Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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A meter (m) was a Human unit of length. On Earth, it was almost 40 inches long, and was considered part of the metric system (to distinguish from the system of inches, feet, miles). As a measure of length, the meter was often used to describe such factors as height, range, distance, thickness, depth, diameter or radius.

Malcolm Reed described the Novan he saw in the forest as a "couple of meters tall, biped, odd-looking scales." (ENT: "Terra Nova")

Trip Tucker told Captain Archer to pilot Enterprise a few meters port, closer to the crack on Archer's Comet where Shuttlepod 1 fell down. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")

When Trip Tucker was reading off of the Retellian escape pod's gauges, he began calling out the altitude initially in assumed meters, admitting out loud, "I think they're meters," before continuing the countdown to the pod's crash landing. (ENT: "Precious Cargo")

Comparative values[]

Grissom sensor scan

On screen measurements

  • Trip Tucker told Captain Archer to pilot Enterprise 'two meters starboard, closer to the crack on Archer's Comet where Shuttlepod 1 fell down. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")
  • When T'Pol guided Captain Archer out of a tunnel system on Terra Nova, she told him that a tunnel will branch off to his left in about three meters. (ENT: "Terra Nova")
  • In 2151, Shuttlepod 1 fell eight meters down through the surface of Terra Nova and landed in an underground cave. (ENT: "Terra Nova")
  • During the rescue attempt on Shuttlepod 1 beneath the surface on Archer's Comet, the shuttlepod dropped another nine meters down. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")
  • T'Pol corrected her previous measurement of three meters to state ten meters when telling Captain Archer that a tunnel will branch off to his left. (ENT: "Terra Nova")
  • During a rescue plan briefing for Malcolm Reed from within the tunnel and cavern system below the surface of Terra Nova, T'Pol suggested to take an empty tunnel and clear the obstruction with phase-pistols. This woould place the landing party less than twenty meters from Reed. (ENT: "Terra Nova")
  • twenty-seven meters was the complete depth, Shuttlepod 1 dropped down beneath the surface on Archer's Comet in 2151. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")
  • Trip Tucker told Captain Archer to pilot Enterprise fifty meters closer to the crack on Archer's Comet where Shuttlepod 1 fell down. (ENT: "Breaking the Ice")
  • Enterprise detected Malcolm Reed ninety meters below the surface on Terra Nova after he was abducted by the Novans. (ENT: "Terra Nova")

See also[]

External link[]
