Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Lurak T'Luco was a male Romulan dissident and criminal.

T'Luco was born on Romulus in 2351. In 2366, he was arrested in Vvalti for hijacking a warbird with the intent to sell stolen cargo. He was sentenced to five years of imprisonment, which he served in a Romulan juvenile facility, save for one year in a rehabilitation center on Rator III. T'Luco was again arrested in 2375 on Remus, for the possession of stolen weapons; the charges were dismissed due to insufficient evidence, and it was suspected that T'Luco was aided by Romulan associates who stole evidence and hacked data.

By the early 25th century, T'Luco had become the leader of a Romulan rebel faction. His known associates included Sneed of Ferenginar, Elok of Romulus, Krinn of Vulcan, Fen of Vendor, Teibak of Romulus, Sorren of Romulus, and Falnor of Remus.

In 2401, T'Luco was implicated in a terrorist attack on the Starfleet recruitment center on M'talas Prime. He supposedly bought the weapon used, quantum tunneling technology stolen from Daystrom Station, on the black market, in a sale brokered by Sneed. Commander Raffi Musiker, who was investigating the theft from Daystrom, did not believe that "a Romulan triggerman who's never made it to anyone's most wanted list" could have carried out the plot. She arranged to meet Sneed, claiming that T'Luco had sent her to find out who had framed him for the attack. Unbeknownst to her, Sneed had already had T'Luco murdered to cover for the real culprit, and was keeping T'Luco's severed head with him as a trophy. (PIC: "Disengage")

T'Luco's file was among the data collected by Commander Ro Laren pertaining to the Changeling infiltration of Starfleet, which she passed to Admiral Jean-Luc Picard shortly before her death. (PIC: "Imposters")

T'Luco was depicted in a photo by Picard staff writer Chris Derrick, who also provided the lifecast for T'Luco's severed head prop. [1]
