a Vulcan master. He wore an IDIC pendant and had traditional Vulcan script tattooed on his face.

In 2401, Krinn was wanted for grand larceny and escaping from prison and was hiding in District Six of M'talas Prime; Starfleet Intelligence had little information about him. That year, he was hired by renegade Changelings to help them break into Daystrom Station, for which he brokered for a device that could exploit the "illogical" flaws in the station's AI security system. The Changelings also hired Sneed to pin their theft of quantum tunneling technology from Daystrom on his and Krinn's mutual associate, the Romulan rebel Lurak T'Luco.

Months later, during an undercover investigation into the Daystrom Station theft, Worf killed Sneed to save the life of Commander Raffi Musiker. Worf then suggested that they use Sneed's death to draw Krinn into the open. However, Krinn saw through their ploy of using a mobile emitter to create a holographic decoy of Musiker, and captured them both. Krinn admitted to his and Sneed's involvement with the Changelings, before ordering Worf and Musiker to fight to the death for the amusement of his underlings. Musiker apparently won by killing Worf, which Krinn prepared to use as leverage to recruit her into his organization.

Worf had in fact feigned death by using a Kahless technique to slow his heartbeat to imperceptibility, allowing him to ambush and slaughter Krinn's bodyguards. With Worf holding a knife at his throat, Krinn agreed it would be logical to accede to Musiker's demand to hand over the device used to break into Daystrom Station.

Krinn's file was among the data collected by Commander Ro Laren pertaining to the Changeling infiltration of Starfleet, which she passed to Admiral Jean-Luc Picard shortly before her death. (PIC: "Imposters")

Krinn was played by Kirk Acevedo.

Krinn's name first appeared on a display graphic of Starfleet Intelligence files in "Disengage". That earlier version identified him as being from Vulcan, though the closer look at the files from "Imposters" lists both his species and place of birth as "unknown".
