Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The throat was a part of the neck of many humanoid species, beginning at the back of the mouth down to the stomach, and played a key role in breathing and ingestion.

In 2263 of the alternate reality, when told of the USS Enterprise trying to escape, Krall tells his team to "cut its throat", the swarm ships severing the primary hull from the secondary hull by destroying its neck. (Star Trek Beyond)

In 2267, held at scalpel-point by Khan Noonien Singh, Doctor Leonard McCoy suggested he make up his mind whether he was going to choke him or cut his throat. After Khan asked McCoy where he was, McCoy quipped, "You're in bed, holding a knife at your doctor's throat." (TOS: "Space Seed")

In 2285, when Khan Noonien Singh arrived at Regula in the USS Reliant, he slit the throats of most of the personnel of Regula I. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

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