Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Quantum tunneling

Quantum tunneling technology used to destroy a Starfleet Recruitment facility

Quantum tunneling was an experimental technology being developed at Daystrom Station. A military application was that it could be used as a portal weapon.

In 2401, Commander Raffi Musiker had spent several months undercover on M'talas Prime, investigating the theft of quantum tunneling technology, concerned how it would be used in the wrong hands. An Orion drug dealer tipped her off to a terrorist plot involving the "Red Lady" in District Seven, in which the technology was used to destroy the Starfleet Recruitment facility. (PIC: "The Next Generation")

The Shrike used the technology to create portal weapons. The weapon was able to prevent the USS Titan-A from escaping the Ryton Nebula. (PIC: "Seventeen Seconds", "No Win Scenario")

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